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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

09-21-2011 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by gnvsnnkv
You forgot about yours truly google. But: you dial 011 44 148 etc.
Would have been weird that everything was as simple as I thought. Didnt know you need an additional international code if you dial from the US. But it makes sence that when you dial an international code you need first to enter another international code :S.. Anyway thanks.
09-21-2011 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Yndzone
FTP managers will be in France tomorrow for a deal with a Big Company, but it is very hard they will close after licenses revoked.

i thing is better to agree to the class action if you want to see your money back.

ninja edit, yndzone, who are you?
09-21-2011 , 04:28 PM -> Report Page -> Spam or scam.. if more do it, better chance of them closing it faster..
is it posible to suggest google to make a warning, before people click on the link thought google?
09-21-2011 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by jhn_lundgren
I've heard the same thing...a French company/group is seriously interested. Some shareholders are optimistic this will get done.
Just like they were optimistic about SA?

The French group is kicking tires, they might be interested in the French assets and software, but it's not practical, you can't buy a piece of FTP without making a deal with the DOJ too. And if they thought all this recent news was bad, wait until the DOJ indicts the owners....IMHO, They will pass, just another voyeur looking over the body...
09-21-2011 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Jizz
Hello. I have been following things closely since Black Friday and i usually find it enlightening to read articles and posts from the past. Here are a few examples:

From this article i am deducting that the blame is on both DOJ and FTP. DOJ caused many of the payment processor problems for FTP and they did not want to back down and kept on accepting deposits and kept raking the rake.

And from these arcticles you can clearly see that the signs of a rising storm were seen on the horizon if you would just look for it.

So my points are:

1. DOJ and the US government are very much to blame here as is FTP for being greedy and stubborn.
2. There isn't a white knight in this and we will not get our money.
3.Check points 1 and 2.
Gets some ballz. I basically said the same thing without a gimmick account excepting 2.
09-21-2011 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Zeus84 -> Report Page -> Spam or scam.. if more do it, better chance of them closing it faster..
is it posible to suggest google to make a warning, before people click on the link thought google?
why warning, what problem you have with that pages?
09-21-2011 , 04:35 PM
It strikes me as odd that so few Mods are posting in this thread.
09-21-2011 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by DoubleDealing
The French group is kicking tires, they might be interested in the French assets and software, but it's not practical, you can't buy a piece of FTP without making a deal with the DOJ too. And if they thought all this recent news was bad, wait until the DOJ indicts the owners....IMHO, They will pass, just another voyeur looking over the body...
That's 1% of FTP saved then
09-21-2011 , 04:36 PM
Don't really get how some people are pushing for all the pro's to give back everything to the players. Don't get me wrong, Jesus, Howard and Furst should be lawfully required to give back every penny once the ponzi scheme started but to expect Gus, Ivey etc to do the same is not realistic.

If they voluntarily return money I think that would be very charitable and kind but they should have no obligation to since they weren't involved. Do we also ask the middle/back office workers to return their paychecks as well?
09-21-2011 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by TMoney0209

ninja edit, yndzone, who are you?
informed person
09-21-2011 , 04:38 PM

Rafe is innocent (of course) but he is innocent with love:

Posted by Rafe Furst in Uncategorized on September 21st, 2011 | 36 Comments
By now you’ve no doubt heard about the allegations against me in a Federal civil suit regarding Full Tilt Poker. Because of the seriousness of the allegations I’m not able to comment at all about the pending case, much as I would like to. From a moral, personal and interpersonal perspective I feel I’ve got nothing to hide. And since I trust in our system of justice and have the utmost respect for my legal counsel, I will refrain from talking about the case until it’s resolved.

What I would like to express here is concern for my family, friends, colleagues and supporters who believe in me and who feel my pain as if it were their own. It sucks to have to endure the character assassination and potshots being taken at me in the media and social networks without being able to defend myself. Privately though I have received incredible support from many of you, and I can’t tell you how much it means to me. May you never have to endure something like this, but if you do, I hope you have friends as good as mine.

To the skeptics, please consider that not everything you read is true, and our society is built on a presumption of innocence until proven otherwise. It’s difficult to take back hurtful things that you might later regret, when the damage has already been done.

To those of you who have asked what you can do to show your support, I am grateful for the offer. My only request at this time would be to not let the naysayers and haters be the only voices out there expressing their opinion of me. My twitter is @rafefurst, and I’d love to hear from you publicly.

With Respect and Love,

09-21-2011 , 04:40 PM

Epic Poker League Standards & Conduct Committee Indefinitely Suspends Howard Lederer and Chris Ferguson
September 21 2011, Michael Craig

Topics: Epic Poker League, Howard Lederer, Chris Ferguson, Standards and Conduct Committee

On Tuesday, following the U.S. Attorney’s filing of an Amended Complaint in the federal civil action pending in connection with the April 15th 2011 indictments, Epic Poker League’s Standards & Conduct Committee indefinitely suspended League members Howard Lederer and Chris Ferguson. The Amended Complaint named Lederer and Ferguson as defendants, specifically in relation to their roles as directors of Full Tilt Poker from April 2007 to April 2011. Committee Chairman Stephen Martin said, “The Committee voted to suspend Howard Lederer and Chris Ferguson indefinitely, pending the outcome of the Department of Justice’s action.” Martin, a former federal prosecutor, serves as the Independent Ethics Advisor to Epic Poker.

