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Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live

10-15-2022 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by parisron

And doesn’t his homie Polk think she is 99% guilty?

Would he make a similar bet on the other side?

But no one should bet as these bets are stupid due to subjectivity. Even when it shouldn’t be, you had people trying to collect Trump won bets
10-15-2022 , 08:50 PM
It baffles me that there are people here so vehement that she cheated or not. Like the 95 percent takes.

The odds that she cheated goes down with every passing day. Every lie detector test. Every pressing of charges. Every unscripted interview on Joey's stream answering whatever questions.

The goal post is being moved constantly for her and we're getting into wacky theories. If she did cheat we will find out that it was more like one of the original theories and not these outlandish ones talkin about 'she had a plan to make a big hero call with Jack high this whole time'.

I know girls just like Robbi that talk like her are spacey like her like all that. And it's just how they normally are has nothing to do with hiding a crime.

A lot of weird stuff happened and it just might happen to be a ridiculous coincidence.

I don't know why you guys are still having a pissing contest based on the position someone has and not just talking about the arguments and the 'evidence' for lack of a better term.

In short at this point I don't know how any of you can be so certain either way but again, as days go by you should be moving the needle to didn't cheat if you are thinking rationally. If you are waiting for the investigation and not saying much, fair enough.

Once that investigation is concluded and the results are there, that's it really. We'll have the answer and you should take it with little doubt. If she comes out clean and somehow they managed to hide this cheating ring from everyone. Bravo.

But I do hope that if she's exonerated you use some of that energy you used tearing people down for their opinions and tearing her down to lift her back up. She's a great character for poker I want to see her in more games.

And if she's not exonerated and you were right, have some class. The people who are defending innocence are doing the right thing. Innocent until proven guilty is important. Put yourself in her shoes if she didn't do any cheating. What an absurd situation for her to be in.

You need both sides of the argument if you are going to try and hammer out the truth. Just make sure to respect each other and everyone involved while doing it.
10-15-2022 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by TomHimself
It’s already been proven RIP was wearing a fake Richard Millie watch which actually costs like 200$ on Amazon. A real one of that model is $500k+.

Also isn’t her jewelry on loan?

Not sure why that dude wrote a huge response to Mike Tommoshill
Have you read this?

Bear in mind, just because people may buy thousands or millions of dollars worth of items, does not mean they have not borrowed the money or are not in debt.

What's your point about the watch. Some billionaires might wear a watch that costs 2$, becuase they prefer that one to one that costs 2$million. Does not in itself tell us anything of value as to wealth, or lack of.
10-15-2022 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
I make wagers for money, not charity.

I lean toward the no cheat side but everything she does is weird and suspect. It is just a pop corn show for me.
Fair enough, appreciate the honesty!
10-15-2022 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by rivercityransom
It baffles me that there are people here so vehement that she cheated or not. Like the 95 percent takes.

The odds that she cheated goes down with every passing day. Every lie detector test. Every pressing of charges. Every unscripted interview on Joey's stream answering whatever questions.

The goal post is being moved constantly for her and we're getting into wacky theories. If she did cheat we will find out that it was more like one of the original theories and not these outlandish ones talkin about 'she had a plan to make a big hero call with Jack high this whole time'.

I know girls just like Robbi that talk like her are spacey like her like all that. And it's just how they normally are has nothing to do with hiding a crime.

A lot of weird stuff happened and it just might happen to be a ridiculous coincidence.

I don't know why you guys are still having a pissing contest based on the position someone has and not just talking about the arguments and the 'evidence' for lack of a better term.

In short at this point I don't know how any of you can be so certain either way but again, as days go by you should be moving the needle to didn't cheat if you are thinking rationally. If you are waiting for the investigation and not saying much, fair enough.

Once that investigation is concluded and the results are there, that's it really. We'll have the answer and you should take it with little doubt. If she comes out clean and somehow they managed to hide this cheating ring from everyone. Bravo.

But I do hope that if she's exonerated you use some of that energy you used tearing people down for their opinions and tearing her down to lift her back up. She's a great character for poker I want to see her in more games.

And if she's not exonerated and you were right, have some class. The people who are defending innocence are doing the right thing. Innocent until proven guilty is important. Put yourself in her shoes if she didn't do any cheating. What an absurd situation for her to be in.

You need both sides of the argument if you are going to try and hammer out the truth. Just make sure to respect each other and everyone involved while doing it.
Once the investigation is over we’ll have the answer? I assure you that’s not the case especially if it comes back with no findings of cheating.

