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Is Ginge Poker faking his results? (CALLED OUT FOR BEING BAD AT POKER BY BBZ) BIG DRAMA Is Ginge Poker faking his results? (CALLED OUT FOR BEING BAD AT POKER BY BBZ) BIG DRAMA

01-17-2022 , 02:02 PM
[QUOTE=chickentendies;57509271]Ginge poker’s boyfriend here to defend him

Originally Posted by rickroll
umm... why does that guy in the op video have a bug up his butt over whether or not someone is a good player, why does he care? maybe i'm missing some context here but he comes off super insecure and douchey, i don't even know who ginge is but even if that guy is right, who cares? only person this reflects poorly upon is himself

jolly ranchere i assume is his new alt account yeah? weird flex creating an account here just to post this.

is ginge your ex or something and you want him back?[/QUOTE

bout time.
Is Ginge Poker faking his results? (CALLED OUT FOR BEING BAD AT POKER BY BBZ) BIG DRAMA Quote
01-17-2022 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Jimmy Busto
The ironic thing is that BBZ, is calling out someone's poker ability when he is a legit MMT whale. Plus he's a douche bag obviously. Watched some of his mtt high lights and it was comedy gold. He's almost as bad as all in pav.
Agree, I´ll go further with all the stables and coaching sites like BBZ, Jnandez, Pokercode, Raise Your Edge etc. Bunch of creepy guys selling the dream, because the binked once or twice and people still fall for this
Is Ginge Poker faking his results? (CALLED OUT FOR BEING BAD AT POKER BY BBZ) BIG DRAMA Quote
01-20-2022 , 06:51 AM
ive beat 500 nl for over 6-7bb over a decent sample. Have played a fair bit with Ginger and i dont consider him good lol bottom reg for sure
Is Ginge Poker faking his results? (CALLED OUT FOR BEING BAD AT POKER BY BBZ) BIG DRAMA Quote
01-20-2022 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by VANNVANN
ive beat 500 nl for over 6-7bb over a decent sample. Have played a fair bit with Ginger and i dont consider him good lol bottom reg for sure
How much are you up vs him?
Is Ginge Poker faking his results? (CALLED OUT FOR BEING BAD AT POKER BY BBZ) BIG DRAMA Quote
01-20-2022 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by VANNVANN
ive beat 500 nl for over 6-7bb over a decent sample. Have played a fair bit with Ginger and i dont consider him good lol bottom reg for sure
What's the power rankings?
Is Ginge Poker faking his results? (CALLED OUT FOR BEING BAD AT POKER BY BBZ) BIG DRAMA Quote
01-20-2022 , 09:18 AM
and whats ur sn??
Is Ginge Poker faking his results? (CALLED OUT FOR BEING BAD AT POKER BY BBZ) BIG DRAMA Quote
01-20-2022 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by MrFabulous
Agree, I´ll go further with all the stables and coaching sites like BBZ, Jnandez, Pokercode, Raise Your Edge etc. Bunch of creepy guys selling the dream, because the binked once or twice and people still fall for this
"Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."
Is Ginge Poker faking his results? (CALLED OUT FOR BEING BAD AT POKER BY BBZ) BIG DRAMA Quote
01-20-2022 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Pyrochaos
"Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."
Idk bencb seems to be doing pretty fine
Is Ginge Poker faking his results? (CALLED OUT FOR BEING BAD AT POKER BY BBZ) BIG DRAMA Quote
01-20-2022 , 04:22 PM
so weird how bbz keeps making alt accounts, hard to respect anyone who does that, this is the internet, nobody is going to punch you in the face when they see your comment, be a man and post with your normal account

and i'd say this to anyone irregardless of whether or not they are astroturfing to slander my boyfriend or not
Is Ginge Poker faking his results? (CALLED OUT FOR BEING BAD AT POKER BY BBZ) BIG DRAMA Quote
02-03-2022 , 12:00 PM
Solid youtube release by Ginge today.

Spends the last couple mins of the video reviewing his pokercraft graph, outlining how he's recently been a 5bb/100 winner. Doesn't realise the results are pre rake being removed.
Is Ginge Poker faking his results? (CALLED OUT FOR BEING BAD AT POKER BY BBZ) BIG DRAMA Quote
02-14-2022 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by ejames209
Am I the only one who thinks "I make poker simpler so they didnt like it" is a weird reason?

Wouldn't simplifying poker strategy make your product (the course) more accessible thus increasing sales? idk
it sounds like cope to me
Is Ginge Poker faking his results? (CALLED OUT FOR BEING BAD AT POKER BY BBZ) BIG DRAMA Quote
08-03-2022 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by zxcvbn
Solid youtube release by Ginge today.

Spends the last couple mins of the video reviewing his pokercraft graph, outlining how he's recently been a 5bb/100 winner. Doesn't realise the results are pre rake being removed.
Saw this as well. Video is so disingenuous. As of Feb 2022 this guy claims he doesn't know pokercraft graphs are pre-rake is absolutely absurd. There is no way in hell you don't realize that after playing on the platform for more than a month let alone a few years. As well as being a sponsored "pro" make it so shady.

Either (A) he actually doesn't know this and is an absolute tool and most certainly shouldn't be selling anyone a coaching package based off that alone
Or (B) Does know this and is arrogant enough to think he can trick his viewers into believing he has an astronimical winrate and is still a complete tool
Is Ginge Poker faking his results? (CALLED OUT FOR BEING BAD AT POKER BY BBZ) BIG DRAMA Quote
08-03-2022 , 05:30 PM
Who the hell is that…?
Is Ginge Poker faking his results? (CALLED OUT FOR BEING BAD AT POKER BY BBZ) BIG DRAMA Quote
