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Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live

10-25-2022 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Blonde
Been probably 100 pages since I last read and I see people are still making the same mistakes when arguing v one another

Be very precise if you are in the no cheat camp as to whether you believe she thought she had J3 or she made this play with J4

I’ve yet to hear a single remotely compelling defense for the J4 camp, and it’s why Andy and Ivey both said on stream she obviously misread her hand or words to that effect

If you have played poker professionally for any number of years, then the probably of cheating GIVEN THAT you rule out misreading her hand is somewhere near 100
Not true. You're allowed to entertain ideas with j4 and j3. And the best poker players itt think j4 is defensible, although unnecessary since it is much more likely she thought she had j3 . You are right when you say people keep making the same mistakes over and over again, but not this one.

Also, me and eskobarr are never going to get that solve lol.
10-25-2022 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by RJT
Since it’s not obvious to you I’ll point this out. I did not delete anything. Whatever you are referring to is still posted in the thread in the poster’s own OP for him or anyone else to reference. When one writes a composition about Romeo and Juliet, it’s not necessary to include the original text in the composition. It’s silly to annoy the reader which such things. You really think it’s necessary when replying to an OP I should quote what he wrote as if he’s an idiot and can’t remember?

If there are any factual statements, I am not saying the statement is conjecture I’m saying it’s use as proof of something else is conjecture. It’s very obvious you don’t understand how formal logic works.

Also, you chose to ignore the fact that the OP you referenced chose not to take a minute’s time to add to the list of 1 (the hand) one piece of evidence that could be admitted into court. If you want to embarrass him into admitting it can’t be done with what we know at this time, take it up with him. He and I have chosen not to further that discussion.
Man you're great at spinning things and changing the topic. You clearly deleted my list of 100% verifiable facts from your quote, and then mischaracterized it as "conjecture."

Things like this and the other guy just straight up lying about me in an attempt to character assassinate, show pretty well you're not engaging in this conversation in good faith.
10-25-2022 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Not true. You're allowed to entertain ideas with j4 and j3. And the best poker players itt think j4 is defensible, although unnecessary since it is much more likely she thought she had j3 . You are right when you say people keep making the same mistakes over and over again, but not this one.

Also, me and eskobarr are never going to get that solve lol.
Can you quote me those defenses? Genuinely intrigued

Also the best poker players itt argument is fairly asinine, since there is no possible defense from a strategic point of view
10-25-2022 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
A) This is all just straight up nonsense.

B) You just lied about me lying that something was 100% fact and had to recant it.
No I had you confused with a different poster, but during my research I found your easily untrue statements.
10-25-2022 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
No I had you confused with a different poster, but during my research I found your easily untrue statements.
lol what a bunch of bullshit. You just lied.
10-25-2022 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Blonde
Can you quote me those defenses? Genuinely intrigued
i'm on my phone, it's been like a 1000 comments ago, and it requires a nuanced thought process that's not going to be perceived well by the typical poster here. so no.
I will say some people make sick calls sometimes and I've made sick calls before and leave it at that. Far from impossible imo.
10-25-2022 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
The fact you deleted a list of 100% verifiable and factual statements, and then mischaracterized it as “conjecture" just shows how incredibly disingenuous you are in this whole conversation.
It might be helpful if I (we) knew more about you. Age, education, level, life experience. Things of that nature. I mean I have no idea if you even know what formal logic is. Not commons sense or lack there of. Actual formal logic. If this, that, and the other then yada yad yada type of stuff.
10-25-2022 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by RJT
It might be helpful if I (we) knew more about you. Age, education, level, life experience. Things of that nature. I mean I have no idea if you even know what formal logic is. Not commons sense or lack there of. Actual formal logic. If this, that, and the other then yada yad yada type of stuff.

Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
Man you're great at spinning things and changing the topic.
10-25-2022 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
its a fact they were stolen?

its a fact that someone said he took chips from her stack. has video evidence be released? How can you say its a fact he stole the chips, did robbi say he stole them and he agreed? even that doesnt mean its a fact he stole them, that only means him and robbi said he stole them.

So how do you know they didnt have a secret deal and they dont want it to be public? you dont
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
Why would you try to cast doubt on this?

They said they have video of Bryan taking the chips off Robbi's stack while he's sitting in her seat and she's on the casino floor. They fired him.

Bryan lawyered up and supposedly admitted to doing it in his DM.

If they're lying about having video of him stealing chips why is he so quiet instead of suing them? That'd be an open and shut defamation case as well as wrongful termination if it weren't true. His lawyer would know that.

I was quoting RTJ or something and you responded with some nonsense. I'm sorry I was mistaken as to what nonsense you were wrong about
10-25-2022 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
i'm on my phone, it's been like a 1000 comments ago, and it requires a nuanced thought process that's not going to be perceived well by the typical poster here. so no.
I will say some people make sick calls sometimes and I've made sick calls before and leave it at that. Far from impossible imo.
Surely if you are capable of such nuanced thought you wouldn’t need to go back 1000 pages, you could just regurgitate it on the spot?

