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Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live

10-11-2022 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by POKERMANN
All I can say for now is buckle up.
Buckled up. I'm waiting. So now what?
10-11-2022 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by gman06
Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live

First, I hope everyone can understand the delay in finalizing this document. Between compiling all this information and getting everything approved by my legal team, everything was bound to take some time. Please forgive me for the overuse of the word “allegedly” and other similar adverbs. Legal team is the boss.

I can again say with great confidence that Robbi was very likely part of a cheating ring of at least three members, including her, RIP, Bryan and potentially others. Although I have strong suspicions of many hands that were cheated and the specific methodology and roles of each member of the cheating ring, my legal team has advised me to leave this information out of this initial report. I may choose to disclose additional information in the future if this story continues to be derailed.

Based on the evidence presented below, what I can say about the methodology is that it is highly likely there were instances when Bryan had access to the hole cards, signaled information about those hole cards to RIP, Robbi, or potentially both, and Robbi likely used this information to cheat in several hands over her 3 sessions playing on HCL. I can also say with great confidence, based in part on the evidence presented below, that Robbi and RIP very likely worked together as a team in the two streams they played together to cheat the rest of the table. The video evidence will show several instances of them using verbal and nonverbal communication to accomplish this goal. Additional camera footage beyond what’s shown in the livestream will likely go a long way in further implicating the two.

Although I was able to secure my $135,000 in losses from the J4 hand, I believe that I have very likely been cheated in several other hands as well. The same is true of several other regulars on the show who too have likely been the victim of illegitimate hands. And we may never be reimbursed for these hands.

I understand that there are messages being shared that imply that Bryan was acting alone, but based on everything I have discovered, that theory isn’t credible for many reasons that many of you are surely putting together.

Highlights From the Report:

-Video evidence of RIP and Robbi allegedly working together to cheat during these games and other suspicious activity.

-Robbi likely lied about several aspects of her relationship with RIP.

-Beanz likely lied about his relationship with Robbi, including an exchange of money a few days prior to the J4 game.

-RIP, Robbi, and Nik Airball dine together for 7 hours on 9/28. The next morning, Airball agrees to give RIP a $175K loan to play in the game the J4 hand took place (Confirmed via Airball’s Twitter statement).

-The financial relationship between Robbi and RIP was not made known to the other players until after the J4 incident occurred.

-Beanz own recollections, and information from many others, suggest he may also have a criminal record and is a known scammer.

-Beanz has been referred to as “The King Scammer of Kansas City” and was a person of interest in a 2017 robbery of the Bellagio Casino. He refused a polygraph in that case and admitted he had a colorful past.

-Bryan of HCL is allegedly a known “problem” gambler and a criminal with the means and motive to play a key role in this alleged cheating effort. Bryan also publicly sought information on methods of cheating prior to the games in question.

-On 9/27, Robbi was seen by Julie Yorn angle-shooting a min-buy at the Bicycle Casino when they played at the same table. Robbie was unable to produce identification and made several statements that either raised suspicion or contradicted other things she has said publicly.

-A source with direct knowledge gives a detailed account of RIP’s alleged history as a con-man, including boxing scams, misrepresented businesses, and other concerning details of his past.

-Following the incident, both Beanz and Robbi have given suspicious, contradictory or seemingly false stories on several media outlets.

-Analysis and red-flags from the J4 hand itself.

Additional Video Evidence RIP and Robbi are Likely Working Together to Cheat

For some of the clips below, you may want to watch in slow-motion to ensure you don’t miss anything. I also want to credit Reddit user Kodakgee for providing timestamped links and partial descriptions for a few of these clips.

In this hand, both RIP and Robbi have AQ and likely attempt to collude. Note their bizarre behavior throughout the hand.

Hand begins at 2:00:04 and then at 2:01:28: RIP potentially signals both with his body language, tilting his head to the right, and/or his pointer finger on his left hand touching his right shoulder. This signal potentially means she should fold. He likely wants her to fold because he has a great hand and they need her stack to be as large as possible as she is likely the primary player receiving signals on how best to play her hand.
RIP potentially bets small on both the turn and river because any bet accomplishes this goal of getting her to fold and he wants to avoid collusion accusations. She likely calls because it’s way too obvious to fold. Because they don’t know each other's hand, once they see the showdown, they both make sense of why she ignored the signal and celebrate the chop together. This hand also has the same bizarre dialogue we often see in likely signaled hands during and after the hand.

1:47:47: Rip clearly puts his head down to look at something for approximately 5 seconds, after which he looks directly at Robbi, noticing the hand is already over.

Potentially the cowboy hat is used to try to shield him from being noticed when looking down. It has been speculated that when he looks down, he is being signaled, possibly by the red and green lights of the microphone pack or by some other means.

