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Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live

10-28-2022 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by grant2
I believe Robbi was hiding her phone records until NOW because they exposed her affair with Rip.

2 weeks ago, proof of her affair with Rip was worth hiding. But now that their cheating is outted on television, the phone records will only confirm what the public already knows.

Probably all telecommunication between Robbi & Bryan was done via apps, and thus, won't show up in phone records anyways.
The great thing about the affair being outed is it made Alex Jacob go back into his whole because defending her for that will make people remember how he is a cheating turd too.
10-28-2022 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
Did anyone talk about that specific detail here? I only saw Robbi reply to someone saying that on Twitter?

No sure. Maybe was on twitter.
10-28-2022 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Scaredyfish
If I have misinterpreted you, I apologise, but couching your personal attacks in innuendo is not exactly innocent.

I have tried to be as respectful as I can be, but I have my limits.
Context is important though, you'll agree? I mean, I posted back to the Lost in Space guy, and you interjected and attacked my character by making incorrect claims about what I'd said. So, in simple terms, you started it. Did I fight my corner, yeah! So sure, you're right, I'm not innocent of standing up for myself. Guilty as charged. I mean you claim to be respectful, but you did lash out at me first.

Anyway, I'll take your words as a full & unreserved apology. I know you didn't write it that way, but let's call it that in the spirit of moving on. You seem reasonable, have opinions you can explain, are not shilling, I have no issue with you.
10-28-2022 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
"Literally" not one mention of his arm around her itt. But my search did bring up GodsFavHuman's Eric is a cyborg theory that the no-cheats are conveniently ignoring.
And people say I have too much time on my hands.
10-28-2022 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by grant2
I believe Robbi was hiding her phone records until NOW because they exposed her affair with Rip.

2 weeks ago, proof of her affair with Rip was worth hiding. But now that their cheating is outted on television, the phone records will only confirm what the public already knows.

Probably all telecommunication between Robbi & Bryan was done via apps, and thus, won't show up in phone records anyways.
Why say you handed over your phone records when you didn't though? Why offer to give your phone to Joey and others, then act like it's like giving up a kidney, and say she won't give her phone to Joey because he'll see her nudes?

At the very least, it seems like a safe assumption she was trying to gain credibility by telling that lie. Whether that means poker cheating occurred is another question.
10-28-2022 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by mike tommo
And I'd wager about 99.87% of Psychologists and 98.92% of Attorneys. Persuading people something is amiss based on these two actions is going to be an uphill struggle. I wish you well!
Your wagers are worthless that's why you're intellectually bankrupt.
10-28-2022 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
"Literally" not one mention of his arm around her itt. But my search did bring up GodsFavHuman's Eric is a cyborg theory that the no-cheats are conveniently ignoring.
Yeah I just did a search for the word “around” in this thread (not that many results since Sunday) which would likely be the word used to talk about that. Hard to convey that detail without that word. Didn't see any posts here talking about that.
10-28-2022 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
To answer mike tommo's pressing question, no. No, I have not read Finnegans Wake. For the same reason no one else has. The reason is that no one in history since its publication has actually read Finnegans Wake. No one.
Better to stick to more elementary works like Plato, Godel Escher and Bach, or even Infinite Jest. No one has ever actually read Finnegans Wake.
Well, to be fair to Finnegan, Joyce lost his audience when he jumped the shark with Ulysses. It’s hard to get your audience back once you lose them.
10-28-2022 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by shot_by_ford
His whole point (I think) is that first of all you have to even know whether or not the bank was robbed, to follow this analogy.

You definitely do not just initiate a case against those casing banks. There has to be an actual robbery first. And so proving there was cheating in the hand is really the first hurdle to overcome and it hasn't been overcome yet.
Good post, but I think it's worse than that.

No proposed cheating rings involving Robbie are beating the game (setting Garrett, DGAF and Nick V aside). Erik, RIP, Beanz, Robbie, Airball, etc. They aren't winning over 600 hands for Robbie and thousands of hands collectively.

