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Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live

10-15-2022 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by baltostar
There's 8 stacks of chips at the table. Why did he take chips from her stack ?
He didn’t take chips off her stack here. I forget where it was stated, she racked them him and it was somewhere else, post stream he palmed them
10-15-2022 , 01:46 PM
Sorry I'm late on this , but just saw the digital hustler live billboard ad on the 405 freeeway with Garret featured on it . Are they trolling? Lol
10-15-2022 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
Robbi admitted to playing without chips. She owned Julie in that exchange by getting her to admit that allowing players to be delt in while waiting for chips was a normal thing
Multiple people have explained that you are misunderstanding the issue here. This is ****ing weird dude, what are you doing.
10-15-2022 , 01:56 PM
Yeah, Julie "admitted" it happens sometimes, this was just the first time she had to reconsider allowing it. The only way it's an angle though is if Robbi never actually had chips coming and I'm not clear if that's what Julie was accusing her of.
10-15-2022 , 01:58 PM
Memory problems....

10-15-2022 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by baltostar
If you're not a shill then why do you consistently go to great lengths to sound like one ?

Chip & Doyle once stayed awake at the table for 7 days straight to fleece a Saudi prince.

There's people who can get by on 4 hours sleep per night.

When Mike Milken was building-up DBL he was on 2 hours sleep per night.

I have a friend who hasn't slept more than 4 hours a night since high school.
Whats he spending 20 hours a day investigating exactly ?

You must be 99 cents short of a dollar if you think Garret is spending 140 hours a week investigating NOTHING !!!!
10-15-2022 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by happy to be hear
Nope. How everyone plays their hands is data. Good players use that data with every decision. If you softplay and show down 2 pair in a 12bb pot you are effectively hiding how you would play 2 pair versus everyone else at the table. This can be crucial information and not disclosing who your friends or backers can be a huge advantage.
Have you ever been in a home game with a mate and not pressed to take money off them ?
10-15-2022 , 02:09 PM
Ive studied this as much as I could. And my conclusion is she didn't cheat. There are people who are saying that because she returned the money so quickly that that means she is guilty. A cheater doesn't return money ever, money is the end goal. Mike Postle didn't return a penny so by that logic it means he is innocent since he didn't return anything. (Of course he was obviously cheating) Also her willing to play Garrett heads up is also sign of not cheating. She really thinks she has a tell on him and better than him. Again, Postle would never challenge anyone or play real stakes unless he was getting the live feed, he was dirt broke and owed his mommy or grandma money. He has incentive to cheat because he was poor. The few times he played without cheating there was no crouch looking. Also Robbi took a lie detector test. And from the community has gathered she is not poor. Now why would a rich person get staked or need to get staked? Rich people, even Billionaires make their money by using other peoples money. I think any player would take a 250k free-role. from Ivey, dwan or whoever. Hey phil, here is 250k can I stake ya? who is going to say no to that? Jungleman staked Ivey at WSOP and Ivey cashed. Borgata wanted there cut. What cheater is going to take a lie detector test? Did postle take a lie detector test? Lastly the video evidence shows that she played softly against the person who staked her 250k. Tell me anyone in the world who gets staked 250k that is going to try to felt that person. She also had AA against ling and was playing softly and wanted to check it down. I've seen many females play soft against each other since they are relatively rare at the tables. She is in position saying "check check?" I've seen couples and friends. Literally just check it down. The J4 call was a call no professional could understand unless I guess you are Tom dwann who made this type of call on High stakes Poker (he was wrong and lost), or Dnegs who made this call last week with Queen high for super roller on Poker Go for a full pot sized bet on the river (he was wrong and lost) or Stu Unger who made a worse call with 10 high (and was correct) I don't know her bank account, but she forgot her BMW was in the parking lot of Hustler for over a week. And then people here attacking her for not remembering everything she was thinking in a hand that was the biggest pot of her life against a professional who makes many all-in over bets with Air each week. He bet 300k into a 60k pot with King high. Does anyone think she didn't see that hand? I get it, professionals can't comprehend a bad players thoughts. Lastly I have an example of the worst hand and rationale I've ever seen. Coincidently it was at the Hustler. There were 2 NITS at the table. One was about 90 years old, the other was a female who was mid 30's. All they do and did that night was wait for AA and KK or to be in a limped pot and get the nuts somehow. I saw them both win a couple of hands with AK in early and late position and they didn't even raise pre-flop as the first person in the hand. Their rationale was AK is a drawing hand. One hand the Old Guy was small blind against the big blind. And he limped in. After the hands were said and done. He had QQ and he lost the hand. He said he loses with QQ too much so doesn't raise it anymore. Enough said. These two players were Ultra Nits where QQ wasn't a raising hand heads up with the big blind. So there was a hand where the 90 year old was under the gun and raised 4x the pot at $20. Everyone knew he had AA or KK, then all of a sudden the female nit goes all in for 1.5k. It was hillarious in that the table knew with 100% certainty one had AA and the other had KK or they both had AA they were that tight. On the button this very bad player called 1.5k. So with him people were saying he has to have QQ or somehow has AK. Flop was 7 2 T rainbow. Turn was a 2 and the river was 9. Initial raiser had AA, the Nit Female had KK and the guy on the button had 7-2. He said with a straight face that he knew they had AA and KK (like everyone else did) and because he knew what they had that meant that he knew his cards were live. He scooped up the pot. That was his thinking, that was his rationale for calling with 7-2. Because he knew they had AA and KK. This is a true story. No professional in his right mind would think that or call there. He was broke 2 hours later and it was actually funny because he got his AA's cracked (by me, with 9T suited) But that's another story.
10-15-2022 , 02:11 PM
There are birds and insects and fish that puff up to appear larger. So many Hustler Casino personalities seem like they're doing the same.
10-15-2022 , 02:15 PM
A little tip TheKingHold, you need paragraphs, or nobody will read that.
10-15-2022 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by ScotchOnDaRocks
I wasn't being paid, but then I posted that I thought I should be since I was so effective and I'm now on the payroll!
Get over yourself.
10-15-2022 , 02:16 PM
Robbi really must have an amazing super power. ITs actually quite frightening. Lets think about it.