5:06:06: Robbi sees something off camera, gives an extremely concerned look, and then glances at RIP.
5:06:26: Rip mouths "Get It!" while motioning that it’s something on the casino floor.
5:06:34: The mic picks up RIP saying to Robbi "You are unbelievable." Robbi says something back but her face is mostly off camera.
5:06:47: Rip mouths "Get it….once you go out there."
5:07:23: Rip gets up to leave the table while still in a $3300 pot. Robbi also leaves the table, returning around 20 minutes later.
Although it is not known what Robbi needs to “get”, it can be inferred it’s pretty important if RIP is getting up before the hand is over.

5:32:00: Watch RIPs facial expressions. He makes a suspicious face, looks at Robby, starts shuffling chips with his right hand to potentially distract, and moves his left hand (with the big watch) in Eric’s direction, reversing course when he thinks Eric notices him. More bizarre dialogue from Robbi then follows before she checks.

This happens immediately after Robbi folds J8 against Garrett’s full house with Q4.
1:52:59: You can see her mouth “jack eight” which is what she had in the prior hand, a hand many suspect was illegitimate. She is potentially letting RIP know she folded because her hand was trash or to ensure their signaling system is working correctly.

Miscellaneous Pertinent Information From Multiple Sources:

-Bryan started as the sound guy and was later promoted to a larger role in HCL production. He would play games on the floor, often losing, and received loans from a source, usually in $2-4K increments. A couple of these loans were sent via Zelle from an account titled College Loan Relief or something similar. The last time Bryan ever borrowed from the source, he had already been loaned 6k and asked for 2k more, which the source gave him. This last $2K he didn’t play with, instead taking it to Baccarat. This all happened prior to the J4 hand evening.

-A source learns from several people in the casino the evening of 9/26 that “Robbi is at the bar drinking with her boyfriend.” Multiple other sources confirmed that the person is RIP and that the two were affectionate with one another. This occurred 3 days before the J4 hand. This is consistent with other stories that have come out about their behavior together.

-Beans would regularly borrow small amounts of money from a source usually ranging from $600-1800. One day Beanz showed this source that he has a $190k transfer coming in, requesting to play on the Monday 9/26 show.

-On that day, another source learns from an HCL staff member, who had met Robbi for the first time earlier that day, that Beans received $20k from Robbi before the show began on 9/26. The staff member referred to Beanz as “a scammer and thief.”

-Beanz calls a source late the same evening of the J4 hand, Thursday 9/29, screaming at the source saying “Garrett needs to pay that money…Her husband is a high powered attorney” and other similarly aggressive comments.

-That same night around midnight, Bryan texts another source: “I have all your money for you. I don't want to Zelle it, can I give it to you on Monday.” On Monday 10/3, Bryan pays the source with two $5K chips. He says he borrowed $2K from someone else earlier, and asks the source to give him that $2K on behalf of Bryan. Thus, Bryan doesn’t need to change chips by repaying $10K in total to both parties using two 5K chips.

Background on the Potential Players in the Operation:

Background on Robbi Lew aka Rabia Hussain:

-Robbi was unknown in the poker world until 10/18/21 where she played several small stakes poker tournaments with most of the buy-ins ranging from $100-$400 dollars:

-Julie Yorn played an off stream $50/$100 with a $100 big blind ante game on Tuesday, 9/26 at the Bicycle Casino.

Early that night, one player in the game asks Julie: “You play in home games with Robbi right?” That player asks this because Robbi had told said player she regularly plays with Julie in home games. Julie says: “No, I've never even met her.”

Later that evening, Robbi comes to the table and verbally declares she’s buying in for the minimum $5k, giving several excuses why she's buying in for such a small amount despite no one questioning her buy-in. She does not put any money on the table, which is required.

Robbi goes all in first hand. Another player calls w/ AK vs her 88 and Robbi wins both runouts, so she has chips in front of her now, but has yet to post a buy-in. A few hands later, Julie notices Robbi’s original buy-in was never put on the table. Julie asks Robbi: “You’re $5k behind right?” and Robbi contests this claim. Now others at the table chime in supporting Julie’s assertion.

Robbi: “I think I borrowed it from someone.” Eventually, Robbi slowly pulls out some wrinkled up cash amounting to $5K. She doesn’t have an ID when asked to provide it by the chip runner. A player in the game makes a point that she didn't have an ID last time she played either. Source says Robbi played tight and generally reasonable.

Robbi has a conversation with Julie. Julie asks her: “Where do you play.” Robbi says tournaments and stuff and that she’s lived in the Palisades for 18 years. Otherwise Robbi gave only vague sketchy answers throughout, coming across very secretive. When asked specifically if she plays home games, Robbi says: “Not really.”

Robbi eventually loses all her chips from her minimum buy-in and leaves the table, making an excuse as to why she's not rebuying despite no one requesting this information.

