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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

09-26-2011 , 01:47 PM
I just want to rember all that on July 26 we had an official comunicate that the new audience was delay to September 15 and than September 19.
Today September 26, we dont have any idea what we are waiting for, all can say every thing, but we dont have an official comunication from AGCC.
09-26-2011 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by yesright
Isnt this exactly what you would say/do if you are desperate to not lose you licence.

You say and do anything to keep them from shutting you down.

I hope I am totally wrong and we all get our money back but I just feel this is cruel shell game being played to extract as much money from the company as possible before its liquidated.
there LITERALLY. is NO. MONEY. LEFT. maybe save for like 1 or 2 million which means absolutely dick with regards to the overall greater context. There is nothing to extract anymore.
09-26-2011 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by coduresa
I live in Germany,thought it would be a bit weird.
I think it is very important to get in contact with the DOJ and stress again how important it is for us as players to give the investor a chance to pay everybody back.
I also sent a mail to AGCC again,asking them to make the right choice in the interest of the players,might be too late,but it cant hurt.
You can call from gmail completely free and there is nothing at all wrong with calling as a German or from Germany. Why not just do it?
09-26-2011 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by coduresa
FTP DOES NOT NEED A LICENSE TO TAKE THE REST OF THE MONEY OUT OF THE COMPANY!!!If the current owners only interest would be to get the rest of the money in their pockets they could do it just as well without a license,whats the difference?
This is correct of course. Whatever is really going on behind closed doors is not likely about what's best for the players funds, BUT whatever is going on is also, not likely, another scam or action that will hurt players any more than things already have! It's likely just the "suits" making the best deals for themselves as it always is.
09-26-2011 , 01:52 PM

Feel The Shame by Jesse May

It didn’t really bother me when Poker Spot folded, because that guy had history. And I laughed about the money Aces Poker stole, because anyone who trusted them couldn’t ever spot a cheat. The Ultimate Bet scandal wasn’t really that surprising, as we’d heard stories about him for years. And it never shocked me when they cheated me in Atlantic City, or went partners against me in Vegas, or at Foxwoods tried to do a runner with my funds. The nips, the moves, the cheats, the angle shooters, and those that were just plain thieves. For the past ten years when the stars put on their caps and badges and smiled for the TV, we used to smile to ourselves. And then we’d laugh as we’d tick off the big names in poker and say, “But he’s really just a little scumbag, isn’t he?” Because they pretty much all were. And that’s the way it’s always been.

I didn’t always think like that, of course, and neither did you. I came into poker just like yourself, wide eyed and dough faced and on the back of a little bit of luck. Full of passion for the game and a romantic view of the poker world and a desire to be accepted by the rambling gambling men who ruled. It’s natural when you have a pocketful of money and a bellyful of gamble and all the confidence in the world, it’s natural that when it comes to people you can be a little naïve. I certainly was, and so probably were you.

But you get wiser because you have to. My circle got small and my radar got sharp and I could count all the people that I could really trust on maybe one hand. And I told them they could trust me. And pretty much everyone else were scumbags and cheats. In poker, that’s the way it’s always been. That’s the way it’s been for me, and that’s the way it is for you. And we don’t ever talk out of turn. Because in this world if you **** where you eat, then you’ll end up hungry. That’s what you need to know about poker. That’s what you need to know about me.

I’ve been around long enough so that just one more scam, cheat, or mismanagement of funds, one more of those should be just like more water off another duck’s back. But something happened to me when Full Tilt Poker collapsed. This one is different. This has laid me low. It’s not just anger I feel, it’s not just disdain, and I can’t sit here like I always do and smile to myself and point fingers and call them scum. Because what I feel more than anything else right now, is shame.

