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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

04-14-2012 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by Alex_Striker
Okay - an 'anonymous source' said that no announcement will come until the DoJ gets final judicial approval. Is that 'properly'?
Not fully but 'gets' makes it acceptable.

I feel nitty today. I think I'll take a B-12.
04-14-2012 , 09:03 PM
i honestly cannot wait until this thread is closed... good or bad. so mentally done w/ this mess.
04-14-2012 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by ShipItYo
i honestly cannot wait until this thread is closed... good or bad. so mentally done w/ this mess.
i just want the happy ending
04-14-2012 , 09:13 PM
One of the things I loved to do was watch poker vids on youtube. It just sucks when certain faces pop up and ruin my feel for the whole video. Yeah Im talking to you Howard and Ferguson. I hope in jail they print every page of this thread, make a book out of it and thats all you have. Thanks for impacting the poker world in such a way you almost ruined it and many peoples lives that you probably dont understand. *******s.
04-14-2012 , 09:32 PM
Can someone please give me some figures.

How much has Full Tilt been fined by the DOJ

-why aren't any of the players entitled to this money that is the stupidest sht ever. Where exactly does the money go the DOJ fined them? Millions and millions they just take over night like that which should go into our pockets. Its completely asinine.
04-14-2012 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by coolnout
i just want the happy ending
Word is, Howard Beale can recommend a few places.
04-14-2012 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
Im more saddened to learn that essentially every "Face" of poker from the early 2000s is a total scumbag. These people were supposed to be the white knights for the casual fans and players. Says a lot for the legitimacy of the game, and also pretty clearly demonstrates why there are such negative feelings toward the game from the public.
Greg Raymer baby!
04-14-2012 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
I fail to see how more lawsuits can help the situation.

Does anybody know if CA lawyers work on contingency fee arrangements?

The 'damn sneaky lawyers' in me is thinking the damn sneaky lawyers want to scuttle the deal so that their lawsuit has a chance of getting some money from which they grab a huge chunk.

ETA: I'd like to hear from the lawyers itt how plaintiffs are supposed to proceed w/ discovery (if it gets that far) beyond depositions in which they'll get vague answers w/ a lot of 'to the best of my recollection.........' since all of the records are apparently off shore and they can't get their hands on the President of the company.
I am surprised more law suits have not taken place. The amount of time that has taken so far has been extraordinary by any measure. Some people with larger sums have to be very nervous.

I also think we collectively have a general idea of how things might proceed in terms of payouts fo the US and the ROW but I have a sneaking suspicion there will be quite a big surprise in that regard when it happens. I am not saying it is going to be a bad surprise, it could be a good surprise. I just think the general consensus as to how things will proceed with payouts will vary greatly from what happens in reality.

If I had a significant sum of money tied up on FTP, it is very unlikely I would have just sat back this entire time hoping for the buy out and payback to go through. Even worse if it does go through and GBT just buys the assets and there is a partial repayment there is nobody to go after to get the rest of the money. They will all likely be judgment proof at that point.

I know people want to point to the complexity of the deal as why it is taking so long, but I suspect a lot of time was spent with nothing going on as people stomped their feet and pouted or other non productive actions took place. Much bigger and more complicated business deals have been accomplished in less time than this one. It does feel like things will be ready next week though.
04-14-2012 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Pls try to bluf
Can someone please give me some figures.

How much has Full Tilt been fined by the DOJ

-why aren't any of the players entitled to this money that is the stupidest sht ever. Where exactly does the money go the DOJ fined them? Millions and millions they just take over night like that which should go into our pockets. Its completely asinine.
They haven't been fined anything yet and, if they are, it will be by a court, not by the DoJ. The DoJ has requested a fine of $1B, plus forfeiture of other assets worth hundreds of millions. The government won't get that much because FTP doesn't have that much. Expect them to come up about $1B short.

Fines paid go to the government. Assets forfeited also go to the govenrment, but if the government wants, it can use the proceeds of forfeiture to pay victims of the crime for which assets were forfeited, if that crime or a related crime caused the victims loss. It is not clear that the crimes for which the assets have been seized actually caused players any loss. (I know that sounds hard to believe). When the government seizes money that a criminal owes you, the crime didn't cause you a loss, and besides, you technicallly haven't lost anything because the criminal still owes you the money - they just lost the means to pay you.