So I'd say this is like a suspected bank robbery where the bank has counted its money and found nothing missing.

Since we're sure a robbery occurred, we're operating on the theory that the robber did not want to make money robbing the bank, but to become famous. So he did something like break into the vault but not take any money, hoping to post the story on social media and increase his follower count. Perhaps he stole some pens to prove he could.

And we're now trying to find evidence that this happened, other than suspicious behavior on his part. Oh, also, we know he probably cheats on his wife. So to whatever degree that makes it more likely he robbed a bank but didn't take any money so he could get famous, we have that.
10-28-2022 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
Sure, Robbi isn't a whale but she decided to play J3 and J4 in back to back hands against Garrett. Then she called an all in with jack high, which is a thing that nobody who knows how to play poker would do. Then when he caught her cheating she gave the money back. Then she lied and said that she misread her hand. Then someone took 15k off her stack who had access to the hole cards and she refused to press charges. Then she hired a troll farm to push a fake narrative for her. We also have evidence that the deck was compromised because of the red light on the shuffler, and we've seen evidence of Eric having a device in his hat that appears to be a speaker to enable coms with someone outside of the room. We've seen evidence that Robbi was using hand signals. We've seen Robbi using time chips with jack high in irrational places and then looking to weird places, seemingly to get a signal about whether she was good. There's plenty more going on that becomes more and more theoretical, but when you combine all of these things with Robbi's constant lies that she uses to explain them, you would have to be a completely irrational person to believe that she didn't cheat.
I can't tell if this guy is trolling or needs some type of help.

Either way, I hope you find the answers that will bring you peace my brother.
10-28-2022 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by David Scatino
She lies nonstop. Yet there is still no solid proof that she cheated at HCL nor during the J4o hand. She is surrounded by liars and shady people as well. But so far there is still no hard evidence that she cheated. We have mountains of circumstantial occurrences but nothing concrete. As I have said many times before. This will all end with a whimper just like the entire Mike Postle ordeal. People will shout with their dying breath that cheating happened but nothing major will come out of this. No consequences directly for anyone from the players, the casino, and HCL employees. And that includes Bryan who will likely not see anything happen to him other than losing face and having his name and reputation heavily tarnished by his own actions.

No one is trustworthy in this entire affair. Not HCL, nor Hustler Casino, nor any of the players. Garrett admitted in an LA times interview he is willing to let cheating slide as long as the cheaters pay him under the table. Garrett flat out said he would allow a dirty game to cheat unsuspecting players and continue to steal from those unaware as long as he was not taken advantage of. Everyone looks terrible in this. Garrett basically thought that cheating happened at HCL but did not warn the other players yet again and let them continue to play in a game he was convinced was dirty.

And the accusations against Nick Vertucci and Ryan Feldman are just as bad. Vertucci has been accused by people all over social media and this forum of cheating and essentially running a game that favors him or is rigged for him with almost zero response from him against any of these allegations. Not to mention his questionable real estate adventures. Feldman has been accused of the same including working with his former roommate Luda Chris to cheat in the LATB games. And accusing Luda Chris of still cheating in HCL games but chip dumping his winnings to other collusion partners to mask his winnings. Feldman was also accused on a reddit post on r/poker of essentially being fired from LATB over cheating or collusion because of the investigation into Luda Chris's plays. This entire thing has brought out major accusations against various parties at HCL. But again I have to emphasize that this will all just fade away into nothing just like the Postle case. Anyone expecting anything from this is getting their hopes up.

The missing $15K is the biggest indicator of malfeasance at this point. If Bryan gets a small fine then his cheating backers, if there was cheating, can just pay it for him. If Bryan gets some small jail time he could take a payout from his alleged cheating partners to remain silent.

I still am in awe that she not only gave Garrett the money back, and forgave Bryan the money he took from her stack, but that a massive amount of people on this site and on social media think that those are not indicators that something was heavily amiss.
I nominate for best post in the last couple weeks. Agree on all points.
10-28-2022 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by Jpro72717172
I can't tell if this guy is trolling or needs some type of help.

