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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

11-16-2011 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by Sentenzza
cliffs on what happened today with Jesus, is it a good or bad thing?
from the opinions i've heard so far ITT, the happenings with Jesus are indifferent to getting money back/the FTP deal.
11-17-2011 , 12:20 AM
The tension is palpable here. We need some news soon. Without a "common enemy" so to speak, we seem to be venting all our destructive energies at each other.
11-17-2011 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by kamikaze baby
It's a lot more frustrating for everyone else just coming to this thread for relevant updates to read your pointless speculation about the nationalities of people posting here. Especially when Canadians are free to play poker anywhere. Anyway, I'm not adding anything to the discussion so I'll stop; I'm just hoping this thread could remain largely free of irrelevant, uninformed, and inane posts.
Well, not quite. We can't play on Boss Media because our provincial sites are Boss Media software, and we can't play on Entraction anymore for some reason. There might be a couple more we can't play on, but yes, for the most part, we can play anywhere we want, as we should!
11-17-2011 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by Mycology
The tension is palpable here. We need some news soon. Without a "common enemy" so to speak, we seem to be venting all our destructive energies at each other.
This. Everyone should calm down. FTP will be back and open for business as usual early 2012. Finally we can all go back home and stop ****ing about on inferior pokersites that arent worth our time or effort. End of.
11-17-2011 , 05:27 AM
I'm laughing so hard at how hard multiple people decided to **** a ****ing brick just because EYESCREW decided to speculate on the nationality of a poster. Good lord.
11-17-2011 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by Haupt_234
from the opinions i've heard so far ITT, the happenings with Jesus are indifferent to getting money back/the FTP deal.
I'm not sure if this link has been posted yet:

I didn't realise there was at least 294 million in seized bank accts. I thought the DOJ had seized a fair bit less than that?

And the article goes on to specify that the accounts contain player deposits. Not sure the significance of that being specified, anybody care to comment?

I mean he's acting on behalf of the companies that comprise Full Tilt Poker, and if FTP regains an amount like that then I think its of huge significance (unless I'm missing something which is pretty likely- been out of the loop), where player refunds are concerned.

Last edited by AntiHer0; 11-17-2011 at 06:04 AM.
11-17-2011 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by August1980JoinDate
is there a way i can only see what diamond or hoah are saying, I cant figue it out?
best thing I can suggest is hitting search this thread at the top of the thread.

>advanced search>search posts by user>checkmark show results as 'posts'.

Not sure if you can add multiple usernames to the search by username field, if so I'm not familiar with the syntax sorry.
11-17-2011 , 06:59 AM
People can be pretty ******ed sometimes. I wasn't comparing the position of American poker players to that of Canadians. Everybody knows Canadians can play and Americans can't. I was suggesting there were similarities between the English used by Canadians and Americans.

Due to the English used by Canadians and Americans being so similar I made the comment that the person responsible for this post:

Originally Posted by BigKawk

when are we going to be able to play again?
could be American or Canadian. How the hell did some of you nimrods conclude that I was comparing Canadians to Americans?
11-17-2011 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by Blizzuff
I'm laughing so hard at how hard multiple people decided to **** a ****ing brick just because EYESCREW decided to speculate on the nationality of a poster. Good lord.
I agree. And his assumption seemed like a common sense one at that.

As for the topic, does this money (assuming it is a legitimate number which we dont know yet) mean this money is held in bank accounts, liquid, in FTP and their associated companies and their accounts?

Or does this money represent not only company accounts, but also individual / personal accounts as well, in addition to company accounts?

What does this mean as far as it being a game changer for all ftp players being paid, if its found out that $200 million in FTP funds is liquid in accounts able to be put towards debt? Obviously thats $200 million to put toward the debt, but they would need more. Seems that it could only be a good thing but I could see some ways it complicates matters as well.
11-17-2011 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
People can be pretty ******ed sometimes.
How the hell did some of you nimrods
Edit: I just deleted my post because I basically was just telling Eyescrew how inane I find his posts generally and that's not really appropriate for the forum.

Last edited by kamikaze baby; 11-17-2011 at 08:00 AM.
11-17-2011 , 08:05 AM

donesnt sound too promising,too many ifs and buts and lots more waiting to come.
I am done waiting and hoping.
11-17-2011 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by coduresa

donesnt sound too promising,too many ifs and buts and lots more waiting to come.
I am done waiting and hoping.
Sounds mostly promising to me but hey... People are overreacting badly to the fact that Laurent said "two weeks" and a deal wasn't finalized and announced by the two week mark.

One strange thing is that the lawyer is quoted as saying that Laurent's estimation of two weeks is "about right", yet that was over two weeks ago. Not sure what to make of that, unless the lawyer was told about the two weeks quote for this report and he thought it was a current quote.
11-17-2011 , 08:57 AM
I didn't see this mentioned anywhere and would appreciate if Diamond or Noah could comment on it:

From a DF article I read on SP, Chris ferguson was allocated 85m but was only paid 25m in distribution payments with the balance being owed to him.