Spare me the pat on my head, I’ve played enough hands and hours for multiple lifetimes. We aren’t looking at an OBORRA or RedBaron hand before solvers were commonplace here. This is not a ‘sick call’
10-25-2022 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Blonde
Been probably 100 pages since I last read and I see people are still making the same mistakes when arguing v one another

Be very precise if you are in the no cheat camp as to whether you believe she thought she had J3 or she made this play with J4

IÂ’ve yet to hear a single remotely compelling defense for the J4 camp, and itÂ’s why Andy and Ivey both said on stream she obviously misread her hand or words to that effect

If you have played poker professionally for any number of years, then the probably of cheating GIVEN THAT you rule out misreading her hand is somewhere near 100. This is why Garrett, Andy and Ivey, all with thousands of hours of experience made the inferences they did. Guys like RIP and Eric are the posters in here defending it. Simply unqualified to discuss

One of the reasons anyone at that table agreed with Robi is so that the game can keep going and their EV increases. The moment they verbally agree she is cheating, their EV goes down.

Ivey didnt want to get involved, plain and simple.

Its not a sick call, its an ego-equity call. She didnt have the equity needed to call, so she decided to pay it out of her own wallet aka a -EV move aka GAMBLING. Her ego needed her to win, it has nothing to do with strategy or plus EV decisions.

she was gambling to beat garrett.
10-25-2022 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
One of the reasons anyone at that table agreed with Robi is so that the game can keep going and their EV increases. The moment they verbally agree she is cheating, their EV goes down.

Ivey didnt want to get involved, plain and simple.

Its not a sick call, its an ego-equity call. She didnt have the equity needed to call, so she decided to pay it out of her own wallet aka a -EV move aka GAMBLING

she was gambling to beat garrett.
Ivey said something to the effect of ‘she misread her hand and was embarrassed to say’

Andy confirmed he thought the same

The last paragraph is certainly pointless words
10-25-2022 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by mike tommo
If she confesses tomorrow but can't provide evidence as to how she cheated, it might be a good idea to ignore the confession. False confessions are not unusual. It would be a concern if she does this as it might indicate the case has taken a more sinister/threatening bent!
Happy to know at least one person read my post. Thanks for that heads up.

It’s probably too late for me to edit and add she has to prove how she cheated. Which is so ironic because no one else seems to care the how in trying to explain her guilt.

Last edited by RJT; 10-25-2022 at 09:31 PM.
10-25-2022 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Blonde
Ivey said something to the effect of ‘she misread her hand and was embarrassed to say’

Andy confirmed he thought the same

The last paragraph is certainly pointless words
youre telling me what people said, that doesnt mean they felt or thought that. Please dont ignore the incentives they have to play nice.

I dont think she cheated but I also dont think using these peoples words proves anything
10-25-2022 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Blonde
Ivey said something to the effect of ‘she misread her hand and was embarrassed to say’

Andy confirmed he thought the same

The last paragraph is certainly pointless words
Not that this matters but I think you mean Phil and Eric, not Andy. Unless Andy confirmed it after they gave their take.
10-25-2022 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
Man you're great at spinning things and changing the topic. You clearly deleted my list of 100% verifiable facts from your quote, and then mischaracterized it as "conjecture."

Things like this and the other guy just straight up lying about me in an attempt to character assassinate, show pretty well you're not engaging in this conversation in good faith.
I honestly thought you were talking about an exchange I had with someone else. Let me go back and see wtf are talking about.

How far back are you going here? don’t recall saying word salad within the last few weeks.
10-25-2022 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Blonde
Surely if you are capable of such nuanced thought you wouldn’t need to go back 1000 pages, you could just regurgitate it on the spot?

Spare me the pat on my head, I’ve played enough hands and hours for multiple lifetimes. We aren’t looking at an OBORRA or RedBaron hand before solvers were commonplace here. This is not a ‘sick call’
I'm not saying you wouldn't understand, what i'm saying is I don't have time or patience right now to argue it out with someone who thinks it's indefensible, we can just disagree.
10-25-2022 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by RJT
I honestly thought you were talking about an exchange I had with someone else. Let me go back and see wtf are talking about.

How far back are you going here? don’t recall saying word salad within the last few weeks.
You're better at spinning than playing the fool.
10-25-2022 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
The fact you deleted a list of 100% verifiable and factual statements, and then mischaracterized it as “conjecture" just shows how incredibly disingenuous you are in this whole conversation.
Dude you are going to have to go back an reference wtf post you are talking about.

I’ll need your post # I’m commenting on and my reply post #.
10-25-2022 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
lol what a bunch of bullshit. You just lied.
Let’s keep the language clean in here

On another note, I just remembered that one time I played 1/2 nlhe with my parents. My mom made a sick river call with queen high and some hoody kid had eight high and jumped out of shoes

This was before the solver days though, she wouldn’t make the same play now ha ha
10-25-2022 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Blonde
Be very precise if you are in the no cheat camp as to whether you believe she thought she had J3 or she made this play with J4
I don't know, and I don't have to know. But if it's J4, the most straightforward explanation for making an insane play is temporary insanity. Not in the clinical sense, but in the human sense that not everything we do is totally rational.