The above description is relevant as it likely illustrates:
-Robbi’s character-exemplified by her trying to angle shoot her buy-in.
-Her lack of funds when she’s not playing on a stream.
-Her willingness to lie.

Background on RIP aka Jacob Chavez:

-RIP has stated in multiple interviews that he is giving Robbi a freeroll in exchange for 50% of her winnings. The presumption here is that he would need to be wealthy to do this.

-Jacob Chavez has played a small number of poker tournaments since 5/13/2014, mostly ranging in buy-ins between $100-$400.

-One source says he knows RIP as a union electrician and there's no way he could have the money to play, let alone back someone else in these games.

-On stream and in interviews, RIP claims to be a “Cattle Rancher,” “In Real Estate,” and a “Serial Entrepreneur”.

-In Fall 2021, RIP was arrested for an alleged assault:

-Here are some quotes taken from an email exchange from someone who knew RIP for years:

“So I've known Jacob for probably close to 10 years through boxing. He and I have never been close but I've seen some of his hustles. The guy I train with was Jacob's trainer for years before I met him and they used to be super tight.”

“Anyways Jacob is not good, but he used to tell people he was undefeated, he would bring rich people to the gym on the pretense that he had a fight coming up so they would sponsor him despite him having a horrible record and no fight booked. So I saw him fleece several people out of money that way... between 5 and 15k. Jacob is literally the best liar I have ever seen, he had the host of Studio 54 convinced he was the light heavyweight champion of the world.. so much so that he got then to throw a meet and greet for him which all unraveled when Bernard Hopkins happened to show up who was at the time the current light heavyweight champ. He had Kenny Bayless convinced he was 11-0 and he was going to give him a title fight in his new promotion, to be talked with my buddy who then told him no... Chavez isn't undefeated in fact he was i think 1-4 at the time. I just give you these stories because 1 they are kind of amusing and 2 of lying was a sport this dude would be world champion. It's the same with his stupid Jacob's Select cannabis, my brother met with him a year ago because we own a cannabis company.. again full of crap."

“I talked to my brother the thing that tipped him off to Chavez's bullshit is he claimed to own this big cannabis company that my brother happened to know the owners..and the things he says, if you know about a subject it doesn't hold up to scrutiny.”

“I haven't seen him in a couple years, since he hooked up with Jake Paul but the Chavez I know did not have money, certainly not enough to stake anyone out play in the nosebleed stuff you guys played. Clearly he's gotten dough from someone or somewhere.. just from history I'd say he conned someone into giving him money telling them he was a world class poker pro.. or possibly because he had an angle.”

“I will say this, I was on the fence about whether there was cheating or not in this whole mess. With Chavez involved I'm inclined to believe there was.”

Background on Bryan Sagbigsal:

In a post from a now deleted Twitter account, on 9/11 Sagbigsal asks: "How do you cheat in chess? Serious question lol"

This potentially incriminating tweet could suggest Bryan wanted to learn how to relay hole card information using the same systems people use cheat in chess.

-Since HCL's announcement that Bryan stole $15K from Robbi's stack at the end of the session with the J4 hand, public information has been released that allegedly indicates Sagbigsal has an extensive criminal history.

-Doug Polk has reported in the below video that a file cabinet had been moved closer to his desk, moving his desk to the side approximately 3-4 weeks ago. And that Brian's desk is now directly behind an area where all of the hole cards can be seen in real time, with a filing cabinet blocking the vision of a camera facing in that direction. It's also reported that Bryan verbalized a yell of sorts upon seeing Robbi hand the $135K in chips back to Garrett.

I agree with Doug's assessment that the combination of the stolen chips and the movement of his desk and filing cabinet, the evidence that he is communicating live hole card evidence is extremely strong.

-A source messaged me saying “Just an FYI, that guy Bryan Sagbigsal stiffed my online game for a couple thousand. Not much, and he was vouched, so we didn't have to eat it, but the story makes sense for him.”

Background on Beanz aka Darren Attebery aka Darren Lara:

-Beanz is regarded by a source as “The King Scammer of Kansas City,” ranging from credit card scams to sports and entertainment ticket scams. He has gone on record several times saying he is responsible for getting Robbi on Hustler Casino Live, with Robbi subsequently getting RIP on the show.

-He was a person of interest according to the Las Vegas Police Department of robbing the Bellagio Casino in 2017, not to be confused with Tony Carleo who was convicted in another robbery of the same casino. When asked to take a polygraph graph test by the LVPD, he first agreed but later reneged, admitting he has a “colorful past”. He also discusses making major changes in his life in recent years in this podcast.


-Soon after the alleged cheating event went public, Joe Ingram did a livestream. After spamming the chat repeatedly, Joey eventually agrees to let Beanz come on the show.

His interview begins at 1:58:45:

-Beanz says: “If it wasn't for the fact that I know her really good…well I can't say that, I’ve met her, I know of her.”

