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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

03-14-2012 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by SpecialOne
the article says the deal is done not that it WILL be done in the near future, can u understand english?
How many times have we heard this ? You really think this deal is done in a week? Wanna put money on it? I'll give you 2-1
03-14-2012 , 03:44 PM
They have clearly just been buying time since the licences were revoked. The more time that passes the less angry people get and the less likely they are to face serious legal consequences for what they have done. It seems to me the legal and pr teams number 1 job has been to keep everyone happily waiting.
03-14-2012 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by SuperJez
They have clearly just been buying time since the licences were revoked. The more time that passes the less angry people get and the less likely they are to face serious legal consequences for what they have done. It seems to me the legal and pr teams number 1 job has been to keep everyone happily waiting.
03-14-2012 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by SuperJez
They have clearly just been buying time since the licences were revoked. The more time that passes the less angry people get and the less likely they are to face serious legal consequences for what they have done. It seems to me the legal and pr teams number 1 job has been to keep everyone happily waiting.
When they see people start waking up to this then the whole thing will fall apart.
03-14-2012 , 03:49 PM
03-14-2012 , 03:49 PM
everything will be much clearer in 1-2 days obviously, and i dont get why u are crying out so bad, maybe u sold ur ftp money or u were a loser player or whatever but we just got info from a site that we know is legit and in the past has never got out of line with their news and its stating that the deal is done and not in the progress of getting it done.. it wouldnt hurt to waiting a couple of days then u can start whinning again
03-14-2012 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by SuperJez
They have clearly just been buying time since the licences were revoked. The more time that passes the less angry people get and the less likely they are to face serious legal consequences for what they have done. It seems to me the legal and pr teams number 1 job has been to keep everyone happily waiting.
I agree with you a 100%. It's a common defense tactic to put as much time as possible between the supposed crime and the trial.
03-14-2012 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by SpecialOne
everything will be much clearer in 1-2 days obviously, and i dont get why u are crying out so bad, maybe u sold ur ftp money or u were a loser player or whatever but we just got info from a site that we know is legit and in the past has never got out of line with their news and its stating that the deal is done and not in the progress of getting it done.. it wouldnt hurt to waiting a couple of days then u can start whinning again
Do you work for the site ? Wow are you gonna be butt hurt when this ends. And as far as me being a "loser player". I'll also put 2-1 that I have more money stuck on ftp then you do.
03-14-2012 , 03:57 PM
for what you're saying to be possible that would mean GBT is in on the "let's stall so bitar & co dont go to jail" which makes absolutely no sense
03-14-2012 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
how is daniel right?

hes just stating his opinion without any source while we get an article from a very serious site that says pretty much the opposite
Yeah guys, pretty much this. When DN said what he said he for sure hadn't read the EGR article yet, and I think he feels pretty stupid about the comment now. I know yall love conspiracy theories but really tell me what the angle is here? I am really curious.

Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
You really think they dont know what news and rumours are floating
Around the poker world before they come out public? This is a big joke.
It all depends how much Daniel knows, doesn't it. I like Daniel but I also know him as the type of guy that has a big mouth and words things way more strongly than he means them. This leads me to believe he probably doesn't know all that much, and is just jiberjabbing.

Originally Posted by SuperJez
It's just my opinion as well Kirby. I hope you get your money, I really do as you deserve it and if you dont get it a bunch of thieves will have made off unpunished with your hard earned. This is exactly what we don't need in poker world. However any rational person knowing all the facts and looking at what has gone on here, can only come to one conclusion.
Any rational person would conclude: we don't know enough, we can't make a certain judgement on the situation.

Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Let's be realistic, this game of the sky is falling one minute and then conveniently positive news after silence for weeks. It's getting really old. I don't know the reason to keep dragging this on but i wouldn't doubt if it's buying these criminals time
to do things keeping them out if jail. Let's just realize we are being played and move our energy to getting the FTP crew put in jail and then worry about our money. It's getting so obvious what's going on I can't believe none of the 2+2 detectives have figured it out.
I'm sorry but the way you view things is just stupid. Maybe you think that you live in some super important space where everything that you feel is super accurate and important, but it simply isn't. Do you REALLY think that Tapie was like sitting around in his office, and someone called him "yo, DN just said the deal is dead on Pokerstrategy bro", and Tapie was like "OK **** COMMUNITY CANT THINK THAT LETS CALL EGR SOME POSITIVE NEWS SO WE CAN GO ON..................." doing what exactly? Tell me please.

Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
I would feel a lot better if positive news ever came on its own and not right after things look darkest.
This is by far not the darkest it has looked, even without today's article. You're just in an emotional state or some ****.

Originally Posted by Genetikfreak
Just how legit is egr? ... but last news coming from ppl close to 'real' negotiations is def positive, also the fact that bitar has spoken at least gives us reason to believe we will have an answer soon
They are a site that basicly tries to be "the news source" for people professionally involved in the gaming industry. So they are pretty ****ing leggit and would not post unlikely rumours, IMO.

Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Your the same type of person that would say ya I'm sure FTP is broke. They make millions a day in rake. Keep your head in the sand.
Blablabla bias blablabla

Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
How many times have we heard this ? You really think this deal is done in a week? Wanna put money on it? I'll give you 2-1
Make it 20 days and I'll bet . I'll even lower the odds to 1.5-1 .