Either way, I hope you find the answers that will bring you peace my brother.
Who needs help is someone working as a paid shill posting on social media.
10-28-2022 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by mike tommo
I've not to date exprienced this thread as especially compulsive. I might post 7000 times tomorrow or 0, who knows, not I.
So you don't think posting so frequently to a poker thread you just joined, about someone you don't know or even care about, is even a little compulsive? I know a friend with a drinking problem who tells me much the same, it's no problem, he can have 7000 drinks or 0. I don't believe him.

Anyway, if you have some kind of fixation with Robbi or you just like posting here, it's hardly a crime or hurting anyone, post away. I just thought you might find yourself clinically interesting.

Last edited by PokerPunked; 10-28-2022 at 02:21 AM.
10-28-2022 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
Sure, Robbi isn't a whale but she decided to play J3 and J4 in back to back hands against Garrett. Then she called an all in with jack high, which is a thing that nobody who knows how to play poker would do. Then when he caught her cheating she gave the money back. Then she lied and said that she misread her hand. Then someone took 15k off her stack who had access to the hole cards and she refused to press charges. Then she hired a troll farm to push a fake narrative for her. We also have evidence that the deck was compromised because of the red light on the shuffler, and we've seen evidence of Eric having a device in his hat that appears to be a speaker to enable coms with someone outside of the room. We've seen evidence that Robbi was using hand signals. We've seen Robbi using time chips with jack high in irrational places and then looking to weird places, seemingly to get a signal about whether she was good. There's plenty more going on that becomes more and more theoretical, but when you combine all of these things with Robbi's constant lies that she uses to explain them, you would have to be a completely irrational person to believe that she didn't cheat.
Good post. Two more points.

1) Robbi was coached by Jaka who is not a total idiot, and she recently cashed 10K WPT Five Diamond classic which is a tough tournament. She was (49 / 569) and was the last woman standing. So clearly she knows enough poker to know min-raising and calling off 100K+ with no pair no draw is not a thing when 90% of Garrett's bluffs beat her even if she does not give him any value in his shoving range (which is absurd).

2) Both Eric and RIP changed clothes. Eric changed hat too. About an hour after the J4o hand. Weird.
10-28-2022 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
Sure, Robbi isn't a whale but she decided to play J3 and J4 in back to back hands against Garrett. Then she called an all in with jack high, which is a thing that nobody who knows how to play poker would do. Then when he caught her cheating she gave the money back. Then she lied and said that she misread her hand. Then someone took 15k off her stack who had access to the hole cards and she refused to press charges. Then she hired a troll farm to push a fake narrative for her. We also have evidence that the deck was compromised because of the red light on the shuffler, and we've seen evidence of Eric having a device in his hat that appears to be a speaker to enable coms with someone outside of the room. We've seen evidence that Robbi was using hand signals. We've seen Robbi using time chips with jack high in irrational places and then looking to weird places, seemingly to get a signal about whether she was good. There's plenty more going on that becomes more and more theoretical, but when you combine all of these things with Robbi's constant lies that she uses to explain them, you would have to be a completely irrational person to believe that she didn't cheat.
Ok, I will respond to this when I have some time.
10-28-2022 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
To answer mike tommo's pressing question, no. No, I have not read Finnegans Wake. For the same reason no one else has. The reason is that no one in history since its publication has actually read Finnegans Wake. No one.
Better to stick to more elementary works like Plato, Godel Escher and Bach, or even Infinite Jest. No one has ever actually read Finnegans Wake.
Now we have a potential means to investigate Robbi using Deductive logic.

All who claim to have read Finnegans Wake are liars, including Joyce one assumes!

Therefore if Robbi claims to have read this, she is a Liar!

Joyce would have noted an anagram of RobbiLew is ''wobblier'' - tending to move unsteadily from side to side.
10-28-2022 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
Man, if their partners buy this bullshit, they deserve to be cheated on. These two will just try to lie their way out of ****ing anything, and apparently at least 20% of people will always just believe them.
Rip's wife now knows what's up. If she stays, it's because she is getting much more $$ out of the deal than Robbi's 6-figure stake. Probably she trusted Rip up until the television clip made it impossible for her to hide from the truth.