(And yet, later on Ingram’s livestream on 10/6/22 Beanz changes his story:

5:17:07: “We became friends or whatever you want to call it…But that’s about it, I mean there’s nothing more…I Don’t know RIP…I don’t know anything about that.”)

(Back to first interview)

-Beanz says he met Robbi on the floor of a Bicycle Casino tournament. Says she makes “strange calls, minclicks, etc.”

This is potentially evidence that he is setting up a defense for when Robbi will later make strange plays to cheat on stream.

-He says that Robbi is rich because she is married to Charles Lew. But in Robbi’s Pokernews interview on 10/5/22, she claims all the money she made in her former career is what allowed her to step into high stakes poker at 3:40 of this interview.

-Beanz: “There’s no way possible she could be cheating” and that “There’s no motive.”
This is coming from someone he claims he “just met”.

-Soon after he says Robbi “made a misclick, she made an error”... “She knew she didn’t have J3.” He then goes into detail explaining Robbi’s reasons for playing on a livestream where “she’s not playing in the right league.”
Aside from the fact that Robbi has gone back and forth on her claims of misreading her hand several times, again how would he know any of this?

Beanz: “Her and RIP are friends, I’ll just say that…A lot of people in poker are friends, that’s neither here nor there”
Why is he defending the relationship of someone he just met? Throughout you have to wonder how he knows so much and defends her so passionately if he just met her.

Nik Airball-Recurring HCL Livestream Player

*Note, there isn’t any direct evidence that Airball is involved in the scheme. Nevertheless, the information below is presented as it may be relevant to the investigation as a whole.

-On Wednesday 9/28, RIP, Robbi, and HCL regular Nik Airball all dine together at Javier’s Restaurant for 7 hours. Later that evening, Nik drives RIPs car to RIPs home, dropping RIP off along the way. The next morning, it is agreed that Airball will be giving RIP a $175K loan to play in the J4 game that RIP has decided to join at the last minute. This is all confirmed via Airball’s Twitter statement on 10/7, which coincidentally came out hours after he may have learned I would be going public with this information. (Twitch Stream Link)

Potentially related, Nik Airball calls into Joe Ingram’s Twitch stream on that Wednesday 9/28, the day before the J4 hand and the same night he is at Javier’s with RIP and Robbi. He goes on a long rant attacking several players including Andy Stacks, “the biggest loser in LA livestream history” (1:26:27), Eric Persson, “he’s just ****ing terrible” (1:26:53), Alan Keating, “that guy’s a ****ing idiot too” (1:27:40), Doug Polk, “He’s a joke” (1:32:38), and “Bill Klein and all the other ****ing idiots he gets to play with” (1:23:20). Yet, most of his venom is for some reason is saved for Garrett specifically:

1:13:12: “Garrett is the biggest nit in LA, and he’s my bitch.”
1:13:50: “I want to play with Garrett. I want to felt his ass. I want to make him taste the felt. I want to send him home on his bike. I want him to have to liquidate all his ****ing funds. All his IRA accounts, everything. I want to send him home crying to his wife with no money.”
1:17:04: “Come sit with me mother****er.”
1:17:19: “Let’s see Garrett ****ing lose 5 million in a day and cry and sit at the table begging for a loan.”
1:18:44: “I want to play Garrett for every dollar he has to his name. Every dollar. I want Garrett to be homeless by the time I’m done with him.”
1:20:14: “Or do we want to see someone come stand up to the ****in loser, fake poker boss of LA”

I also want to state that loaning $175K to someone you met one week prior is, in my opinion as a 20 year veteran playing some of the largest poker games in the world, not at all “common practice in high stakes games” as Airball says in his recent statement.

Here are a few of Nik’s tweets on that 9/28 evening:

“Let it be known…. If @TheRyanFeldman and @HCLPokerShow can find a seat for me tomorrow, I will buy in for 1 million minimum and let @GmanPoker and @IAmMaverick888 know who the real poker boss is in LA”

“Too many pussies in poker. @TheRyanFeldman GET ME A ****ING SEAT.”

“Garrett is my son.”

Quotes, Contradictions, and Other Information Related to the J4 Hand:

-2:09:11: Robbi: “Wait hold on, let me scratch my face, cause that’s the **** I got.”
(This dialogue is consistent with her weak = strong dialogue in other suspicious hands. She feigns weakness even though she is actually strong, knowing she has the best hand.)

-2:10:01: Checks her hole cards, putting them down 14 seconds later, (likely indicating she knows what she has). Then puts in the time chip, likely to buy time to confirm or reconfirm from the signaller that she currently has the best hand. Note, her taking a long time and saying bizarre things are 2 common giveaways in the hands she likely cheats.

2:11:50: Someone asks her if she has a 3.

