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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

09-25-2011 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by exoendo
This has been repeated ad infinitum since early june. No one is going to purchase individual assets of FTP. The DOJ will never allow it. FTP wouldn't even enter discussions with someone that brought it up. It's completely irrelevant. Any investor truly at the table is considering buying FTP in full, the end.
You're letting facts get in the way. gtfo of nvg.
09-25-2011 , 08:37 PM
I just came across a very meaningful proposal by the American Gaming Association. It's the AGA's 'Code of Conduct'.

The American Gaming Association's board of directors is a who's who of top executives, and leaders from the Gaming industry's most important corporations.

This 'Code of Conduct' deserves a Fuqueload of attention at this time. Please check it out, copy-cut-and paste it, and pass it on. Not hijacking this thread, just very relevant to this subject.
09-25-2011 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by Jokko
Jeff ifrah is paid by lederer/bitar, what else would he say lol
Below is the list of all of Ifrah's FTP-related clients:

Allen Cunningham (Defendant)
Andrew Bloch (Defendant)
Erik Seidel (Defendant)
Mike Matusow (Defendant)
Tiltware, LLC (Defendant)
Jennifer Harman-Traniello (Defendant)
Filco, Ltd. (Defendant)
Pocket Kings Consulting Ltd. (Defendant)
Pocket Kings Ltd. (Defendant)
Vantage, Ltd. (Defendant)
Christopher Ferguson (Defendant)
Erick Lindgren (Defendant)
Howard Lederer (Defendant)

If your name's not on this list, he's not working on your behalf. It's really that simple.
09-25-2011 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by exoendo
This has been repeated ad infinitum since early june. No one is going to purchase individual assets of FTP. The DOJ will never allow it. FTP wouldn't even enter discussions with someone that brought it up. It's completely irrelevant. Any investor truly at the table is considering buying FTP in full, the end.
The DOJ has said no such thing, and as far as I know, you don't speak for them.

There's a big difference between June and late September. Several. Namely, DOJ has now uncovered how little money FTP has left, and is interested in recovering as much money as possible. Two, in June, FTP was still operating ROW. That is no longer the case. If you think Party Poker (or some other non-US facing site in no current trouble with DOJ) would not want to buy individual assets of FTP's, you're nuts.

This litigation does not exist in a vacuum.

None of the above makes it a certainty that it's going to happen, but to categorically conclude it is an impossibility is to be delusional.
09-25-2011 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Zaarg
guys im very sorry to dissapoint you..but your money is gone i know you all still have hope but your hard work over all the years was for ivey shooting craps, all the owners of ftp having the time of their life with your money..YOU WERE SLAVES FOR THEM and they still manage to fool you i really laugh tears at you will ner learn

btw. im very proud of my timing short before AB/UB went down i managed to withdrawl my 15K roll....then after the fulltilt scandal my gut told me hey just cashout this wont end well and my 9K were on my bankaccount few days later

next time pm me i mostly have the right feelng in such situations
Fish on a cashout heater.
09-25-2011 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Mondogarage
The DOJ has said no such thing, and as far as I know, you don't speak for them.

There's a big difference between June and late September. Several. Namely, DOJ has now uncovered how little money FTP has left, and is interested in recovering as much money as possible. Two, in June, FTP was still operating ROW. That is no longer the case. If you think Party Poker (or some other non-US facing site in no current trouble with DOJ) would not want to buy individual assets of FTP's, you're nuts.

This litigation does not exist in a vacuum.