Martin emphasized the following factors in the Committee’s decision:

(1) Although the Amended Complaint constitutes a civil, and not criminal, action and facts are alleged but not yet proven, “the specificity of the allegations and the fact they came from the United States government made this the right course of action in the best interests of the players in the League.”

(2) “The government chose to name Howard Lederer and Chris Ferguson individually in their roles as members of the board of directors Full Tilt.”

(3) The Committee will continue to monitor the legal actions. “If other members are named in the actions, the Committee will consider additional disciplinary action.”

The Committee’s jurisdiction is based on Player Disciplinary Policy and the Players’ Code of Conduct. Howard Lederer, who has signed those documents and is a 5-year cardholder, is indefinitely suspended. Chris Ferguson, who has not yet signed League documents but is eligible for a 5-year card, has also been suspended. Neither Howard Lederer nor Chris Ferguson has yet to play in an Epic Poker League event.

Committee member Andy Bloch recused himself from consideration of the issue. Commissioner Annie Duke, while a non-voting member of the committee, does not participate in any committee decisions or discussions that involve league member discipline.
09-21-2011 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by solddowntharvr

Epic Poker League Standards & Conduct Committee Indefinitely Suspends Howard Lederer and Chris Ferguson
September 21 2011, Michael Craig

Topics: Epic Poker League, Howard Lederer, Chris Ferguson, Standards and Conduct Committee

On Tuesday, following the U.S. Attorney’s filing of an Amended Complaint in the federal civil action pending in connection with the April 15th 2011 indictments, Epic Poker League’s Standards & Conduct Committee indefinitely suspended League members Howard Lederer and Chris Ferguson. The Amended Complaint named Lederer and Ferguson as defendants, specifically in relation to their roles as directors of Full Tilt Poker from April 2007 to April 2011. Committee Chairman Stephen Martin said, “The Committee voted to suspend Howard Lederer and Chris Ferguson indefinitely, pending the outcome of the Department of Justice’s action.” Martin, a former federal prosecutor, serves as the Independent Ethics Advisor to Epic Poker.

Martin emphasized the following factors in the Committee’s decision:

(1) Although the Amended Complaint constitutes a civil, and not criminal, action and facts are alleged but not yet proven, “the specificity of the allegations and the fact they came from the United States government made this the right course of action in the best interests of the players in the League.”

(2) “The government chose to name Howard Lederer and Chris Ferguson individually in their roles as members of the board of directors Full Tilt.”

(3) The Committee will continue to monitor the legal actions. “If other members are named in the actions, the Committee will consider additional disciplinary action.”

The Committee’s jurisdiction is based on Player Disciplinary Policy and the Players’ Code of Conduct. Howard Lederer, who has signed those documents and is a 5-year cardholder, is indefinitely suspended. Chris Ferguson, who has not yet signed League documents but is eligible for a 5-year card, has also been suspended. Neither Howard Lederer nor Chris Ferguson has yet to play in an Epic Poker League event.

Committee member Andy Bloch recused himself from consideration of the issue. Commissioner Annie Duke, while a non-voting member of the committee, does not participate in any committee decisions or discussions that involve league member discipline.
Are Jesus and Howard ever likely to show up for a poker tourny on US soil anyway??

Epic treating the poker world like idiots again
09-21-2011 , 04:45 PM
Well my heart is bleeding.
09-21-2011 , 04:46 PM
According to another thread, while it remains unconfirmed by the AGCC and FTP, FTPs license has been revoked:
09-21-2011 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by vamooose
FTP's accounts don't need to be segregated.

You are getting confused, assuming that FTP only had one bank account. They had many foreign bank accounts and a few in the US too.

If the money came from say UK, the funds would be transferred from my UK bank to a UK FTP bank account located in UK or Euroland. My funds may have been used for marketing purposes but it's still clear (from bank statements not FTP BS accounts) the funds didn't come from the US so were not derived from the illegal zone, neither did they end up or get transferred through in the illegal zone.

Segregated bank accounts, no segregated player funds account.

The banks' account statements will show the money trail (UK bank account to UK bank account). Poker is legit here remember, any ROW bank can clearly track where their customers wired payments ended up.

GL with swallowing the facts above. Maybe the DoJ were feeling generous handing back what could have been $100m to ROW poker (Bank account based in Luxembourg) but they clearly state DoJ handed it back cause had nothing to do with US.
I hope you are right but how do we know that the DOJ froze FTP's accounts in Europe? FTP didn't say anything about EU accounts.
09-21-2011 , 04:49 PM
The AGCC web site now says:

Full Tilt Poker Update was last modified: September 21 2011 15:15:12.