Robbi: “No. I just thought he’s…this is a pure bluff catcher…purely…but ya…I think he has me beat.”

(Would someone take over a minute to contemplate calling with Jack high, make that call for 109k more, and then say after calling that she thinks she has the worst hand? Her weak means strong dialogue remains consistent, knowing she's ahead in a 269k pot.)

Garrett: “Do you have a small pair.”
Robbi: “You give me that much credit?...Haven’t you seen what I’ve done?”
(She’s again clearly insinuating she knows she does not have a pair.)

2:15:18 -
Robbi, “I thought you were on Ace high”
Garrett, “So why call with Jack high then?”

Garrett, “On the turn though? You called all in on the turn because?”
Robbi, “Because you don’t have ****. You don’t have ****.”

Robbi, “You let me do this to you post stream, too.”
(Robbi likely preemptively defends herself here against a cheating accusation that has yet to come by falsely claiming she’s had success against Garrett in hands off stream.)

RIP: “That's like some spiritual guide from outer space, telling you in your ear, CALL."
(This may be RIP showing off that he was able to signal Robbi to call.”)
Robbi, “I ran it twice because I didn’t think Jack high could be good.”
(Again illustrating that she knows that she does not have a 3.)

Garrett, “… but we didn’t play any off stream hands”
Robbi, “no there was one hand post stream…and you let me do it to you again.”
(This is false. There was never a hand of consequence off stream, let alone where she picked off a bluff.)

RIP acting excited and jovial, praising her for the hero call.
Robbi says “Ran it twice.”

RIP: “****!”

Here they are (somewhat deceptively) discussing aloud why she called when Garrett shoved. She keeps telling RIP we ran it twice, potentially indicating that running it twice would make it less likely she wins the entire pot, making the cheating less obvious.

RIPs body language throughout this exchange is suspicious. And specifically RIP mouthing “****” at 2:28:16 is key. He’s potentially unable to hide how stressed out he is and briefly breaks character.

Starting at 3:12:06 (Discussion at Table)

Robbi: “Because I misread the three and he knows that. Remember when I said oh are 3’s good enough? I thought I had J3.” (Changes story)

Robbi: “I was like are you gonna come back in there and he’s like no and I was like I’ll give you your money back if you go back in there. And you don’t ruin production, and you don’t act weird and stuff and he said ok.”

a) Clarifies she offered to return the money, Garrett didn’t ask for it.
b) Evidence against her being “cornered” or “threatened”.

RIP: “Why am I upset”
Robbi: “It’ll be fine.”
Jacob: “Why would that make me so upset?”
Robbi: “Oh.. oh.. now they know, now they know”

(This is where it’s first revealed on stream that Jacob and Robbi have at minimum a financial arrangement. RIP can’t hide his frustration in his body language here. They are again accidentally having a public conversation. “Now they know” could also potentially mean they have been discovered as cheaters.)

Robbi HCL On-Stream Interview

Robbi: “and the turn came, it was a 3. And you will hear me say on stream are 3s any good? And the reason I said that is I thought I was holding the jack of clubs and three of whatever.” (It has already been illustrated she knew she did not have a 3).

Robbi, “I ran it twice because I know I was probably going to lose that… unless I don’t know anything better came.”
(This quote doesn’t make sense. No one would call another $110,000 on the hope of “anything better coming” with jack high, no draw.)

Robbi, “… and I said Garrett will you come back on stream, what can I do for you to come back and not make this dramatic. I really appreciate and respect production and I know it's hard work to keep everything in order.”
(Does this sound like someone who was threatened and cornered?)

Robbi, “And I said let’s do what’s going to be the most amicable ending. Now for production as well as moving forward and in my mind I think I’m good enough to win the $130,000 back… so the whole understanding was he’ll come back and continue to play and if you feel like its fair that I give you this money back um fine have it, come back and play and let’s just continue playing….”

“Ultimately he didn’t think it was a fair hand for him not to win and I guess maybe it wasn’t a fair hand for me.. maybe we should have just split it right there and then at the table whatever it was. I was ok with giving him the money back. I really was. People may not feel that way, I don’t like drama, I want to keep it minimal, and it is what it is…”
(This is a suspicious take for someone who just won a legitimate hand).

Robbi, “I’m okay with it. I don’t give a ****, I want everyone to chill out, it's not that serious if it doesn’t bother me, it is what it is. I don’t feel like I should have won that hand. I should not have won that hand.”
(This comment is the most likely reason she offered the refund in the first place. She likely had decided her best strategy to avoid this hand going viral is to refund the money in hopes Garrett would continue to play and it would make the public “chill out it’s not that serious.”)

Robbi, “and I can see where his pain is there. Um.. and I think that’s why I did it, I said you know what.. I can see why he’s upset and I’m ok giving him the money back.”

Robbi, “he has his money, I’m cool.”

