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Gender Neutral Cards are here! (Seriously) Gender Neutral Cards are here! (Seriously)

01-19-2021 , 05:30 PM
If you just ignore stuff like this until 5% of the population actually starts implementing it, it’s like 99% of it never happened.
01-19-2021 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by Mr. Muckit
Waiting for the 2+2 SJW brigade to appear and perform the mental gymnastics to explain why this is actually a desperately needed change that the community must welcome in order to keep poker alive.
Since when does 2+2 have a "SJW brigade" lol
01-19-2021 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by whitemares
Since when does 2+2 have a "SJW brigade" lol
Haha I'm sure I'm considered part of it, as I consider myself rather liberal when it comes to social issues. Despite all of my joking in this thread, I don't have any problem with the new deck – in fact, Morphismus' post above is where I truly stand. (Of course, I also find it pretty unnecessary, too.)

But where I'm sure I'll get lumped into the "SJW brigade" category is by my poking fun at people who appear to be downright offended by Mellink's creation.

And with that, I must ask... who among us will speak up on behalf of palladium??
01-19-2021 , 05:52 PM
This guy had the same idea + made a product in 2017 , wonder if she consulted this article to come to her conclusion?
01-19-2021 , 05:52 PM
Reading the story link makes clear that this young lady sees this as more than just a 'novelty' deck of cards. She sincerely believes that things like king beats queen is an important issue that has serious ramifications in the world. Me? I think this is more insane nonsense that doesn't help anyone, and only serves to make people dig in deeper. And full disclosure: I am on the liberal side of most issues.

And I have to agree that there will be some people who will denounce loudly anyone who doesn't immediately accept these cards with open arms.

Jeez, with Covid closing the poker rooms in my neck of the woods and now something else to argue about I have to wonder if I'll ever play live poker again.

Stay safe all.
01-19-2021 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
Haha I'm sure I'm considered part of it, as I consider myself rather liberal when it comes to social issues. Despite all of my joking in this thread, I don't have any problem with the new deck – in fact, Morphismus' post above is where I truly stand. (Of course, I also find it pretty unnecessary, too.)

But where I'm sure I'll get lumped into the "SJW brigade" category is by my poking fun at people who appear to be downright offended by Mellink's creation.

And with that, I must ask... who among us will speak up on behalf of palladium??
Yeah I agree, I think it's a pretty stupid idea, but getting legitimately bothered by it in any way is infinitely more stupid
01-19-2021 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteFang
Reading the story link makes clear that this young lady sees this as more than just a 'novelty' deck of cards. She sincerely believes that things like king beats queen is an important issue that has serious ramifications in the world. Me? I think this is more insane nonsense that doesn't help anyone, and only serves to make people dig in deeper. And full disclosure: I am on the liberal side of most issues.
To your point, Mark Gilray, the creator of the Kween deck (which Tread linked above) has a similar take as Mellink: “The idea that the King always beats the Queen is just one example of systematic sexism that I felt could be changed pretty easily.”

Funny, though... if I do have some concern over stuff like this, it's not that people will "dig in deeper" but rather that a good number of people will not do anything substantive. Sexual/gender inequality is a legit issue, but it does not stem from nor will it be remedied by a card deck. Buying one might get spun as helping raise awareness or stir the conversation, but in practicality, it's more of a "see, I'm helping" gesture. It's quite similar to slacktivism, to be honest.

Anyway, it doesn't matter much to me: I've become quite utilitarian when it comes to playing cards. The decks I have in my house are Kem (several), Cartamundi, Modiano and now, thanks to Joey Ingram, Faded Spade. So it's pretty clear where my priorities lie when it comes to buying cards.
01-19-2021 , 07:00 PM
I have more of an issue with all the face cards being white
01-19-2021 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
To your point, Mark Gilray, the creator of the Kween deck (which Tread linked above) has a similar take as Mellink: “The idea that the King always beats the Queen is just one example of systematic sexism that I felt could be changed pretty easily.”

Funny, though... if I do have some concern over stuff like this, it's not that people will "dig in deeper" but rather that a good number of people will not do anything substantive. Sexual/gender inequality is a legit issue, but it does not stem from nor will it be remedied by a card deck. Buying one might get spun as helping raise awareness or stir the conversation, but in practicality, it's more of a "see, I'm helping" gesture. It's quite similar to slacktivism, to be honest.

Anyway, it doesn't matter much to me: I've become quite utilitarian when it comes to playing cards. The decks I have in my house are Kem (several), Cartamundi, Modiano and now, thanks to Joey Ingram, Faded Spade. So it's pretty clear where my priorities lie when it comes to buying cards.
Good points, friend. I can see many folks who will think themselves Spartacus because they bought the 'right' deck of cards. Of course, in the long run it will accomplish little. But as I stated there will also be those ready to attack as bigots anyone who sees this situation as unneeded and silly. Sadly, that's the world we live in right now.

A personal experience with that mindset, if I may. I have always been interested in the American West. With that in mind I bought a lever action Winchester. I remember a few people saying, "But I thought you were a liberal." I answered, "Yeah, I am." To which they responded, "But you bought a GUN!" Needlessly to say the conversation went nowhere.

