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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
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887 43.42%

11-24-2011 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by AlphaScorpii
@Mike Johnson:

And you wrote this because? Tell me 1 good thing that lederer did after black friday to help "his" customers.
Because it was interesting to hear a good friend of Lederer's describe his knowledge of Howard and full tilt. Mike is not implying anything about Howard just stating what he got out of an interview with Lederer's good friend....
11-24-2011 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Shooster
Because it was interesting to hear a good friend of Lederer's describe his knowledge of Howard and full tilt. Mike is not implying anything about Howard just stating what he got out of an interview with Lederer's good friend....
Sry but that text is not interesting to me. It just frustrates me and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
11-24-2011 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by AlphaScorpii
Sry but that text is not interesting to me. It just frustrates me and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
So because it's not interesting to should not be posted?
11-24-2011 , 04:56 PM
Mike, I appreciate that you are just the messenger, relaying words from Mr.Boston, but... i'm not sure if you posting it here was designed to generate sympathy for Mr. Lederer? He was voted as "#1 most powerful person in poker"

He had a responsibility to protect us, instead he left us to the wolves, and now we should consider him a great man because he was a good shepherd, once upon a time?

The only way he will ever find a -chance- of being forgiven by the poker community is if and when we are paid out (or ... dare I say... made "whole" whatever that will turn out to mean). Until then, let him hide in his mansions and cry

edit: honestly mike... poor taste posting that here.

Last edited by Mycology; 11-24-2011 at 05:04 PM. Reason: tsk tsk tsk
11-24-2011 , 05:00 PM
At the present time, the majority of the poker world see's Howard Lederer as a fool/crook/whatever. So when someone says something nice about him, it's a common reaction for many people to say.. WTF WHY WHAT????
11-24-2011 , 05:16 PM
I mean I took in the context that it was his "good friend" making these comments. Nevertheless I mearly wanted to hear what he had to say about his involvement in the company and the little info he gave. Im mad too, I'm just not going flip out any time I see howard lederer name or hear what his friends think of him. If its info about howard and his involvement in the company im interested..
11-24-2011 , 05:31 PM
oops slow pony is slow

Last edited by AdamSchwartz; 11-24-2011 at 05:38 PM.
11-24-2011 , 05:33 PM
Mike, you say you spoke to Mr. Boston on your show for 45 minutes, so you are more than a messenger. Did you ask Mr. Boston why, if Howard Lederer is so pure, honest and real, he doesn't give an interview and make public all information he has regarding FTP?
11-24-2011 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Gioco
Mike, you say you spoke to Mr. Boston on your show for 45 minutes, so you are more than a messenger. Did you ask Mr. Boston why, if Howard Lederer is so pure, honest and real, he doesn't give an interview and make public all information he has regarding FTP?
+1 Lederer is really good man, but he dont care about our money.
11-24-2011 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Big Mack
So because it's not interesting to should not be posted?
I never said that the text shouldn't have been posted. I see my post looks strange. It was retorical question and not question for Mike. Can't edit it anymore.

It's just that HL looks like a victim in that post and that makes me angry.
11-24-2011 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Mycology
Mike, I appreciate that you are just the messenger, relaying words from Mr.Boston, but... i'm not sure if you posting it here was designed to generate sympathy for Mr. Lederer? He was voted as "#1 most powerful person in poker"

He had a responsibility to protect us, instead he left us to the wolves, and now we should consider him a great man because he was a good shepherd, once upon a time?

The only way he will ever find a -chance- of being forgiven by the poker community is if and when we are paid out (or ... dare I say... made "whole" whatever that will turn out to mean). Until then, let him hide in his mansions and cry

edit: honestly mike... poor taste posting that here.
11-24-2011 , 05:50 PM
money will come in january imo. too big to fail
11-24-2011 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Why was he on the board of directors if he resigned the vice presidency 3 years ago? Similar question to those who claim Ferguson was divorced from the running of the company. Did they just give Bitar free reign to make all the key decisions, they keep him on after he stole $300mm+ and turned a cash cow in to a massive legal and financial liability? Something doesn't add up.
Reading this, the idea crossed my mind that under a plausible scenario, Bitar was indeed given full reign and was mismanaging the company... so in order to give the impression that all was steady on full tilt, he just kept giving normal dividends to the stock owners.

Again, just speculating here and I am probably wrong.
11-24-2011 , 06:29 PM
LOL, it was a post for people who have been following the story to hear different opinions on the principles involved. I thought some of those quotes I plucked from Boston were fairly noteworthy strong statements from one of the few people who has actually talked to HL at all since BF. Obviously, make up your own mind as to whether you have any sympathy for HL. I don't presume many, if any, will. For those not interested in the interview, move along.
11-24-2011 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Johnson
LOL, it was a post for people who have been following the story to hear different opinions on the principles involved. I thought some of those quotes I plucked from Boston were fairly noteworthy strong statements from one of the few people who has actually talked to HL at all since BF. Obviously, make up your own mind as to whether you have any sympathy for HL. I don't presume many, if any, will. For those not interested in the interview, move along.
I have been following this story since Day 1, and I have read all 906 pages of this thread, and will likely read it until the day it dies and is locked, God willing. If there is one thing I could care less about, its what HL's friends, parents, former lovers, lawyers, or anyone (or RB, or any of the thieves) have to say about him. Good , bad, indifferent, really doesn't matter.