The cheat advocates will still say she cheated, they just didn’t find out how. She can’t prove she didn’t cheat.
10-15-2022 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by rivercityransom
But I do hope that if she's exonerated you use some of that energy you used tearing people down for their opinions and tearing her down to lift her back up. She's a great character for poker I want to see her in more games.
This is one of the more interesting dynamics, with seemingly around 35% of the 'poker community'' having adopted a - she probably cheated stance, -would she want to play anymore?
10-15-2022 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by ScotchOnDaRocks
Once the investigation is over we’ll have the answer? I assure you that’s not the case especially if it comes back with no findings of cheating.

The cheat advocates will still say she cheated, they just didn’t find out how. She can’t prove she didn’t cheat.
Especially in the USA where facts have taken a back seat to reality these days. I read 15-20% of the population there still think the Mango Mussolini was cheated in 2020.
10-15-2022 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by rivercityransom
The odds that she cheated goes down with every passing day.
Nope. The odds have never moved. She either did it, or she did not. Time doesn't matter at all.

Perhaps you meant the odds go down of us finding out the truth if she cheated.
10-15-2022 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by mike tommo

What's your point about the watch. Some billionaires might wear a watch that costs 2$, becuase they prefer that one to one that costs 2$million. Does not in itself tell us anything of value as to wealth, or lack of.
I think it's interesting that the evidence points to your client being guilty of the things you attempt to character assassinate Garrett for. Your client being Robbi. You being an unimpressive shill. You're a shill btw.
10-15-2022 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by mike tommo
Some billionaires might wear a watch that costs 2$ ...
Can you name one?

(Your endless pontificating grew tiresome 100 pages ago)
10-15-2022 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by KenoMagic
Can you name one?

(Your endless pontificating grew tiresome 100 pages ago)
are you from the future?
10-15-2022 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by ScotchOnDaRocks
Once the investigation is over we’ll have the answer? I assure you that’s not the case especially if it comes back with no findings of cheating.

The cheat advocates will still say she cheated, they just didn’t find out how. She can’t prove she didn’t cheat.
With Garrett being the poster boy of hcl (both literally and figuratively) one would think they would have even more incentive to prove his allegations were in fact true.

If the allegations turn up nothing, I don't foresee him ever returning on that stage. That's a huge blow for hcl.
10-15-2022 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by happy to be hear
Nope. The odds have never moved. She either did it, or she did not. Time doesn't matter at all.

Perhaps you meant the odds go down of us finding out the truth if she cheated.
Time tends to benefit those trying to prove a crime, other than when evidence is destroyed. The odds would not have not changed much, or at all, since the allegation was made.
10-15-2022 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by rivercityransom
It baffles me that there are people here so vehement that she cheated or not. Like the 95 percent takes.

Because some people are capable of putting the pieces together far earlier than others. Because this is nowhere near as complex as many believe once you clear away all the irrelevant noise. At the end of the day it just comes down to 1 crazy donk hand. There is no other genuine evidence. Some dude stealing money from her is not evidence she cheated in the j4 hand.
10-15-2022 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Roger Ramjet
I am projecting logic. If a cheating ring organized an elaborate cheating scheme, its totally implausible they would only cheat for 1 hand, and a flip at that. It makes no sense, which means your theory makes no sense.

We don't know the exact motivations and incentives for a poker cheating ring? Let me take a stab in the dark. Money???? lol

Your posts were completely full of wild speculation which failed to address the core questions for a cheating theory. You speculating how a person should, woulda , coulda acted in a certain situation means nothing. The cheat crew is blinded by this and failing to realize the cheating theory they are presenting is the dumbest most implausible thing in human history. You clowns literally thought her whole chair was vibrating from a signal device. LOL
I said nothing about a vibrating signal device. You are not taking anything I say seriously, preferring to sling derogatory remarks. And you assume I hold with all theories coming out of “camp cheat” but I’ve never stated which ideas I agree with and which I don’t, I only pointed out an inconsistency along one line of analysis that I believe is being overlooked.

I find your responses to be disingenuous and it seems like you’re being intentionally inflammatory. Are you really here to get to the truth of this matter or simply to throw fighting words at those you disagree with?
10-15-2022 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by MrMiragi
are you from the future?
Don't PPP shame.
10-15-2022 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by KenoMagic
Can you name one?

(Your endless pontificating grew tiresome 100 pages ago)
No point tiring you out anymore. I've got to play a game of 13 card stud later with Warren Buffett, so need to set up my 23rd century anal beeds system shortly.
10-15-2022 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by mike tommo
Bad publicity for HCL could be a finding someone in their organisation was cheating, although for this to be bad publicity might depend on the who and how. Or they could have prevented a player cheating had their systems been more secure.

If you could prove Robbie or Robbie/RIP were 'faking ' their wealth this potentially provides a motive. How one would do this is another question, probably where a Private Investigator comes in.