1. Was he ever paid the remaining 60m?
2. Since he seems to be one of the biggest shareholders based off these distribution payments, can/will he be a problem in voting for the Tapie deal if he is still owed this significant sum of money?
3. Is there any word if this 60m is part of the negotiations at all wrt the Tapie deal?

I really can't see CF letting this 60m payment slide and being happy about not getting the money he believes is 'rightfully' his. Since his distribution payment was so large, I'm assuming his votes count more than others. If this assumption is correct, is it possible for him to hold this deal up?

I've also read rumors that current shareholders at FTP could remain shareholders in FTP2. Could this 60m payment owed to Ferguson, be a reason why old owners would still have a stake in new FTP?

Thanks and good job covering this mess.
11-17-2011 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by coduresa

donesnt sound too promising,too many ifs and buts and lots more waiting to come.
I am done waiting and hoping.
Found this quote by Tapie's lawyer of greatest interest on the pokernewsreport website:

“It’s a two-step process,” Dayanim was quick to explain. “The first step is an agreement with the DoJ. The next step is an agreement between Full Tilt and Tapie.We still need to get the first step done. Then, there needs to be a period of due diligence. Once that period closes, if we close on the acquisition, then we’ll be able to get the site running in short order. In terms of reimbursing players, it all depends on the details of the agreement with the DoJ.”

Just wish that the website attributed dates and times to the numerous quotes made by Dayamin as they have obviously been made at differing times over a period of weeks. Hence if this is a very recent quote (havent seen this bit before anywhere) then the DoJ hurdle still has a way to go.

Be nice to hear from the DoJ in an official capacity. Only news we seem to get is from Tapie's camp and FTP which is akin to a propoganda machine or PR exercise in action with a huge bias to it depending from where it comes..

Last edited by Hdemet; 11-17-2011 at 09:18 AM.
11-17-2011 , 09:04 AM
I don't see where he could have any leverage in voting no. Kill off the last investor and get nothing but possibly jail time and his assets confiscated
11-17-2011 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by coduresa

donesnt sound too promising,too many ifs and buts and lots more waiting to come.
I am done waiting and hoping.
Originally Posted by Hdemet
Found this quote by Tapie's lawyer of greatest interest on the pokernewsreport website:

“It’s a two-step process,” Dayanim was quick to explain. “The first step is an agreement with the DoJ. The next step is an agreement between Full Tilt and Tapie.We still need to get the first step done. Then, there needs to be a period of due diligence. Once that period closes, if we close on the acquisition, then we’ll be able to get the site running in short order. In terms of reimbursing players, it all depends on the details of the agreement with the DoJ.”

Just wish that the website attributed dates and times to the numerous quotes made by Dayamin as they have obviously been made at differing times over a period of weeks. Hence if this is a very recent quote (havent seen this bit before anywhere) then the DoJ hurdle still has a way to go.

Be nice to hear from the DoJ in an official capacity. Only news we seem to get is from Tapie's camp and FTP which is akin to a propoganda machine or PR exercise in action with a huge bias to it depending from where it comes..
That website is garbage, they pretty much just rip off articles from other websites.

Here is the p5s article that that article is based on, which identifies the quotes as having been from an exclusive interview with p5s on Tuesday:
11-17-2011 , 10:01 AM
I doubt any shareholder would vote no. Being one of the people responsible for not allowing the people you stole from to be repaid would definitely not look good for them liability wise.
11-17-2011 , 10:07 AM
any of you guys have any insider in Pocket Kings?

not sure if it is a rumor but while I was playing in a home game last night my friend received an email from his cousin who is still working in Pocket Kings Dublin ,,,, saying " that he had heard huge good news and that the lowly rest of us should hear something public by monday at the latest " ,,,,,, ???????

anybody any info or way of unearthing this guys ?

one time !!!!
11-17-2011 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Guyra
I've also read rumors that current shareholders at FTP could remain shareholders in FTP2. Could this 60m payment owed to Ferguson, be a reason why old owners would still have a stake in new FTP?

Thanks and good job covering this mess.
i acctually think this might be the reason why there are rumours of old shareholders being new shareholders as well. Not because they are necesarrily clinging to their shares, but because some shareholders are probably also creditors and will want to be treated like the other creditors (i am not saying they are entitled to that, i just point out the logic) and would take a stake in the company in lieu of payment.
11-17-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by DJRiccoLaw
any of you guys have any insider in Pocket Kings?

not sure if it is a rumor but while I was playing in a home game last night my friend received an email from his cousin who is still working in Pocket Kings Dublin ,,,, saying " that he had heard huge good news and that the lowly rest of us should hear something public by monday at the latest " ,,,,,, ???????

anybody any info or way of unearthing this guys ?

one time !!!!
Well it certainly qualifies as only a rumor, but I hope there is substance behind it this time! GL to you
11-17-2011 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Guyra
I didn't see this mentioned anywhere and would appreciate if Diamond or Noah could comment on it:

From a DF article I read on SP, Chris ferguson was allocated 85m but was only paid 25m in distribution payments with the balance being owed to him.