I am ashamed of you, Howard, and you, Chris, as well. Your actions have made me ashamed. But I’m also ashamed of every one of you that owns Full Tilt Poker stock and has sat in silence. You don’t want to give that money back. It’s nothing to do with you. You were just someone getting paid. You’re sitting in silence and running around and playing in tournaments and talking to your lawyer and feeling sorry for yourself. Shame on you, shame on your silence every last one. But that’s not all. Shame on those of you taking money to wear logos now, in the past and in the future, no matter the site. I’m ashamed that your moral code stops at every paycheck, that you ignore and turn your back and sweep under the rug rather than demand an answer. I’m ashamed of your goddamn hypocrisy and your proclamations about morality while your hush money spills out of your goddamn ass. I’m ashamed of those of you who are quick to condemn another rather than ask those tough questions of yourself. I’m ashamed of those of you who are willing to turn a blind eye because it involves your friends. I’m ashamed that not one of you really care about anyone but yourself, because how could poker ever remotely be called a sport when none of you have a shred of respect? And I’m ashamed that a bunch of fat cat dot com millionaires will never ever be able to imagine any perspective other than their own.

Most of all, of course, I’m ashamed of myself. I’m ashamed that I have sat by in silence while you all cheated, stole, and lied. I refused to speak up. I know you, you thieving tournament directors, you scumbag poker players, you dirtbag angle shooters with your names stitched on your shirts. I know you. And I’m ashamed that I’ve sat here for twenty years and let you rule the poker world as long as I was still getting paid. I’m ashamed that I will demand all day for ethics, honesty, and transparency as long as there is no personal sacrifice involved. I’m ashamed that I only want to clean things up as long as they don’t affect the bottom line. You take your ethics and shove them. You take your integrity and stuff it. Shame on you. You’re no better than the rest of them. And I’m no better than you.

In glass houses, don’t throw stones. Know thyself. The most naïve thing any one of us could think is that what’s left is honest. The most cowardly thing any of us could say right now is don’t upset the apple cart. And the most shameful thing any of us could be right now is happy to not demand answers as long as we are still getting paid. The only thing stopping player power is the players themselves. And that is totally shameful. This is only poker like it always has been, nothing new. And maybe that’s the most shameful thing of all.

Don’t sweat it Chris. I’m not really ashamed of you. I always knew you were just a little scumbag.
09-26-2011 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by exoendo
whoa whoa whoa I just talk on the internet. Real life contact is scary for me.

Originally Posted by coduresa
Have you also got his email address by any chance?
lol I love it
09-26-2011 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by homeless

We're not samurais.
09-26-2011 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
That is not what that article says at all, and its this kind of paraphrasing that causes more rumors and the nvg tards to come out of the woodwork.

I read that article, and no one said FTP is like a bank, or acted like a bank.
Go back and read it again, it appears that it is a comparison of what is another example of what is NOT a ponzi scheme. Regardless of the eye catching headline that "ponzi scheme" created, FTP was not a ponzi. If you think it was, please tell me how many shares you currently own? How is your profit distribution working out for you?
First of all, I never declared this is a Ponzi scheme - its not. Where, in this post, or in any other, did I say that? Second, here is a quote from the article: "Attorney Jeff Ifrah had this to say, “Banks fail all the time for not having sufficient funds to cover customer deposits but yet no one refers to such bank failures as Ponzi schemes."

It is damn obvious he is comparing FTP to a bank or else why would he say 'banks fail all the time' in the same breath as FTP? The word 'Bank' was carefully chosen, he could have just as easily have said, 'companies.' Clearly you didn't read as carefully as you claimed.

You stand corrected. Please get your facts correct before rushing off and making all sorts of unfounded allegations because you have a stick up your behind due to other unintelligent posters.

Last edited by DoubleDealing; 09-26-2011 at 02:33 PM.
09-26-2011 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by exoendo
whoa whoa whoa I just talk on the internet. Real life contact is scary for me.
Originally Posted by coduresa
Have you also got his email address by any chance?
Originally Posted by exoendo
lol I love it

Come on , give this guy a break. I think it's pretty natural to feel uncomfortable speaking to someone from the DOJ if English is not your native language.
09-26-2011 , 02:11 PM
He is open and friendly. There is no reason not to call him if you have a question other than just being afraid and preferring internet crap.

It is just frustrating that poker players, albeit young and a bit nerdy (me included), are so shy and embarrassed that they can't even pick up the phone and need to stay behind the computer instead.

