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GGPoker terminates Vannessa Kades affiliate deal in wake of dan bilzerian dispute. GGPoker terminates Vannessa Kades affiliate deal in wake of dan bilzerian dispute.

03-12-2021 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by bigslickk
This isn't a woman vs man thing...just another annoying sjw pro cancel culture "woman" trying to pick fights over stupid stuff....oh em gee they cancelled my affiliate deal the day after international womans day let me go on twitter and rile up a bunch of white knight virgins.

Like I said, poker players now a days are nothing but a bunch of wimps, punks and USSIES. They get robbed tens of thousands and instead of cracking heads they make threads LOL. Afraid of a little time in jail, it isn't a vacation but it is better then being a doormat and letting some scum rob you and spit in your face after by not paying. If you got money on your books and can get commissary jail isn't too bad.
Probably leave this one on the internet too
03-12-2021 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Doorbread
Probably leave this one on the internet too
What does that mean?I will say this in real life in front of whoever and not care. I don't care what anyone thinks, and if someone has a problem I got an open door policy.
03-12-2021 , 03:36 PM
is there anything more cancerous than twitter?

though, it is a good way to show that no matter how good you are at poker or how rich you are, you can't buy class.

some of those "poker pros" on twitter are disgusting humans.
03-12-2021 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by bigslickk
What does that mean?I will say this in real life in front of whoever and not care. I don't care what anyone thinks, and if someone has a problem I got an open door policy.

lol, you would have to find someone to want to talk you first, don't think randoms in a park will enjoy your crazy man ramblings
03-12-2021 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by bigslickk
What does that mean?I will say this in real life in front of whoever and not care. I don't care what anyone thinks, and if someone has a problem I got an open door policy.
Sounds like you have anger issues, poor judgment, zero problem solving skills, low expectations out of life, and impulsivity. But by all means, keep giving life advice to strangers on the internet.
03-12-2021 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Doorbread
Probably leave this one on the internet
Facts are sexist.

I ****ING LOVE SCIENCE, except when the science tells me my preconceived identity politics talking points are wrong.
03-12-2021 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by snowie963
Bilzerian is trash, nobody cares about woman's rights day or whatever they call it and matt Berkley is still upset that Doug made a video calling him out for bailing on his LATB game.
Imma let you finish BUT Berkey made the best and probably most underrated response video of all time.
03-12-2021 , 04:03 PM
03-12-2021 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by martinmarto
lol, you would have to find someone to want to talk you first, don't think randoms in a park will enjoy your crazy man ramblings
lol, you have no idea who I am. You can hide behind your keyboard, PM me if you want.
03-12-2021 , 04:12 PM
Haha nice response, sorry we hurt your feelings, you broke the contract get fuct
03-12-2021 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Women are not oppressed in western society, they have just as many rights and opportunities as men.
Originally Posted by Kebabkungen
Facts are sexist.

I ****ING LOVE SCIENCE, except when the science tells me my preconceived identity politics talking points are wrong.
03-12-2021 , 04:31 PM
Why did she feel she had the right to attack him personally and attempt to ruin his deal? What did he do to her? Who he parties with in his personal life is none of her business.

You also don't have to scroll very far on her instagram to see her shoving her tits in the camera.
03-12-2021 , 04:36 PM
Also FYI saying Bilzerian is “just living his life” is one of the dumber things in this thread. The guys brand is literally built on his lifestyle that glamourises guns, drugs, gambling and treating women as a commodity. To say that Dan Bilzerian isn’t misogynistic when it’s one of the foundational bricks to what sells his image is hilarious

I also think being upset that this happened after international women’s day is pretty dumb. Surprise, Dan Bilzerian gonna Dan Bilzerian and GG gonna GG.

GG clearly values their relationship with Dan Bilzerian over whoever this lady is because people like guns, gambling, drugs and treating women like a commodity

Last edited by Doorbread; 03-12-2021 at 04:47 PM.
03-12-2021 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Doorbread
I don't mean to derail the thread but why do you believe women are being oppressed in western society? What rights or opportunities do you think that they lack?

Men and women are different. Women are more compassionate and have a higher EQ. Men have a faster reaction time and are more competitive. I'm guessing that a lot of what you view as women being oppressed is probably simply explained by the differences between men and women, but I'm open-minded and willing to be proved wrong. So if you have any evidence of women being oppressed in western society then I'm all ears (or eyeballs in this case ).
03-12-2021 , 04:42 PM
So here I am in amsterdam, I had just blazed a chong the size of my dick and im thinking I need to get a blow job asap. I go on walk about in the red light district, and for those of you who havn't been to amsterdam the hookers are in windows all up and down the streets and allys. Lets put it this way, the great warrior poet 50 cent was not speaking about this kind of window shopping when he made the song "window shopper", talking **** about window shopping... B/c its the best.