Robbi, “I’m cool. Me and Garrett are talking afterwards and It’ll be fine.”

All these quotes starting at 3:40 underscore three recurring themes –
A) Nothing from the above quotes would indicate she was coerced or threatened.
B) Without supplying any rational explanation, Robbi is “cool” giving Garrett $135K back after playing a straight hand?
C) She says that it’s not a big deal to give back $135,000 when she was weeks ago playing $100 buy in tournaments.

This is all in direct contrast to this tweet sent later that night after she had likely been counseled to spin a new narrative:

"Garrett blocked me. Guilty as charged. What an honest man. He cornered me & threatened me. If he has the audacity to give me the death stare ON camera, picture what it’s like OFF camera. I was pulled out of the game & forced to speak to him in a dark hallway. Full details to come"

Inconsistencies in Robbi’s Pokernews Interview 10/6:

-2:10: Discussion on all the work she put into her game, hiring Faraz Jaka and Steve Blake, etc. because she was fully committed to the game.
(And yet she doesn’t know J high cant call there?)

-2:58: “I was already playing mid to high stakes in private games.”
(Yet there is likely no history of her doing this. Instead, there is an alleged recent history of her getting caught in lies saying she knows people from private games that she does not actually know. Why would she do this? Likely to preemptively have an answer to the question of how she jumped from low stakes tournaments to high stakes cash in a matter of days.)

- 3:40: Robbi goes on about all the money she made in her former career that allowed her to step into high stakes poker.
(And yet, she was staked anyway? This is the same person in an off stream game on 9/24 who min bought only $5K including trying to angle shoot that initial buy in and leaves after busting her only bullet?)

-4:25: Says she made her backer a lot of money.
(Yet…J4 call)

-6:08: Says RIP backs other players but doesn’t give names. He chose to back her because of her success in the cash game world.
(Is there any evidence of either of these things?)

6:23: She claims to be a big winner but twice refers to the Hustler cash games as “tournaments”.

6:34: “He (RIP) actually wasn’t supposed to be playing that day”
(This is potentially to throw viewers off the scent that they allegedly cheat as a team and this all wasn’t preplanned.)

7:04: “I think that’s at the time when we had to disclose that he (RIP) had a financial investment.”
(In an interview with Joe Ingram she was directly asked if the other players knew this information before the game and she responded “Yes,” which was untrue.)
I JUST caught that. robbie is definitely communicating with RIP during the hand at 5. hrs 32 minutes
10-11-2022 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by donkcheck
I am seeing what you see.

Make a longer video that includes the context

And save the streams before HCL starts taking them down
He had two objects, a wallet and a purse. He takes out his purse and looks inside it for something and has his wallet sitting on the ledge, he reaches back with his purse and puts it behind him and then is holding his wallet in his hand.

look I thought he was involved from the first time I heard him come on the live stream, but this wallet, purse, second phone thing is the wrong angle...

10-11-2022 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by andy g
I JUST caught that. robbie is definitely communicating with RIP during the hand at 5. hrs 32 minutes
Thanks for quoting the whole OP!
10-11-2022 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by ACNJ_Grinder
Yeah, and I'm Bryan Sagbigsal
plz text Chicago Joey to confirm
10-11-2022 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by 5mcory
The people that are most likely to employ "shills" are also the same people that accuse their opponents of doing the things they secretly are doing themselves.

Both are common subversion tactics that are often applied together. Like peanut butter and jelly.

Any real conspiracy theorist would know this.

The CIA and Mossad have been doing this for years.

Just sayin...
Right right right. Sorry about that. Forgot that projecting onto others your own behavior is right out of the shill playbook. Carry on.
10-11-2022 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by RJT
It’s utterly astounding with all the pundits, talking heads, tweets, posts etc.; no one is talking about the HOW. This should be the starting point!

Best I’ve heard is an earpiece. Doesn’t tell us how her co-conspirator sent the signals.
And if he could get away with it unnoticed. I find it hard to believe for example Bryan was in control room sending her code and no one noticed anything.

The investigation is going to fail 1) they won’t find a hack in the system 2) if devices used those are long gone.

The sad part is that it’s hard to prove a negative. That she didn’t cheat.
Good post. No one cares 'how' it was done. If you ask 'how,' you are a shill. If you ask 'how' and use ellipses, you are Robbie. If you disprove or pick apart certain contentions of proof, you are obviously trying to change the conversation. Nobody should be focusing on anything else but how we can excoriate Robbie. Or they are a shill.

But for real, HOW? And why did Bryan - the most convincing piece of evidence - not even attempt to claim the bounty? These criminals are both incredibly stupid (j4 hand, changing explanations, etc.) but also sophisticated enough to have an ethos of omertà as strong as the Gambino's.