None of the above makes it a certainty that it's going to happen, but to categorically conclude it is an impossibility is to be delusional.
No, it's not impossible. But imo it is not very likely that the DOJ will sell like the customer information to some company that has no intention of paying back players. And the customer base is the best thing about FTP. However, I agree that it isn't a certainty. That cuts both ways though and makes all the idiots that are claiming any smart investor would just buy ftp after it's been declared bankrupt also wrong.
09-25-2011 , 08:58 PM
is this only for americans or?
09-25-2011 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Jankone54
The PPA believes that fundamental justice requires that players be repaid their money on deposit, and so we wanted to mention an avenue by which players can ask the DOJ to return funds to them through restitution in the pending case. A federal statute establishes a number of rights for victims of crimes and requires that the government take steps to assist these victims. The DOJ put in place a set of guidelines and created a program, Victims and Witness Services, so that the government could live up to its statutory obligations to victims of crimes. Again, based on the allegations set forth by the DOJ, poker players who deposited money with Full Tilt Poker should be treated as crime victims and afforded the full rights and protections of our government.

Wendy Olsen Clancy
Victim/Witness Coordinator
United States Attorney’s Office
One St. Andrew’s Plaza
New York, New York 10007
(866) 874-8900

Last edited by tamiller866; 09-25-2011 at 09:40 PM. Reason:
09-25-2011 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Mondogarage
The DOJ has said no such thing, and as far as I know, you don't speak for them.

There's a big difference between June and late September. Several. Namely, DOJ has now uncovered how little money FTP has left, and is interested in recovering as much money as possible. Two, in June, FTP was still operating ROW. That is no longer the case. If you think Party Poker (or some other non-US facing site in no current trouble with DOJ) would not want to buy individual assets of FTP's, you're nuts.

This litigation does not exist in a vacuum.

None of the above makes it a certainty that it's going to happen, but to categorically conclude it is an impossibility is to be delusional.
Party Gaming (BWIN) stated at their quarterly meeting/conference call with investors and analysts that they have no interest in FT.
09-25-2011 , 10:03 PM
Wow...the FTP 'Bank' comparisons never stop. Here again, is JI quoted comparing FTP to a Bank.

I can hear his opening testimony to the Jury: 'The DOJ wants you to believe this was a ponzi scheme, but FTP was just like a bank, and it failed due to poor management, not theft....'

Will one of you people in touch with JI please explain to JI why FTP wasn't anything like a bank, otherwise the DOJ is going to rip his head off in court. I am sure we all want everyone accused at FTP to get the best possible defense.

Originally Posted by iwantcaymans
I sent an email to Ifrah to ask what is happening and what will happen next week, he told me
"Right now, we need to help keep the AGCC know the license remains interested investor. It is very important to Him."
now I just do not understand, told me Friday that the meeting had gone well and that now they must deal with the DoJ!
why is now the AGCC? I think that the AGCC is already doing much to delay the decision ..
Agreed...JI and his social networking games are clearly transparent. The AGCC wants players repaid, they know how important a deal is to everyone, including themselves. You can bet that not only has FTP given the AGCC everything they need to know, but the investor has as well, so JI is clearly setting up the AGCC as another scapegoat for when the deal falls through, so he can point the finger at them and deflect things from FTPs owners. Unless a deal is imminent, AGGC should revoke, they have extended for a week already, enough of these games.

Last edited by DoubleDealing; 09-25-2011 at 10:28 PM.
09-25-2011 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by Jankone54
of course its only for americans. you think these people give a F about the rest of the world?
09-25-2011 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Zaarg
guys im very sorry to dissapoint you..but your money is gone i know you all still have hope but your hard work over all the years was for ivey shooting craps, all the owners of ftp having the time of their life with your money..YOU WERE SLAVES FOR THEM and they still manage to fool you i really laugh tears at you will ner learn

btw. im very proud of my timing short before AB/UB went down i managed to withdrawl my 15K roll....then after the fulltilt scandal my gut told me hey just cashout this wont end well and my 9K were on my bankaccount few days later

next time pm me i mostly have the right feelng in such situations

Kindly go **** yourself Sir.
09-25-2011 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Mondogarage
Below is the list of all of Ifrah's FTP-related clients:

