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The Girah/Jungleman/DOG IS HEAD Scandal: Part IV The Girah/Jungleman/DOG IS HEAD Scandal: Part IV

08-13-2011 , 02:05 AM
SJT RJ, do you know if JM does some staking? i mean other then scams like that (jose),
because the way some highstakes players keep kissing his butt, ignoring all the **** he did and the lies he told, makes me think that there is some good reasons for it.... perhaps this would be one...
08-13-2011 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by hackbinder
I teach kids with Autism for a living. I have extensive experience working with kids who have special needs. I am obviously not making a diagnosis or anything but...

I think you may be on to something. I've watched a few interviews with him and he is either REALLY socially awkward, or there seems to be something going on.

I won't go into details as to why I think that because that would be disrespectful of the guy.

I hope that you are wrong, however, because if you aren't, then that would make this story attain a new level of sliminess.
I thought about not saying anything, too. I've met Daniel and he seems like a great guy and I didn't want to make a public stink out of something that could be just another cornball theory (though I don't think so). But when it looks like his reputation, livelihood, and possibly safety(!) is on the line I thought something needed to be said.

Feel free to PM me.
08-13-2011 , 02:16 AM
jungleman has selective memory.. and ..he comes across dare you ask me that question..he laughs a lot..which i dont see how it can be funny about..lying, cheating an his career in question of going down the tubes..hes got a good excuse for all his reasons for doing shady sh** ...noah good job on calling his bullsh**.. clearly he's the victim and doesnt care... didnt haseeb get dumped from cr's for what jungles admitting to now??using girahs account playing the plo?? just wondering
08-13-2011 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by PerpetualCzech
Anyone who sympathizes with JM in this whole episode has no business complaining about the lack of respect the poker community gets in society.

Anyone involved in a fraudulent scheme to the extent he has admitted to and then on top of it found to be obstructing justice afterwards by lying about it would be no-brainer guilty in the eyes of the law and face punishment. "He was too stupid to know what he was doing" is *not* an acceptable defence in a court of law, for good reason.
Wanna bet? This defence has been used before many times.
08-13-2011 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by brrrap!
No offense to SGT RJ but RangeyMcTriplemerge did a lot more "work" for this scandal, starting months ago and got a lot of flack for it while RJ wrote cliffnotes in the last few days.
Gentlemen, please. We're both awesome. Let's leave it at that.
08-13-2011 , 02:43 AM
RJ tnx for updated cliffs and links with JM info. Good job!

And respect for Vanessa, the interview where she sit in with JM. Shes so good! talk about fast to read between the lines when JM talking.
08-13-2011 , 02:45 AM
This is all so strange. Why would Cates screw himself so bad?
08-13-2011 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by Chump Change
To my knowledge not a full one. I plan to contribute to the transcription when I wake up tomorrow, assuming somebody else doesn't get to it. (sweet ass friday night transcribing party someone might be having)
I hosted one of these a couple weeks ago (bunch of sweet pics on my fb obv). Was off the hook!
08-13-2011 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by John Wray
There have been a lot of jokes about JM being Rain Man and a lot of disbelief that anyone could be so socially awkward and clueless about the true motives of those who pretend to be his friends. But I can't help wonder if Daniel actually is autistic.

I should say up front that I've had no psychiatric or other medical training. But I have young children, and after the vaccine/autism bull**** that was in the news I've done a bit of research on Autism Spectrum Disorders. Take a look at some of the things I found tonight in a quick Wikipedia search (lol wikipediaments). Below is the section on characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders, in its entirety, although the bolded parts were obv chosen by me.

So maybe Daniel's shy, awkward demeanor actually goes much deeper. It sounds like he's had difficulty building and maintaining meaningful relationships, and he's also shown extraordinary abilities in a restricted interest (poker). If this is the case, it's imperative that we take it into account when considering his role in this drama.

Here we have someone who is arguably the best HU player in the world and filthy rich as a result, but who might be utterly incapable of the social interactions we take for granted, and who might find it impossible to judge the true motives of those around him. And what kinds of people might gravitate to a rich, talented guy who can't judge character? Scumbags who want to leech off of him. He's got a publicist who used to run ponzi schemes and a "best friend" who, if the mounting evidence is correct, was trying to siphon off Daniel's wealth and talents for his own.

Despite his admitted inconsistencies and questionable behavior, Daniel could very well have been both a victim and a mark.
Solid post.

Yeah there's a chance that he's pretty oblivious to what's going on around him but he's no angel as we're finding out. Seems to have few qualms about ghosting or playing under other's accounts. He used the word shady a lot in his interview but I think he is shady and thus was drawn to these other shady characters like Jose and DIH who may have tried to take advantage of him.
08-13-2011 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
I think I spoiled you guys a bit with my series of IP checks.

The vast majority of mods don't have the ability to check IPs. I'm not sure which mods do and which mods don't. I think this was done a while ago because of privacy concerns. I wasn't around then, so not really sure. I became a member of the elite IP-checking club so that I could look into when Haseeb posted on Girah's account and stuff because doing that is a PITA so it would've been uncool to make another mod do that.

There's a thread in the mod forum where mods who don't have the ability to check IPs request IP checks from those who do. I think mods are typically pretty hesitant to do this because we all know how much of a PITA it is being a mod. (Your "_____ for mod!" posts are pretty funny considering that being a mod is a responsibility and not a privilege.)