Originally Posted by SuperJez
They have clearly just been buying time since the licences were revoked. The more time that passes the less angry people get and the less likely they are to face serious legal consequences for what they have done. It seems to me the legal and pr teams number 1 job has been to keep everyone happily waiting.
Yeah, that is how the legal system works, stall stall stall and wait until everyone has forgotten you stole 300 million? Give me one example where just the stalling has made any impact on a case. Stop posting bull**** imo.

Last edited by bbfg; 03-14-2012 at 04:01 PM. Reason: /rant
03-14-2012 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
for what you're saying to be possible that would mean GBT is in on the "let's stall so bitar & co dont go to jail" which makes absolutely no sense
I think GBT was pushed to FTP by that company they hired just before GBT expressed an interest (FTP hired a company that specialised in finding investors for distressed businesses). GBT very likely wanted the publicity and players and software for his ISPT thing. However FTP have spun the whole thing out over months and never revealed to him the true state of what he was buying, letting him uncover it himself through due dilligence. I dont think he ever had any serious intentions of putting up the hundreds of millions due to players, even excluding USA repayment. His interest was due to the ISPT imo and FTP have spun it out ever since.
03-14-2012 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by SuperJez
I think GBT was pushed to FTP by that company they hired just before GBT expressed an interest (FTP hired a company that specialised in finding investors for distressed businesses). GBT very likely wanted the publicity and players and software for his ISPT thing. However FTP have spun the whole thing out over months and never revealed to him the true state of what he was buying, letting him uncover it himself through due dilligence. I dont think he ever had any serious intentions of putting up the hundreds of millions due to players, even excluding USA repayment. His interest was due to the ISPT imo and FTP have spun it out ever since.
Dead on.
03-14-2012 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
for what you're saying to be possible that would mean GBT is in on the "let's stall so bitar & co dont go to jail" which makes absolutely no sense
Again, this. GBT might look like some non-important man to some of you, but he's ****ing leggit and would not waste time to shoot some super weird angle to get something done that is of no significance to him. Unless there is some super secret like Bitar is Tapie's son, this is simply a ridiculously stupid tin-foil-hat-scenario that has 0% chance of being the truth.
03-14-2012 , 04:08 PM
Can anyone that is a premium subscriber give cliffs to this article as well?
Full Tilt and Tapie set to complete deal this week
03-14-2012 , 04:09 PM

oh wow
03-14-2012 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by SuperJez
I think GBT was pushed to FTP by that company they hired just before GBT expressed an interest (FTP hired a company that specialised in finding investors for distressed businesses). GBT very likely wanted the publicity and players and software for his ISPT thing. However FTP have spun the whole thing out over months and never revealed to him the true state of what he was buying, letting him uncover it himself through due dilligence. I dont think he ever had any serious intentions of putting up the hundreds of millions due to players, even excluding USA repayment. His interest was due to the ISPT imo and FTP have spun it out ever since.
So GBT has an idea to organise big poker tournaments, so to get his name out there he gives hope to thousands of poker players for months and then basicly says "**** you but please come play at ISPT"?

Yeah, that's a really good way to get the poker worlds trust... Associate yourself with the biggest scam ever in poker right before asking the poker world to trust you and come play in your tournaments...
03-14-2012 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by thejayman
Can anyone that is a premium subscriber give cliffs to this article as well?
Full Tilt and Tapie set to complete deal this week
Deadline was extended to March 16th, everyone is confident this deadline will be met. Posted today.
03-14-2012 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Again, this. GBT might look like some non-important man to some of you, but he's ****ing leggit and would not waste time to shoot some super weird angle to get something done that is of no significance to him. Unless there is some super secret like Bitar is Tapie's son, this is simply a ridiculously stupid tin-foil-hat-scenario that has 0% chance of being the truth.

Right because people with lots of money never make super shady deals. I'm starting to wonder how many shill accounts are associated with this scam. Hate to admit it but Harry was right all along.
03-14-2012 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Right because people with lots of money never make super shady deals. I'm starting to wonder how many shill accounts are associated with this scam. Hate to admit it but Harry was right all along.
I am an Aug 2009 account that started playing on Pokerstars (and am playing there now) if you manage to find my oldest posts, why the **** would you accuse me of being a FTP shill? It makes 0 sense. Anyway, I offered you a bet. You ignored.
03-14-2012 , 04:17 PM
Nothing is done until it's done but JFC some these comments/speculations are stupefyingly absurd.
03-14-2012 , 04:24 PM
The idea that the master PR manipulators of Full Tilt Poker (7 words that are a joke to themselves) decided to counter leak against Daniel Negreanu's talk-of-his-ass rant is laughable.
03-14-2012 , 04:41 PM


im probably gonna go into a depression if this is bs
03-14-2012 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
How many times have we heard this ? You really think this deal is done in a week? Wanna put money on it? I'll give you 2-1
I'll make a small wager. Do you have an account on BCP?
03-14-2012 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by SwedishAggroMonkey


im probably gonna go into a depression if this is bs
Go into? Join the party, I've been there for months....
03-14-2012 , 04:48 PM
After failure to repay players Full tilt was never even close to being worth what tapie was going to have to pay. People just won't deposit as much money and as a result they won't be playing as much. They would have lost all their american players and only a fraction of row players would have returned from pokerstars, and that would be just to try and reclaim their old balances. If he did buy full tilt he would have been stupid. It's not even worth 30 million for the software.