Allen Cunningham (Defendant)
Andrew Bloch (Defendant)
Erik Seidel (Defendant)
Mike Matusow (Defendant)
Tiltware, LLC (Defendant)
Jennifer Harman-Traniello (Defendant)
Filco, Ltd. (Defendant)
Pocket Kings Consulting Ltd. (Defendant)
Pocket Kings Ltd. (Defendant)
Vantage, Ltd. (Defendant)
Christopher Ferguson (Defendant)
Erick Lindgren (Defendant)
Howard Lederer (Defendant)

If your name's not on this list, he's not working on your behalf. It's really that simple.
He also represents Ray Bitar
09-25-2011 , 11:13 PM
Wall Street Journal Article on FTP
09-25-2011 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by pajala
ok this thread is tilting the crap out of me am I the only one here where the view first unread is taking me to the last message in the thread?
It is doing this for me also. I just remember the # of the last post I read.
09-25-2011 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by YouGotPLOWned
of course its only for americans. you think these people give a F about the rest of the world?
I read the guidelines a bit fast but didn't see any reference to being american to be able to be considered a victim. Under the new allegations, my interpretation is that the players both american or not are victim of a fraud.
Will be interesting to follow the answer that the PPA receive from the DOJ.
09-25-2011 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
He also represents Ray Bitar
He doesn't appear to be listed as Ray Bitar's counsel in any of the current ongoing court actions. I pulled the data from the federal PACER dockets.

Last edited by Mondogarage; 09-25-2011 at 11:44 PM. Reason: clarification
09-25-2011 , 11:43 PM
I have always appreciated the information and perspective of your posts.

But the following made me LIRL (laugh in real life)

Originally Posted by DoTheMath
Of course the investor would then still have various restart costs (disposing of lobster shells, etc.) before they could get the site up and running again.
09-25-2011 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Flopman25
Wall Street Journal Article on FTP
Good story and it pretty much sums it up....the keys are, why did they let the payment processing issue continue (the bad management part of the puzzle) and far more importantly, why did they keep taking money out of the site right until the bitter end while lying about the safety of player money (the fraud and theft part)? I guess because it was their personal piggy 'bank' (for all the fans of the bank analogy).
09-26-2011 , 12:06 AM
This whole thing makes me question the whole "AID FOR HAITI" event.
09-26-2011 , 12:31 AM
So, with the DOJ in possession of all records relating to transactions on Full Tilt, I believe IRS audits will be next. Of course, the IRS will be more interested in the big names, like red pro's and such, but what about most of the rest of us? How many players can say they actually reported wins, and deducted losses properly, for the years they played on FTP? I would imagine most of us have not. Therefore, anyone getting nervous about problems in the near future?
09-26-2011 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by LedaSon
Good story and it pretty much sums it up....the keys are, why did they let the payment processing issue continue (the bad management part of the puzzle) and far more importantly, why did they keep taking money out of the site right until the bitter end while lying about the safety of player money (the fraud and theft part)? I guess because it was their personal piggy 'bank' (for all the fans of the bank analogy).
One of the comments to the article seems plausible:

Lederer, Bitar, Ferguson may have originally planned to sell Full Tilt once online poker became legalized in the US. They would cash out and return the "borrowed" funds with none the wiser. The DOJ actions preempted this strategy. Now the Full Tilt directors are exposed as greedy criminals. The gang will now have to pay back every single cent and spend serious time behind bars. What a crying shame.
09-26-2011 , 12:45 AM
Still nothing from AGCC?
09-26-2011 , 12:49 AM
How is there nothing leaked regarding the outcome of this hearing?
09-26-2011 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by tamiller866
One of the comments to the article seems plausible:

Lederer, Bitar, Ferguson may have originally planned to sell Full Tilt once online poker became legalized in the US. They would cash out and return the "borrowed" funds with none the wiser. The DOJ actions preempted this strategy. Now the Full Tilt directors are exposed as greedy criminals. The gang will now have to pay back every single cent and spend serious time behind bars. What a crying shame.
I actually posted on this topic recently.