I don't mean this as a personal attack. I understand the desire, but common, this is a pretty big issue, and if politely speaking to Mr. Lockard about a potential deal made for FTP could even have the tiniest chance of helping the situation, than it is a freeroll and absurd not to try, especially since he is friendly and willing to talk (even though he is less willing to answer hard questions).

Last edited by insidemanpoker; 09-26-2011 at 02:21 PM.
09-26-2011 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by DennisG90
Come on , give this guy a break. I think it's pretty natural to feel uncomfortable speaking to someone from the DOJ if English is not your native language.
i didn't know if he was a native english speaker or not. I was just being playful because I referenced earlier how I prefer to keep stuff on the net and then just minutes later he posts that. I just thought it was an amusing juxtaposition.
09-26-2011 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by la6ki
That sounds super weird to me. From how I read it, the only thing that can possibly stop this deal is if AGCC decides to revoke the license. That doesn't make sense to me. If the investors went their and told the AGCC "Look, we're buying FT, sure thing. Just don't revoke the license, is that okay?" I doubt that the AGCC would just go ahead and revoke the license anyway. That would be stupid, pointless, and self-damaging to them.

Am I missing something? Or is there something fishy about this article?
I mean there is obviously some communication going on b/w the AGCC and FTP at this point. So this "public statement" is made, again, to reiterate that the "deal is happening - please hold off". We can only guess (if that) what was said/happened at the hearing...
09-26-2011 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by jweez
How about we pool some money together and just send one over-sized hotdog? I wonder where we can get one of those...
No need for pooling money:

Originally Posted by Mirror|rorriM
09-26-2011 , 02:30 PM
I'd be more concerned with the DOJ than AGCC right now. It is indeed weird that Ifrah is even showing concern about AGCC, since for the reasons mentioned, getting a license extension/etc should be no problem whatsoever given the existence of a legitimate investor. My gut feeling based on the early hearing reports and Ifrah's "hail mary" attempt at rallying the poker community is that the AGCC were so dead set on revoking the license at the start of the meeting that even still there is concern that their mind can't be changed.

With the DOJ, however, things could very easily stall out there as I assume that any agreement is going to have to include compromise on all sides especially the DOJ. If the DOJ were to say "we want the new owner to pay all fines we're seeking" the deal could never work. The DOJ is hopefully willing to compromise to some extent, especially now that they are likely to be trying to recoup at least some of their fines from the newly-indicted owners and not from FTP itself.

My main fear is that the investor is only going to accept a deal that includes very little compromise in regards to the DOJ. They may feel that they can offer the DOJ very little/nothing, and the DOJ will be forced to go along with it in order to help players get paid. It's possible the DOJ will just laugh at them and tell them to get stuffed, and then FT takes it in the face while we all spend the next 20 pages debating whose fault it all was.
09-26-2011 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by exoendo
i didn't know if he was a native english speaker or not. I was just being playful because I referenced earlier how I prefer to keep stuff on the net and then just minutes later he posts that. I just thought it was an amusing juxtaposition.
For that matter, I don't know if he is a native English speaker or not either. While there are obviously a lot of native English speakers living in Germany, my default line is to assume that someone living in Germany is a native German speaker.

But if he really feels the urge to contact the DOJ, he should probably call that guy. However, at this point I feel like we should just wait a couple more days and see how the potential deals develops/wait for an answer from AGCC.

Anyway, GL us!
09-26-2011 , 02:34 PM
it makes me really smiling LOL

09-26-2011 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by homeless
Brilliant post.

Absolutely spot on, the pros/FTP silence is scummy.

Even Tom Dwan isnt saying much now.
09-26-2011 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Blizzuff
I'd be more concerned with the DOJ than AGCC right now. It is indeed weird that Ifrah is even showing concern about AGCC, since for the reasons mentioned, getting a license extension/etc should be no problem whatsoever given the existence of a legitimate investor. My gut feeling based on the early hearing reports and Ifrah's "hail mary" attempt at rallying the poker community is that the AGCC were so dead set on revoking the license at the start of the meeting that even still there is concern that their mind can't be changed.