Her, Rip and Bryan set this whole thing up.

Rip lost $120k in 2 session.
Bryan is being charged with Grand Larceny
And Robbi ended about $50k up after Bryan allegedly stole her chips

So all in all....

The group ended up.....

$70k down and 1 of them going to prison for a long time and Robbi is left unscathed and untouched out of the 3 of them.

What an absolute legend she must be.
10-15-2022 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by VegasRanger1872
Do you people actually believe this outrageous Lie ??

I think i may be losing the plot here. LOL
10-15-2022 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by VegasRanger1872
Robbi really must have an amazing super power. ITs actually quite frightening. Lets think about it.

Her, Rip and Bryan set this whole thing up.

Rip lost $120k in 2 session.
Bryan is being charged with Grand Larceny
And Robbi ended about $50k up after Bryan allegedly stole her chips

So all in all....

The group ended up.....

$70k down and 1 of them going to prison for a long time and Robbi is left unscathed and untouched out of the 3 of them.

What an absolute legend she must be.
*it's, *let's
10-15-2022 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by happy to be hear
Get over yourself.
I have a stalker, I must be doing something very right!
10-15-2022 , 02:28 PM
The thread is readable.
10-15-2022 , 02:31 PM
This was a quote from Robbi from her interview with Pokernews.

“ Once we went outside with Garrett, I did walk up to him after I gave him the first of the chips”

There can only be 2 possibilities from this:

1. She planned to pay Garrett back the chips even before they went outside

2. She went back in to get the chips and then took them outside to pay him back, thus contradicting the intimidation and fear narrative.
10-15-2022 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
I was pointing out, correctly, that we don't currently know a game theory optimal strategy for the game of Chess. You jump to conclusions a lot, and are confidently wrong a lot. Something to think about for your own benefit.
I didn't claim this so you argued against a strawman. I claimed that one exists.

Please read things completely before you respond to them.