But the update link still brings up the prior announcement from Sept 14th. So expecting a new announcement to post any time now (hopefully).
09-21-2011 , 04:49 PM
Ifrah is urging us to email the AGCC to delay their ruling for 30 days?
09-21-2011 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by solddowntharvr

Rafe is innocent (of course) but he is innocent with love:

Posted by Rafe Furst in Uncategorized on September 21st, 2011 | 36 Comments
By now you’ve no doubt heard about the allegations against me in a Federal civil suit regarding Full Tilt Poker. Because of the seriousness of the allegations I’m not able to comment at all about the pending case, much as I would like to. From a moral, personal and interpersonal perspective I feel I’ve got nothing to hide. And since I trust in our system of justice and have the utmost respect for my legal counsel, I will refrain from talking about the case until it’s resolved.

What I would like to express here is concern for my family, friends, colleagues and supporters who believe in me and who feel my pain as if it were their own. It sucks to have to endure the character assassination and potshots being taken at me in the media and social networks without being able to defend myself. Privately though I have received incredible support from many of you, and I can’t tell you how much it means to me. May you never have to endure something like this, but if you do, I hope you have friends as good as mine.

To the skeptics, please consider that not everything you read is true, and our society is built on a presumption of innocence until proven otherwise. It’s difficult to take back hurtful things that you might later regret, when the damage has already been done.

To those of you who have asked what you can do to show your support, I am grateful for the offer. My only request at this time would be to not let the naysayers and haters be the only voices out there expressing their opinion of me. My twitter is @rafefurst, and I’d love to hear from you publicly.

With Respect and Love,


I cannot wait to hear his explanation why it was OK for them to be paying themselves while the site was being suck dry of cash....I am sorry, if FTP had $60M and owed $390M, there is not going to be any excuse for a board member not to have been both aware and to be paying themselves.

I am sorry for the guy, he got caught up in something and probably didn't take his responsibilities seriously, but there is no excuse for this, none. It wasn't ok because the site generated $10M/M either - if it did, then that money should have gone to rebuilding player deposits, not toward owner's bank accounts.

I dont see many jury's that are going to sympathize with this guy, just like there were not many that sympathized with the winners of the Madoff disaster - he won, and was in a position of responsibility while 100s of millions were lost to player all over the world. He is a multi-millionaire and now their are people sleeping in cars and who can't pay their rent.
09-21-2011 , 04:57 PM
It is being reported that their license has been revoked.
09-21-2011 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by PokerXanadu
The AGCC web site now says:

Full Tilt Poker Update was last modified: September 21 2011 15:15:12.

But the update link still brings up the prior announcement from Sept 14th. So expecting a new announcement to post any time now (hopefully).
Been like like for a few hours now and by the way Jeff Ifrah is posting in the other thread they havent made a decision yet.
Maybe they were about to post a statement and then backtracked
09-21-2011 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by MICK E JUICE
Been like like for a few hours now and by the way Jeff Ifrah is posting in the other thread they havent made a decision yet.
Maybe they were about to post a statement and then backtracked
but why on earth would the agcc issue a ruling if there was in fact a serious investor? that makes absolutely no sense.
09-21-2011 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by coolnout
but why on earth would the agcc issue a ruling if there was in fact a serious investor? that makes absolutely no sense.
Where did you hear there was a serious investor? Anyways, I can t see anyone wanting to buy FT now. Its like trying to buy a 450 million dollar debt
09-21-2011 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by DavidNB
Where did you hear there was a serious investor? Anyways, I can t see anyone wanting to buy FT now. Its like trying to buy a 450 million dollar debt
this is what ifrah posted in the other thread or asked to be posted:

Post this:

Thank you for asking how you and other players can help. Right now it is important to encourage the AGCC to delay any ruling for a minimum of 30 days in order to permit a timely transition to a new ownership structure. The AGCC is aware of the identity of the new ownership group. It does not involve anyone associated in the slightest way with the current FTP membership. I plead with all of you to do this and unite in this one effort. A negative AGCC ruling will cause all efforts that have been undertaken to secure this investor group to fail and leave customers in the cold. It is not necessary for the AGCC to issue any negative ruling now. The company is not operating and there are investors truly interested in closing a deal with the company. I can assure you that the investor deal includes repayment of ALL player obligations. We have come too far in these months since Black Friday to let this fall apart now. Please.

Executive Director
Alderney Gambling Control Commission
St. Anne's House,
Queen Elizabeth II Street
Channel Islands, GY9 3TB
09-21-2011 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by DavidNB
Where did you hear there was a serious investor? Anyways, I can t see anyone wanting to buy FT now. Its like trying to buy a 450 million dollar debt
It is not only the debt you need to buy. Probs you need to pay a fine towards the DoJ and then on top of that you need to try to get the site up and running again. i think a potential invester should be glad that he only needs to invest like 700M to get everything up and running. Based on the fact that the market share is much lower than it was it should be assumed that it is over.