1. Was he ever paid the remaining 60m?
2. Since he seems to be one of the biggest shareholders based off these distribution payments, can/will he be a problem in voting for the Tapie deal if he is still owed this significant sum of money?
3. Is there any word if this 60m is part of the negotiations at all wrt the Tapie deal?

I really can't see CF letting this 60m payment slide and being happy about not getting the money he believes is 'rightfully' his. Since his distribution payment was so large, I'm assuming his votes count more than others. If this assumption is correct, is it possible for him to hold this deal up?

I've also read rumors that current shareholders at FTP could remain shareholders in FTP2. Could this 60m payment owed to Ferguson, be a reason why old owners would still have a stake in new FTP?

Thanks and good job covering this mess.
Let me clarify please...

My article did not really say what you claim. Quote:

Chris Ferguson was allegedly allocated at least $85 million, but reportedly only received $25 million of that, with the rest of the balance listed as owed to him.

1. The words "allegedly" "reportedly" and "listed as being owed" are not to be taken lightly. I cannot state with certainty that Ferguson is owed $ 60 million, nor did the DOJ in their amended complaint. The $ 25 million that was traced to personal accounts of his could now be subject to forfeiture, pending that amended complaint.

2. IIRC the DOJ amended complaint asserts that Ferguson owns 19.2% of the FTP companies. AFAIK, a vote would require 2/3 majority of share percentages (67%). Ferguson has not shared with me how he plans to vote.

3. I have no inside information regarding this question and would be reduced to speculation only, which I am trying to avoid. Sorry.

As to possible ownership issues for current owners, I cannot speak with any specificity except to say that I was reassured that any possible equity of current owners in the new company would be strictly in a passive capacity, i.e. with no management control or voting privileges etc.
11-17-2011 , 12:06 PM

sorry old news disregard!
11-17-2011 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by ike
That website is garbage, they pretty much just rip off articles from other websites.

Here is the p5s article that that article is based on, which identifies the quotes as having been from an exclusive interview with p5s on Tuesday:

so in this interview with Tapies lawyers on the 15th, its claimed they are still waiting to hear back from the DOJ on a possible deal

We are waiting to hear back from the DOJ and still hoping to finalize an agreement
Yet SubjectPoker on the 1st of November in the headline article claimed

BREAKING: GBT and DOJ Strike Deal, FTP Sale Pending

After weeks of waiting, Subject: Poker can confirm that Groupe Bernard Tapie and the US Department of Justice have come to terms that allow GBT's acquisition of Full Tilt Poker to continue.
Obviously one of these things is not like the other?

Would Subjectpoker like to comment on this?
11-17-2011 , 01:00 PM

It seems like they came to terms on the bigger issues (Subject poker article), are locking down all the smaller stuff (Tapie lawyer quotes, P5), probably put it down on paper and are waiting for final approval from the DOJ (again, from Tapie lawyer quotes), which is likely a highly bureaucratic process.

If they had come to an agreement with the DOJ on every issue it probably would not take two weeks to get it down on paper and finalized.

We'll probably hear more in a few days. Not all that worth trying to read deeply into everything that everyone says or had said. Tapie lawyer said things are going well and that Tapie's timeline (the next couple of days) is still reasonable.
11-17-2011 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Skallagrim
I thank you for this information. I agree it is unlikely that various the reports of the actual amount seized and frozen by the DOJ would alter the progress of the agreements. I would expect the parties to the agreement to know all the true details even though they are not available to the public.

But I had to post to say that I do find it very interesting that every single original public report so far, both official and unofficial, has come up with different (and sometimes directly contradictory) amounts.

While some reports may just be wrong, it occurs to me that what is likely going on here is that everybody is using a different way of counting things and so until we can be sure everybody is using the same definitions, all these different numbers cannot really be compared.

Hopefully once a deal is struck and made public it will let us know both the numbers and the definitions used classify those numbers.

FWIW, up until now, I've looked into every major reported number of seized dollars, and all the numbers reported from people other than myself and Diamond have come from errors, blatant lies, or fraudulent documents. So, it's true that there have been a ton of different numbers reported, but it's not true that this comes from different ways of counting.

It is the case that the accounting here isn't so simple, and it's entirely within the realm of possibiliy for $40M to come from different accounting methods. I'm busy with non-poker stuff at the moment, so I haven't personally had a chance to look into where that number is coming from. Hopefully I'll be able to figure it out.