Perhaps you should interview Ray Bitar's mother and then post quotes here about how she thinks he's "such a nice boy" and "i love my little ray ray, he would never hurt a fly!".

I'm sure even Osama had friends who would vouch he was a "good guy", and a "pure soul". "He really wanted to be on the front line of al qaeda... but his wife said he was spending too much time away from home and his other 8 wives.. so he handed over the reins"

so ... would you go to a 9/11 forum or thread and post Osama's friends POSITIVE opinions about him?

No. You wouldn't. Nor would you come to a FTP thread and post HL's friends' positive opinions about him.

"LOL" is a very D-bag reply to the revulsion you've encountered to your post. For those not interested in the interview - we won't listen to your interview, and we didn't, but you brought it here. Sick advertising, bro.

happy thanksgiving, dinner time.
11-24-2011 , 06:52 PM
Wow! Thank you Adam for those quotes from Alan Boston. That clears everything up. Poor Howard, clearly just another victim in this whole mess! I can't believe he's being put through all of this. Just unreal bad beat for him. I hope Annie Duke is there hugging him and giving him sympathy 24/7. Perhaps 2+2 should send him a holiday card? I even know exactly how to word it. "Give the players their ****ing money back you theiving piece of ****! Best wishes, 2+2 "

It's amazing how everybody wants to pin this whole mess on one guy, Bitar. FT is way too big of a company for one guy to be responsible for all of the wrongdoings.

One last thing I'd like to add...

11-24-2011 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Johnson
LOL, it was a post for people who have been following the story to hear different opinions on the principles involved. I thought some of those quotes I plucked from Boston were fairly noteworthy strong statements from one of the few people who has actually talked to HL at all since BF. Obviously, make up your own mind as to whether you have any sympathy for HL. I don't presume many, if any, will. For those not interested in the interview, move along.
Just listened to it, although he is someone who would obviously be on Howard's side, what Alan has to say does make a lot of sense.

And from what I know, Alan is a pretty straight up guy >> tells it how he sees it.

Edit: listen to it before commenting IMO.
PS Mycology, steal away I stole it from someone myself.
11-24-2011 , 06:57 PM
I am not questioning if HL is a honest guy and all that...maybe he is, but I do not believe he was unaware of the whole mess that was happening before Black Friday and put the whole business to the edge. Soon we will find out that there is nobody responsible and it was only that associate who missclicked...
11-24-2011 , 07:06 PM
I would love to hear an apology from Howard as well, but if his lawyers advise him to be silent he will do what he is told for now.
11-24-2011 , 07:16 PM
223 days out and FTP still has hope. I suppose I'm thankful for that and that our perceived equity right now is greater than 10%. My Christmas wish is to know we will be getting all or most of our funds returned to us in due time. Here's to health and reclaiming our lost wealth!
11-24-2011 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by Mycology
I have been following this story since Day 1, and I have read all 906 pages of this thread, and will likely read it until the day it dies and is locked, God willing. If there is one thing I could care less about, its what HL's friends, parents, former lovers, lawyers, or anyone (or RB, or any of the thieves) have to say about him. Good , bad, indifferent, really doesn't matter.

Perhaps you should interview Ray Bitar's mother and then post quotes here about how she thinks he's "such a nice boy" and "i love my little ray ray, he would never hurt a fly!".

I'm sure even Osama had friends who would vouch he was a "good guy", and a "pure soul". "He really wanted to be on the front line of al qaeda... but his wife said he was spending too much time away from home and his other 8 wives.. so he handed over the reins"

so ... would you go to a 9/11 forum or thread and post Osama's friends POSITIVE opinions about him?

No. You wouldn't. Nor would you come to a FTP thread and post HL's friends' positive opinions about him.

"LOL" is a very D-bag reply to the revulsion you've encountered to your post. For those not interested in the interview - we won't listen to your interview, and we didn't, but you brought it here. Sick advertising, bro.

happy thanksgiving, dinner time.
The LOL was in reply to the ludicrous assertion that I was attempting to garner sympathy for HL. If I was simply advertising for the show I would have just posted a link to the interview and not cherry-picked a few quotes to save those who didn't want to listen to a long convo the change to hear a bit of what someone close to HL said about his involvement/lack thereof.

many people read these threads including ROW players, those who may run into HL in a poker room one day etc.. Didn't see how exposing people to different takes on the man is harmful.

I wish we had thanksgiving up here. America's Hat FTL. At least they don't black out the hand-egg.
11-24-2011 , 07:25 PM
Lol mycology +1, who cares what people think about howard lederer. Hes a scumbag simple as that. All that matters is justice
11-24-2011 , 07:31 PM
No matter how guilty someone is, or appears to be,others will vouch for him, friends, relatives, and a few delusional hangers on! No suprises here. HL is not really Charles Manson or J Dahmer, so he has supporters!
11-24-2011 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Mycology
"i love my little ray ray, he would never hurt a fly!".
Howard sent the email about only having 6m/~390 left, right? So he obviously knew what was goin down
11-24-2011 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by oneonth3run
223 days out and FTP still has hope. I suppose I'm thankful for that and that our perceived equity right now is greater than 10%. My Christmas wish is to know we will be getting all or most of our funds returned to us in due time. Here's to health and reclaiming our lost wealth!