Stay safe all.
01-19-2021 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mr. Muckit
Waiting for the 2+2 SJW brigade to appear and perform the mental gymnastics to explain why this is actually a desperately needed change that the community must welcome in order to keep poker alive.

Anyone who doesn't like this idea is obviously a bigot and a bad person. Lets cancel all cardrooms and poker players until we get these important changes mandated for all of poker.

I think a more woke and socially equitable way would be to make Aces be Transgender, Reverse the ranking of K, and Q (so Q > K) and make all black cards more valuable than red cards (so 10s > 10d) to offset the previous years of unfair rankings.
lol ty for summing things up
01-19-2021 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by theskillzdatklls
The problem with this system is that it's crypto-phobic and living in a metal-centric society. Perhaps Bitcoin > Gold > Wheat would be a better and more diverse, neutral and inclusive set that won't offend as many people?
i know someone with a gluten intolerance, so your comment has me awfully triggered.

i like the crypto idea, but how about just btc/eth/dot, then in the future adjust accordingly to eth/btc/link, what have you
01-19-2021 , 09:03 PM
SJWs fighting the good fight my life is a little better now
01-19-2021 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
To your point, Mark Gilray, the creator of the Kween deck (which Tread linked above) has a similar take as Mellink: “The idea that the King always beats the Queen is just one example of systematic sexism that I felt could be changed pretty easily.”

Funny, though... if I do have some concern over stuff like this, it's not that people will "dig in deeper" but rather that a good number of people will not do anything substantive. Sexual/gender inequality is a legit issue, but it does not stem from nor will it be remedied by a card deck. Buying one might get spun as helping raise awareness or stir the conversation, but in practicality, it's more of a "see, I'm helping" gesture. It's quite similar to slacktivism, to be honest.

Anyway, it doesn't matter much to me: I've become quite utilitarian when it comes to playing cards. The decks I have in my house are Kem (several), Cartamundi, Modiano and now, thanks to Joey Ingram, Faded Spade. So it's pretty clear where my priorities lie when it comes to buying cards.
so change the rules of poker to satisfy enlightened *******s. I hope they do make a gender neutral poker game and then men swoop in and win all the gender neutral monies
01-19-2021 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by gamboneee
i know someone with a gluten intolerance, so your comment has me awfully triggered.

i like the crypto idea, but how about just btc/eth/dot, then in the future adjust accordingly to eth/btc/link, what have you
Yes, 2p2 should invent SmartCards™ that has a bluetooth internet of things enabled set of playing cards hooked onto the blockchain 3.0 oracle that automatically updates the cards with the most current and least offensive module of the day to cover up the current racist and anti-semetic TJQKA deck that we presently have.

Either agree with that or you are literally Hitler.
01-19-2021 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by whitemares
Yeah I agree, I think it's a pretty stupid idea, but getting legitimately bothered by it in any way is infinitely more stupid
about as stupid as being offended by a standard deck
01-19-2021 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by theskillzdatklls
Yes, 2p2 should invent SmartCards™ that has a bluetooth internet of things enabled set of playing cards hooked onto the blockchain 3.0 oracle that automatically updates the cards with the most current and least offensive module of the day to cover up the current racist and anti-semetic TJQKA deck that we presently have.

Either agree with that or you are literally Hitler.
i dont know what % i can agree with that will not succumb, yet net me somewhere more along the lines of stalin than hitler...

i think the BEST solution is to use blank cards, and not blank meaning white, because, well... but blank as in invisible; allow the players to decide their own hands and hierarchy, so that any offending is solely upon the players, and of no fault of the cards. dont steal this idea, im gonna sell tons.
01-19-2021 , 09:44 PM
Having Queens in the deck is clearly anti-gay as well.
01-19-2021 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by TheFly
Having Queens in the deck is clearly anti-gay as well.
tell that to freddie mercury
01-19-2021 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by gamboneee
tell that to freddie mercury
Not capitalizing his name is clearly anti-gay as well
01-19-2021 , 10:59 PM
Rate quality amusing NVG thread.

I don’t want to sully my search history by clicking OPs link

Is there 2 jokers .... one female and one male?
01-20-2021 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by dude45
so change the rules of poker to satisfy enlightened *******s. I hope they do make a gender neutral poker game and then men swoop in and win all the gender neutral monies
Game name change to "poke."
01-20-2021 , 01:18 AM
an overtly misogynistic deck would probably have sold better. gotta know your audience.

pimps, madams, johns, and the rest are ranked ho's based on a 10 point scale of attractiveness.

01-20-2021 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by Abbaddabba
an overtly misogynistic deck would probably have sold better. gotta know your audience.

pimps, madams, johns, and the rest are ranked ho's based on a 10 point scale of attractiveness.

I once had a deck of Penthouse cards. Total opposite of normal playing cards: they started out floppy but stiffened up the more you played with them.

I'll see myself out.
01-20-2021 , 02:54 AM
Good to see the big problems are getting solved.

Also kinda sexist that the Jack is lesser than a Queen and a King is lesser than an Ace.
01-20-2021 , 03:09 AM
I have no issue with it, if people buy decks then so be it, thats how capitalism works.

What I find weird is:

- As has been shown in the thread, somebody had this idea 3 years ago and this person is taking credit for it
- Reuters has no mention of the other product or the history of similar items.

Just seems like an advertisement to me