But, even if you could evidence Robbie/RIP were not in fact millionaires, or multi millionaires, but in debt, or down to their last few dollars, you'd still need to evidence the how they attempted to cheat.
I don't feel like you are being aggressively argumentative, and so don't take my counter points as defensiveness.

I honestly feel like we agree, in that if what I am saying is true or not, it would be worth discovering.

All of these points you made are obvious. And would be valuable to investigate. I'm not a sleuth and am not going to spend extra time digging into these individuals.

All I'm simply doing is taking the information that we do have. Much of it proven fact. And some of it hearsay, speculation, assumption, and even just unknown.

At this point, I don't even care about the poker hand in question, or even some of the other specifics that people are quarreling over.

I'm also not any kind of judge or jury, so my opinion of her being a narcissist, opportunist, liar, low character human dont really matter. Yet I present them, because I believe they are obvious observations, as well as are important puzzle pieces in trying to determine what occurred.

Her being any or all of the things I listed above also don't equate to being a proven cheater.

What I do feel confident in is: that cheating occurred in that stream on some level at multiple points. And there are multiple people involved.

Many if not all of the points I bring up, zero have been retorted. If they were, I would gladly recalibrate my theories based on new facts and information.

The only reason I chime in and have any emotional connection to this, is something slightly bigger, and that is you have some of the brightest and most successful people being gaslit and manipulated to the point that they are overlooking obvious fallacies they would not overlook in any other area of their life. This is an issue because when it comes to finding truth and justice and fairness, it cant simply be bought or steamrolled by white noise and shills and actors. People cant embrace denial and employ cognitive dissonance due to ego driven bias. This is the state of our culture on a large scale and how abuse perpetuates on a small scale.
10-15-2022 , 09:14 PM
I actually think Anal beads have massive potential in the market right now hit me up Bill Perkins.
10-15-2022 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by parisron

Fees is apparently another poker wizard who couldn’t think his way out of a paper bag (or into a woman’s pants by the look of it)
10-15-2022 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by Dunamo
I don't feel like you are being aggressively argumentative, and so don't take my counter points as defensiveness.

I honestly feel like we agree, in that if what I am saying is true or not, it would be worth discovering.

All of these points you made are obvious. And would be valuable to investigate. I'm not a sleuth and am not going to spend extra time digging into these individuals.

All I'm simply doing is taking the information that we do have. Much of it proven fact. And some of it hearsay, speculation, assumption, and even just unknown.

At this point, I don't even care about the poker hand in question, or even some of the other specifics that people are quarreling over.

I'm also not any kind of judge or jury, so my opinion of her being a narcissist, opportunist, liar, low character human dont really matter. Yet I present them, because I believe they are obvious observations, as well as are important puzzle pieces in trying to determine what occurred.

Her being any or all of the things I listed above also don't equate to being a proven cheater.

What I do feel confident in is: that cheating occurred in that stream on some level at multiple points. And there are multiple people involved.

Many if not all of the points I bring up, zero have been retorted. If they were, I would gladly recalibrate my theories based on new facts and information.

The only reason I chime in and have any emotional connection to this, is something slightly bigger, and that is you have some of the brightest and most successful people being gaslit and manipulated to the point that they are overlooking obvious fallacies they would not overlook in any other area of their life. This is an issue because when it comes to finding truth and justice and fairness, it cant simply be bought or steamrolled by white noise and shills and actors. People cant embrace denial and employ cognitive dissonance due to ego driven bias. This is the state of our culture on a large scale and how abuse perpetuates on a small scale.
Holy this guy is a genius.
10-15-2022 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by Neverlucky16
I actually think Anal beads have massive potential in the market right now hit me up Bill Perkins.
You seem like someone with a high IQ.

How did they cheat? What should I look for while watching the hand?
10-15-2022 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by mike tommo

What's your point about the watch. Some billionaires might wear a watch that costs 2$, becuase they prefer that one to one that costs 2$million. Does not in itself tell us anything of value as to wealth, or lack of.
Billionaires can wear whatever they want. If they want to wear a 2$ timex or Casio watch that’s totally fine. But they wouldn’t be wearing a fake watch knowingly

It just starts to show what kind of person someone is and their motives and priorities.

Why do you think RIP is out here flexing in Jake Paul’s fake Richard Millie. It’s fkn weird dude and I wish someone at the table knew watches and cracked some jokes at him for it.

Does he even actually own or lease a Rolls Royce? Or is that Jake Paul’s too
10-15-2022 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Jpro72717172
You seem like someone with a high IQ.

How did they cheat? What should I look for while watching the hand?
What I wasn't joking I think anal beads are a good play right now.
10-15-2022 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Don't PPP shame.
My B, Ill try to be more PPPPC