Also, mods don't think of themselves as 2p2's elite team of investigators or as 2p2's cops. Obviously we're all active members of the community in some capacity, so we often end up joining in on the sleuthing. Plus we often share information that we get by being mods. But, that's not really our role as moderators.We're housekeepers who try to keep the forums relatively readable and within 2p2's guidelines.

Also also, I know at least one person mentioned 2p2's ads with Lock Poker influencing mod decision. To clarify, mods aren't paid. I'd be really surprised if any mod would compromise their integrity to help 2p2 make money.

Finally and most importantly, we just aren't aware of everything that everyone wants done on the forums. It's annoying being a mod and seeing that some dude started a thread in NVG linking to some thread with a trojan or whatever with 30 people posting in the thread without reporting it. It's even more annoying to have a ton of people criticize mods for not looking into something really specific that, to my knowledge, nobody asked us to do.
Why isn't just one name to one isp? I dont get the benefit of letting people make up multiple names...well apart from if they want to spam and do UB / Girah / DIH are all.......
08-13-2011 , 03:04 AM
I always thought it was fairly obvious that Cates has Asbergers or some other high functioning condition and took it as a given. Having dealt with this in my family I always found the Rainman type comments pretty distasteful, howver I could be wrong and he's just an awkward guy.
08-13-2011 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by TableFox
I think they took away the ability for mods to see ip's, now only administrators can lookup that information, I know it was certainly talked about before because people were afraid for privacy reasons, I dunno if they actually went ahead and did it.
Ironically it was DIH's thread about him being hacked that led to IP access being restricted to admins.

I look forward to hearing the conspiracy theories
08-13-2011 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by DublingUp
I would like to know this also

It's hoenstly starting to look more and more like it was all a way for Jungleman to play. He obviously financed the entire operation as was speculated since the NVGtards began speculating everything all smelled very wrong. Knowing what we know now, I think this is a fair question to be asked since so many people seem O.K with just dumping this all on some kid named Jose (who even Jungle seems to never have met lol) I mean at what point do you not take a step back and realize, maybe Jose was just the front for Jungleman to play.

Obv. he is a real kid for the purpose of getting bank accounts, setting up Euro accounts etc. I suspect this was really all he was needed for, and recieved a cut for that. Along with being the "front/face" of the operation
lets not forget that:
- Jose was the one who cheated people with TeamViewer
- JM only knew Jose b/c of Haseeb
- nearly everything JM knew about Jose was thru Haseeb
- nobody knows JM's sn's on any site other than FTP/PS.. the "getting action" argument isnt very valid unless applied to FTP/PS sn's
- Jose lost JM's stake money to HIMSELF (sauron/dollaman), that is, Jose scammed JM
08-13-2011 , 03:10 AM
it shows a lot about his manhood if Jose comes through and repays everyone.
one big step imo

also FTP should pay these guys for getting themselves(FTP) out of the eye for a week.
08-13-2011 , 03:24 AM
Good work Vanessa and Noah.

I don't know what to make of it all.

I am torn between my inner witch hunter and my inner fanboy.

This chimp is one confused chimp.

But thanks again duck and noah.....subjectpoker pwns!
08-13-2011 , 03:44 AM
Sad that someone can't just be shy anymore, he has to be mildly ******ed if he stumbles over his words in a long stressful interview.
08-13-2011 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by ohbobbins
Why isn't just one name to one isp? I dont get the benefit of letting people make up multiple names...well apart from if they want to spam and do UB / Girah / DIH are all.......
People share computers or internet connections with other people sometimes. Also, some IPs have 100s of names because they're Vegas hotels that use one IP.
08-13-2011 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by freddy827
Sad that someone can't just be shy anymore, he has to be mildly ******ed if he stumbles over his words in a long stressful interview.
Thank you for saying this. I wanted to but held back. I'm not defending JM, I don't know him, have never chatted with him or anything else, but any guessing as to whether or not he has Autism or any other spectrum of Autism is tasteless. Those opinions should be kept off of these forums. There is no need for that here.

I'm all for getting to the truth of this situation, but dragging people through the mud with baseless assumptions is irresponsible at best.
08-13-2011 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by IceWater17
any guessing as to whether or not he has Autism or any other spectrum of Autism is tasteless
i concur
08-13-2011 , 04:43 AM
Has someone ever thought about this from a different perspective?
What if what we know is not the truth at all. I wanna throw out a theory.

What if we think of it in this way. Jose is Jungleman, Haseeb is Haseeb and Jungleman is Jose. Jose is the great JM who nailed durrrr, JM is jose who actually scammed people and Haseeb is just a link between the two who is trying his best to keep the the actual identities a secret. Sleep on it.
08-13-2011 , 04:53 AM
i need cliff notes for these cliff notes
08-13-2011 , 05:30 AM
Just listened to the interview. Vanessa, as expected, sounds very lawyer-like with her questions. She really grills JM pretty hard.
08-13-2011 , 05:37 AM
Originally Posted by five4suited
please delete the link to the HS thread
gtfo already with this. Condescending autistic HS nerds were wrong from the day 1 of this story and never missed an opportunity to look terrible. There are so many reasons the HS scene should keep a low profile about all this **** and definitely NOT act condescending, I don't even know where to begin!
08-13-2011 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by OGEE.DP
08-13-2011 , 05:42 AM
Can someone give me the cliffs on the Ashman running propbet and what happened.