I will even change my mind about cheating if one other person who played with Robbie on stream says they think they were cheated.
10-11-2022 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by mike tommo
If he was ''unbiased'' , or an Adult, he'd say there is no evidence of cheating, so far.

I think his point about shutting down is worth considering, as Hustler have decided to launch an investigation (seemingly due to a hunch of one of the players at the table that night_. However it's of note other than the chap to Adelstein's left, Andy?, the other players did not seem interested in the cheating accusation and people are still keen to play there, presumably thinking the allegation is false. If a Casino shut down every time a player lost a big hand to a 'surprising' call and cried ''cheat'' many might not stay open for long
Im aware of the other players continuing to play not believing cheating occurred. This “complete investigation”. Is it an investigation to appease Mr Adelstein his hero or is this a legit top to bottom investigation of all players and employees. Because if Robbie cheated in this hand…… was common knowledge in certain circles. The only way Robbie cheats inthis hand with electronics is if this has happened multiple times in the past with other players involved.

The worst part of the she cheated through electronics theory is……how did they link up with someone they never met before to make this happen? That part makes no sense. Unless it had been going on for months
10-11-2022 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by dmv_p
6. Robbi and Rip openly colluded in the J8d vs Q4s hand with Garrett by talking across the table while trying to conceal it.
I couldn't believe this was in Garrett's report.

She tells Rip AFTER the hand she had j8d.

Which is more of a reasonable take.

1. She only told Rip because she didn't want the whole table to know what she had?


2. They wanted to test if there cheating system is working properly?

I didn't know you can collude after the hand was over, lol. It's very common for friends at the table to share hands with each other. And it's obvious there cheating system sucks if she's calling turn while drawing dead and then using a time chip on the river.

Out of all the things I read in the report, this had to be the worst take of them all.
10-11-2022 , 04:07 PM

You are not seeing him put anything in his back pocket because the view is being obstructed by the table.

Anybody who says otherwise is lying in order to help their theory.

You need to watch the entire context of the video and use your brain to understand that the bag changed hands under the table before he reached back. Its really not hard to follow but you cant be lazy or extremely low IQ.

Apparently thats a lot to ask around here though.
10-11-2022 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by PatersonPoker
Close but you need a ramping effect. First try a facially innocuous semisatirical inquiry like, "I wonder how much Joey is charging people like Haralabos for facetime on his show..." Joking around the square but not exactly on it.

Then keep the same tone and line but switch closer to the true target, maybe have a second shill account reply with, "Why doesn't he just start a bidding war between Garrett and Robbi for which side he'll take?"

Reply back with a nonanswer that gets fully around to the final topic for introduction but pose it as a conversation starter and not a fact, "What if he got on top of this so fast because he was already involved?"

... that's better than the cold intro in your example. The hashtags were good though.
This…this is a really good post.
10-11-2022 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by donniccolo
Thank you! So if they were cheating, they would be up a little bit based on the prevailing theories of who is involved?
Yeah, the team as identified by Garrett would be up about 150k for the time since Robbie showed up and up about 100k in total.

This profit comes entirely because they won a flip on both runnouts. So the cheating ring is not even +EV.

Then they gave back all the profits, so if you factor that in, they are -ev.

The 100% guilty crowd has put forward no theory on how or why they'd play break even poker while knowing Vs cards and/or showdown winners.
10-11-2022 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by HexBreaker
Yeah, the team as identified by Garrett would be up about 150k for the time since Robbie showed up and up about 100k in total.

This profit comes entirely because they won a flip on both runnouts. So the cheating ring is not even +EV.

Then they gave back all the profits, so if you factor that in, they are -ev.

The 100% guilty crowd has put forward no theory on how or why they'd play break even poker while knowing Vs cards and/or showdown winners.
This is assuming a lot. You're assuming you know who all is in on the cheating. Throw Billy in and they're up A LOT...Throw Nick in and they're up even more.

10-11-2022 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Airblaze

This is Russel Thomas not some random guy. Bizarre explanations from DGAF.
Got some good news boys, Im back on team CHEAT.

These are incoherent ramblings of a redacted.

He claims he made more big blinds than anyone in history, then he couldn't beat small stakes. Then he made a good read in the 2 seat and says ok now im gonna try to win, makes 200bb/100 (maybe 300) over the next 4 months

Heres how it went down.

Bryan and DGAF were working together. Everythings going great but Bryan keeps losing all of the money in cash games, as reported by multiple people. (he played every single day at 11am)

Bryan decides hes going for the big dirty, one big score. He talks to his fellow degen beanz and beanz says i got the perfect woman for this. They just need to find the money. Woman is having an affair with Rip (reported by multiple people). He works with Jake Paul and has tickets to fights, a nice fake watch and is driving Jakes rented Rolls Royce because Jake already left for Puerto Rico. (Rip immediately leaves for Puerto Rico after the game and Jake is there training)

The team of geniuses con Nik Airball into lending them the cash after a 7 hour drinking session.