So i pick the finest hooker in 2 blocks and she lets me in and closes the curtain. We discuss price and the fact that a condom will not be part of this blow job, price is set at 50 euro(80 us at the time). Bj commences and I go to pull her tits out and she then requests 20 more euro for her tits to be played with(out****ingrageous!) I tell her that her tits arn't worth 2 euros(even though I would of paid 200 euro for the package deal, its the principle). So then she gets upset and starts arguing with me, I tell her to suck my suck my **** and stop speaking. I further explain to her the only appropriate use for her mouth and she picks up her cell phone to call her "boyfriend" who she says is bigger than me and will kick my ass. I say to her I can't wait to meet and beat the schlep rock who is dating a low-rent welching hooker.

At this point I am not longer interested in her services and see three viable options... 1. Beat her ass 2. Smash her stereo(only nice thing in her room) 3. Walk out like a ***** and forget about it.
So I pick the second worst option and I smash her stereo into a hundred pieces and walk out. She spits on me and starts talking ****... suddenly I regret not choosing the best option(1 obv), but I keep it together and walk on. She spits on me again, I tell her to savor the flavor of my dick and not to waste it. She then kicks me in the back, and continues yelling at me. I am STILL willing to let it go, but then she spits on my fur coat, and comes to kick me again!!! I turn around as she is coming at me and hit her with a round house kick to the ribs that literally sends her 3 feet into the air and she lands like the sack of **** that she is on the ground. I smile at a job well done and as i turn to look forward I get caught right in the face with a right cross from her boyfriend. I stumble back, glases broken at my feet(before I had lasic)

I am a little stunned, but I shake it off and come at this big ugly bastard. I hit him with a hard overhand right and just as he falls back a little, a big ugly buddy of his comes from behind me grabs both my arms. Now another guy comes at me from the left, I hit him with a weak push kick and before he can come at me again I break free from the dude who had me locked up and I take off running. I roll back to the hostel where my boys are staying to rally the troops.

I get to the hostel to find them all ****ed up and lazy. I bust out the blow, we motivate ourselves and clear our heads... I've got a head full of blow and blood on my tongue, my buddies are ready to lay down some hate and discontent, but when we get back the hooker and all her lackeys are nowhere to be found. We eat mushrooms instead.
03-12-2021 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by bigslickk
lol, you have no idea who I am. You can hide behind your keyboard, PM me if you want.
About time we had another hu4rollz
03-12-2021 , 04:45 PM
bigslickk seems more like the arm wrasslin' type to me
03-12-2021 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Doorbread
Cropping out all the rest that he wrote which you have no counterargument against. Typical identity politics intellectual.

Originally Posted by Doorbread
Also FYI saying Bilzerian is “just living his life” is one of the dumber things in this thread. The guys brand is literally built on his lifestyle that glamourises guns, drugs, gambling and treating women as a commodity. To say that Dan Bilzerian isn’t misogynistic when it’s one of the foundational bricks to what sells his image is hilarious
To claim that the instagram models who actively seek out guys like Bilzerian because it gives them clout and followers on social media are victims is also hilarious. They are probably the top 0.01% of Americans in terms of privilege.
03-12-2021 , 04:47 PM
What's wrong with that brand? He's a playboy living in Las Vegas. He doesn't pretend to be anyone he's not and the girls he parties with are adults. Go cancel someone that deserves it.
03-12-2021 , 04:50 PM
Influencer: lol just livin my life nothin to see here

Kebabkungen: idiot
03-12-2021 , 04:51 PM
Didn’t think Dog Pork could sink much lower. I was wrong.
03-12-2021 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Kebabkungen
Cropping out all the rest that he wrote which you have no counterargument against. Typical identity politics intellectual.
I don’t care to refute the rest. If you aren’t willing to acknowledge what I cropped as a reality then I won’t change your mind by refuting the wall of text that came before
03-12-2021 , 04:54 PM
Dan Bilzerian is a real uncouth POS. I support Vanessa Kade for standing up to GGPoker and putting her money where her mouth is.

Originally Posted by Kebabkungen
Cropping out all the rest that he wrote which you have no counterargument against. Typical identity politics intellectual.
Yeah it is kind of strange to crop out all of the actual facts and then make it seem as though I came to my conclusion without any evidence.

Originally Posted by Doorbread
I don’t care to refute the rest. If you aren’t willing to acknowledge what I cropped as a reality then I won’t change your mind by refuting the wall of text that came before
You can't refute facts, that's ignorant. And it wasn't a wall of text is was a sentence with about 5 or 6 points.
03-12-2021 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Doorbread

Kebabkungen: idiot
Originally Posted by Doorbread
I don’t care to refute the rest. If you aren’t willing to acknowledge what I cropped as a reality then I won’t change your mind by refuting the wall of text that came before
You literally arent able to put together an articulate argument but you confidently believe you are correct. Dunning Kruger effect in full force.

Last edited by Kebabkungen; 03-12-2021 at 05:25 PM.
03-12-2021 , 05:00 PM
It doesn't matter if Vanessa violated the terms of xer contract. Xhe is a XX chromosome individual and therefore xhe can do whatever xhe wants with no consequences. ESPECIALLY on international womxns day.
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