With the DOJ, however, things could very easily stall out there as I assume that any agreement is going to have to include compromise on all sides especially the DOJ. If the DOJ were to say "we want the new owner to pay all fines we're seeking" the deal could never work. The DOJ is hopefully willing to compromise to some extent, especially now that they are likely to be trying to recoup at least some of their fines from the newly-indicted owners and not from FTP itself.

My main fear is that the investor is only going to accept a deal that includes very little compromise in regards to the DOJ. They may feel that they can offer the DOJ very little/nothing, and the DOJ will be forced to go along with it in order to help players get paid. It's possible the DOJ will just laugh at them and tell them to get stuffed, and then FT takes it in the face while we all spend the next 20 pages debating whose fault it all was.
I'm not dead set on one view or another but your opinions pose 2 legit questions/comments:

1.) If the AGCC was still very dead set on revoking the license, why are the meetings lasting 6+ days?

2.) I'm fairly certain that the DOJ is slapping fines on FTP way beyond what they will be able to pay, so cutting a deal with a third party seems rather smart on their part.
09-26-2011 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by marnixAFCA
I'm actually optimistic about an FTP refund now...I was a 10% 2 weeks ago but IMO it's closer to 50% now.. Then again I am also ready to be sorely disappointed #freeroll
09-26-2011 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by yesright
Even Tom Dwan isnt saying much now.
I see this as good news as far as investor negotiation progress is concerned, but then again, I'm a fairly optimistic person....
09-26-2011 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Blizzuff
I'd be more concerned with the DOJ than AGCC right now. It is indeed weird that Ifrah is even showing concern about AGCC, since for the reasons mentioned, getting a license extension/etc should be no problem whatsoever given the existence of a legitimate investor. My gut feeling based on the early hearing reports and Ifrah's "hail mary" attempt at rallying the poker community is that the AGCC were so dead set on revoking the license at the start of the meeting that even still there is concern that their mind can't be changed.

With the DOJ, however, things could very easily stall out there as I assume that any agreement is going to have to include compromise on all sides especially the DOJ. If the DOJ were to say "we want the new owner to pay all fines we're seeking" the deal could never work. The DOJ is hopefully willing to compromise to some extent, especially now that they are likely to be trying to recoup at least some of their fines from the newly-indicted owners and not from FTP itself.

My main fear is that the investor is only going to accept a deal that includes very little compromise in regards to the DOJ. They may feel that they can offer the DOJ very little/nothing, and the DOJ will be forced to go along with it in order to help players get paid. It's possible the DOJ will just laugh at them and tell them to get stuffed, and then FT takes it in the face while we all spend the next 20 pages debating whose fault it all was.
It's probably going to be a lot more than 20 pages, lol.

The reason I find this so strange is that I can't find a good explanation for this. I'm not buying the "FT is trying to get the last remaining money" argument. I don't see what they are going to get if they have one more week. Also, I really don't think they have the balls to steal anything at this point, given how big of a legal crap they're in. And, as has been already mentioned, not having a license doesn't mean instant bankruptcy, so if they want to keep paying themselves, they can do it without a license as well.

If the issue is emotional blackmail/putting pressure, why isn't Jeff trying to do the same thing with the DOJ? I agree that they should be tougher to deal with and a bigger obstacle to a deal than the AGCC, but from the article in PokerStrategy it sounds like there is no concern about them at all.

This is all very confusing.
09-26-2011 , 02:41 PM
More on Tapie, son and father here (Mediapart):
09-26-2011 , 02:42 PM
What is the reason for AGCC not to reinstate their license with new owners and everything?
09-26-2011 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by yesright
Even Tom Dwan isnt saying much now.
Actually, this might also be a good sign for us players right now.
Why would Tom go off and make over 50 posts in two days and then disappear again? Makes me believe that he realized that FTP was getting closer to reaching a deal once again and that he does not want to risk that deal being sealed with anything that he says.

Am I reading too much into his behaviour here?


Originally Posted by Haupt_234
I see this as good news as far as investor negotiation progress is concerned, but then again, I'm a fairly optimistic person....
Nice. I am not the only one thinking that. :-)

Last edited by DennisG90; 09-26-2011 at 02:49 PM. Reason: slow pony