You are insufferable to have discourse with though so I'll just leave it. If you find some irrelevant semantic with this post and want to call it out go for it.
10-15-2022 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by VegasRanger1872
Robbi really must have an amazing super power. ITs actually quite frightening. Lets think about it.

Her, Rip and Bryan set this whole thing up.

Rip lost $120k in 2 session.
Bryan is being charged with Grand Larceny
And Robbi ended about $50k up after Bryan allegedly stole her chips

So all in all....

The group ended up.....

$70k down and 1 of them going to prison for a long time and Robbi is left unscathed and untouched out of the 3 of them.

What an absolute legend she must be.
Wtf Bryan probably won't see a day in jail, we haven't even seen proof he is being charged. But even if he is no one goes to jail for a long time for 15k. He'd probably have to pay it back and maybe get probation or something. And obviously the accusation was this was the first attempt and that fame was also important (which leads credence to Her calling with 47% and having another tank with j high where she uses a time chip).

I'm still not convinced she cheated I'm pretty on the fence but all her defenders really do love some good strawman arguments. They also love admitting that she's lied repeatedly but then refuting things other people said by quoting her as if anything out of her mouth can be trusted.

That said I don't think anyone being accused of being a shill is actually one. Usually paid shills are more intelligent, these are just standard nvg posters, where the average poster can't beat 2nl and has an IQ of 80.
10-15-2022 , 02:41 PM
Also, Lonley_but_rich frequently correcting the "genius" Robbi supporters on their grammar absolutely sends me.
10-15-2022 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
Wtf Bryan probably won't see a day in jail, we haven't even seen proof he is being charged. But even if he is no one goes to jail for a long time for 15k. He'd probably have to pay it back and maybe get probation or something. And obviously the accusation was this was the first attempt and that fame was also important (which leads credence to Her calling with 47% and having another tank with j high where she uses a time chip).

I'm still not convinced she cheated I'm pretty on the fence but all her defenders really do love some good strawman arguments. They also love admitting that she's lied repeatedly but then refuting things other people said by quoting her as if anything out of her mouth can be trusted.

That said I don't think anyone being accused of being a shill is actually one. Usually paid shills are more intelligent, these are just standard nvg posters, where the average poster can't beat 2nl and has an IQ of 80.

Im sure his previous rap sheet will play a part in his jail time......but not withstanding that, im guessing you missed the tongue in cheek tone of my post.

Im glad you think you have a better IQ than me. Its not something i have ever thought about or measured. I measure my success on the happiness of my wife and family and on that front, im succeeding in life. That being said, Im considering closing my business and looking at this shilling game. Must be a lot of money in it.
10-15-2022 , 02:51 PM
2+2 should have an IQ test when you sign up and segregate the posters based on it.

Would solve some problems just sayin.

Tier 1 -130+

Tier 2 - 129 and below

Tier 3 - People who believe EQ is a thing
10-15-2022 , 02:54 PM
Escrow Bet Offer.

Jersey Joe offered 1000/1 that Robbi cheated with Bryan and it would be proven.

Im looking for 100/1 on here.

Proof required from:

1) The police as a result of their investigation into Bryan
2) The independent investigators of HCL looking into it
3) Anyone else who has 100% bulletproof evidence that cannot be denied

You have until 1/1/23 OR until the top 2 are completed (whatever is the latest)

What amount is the barometer of your confidence ?
10-15-2022 , 02:55 PM
We should make a new poll, how many nerds here have gotten laid since this scandal broke out
10-15-2022 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by VegasRanger1872
Escrow Bet Offer.

Jersey Joe offered 1000/1 that Robbi cheated with Bryan and it would be proven.

Im looking for 100/1 on here.

Proof required from:

1) The police as a result of their investigation into Bryan
2) The independent investigators of HCL looking into it
3) Anyone else who has 100% bulletproof evidence that cannot be denied

You have until 1/1/23 OR until the top 2 are completed (whatever is the latest)

What amount is the barometer of your confidence ?
Any of 1 2 or 3 correct? I'll take the against for a bit for that price PM me.