Robbi's husband knew something was going on before all of this started. He stayed married to her for whatever reason: he's also cheating, he wants a trophy silicone wife, pre-nup, all of the above, whatever.

The only people who will "believe" Rip & Robbi aren't banging are:

a) delusional poker fans who have tied their conviction that she was robbed by Garrett with the dogged desire to believe she never lies.
b) people who don't care about cheating, simply want to do business, and realize that playing along with the facade greases the wheels of commerce.
10-28-2022 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by baltostar
Who needs help is someone working as a paid shill posting on social media.
50/50 chance Jpro72717172 is from OHIO
10-28-2022 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by PokerPunked
So you don't think posting nearing 700 times, to a poker thread you just joined about someone you don't know or even care about, is even a little compulsive? I know a friend with a drinking problem who tells me much the same, it's no problem, he can have 7000 drinks or 0. I don't believe him.

Anyway, if you have some kind of fixation with Robbi or you just like posting here, it's hardly a crime or hurting anyone, post away. I just thought you might find yourself, well, clinically interesting.
Again you demonstrate a scant understanding of my posts. I am not posting about a ''someone'' I'm posting about a fascinating phenomena from a Psychological perspective, it may have been equally interesting or important to study and comment on had Garrett held the J/4 or J/3 and called had Robbi been raising him 109k with 8/7, then she called him a cheat and he returned the money, or any of the other two folks at the table acting out this 'drama'. It's the reaction to the allegation that warrants focus, not so much the characters involved here. Although the perception Garrett acted out of character, so to speak, is part of the dynamic.

Not ''hurting'' anyone, good luck unpacking that idea? You'd better have a degree or two in Philosophy or you might end up looking like a village who has lost their ''idiot''!
10-28-2022 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
Why say you handed over your phone records when you didn't though? Why offer to give your phone to Joey and others, then act like it's like giving up a kidney, and say she won't give her phone to Joey because he'll see her nudes?

At the very least, it seems like a safe assumption she was trying to gain credibility by telling that lie. Whether that means poker cheating occurred is another question.
Why say <insert lie here>?

Because she can & has gotten away with lies many times. Robbi supporters will blindly repeat & amplify her lies without checking them at all. If not argued against, the lies become calcified as "welp, no one disputed it so it's guaranteed to be true!"

Even now, this thread has 1 or more posters who imply the L.A. Times reporter is lying when she reports "No, we didn't actually get the phone".

What's the downside for Robbi to keep lying? Basically none, because even when caught, her supporters will dig deep into their bag of excuses to justify why it's (a) not a lie, (b) she's just confused because of ADHD, or (c) ok it's a lie but it doesn't prove cheating so why are you people obsessed with it?
10-28-2022 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by TomHimself
50/50 chance Jpro72717172 is from OHIO
Probably spend the rest of his time mechanical turking.
10-28-2022 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
"Literally" not one mention of his arm around her itt. But my search did bring up GodsFavHuman's Eric is a cyborg theory that the no-cheats are conveniently ignoring.
Happen to know post #? I skipped all that talk early on cuz thought was LOL. Now that I realize you all are serious and not using “shill” as a euphemism, I’d like to read more about it.
10-28-2022 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by grant2

The only people who will "believe" Rip & Robbi aren't banging are:

a) delusional poker fans who have tied their conviction that she was robbed by Garrett with the dogged desire to believe she never lies.
b) people who don't care about cheating, simply want to do business, and realize that playing along with the facade greases the wheels of commerce.
If it transpires RIP and Garrett were high school lovers, would your theory remain intact?
10-28-2022 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by mike tommo
You'd better have a degree or two in Philosophy or you might end up looking like a village who has lost their ''idiot''!
Outright denial, mixed with a hint of anger, and attacks on others. Again, very similar to my friend with the drinking problem when he's challenged by his friend & family.