In its only press release related to possible government compensation for players, the DoJ seems to say that remission will be paid to FTP players out of assets seized in relation to the new charges of fraud and money laundering added to the complaint in September. It is not clear how much, if anything, the government has seized in relation to those new charges, nor if the old charges will be deemed to relate to the new charges. As a result, we don't know if the US government has enough money it is allowed to use to pay players. It could have anywhere between $0 and enough to cover all US balances with a bit left over. I think it is clear that they do not yet have enough to cover balances worldwide.
04-14-2012 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Greg Raymer baby!
A gentleman and a great ambassador for poker.
04-14-2012 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by DoTheMath
They haven't been fined anything yet and, if they are, it will be by a court, not by the DoJ. The DoJ has requested a fine of $1B, plus forfeiture of other assets worth hundreds of millions. The government won't get that much because FTP doesn't have that much. Expect them to come up about $1B short.
By far my fav DTM quote yet
04-14-2012 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
The Xbox poker software is so much better than FTP's....cause you can actually play on it (and it doesn't steal money from you).
Yeah the only letting the money go one way is a major flaw in the software, so I do not see how anyone can claim it was the best.

Originally Posted by bizzle03
""Lederer and Ferguson, by way of Full Tilt Poker, have effectively conceded their obligation to restore access to U.S. player accounts, stating: 'Please be assured that your funds are safe, and we thank you for your patience while we do everything in our power to have your money returned to you as soon as possible," according to the complaint.

If anyone is wondering why we have had like two statements from FTP this whole time, the bolded is the reason. Anything they say can and will be used against them in a court of law. (Also, b/c they are scumbags).
More the scumbag thing than anything else. You don't really think those guys are sitting around arguing with the lawyers about wanting to let everyone know what is going on do you?

Originally Posted by Onlyoneonetime
I don't like Todd Terry. I don't trust him. I don't know him personally, and I am not a lawyer.

But this new lawsuit REEKS of greed and selfishness.

For example, Mr. Terry uses a lot of loose wording, he believes, he thinks, he's essentially not 100% in his statements (unless he's being purposely indirect in his wording to avoid some legal snafu that would arise from discussing things as if he knew them 100%)...

he believes we won't be getting 100%, so is he filing this lawsuit because we are going to receive 99%? 95? 90? 50%?

Where does he draw the line? He believes this lawsuit won't affect the deal, but he doesn't "sound" too sure, and how could he / we know this?

If we're going to get 99%, and Mr. Terry et al are going through with this lawsuit because they want 150%, they are greedy individuals, and if I were them i'd be on my tippy toes because if they mess up the deal which would have players receive 99%/95%/75% then they will become the target of many disgruntled players. Wouldn't be surprised if Todd Terry became the new name of hate as opposed to lederer, bitar, or ferguson... if TT's lawsuit somehow ruins our chances to get most of our money back in a (relatively) timely fashion.

This is silly. People should have been more active in this from the beginning. That tens of thousands of lazy poker players have basically sat on their hands and done nothing about their 400 million dollars for over a year is astonishing. Calling someone who is doing something greedy is absurd.

I realize poker players are one of the laziest sub-classes of people who exist, but the ability to collectively sit and do nothing while waiting for others leak only the most guarded of whispers that something might be happening is astounding. Some day sociologists will study what happened here because it is amazing. I was suggesting people be more active many, many, many, many months ago in this thread. Doing nothing for fear of upsetting the applecart is not how you get things done, especially when someone stole your money.

The worst part is because of the massive apathy and the ability of the parties involved to drag this out so much, it means the likelihood of people just taking whatever they are given is how it is going to go down. Going after the people who stole the money while they sitll have assets would be the smartest move. Waiting until they sell them for pennies on the dollar to another company that is going to be immune from any legal action is not a sound strategy.

I am not making claims as to what kind of payouts will be offered, but what happens if they restart the site and they offer people 30 cents on the dollar paid out over 12 months. What exactly are people going to do then? Collectively everyone has boxed themselves in a corner and left themselves no room to maneuver or act. Some people foolishly think the threat of not playing on the new site is enough to get full reimbursement. Not likely. Let me restate this, I am not claiming that anything short of full repayment will happen. I am saying the way things have dragged on and the way the ftp player community has committed itself to sitting on its hands, if everyone wanted to screw you all again it would be very easy and you would have little to no recourse.

You going to go after Bitar and Ferguson after the DOJ is done with them? There will be nothing there. Tapie will have no obligation nor standing for responsibility for any of the debts, so again nothing to go from there. You going to go after the DOJ? My point is this very passive stance has been the wrong one from the beginning. It seems most people support it because they are afraid of upsetting someone. That is not a real good way to manage your business affairs.

I hope everything works out for everyone, but I would NEVER take issue with someone filing a lawsuit in this mess to try and get what is their money. Never in a million years, and anyone who wants to sling arrows at any people who do or blame them for any problems are way off track. The FTP player community had 400 million dollars stolen from it because they passively sat on their hands and figured things would work out....Seems like this whole mess might have forced people to try a different strategy.

It is still very unfortunate that the players did not band together early on and force themselves into the middle of the process so they could at least have a say in it. As it stands now the players have no say, and they have to take whatever the DOJ/FTP/GBT decide to give them, with no recourse.