The plan goes wrong and Bryan got too greedy with Jack High ( a nio nio messup). Woman stares at her hand in shock for 14 seconds but goes with it.

Bryan realizes he dun goofed and knows its over for him once Nick the cop is on the case. He steals whatever he can before he leaves.

20k to beanz. Nik Airball gets wind of this and calls Rip a scammer on twitter.

DGAF challenges people to lie detector bets. Robbi writes fake messages for Bryan.

Oh yea this all happened in MINECRAFT and every name i mentioned is a character there.
10-11-2022 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by 5mcory

You are not seeing him put anything in his back pocket because the view is being obstructed by the table.

Anybody who says otherwise is lying in order to help their theory.

You need to watch the entire context of the video and use your brain to understand that the bag changed hands under the table before he reached back. Its really not hard to follow but you cant be lazy or extremely low IQ.

Apparently thats a lot to ask around here though.
It's a reasonable theory, except the object in his left hand looks nothing like the bag he had in his right. Specifically, the bag is pliable, whereas the object in his left looks rectangular and rigid.

Also, why would he go through the effort of moving his hands under the table to transfer the bag between them?
10-11-2022 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
If I was a cheater and wanted to devise a one-way go/fold system to use with an insider with access to everything related to production here are some ideas I would think of:
  • Someone visually signaling from outside the glass-enclosed room. Something as simple as a certain person walking by
  • Ambient auditory signal
  • Certain movement of one of the PTZ cameras around the room filming the action. Or toggling tally light on the camera
  • Light fixture flicker
  • Sending a request to the dealer over the headset to do something that would be seen by the player (without dealer knowing he's being involved in any scheme)
  • Sending cocktail waitress to inside (unknowingly to her)
  • Tiny wireless vibration device against skin (under clothing or inside hat or shoe), in wallet, purse, lipstick case, fake key or key fob, etc.
HOW are they knowing what to signal?

Anyone think any of those are likely?
10-11-2022 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by POKERMANN
Ryan was done with LATB when he got laid off. He was fired what seemed to be a random time, but it wasn’t. If you recall Ryan said they didn’t even bother giving him a call or any notification, just a letter.

I have facts from the inside which will blow the lid off this whole thing even more.
I’m sure you do. And signed up a new account to do an anti-smear, smear campaign. I feel like you just showed us the preview to a Liam Neeson movie where really nothing happens and the preview showed all parts.

Buckled up.
10-11-2022 , 04:21 PM
10-11-2022 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by BringBackMo
Right right right. Sorry about that. Forgot that projecting onto others your own behavior is right out of the shill playbook. Carry on.

This is a really good post.

Liars, cheaters and thieves often see everyone else as liars,cheats and thieves.
10-11-2022 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by 5mcory
The view is being obstructed by the table.

The bag changed hands under the table!

Go touch grass, idiots.
10-11-2022 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Jaden523
This is assuming a lot. You're assuming you know who all is in on the cheating. Throw Billy in and they're up A LOT...Throw Nick in and they're up even more.

I'm going with the cheating ring Garrett proposed, not some random players I chose.

Did DGAF ever play with this group? If not, they were still playing break even poker.

So are we saying that, if the ring was limited to the people put forward by Garrett, then there probably wasn't cheating? That, in order for cheating to make any sense, a big winner like Nick V must also be involved?
10-11-2022 , 04:29 PM
I feel like Occam’s razor should tell us that there’s no chance there was cheating going on last night with Haralabos playing. I get it tho…everything can be seen as being suspicious now.
10-11-2022 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by SetTheLine
Dgaf thing looks like his mic pack or possibly a portable charger with 1 bar.

The people aggressively witch-hunting dgaf give the rest of us skeptics a bad look. Look higher up than dgaf if your gonna put this much time into it.

Latb dropping a “mole” into hcl, I could see it. I hope you got receipts Pokermannn
Idk how you can call yourself a skeptic and ignore a player who:
- has vpip >65
- is winning an objectively absurd bb/100 over multiple sessions.
- close enough to ownership to commentate multiple streams
- sits in the same seat every night
- gets to pick the lineup and seating order
- knows individual from HCL production found to be stealing
- knows individual from HCL production with criminal record
- has recorded financial transactions with said individual

Like I said, I get that there’s a controversial amount of hands to look at, but this is all happening in the context of knowing that HCL was completely vulnerable to exploitation. I think the skeptical route to take would be to leave no stone unturned.
10-11-2022 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by chzbrglr
plz text Chicago Joey to confirm
10-11-2022 , 04:30 PM
You can't have Postle-like BB/100 numbers and not be put under a microscope, no matter how soft the game is.

Literally over 200bb/100

Folding overpairs when beat, kinda sus.

Losing when not in seat 2. It really couldn't be more obvious.