Why is it so hard to believe that a person playing a gambling game can get caught up in the excitement and rush of playing on a live stream for a lot of money (and maybe fame), with some of the top players, and maybe get convinced they have a read on someone, or that luck is with them that day, or that they're sick of being bullied into folding, or just seeing a pile of chips and momentarily forgetting the insane amounts of money they represent, or simply decide to go with a gut feeling instead of running the math and playing the way they're supposed to?

If I had to guess at what makes someone succeed at poker under high pressure over the long term, it's probably got a lot to do with the ability to conquer what's going on in their own heads, the way it does in professional sports and other high-level skills.

What was Robbi saying just before she called? "I really want to see your cards" or something like that. Maybe the smart move was to not act on that impulse, but most people don't make the smart move 100% of the time. Then afterwards she says "You think I'm not embarrassed to win with these cards?"
10-25-2022 , 09:52 PM
You guys are embarrassing yourselves trying to dunk on Strange fwiw.
10-25-2022 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
Are you off your meds?

You come at me tonight at 8:22PM Post #8558 and start with a quote that looks like mine. But it’s my post with you having changed words. And I’m supposed to know wtf you are talking about? I thought you were referencing a completely different conversation I had with another poster.

Let’s just start over. At 8:22PM # 8558 (I still have no idea what you point tonight is.)

This is you misquoting me:

“*****word salad deleted for brevity*****”
Then you say:

“The fact you deleted a list of 100% verifiable and factual statements, and then mischaracterized it as “conjecture" just shows how incredibly disingenuous you are in this whole conversation.”

Now that I know what you are referring to I’ll do it this way if it makes you happy. I still have no idea of how your post 8558 at 8:22PM relates to this though. Here it is the way you need it done.

This is Strange Occurrence Talking:

Why do you guys downplay all the suspicious things involved in this?

She said she took the test in Vegas because California's aren't good (not true).

There's 29 businesses in LA confirmed to do polygraphs, many with good ratings, and only 3 in Vegas, just 1 with a good rating.

She set up her own test, instead of taking Eric or Nick's test like she said she would.

It took her a week to publicly take the test after she said she would.

She didn't release the results the night she said she would ("If you don't hear from me it means I failed the test"), she released them the night after.

She staged a photo with a confidential envelope and papers that were clear from the photo not the actual results she later posted.

The website of the place she chose says, "questions are carefully formulated to clear the innocent person."

She said the examiner asked her if she was good with the questions and she told him no you have to say this.

She answered "No" and passed the question that asked her if she cheated in any way during the game, despite admitting to soft playing with RIP.

She conveniently said afterwards she doesn't think she'll take another polygraph, even though she said she'd take multiple with Eric and Nick.

This isn't proof of guilt, but to downplay all of this as "not relevant" is absurd. Especially while saying the results are relevant end of story.
This is RJT replying to that

May I ask you a few questions?

Have you not read any history? Salem Witchcraft Trials, Galileo, Have you not heard the horror story of innocent people spending years in prison falsely a accused, witnesses mistaking one a person for a perpetrator leading that person to spend the bulk of their lives in prison?

It’s a fine if posters want to opine, play Dick Tracy for shi*ts and giggles. Maybe even come to a conclusion they are cheaters and won’t ever sit poker with them for real money.

If this were a criminal court of law with real evidence rules would you send Robbi to prison?

If this were a bet would you bet a large chunk of your net worth on Robbi being guilty? How much would you bet?

If you answered no to the last two questions, what is your (not you personally) opinion worth?

You honestly don’t see any of this?

Posters coming to the (any) conclusion Robbi cheated says more about that person then it does about her, RIP, Beanz or any polygraphist.
10-25-2022 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by RJT
Post 8595
So now your 6th quote on this topic is to get overly defensive and insulting?

You knew exactly which post I was talking about, because I quoted it, and that's the post you accused me of "conjecture" in.

I've also told you before that you can click on the double arrows in the quote to get to the OP, and you're still trying to claim you don't know this. You've supposedly been posting here since 2004 you really don't know this?

Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
If you click the little double arrows to the right of the name in the quote, it takes you to the original post.
You intentionally deleted a list of 100% verifiable facts, and mischaracterized it as "conjecture." The more you try to deny this, the more obvious it is you're not acting in good faith. You should just drop this. It's not a good look.

"——all conjecture deleted for brevity——"
10-25-2022 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
The fact you deleted a list of 100% verifiable and factual statements, and then mischaracterized it as “conjecture" just shows how incredibly disingenuous you are in this whole conversation.
There was no need to reiterate your litany of “factual “statements” in my reply. It would be superfluous to do so. The reason I quoted you was so that you would know my reply with its questions was direct at you. For you to answer.

The word salad (your words);deletion was because it was superfluous not censorship.