Originally Posted by Gankstar
I remember when you corrected me on my spelling...just returning the annoying irrelevant favor.

(In case you forgot, you said to me:

"Turn off your computer and go read a book."

Perhaps now we can say typos don't reflect education or intelligence necessarily? I hope so.)
At least we understand why he is a starving writer.

Originally Posted by bbfg
cliffs need hdemet
I miss Henry.

Originally Posted by EYESCREW
Lol his cliffs would be pretty simple...

"you're not getting paid" followed by a lot of reasoning, some of it flawed but not all of it, as to why you're not getting paid.

So far HDEMET is winning!

Originally Posted by Howard Beale
Have you folks considered that it might not be GBT behind the job adds and the license application? It might be another machination brought to you by Ray Bitar Productions.

Seriously though... I questioned it earlier simply because I would think it is most likely Tapie is buying assets so it would be very unusual to be hiring people onto Poker Kings and not some new company owned by GBT.

Not saying impossible, just potentially unusual.

Last edited by SGT RJ; 04-15-2012 at 11:40 AM.
04-14-2012 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by DoTheMath
Word is, Howard Beale can recommend a few places.
04-14-2012 , 11:48 PM
This is not the first time the government has been bribed by lobbyist to take over casinos. The Sun Cruz Florida Cruise Ship lines were stifled by the government in order for Jack Abramoff to come in and buy the Casinos. In the same fashion, the UIGEA was attached to the port security bill in order to make it impossible for the online poker sites to handle transactions. Also similar to the take over of Sun Cruz was the use of Adam Kidan as a front person. In the case of Full Tilt Poker, Bernard Tapie is the front person most likely representing Wynn or Caesars. The senators ar ethe most guilty of all the colluding criminal in this matter. Harry Reid, John Kyl, and the cat snuffing health care senator I can;t even remember are the most dirty of them all. What's even more sad is they have most of you calling senators and doing thier dirty work for them we already called our senators before the UIGEA was passed and with overwhelming numbers and we were ignored. Now they will pass laws making it a legal monopoly by your own demand. It's like asking to get rake raped and begging for it. You will probably end up playing on FTP software that was forced out of their hands anyways. They even have you people believing Chris Ferguson is a criminal and a thief. He seems like one of the nicest soft spoken people to me. Ya'll are some suckers to put it mildly.
04-14-2012 , 11:51 PM
Looks like other licenses from Alderny take about 3 months from application date until they are good to go

so march 26th....+ 3 months...june?? july??
04-15-2012 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by laidplains
Looks like other licenses from Alderny take about 3 months from application date until they are good to go

so march 26th....+ 3 months...june?? july??
Meaningless... money talks. Whatever is best for the AGCC's pockets, they will do. We all know they are a ridiculous sham. They serve no purpose and protect no one.
04-15-2012 , 12:31 AM
does that mean it will be quicker or slower than precieved 2-3 month?
04-15-2012 , 12:54 AM
presumably quicker; the quicker full tilt opens, the better for alderny
04-15-2012 , 01:19 AM
1 Year coming up yay worst year of my life!!
04-15-2012 , 01:37 AM
04-15-2012 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by laidplains
Looks like other licenses from Alderny take about 3 months from application date until they are good to go

so march 26th....+ 3 months...june?? july??
No, no, no.... you don't get how this thread works. Here, let me help.

Originally Posted by laidplains
Looks like other sources from Alderny take about 3 months from source? date until they are good to go

so march 26th....+ 3 months...early next week?? late next week??
04-15-2012 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
Awwww he found a buddy isn't that cute
04-15-2012 , 01:51 AM
Just lost a sit n go on party poker... The loss was totally due to the fact that full tilt's software was so much better than party's... I never lost on fulltilt because the software was so much better...

Anyone who disagrees is a troll and they just don't get how great full tilt's software was...

04-15-2012 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by Stosh
Meaningless... money talks. Whatever is best for the AGCC's pockets, they will do. We all know they are a ridiculous sham. They serve no purpose and protect no one.
It makes me wonder what goes into being a regulatory agency and why poker sites even bother getting a license.

Is it a requirement to operate in some countries? If so, why do those countries accept regulatory licenses from places that clearly... don't regulate anything? Is anyone fooled?

I mean, if poker sites want a regulatory body that doesn't actually do anything, I'll agree to do nothing for way less than Alderny is doing it.

TBH, Alderny's job is... what? If they have no liability when **** hits the fan, what's the purpose of them even being there? I mean, if it was my job to look after something but there were zero consequences to it going missing/getting stolen/busted, I'd take the money, leave whatever I was supposed to be watching on a street corner, and hope for the best.

It would seem like one of the key parts of being a regulatory body is assuming some responsibility if you fail to regulate the company you were paid to.
04-15-2012 , 02:13 AM
^^Was wondering the same exact thing, so odd
