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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

05-23-2012 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Why would you have a website? Why do you think you are some poker insider ?
lol what kind of attack is this?

Originally Posted by capiscc
Chinaman, who are you? Where does you're information come from? A pro? A FTP employee, exec? Pokerstars, the doj???? I'm curious because if you're information is correct, then you're definitely getting it from a reliable and well known individual. Yet you sit on 2+2 all day and respond ambiguously to everyone's questions....
from a dude obviously

Last edited by SGT RJ; 05-23-2012 at 04:23 PM.
05-23-2012 , 03:34 PM
I think his source this time is fake Gus Hansens twitter instead of fake Matusow
05-23-2012 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by PetieNorth
wow. China is doing some great work on this thread. surprised people are still believing him
Desperate peoples gonna desperate.

I do almost admire china's desire to get his post count up so high he'll continue to spew confirmed garbage no matter how often he's laughed at. That's real persistence.

Imagine if he put it to better use than getting non-existent inside info from Scott ("Not Scott") Matusow ("Not Matusow Either").
05-23-2012 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
I know it's fun to be like. OMG! Someone tell me EXACTLY what's going on! I need a date! What will happen with my ftp points? When can I cashout? Through who? How much are they paying? Is Isai stepping down? OMGOMGOMGOMG.

The bottom line is that the answers to questions like these change all the ****ing time. My source could be Isai ****ing Scheinberg himself and it could still change between the time he tells me and the time the deal occurs. We're talking about several huge groups of people/lawyers working on a deal that is approaching a billion dollars. **** changes, alot. Things get delayed, alot.
if these scumbags would just come up with the money there 'd be no reason for delays! we already learned why things drag out for a year with that Tapie deal that was announced as a "done deal" back in November 2011.
now we have another done deal but nobody will come up with the money these dirtbags stole from us!
05-23-2012 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by PetieNorth
wow. China is doing some great work on this thread. surprised people are still believing him
05-23-2012 , 03:51 PM
hahaha **** scottt low class duche
05-23-2012 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by DJRiccoLaw
Diamond I completely respect your hard (unpaid)work on this debacle so far as trying to keep the community posted on the workings and goings on of this deal , but to be honest I want to find out how a foreign(to me) government has the right to shut down and freeze my funds when I have broken no law by playing on Full Tilt Poker.

The seized funds I refer to are the ones Subject poker referred to prior to BF.

The funds that they seized would cover the ROW deposits on FTP
I mean no offense to the US players here on US citizens at all, but the phantom deposits which all were made in the US would have covered the US players balances,(correct me if I am wrong here)

I am, as you rightly point out, completely frustrated with this mess, I have between my own balance and stakee's funds owed to me on FTP, quite a substantial life changing amount tied up for almost a year now.

I am so tired and worn out by all of this that it is seriously beginning to affect my quality of life outside of poker.

I have done well from poker down through the years both live and online and have and enjoyed a higher quality of life than I may have without poker.
At this very moment it feels like a tradesman who has no longer the tools to ply his trade, I foolishly treated FTP like my bank, and stored way to much of my net worth on there as did many of the posters in this thread.

I have just had it with all the waiting and hearing nothing positive at all since the site went down.

I just really need some answers and if I have to pay for them I would rather do it collectively as the price of a barrister in this country is astrnomical

Thanks again for all your insight it really is most appreciated


DJ Ricco LAW

i totaly agree and i am absolutely willing to participate in forcing these scumbags to pay their bills and sending them an executor to confiscate the rest of their belongings to cover their debts. if we hadn't payed our bills for one year we would have long been executed and left with nothing on the street.

these next week promises are just a delaying of filing insolvency tp eat up the very last rest of our money!

i am sick of these bastards!
05-23-2012 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Davidian
if these scumbags would just come up with the money there 'd be no reason for delays! we already learned why things drag out for a year with that Tapie deal that was announced as a "done deal" back in November 2011.
now we have another done deal but nobody will come up with the money these dirtbags stole from us!
Yeah man. Just come up with like almost a billion dollars! What's the ****ing hold up? Man! I can't believe this!

Who cares if it's a good deal for you? I need my money! Don't do any due diligence or try to get a good deal! It's just 750 million!
05-23-2012 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
Yeah man. Just come up with like almost a billion dollars! What's the ****ing hold up? Man! I can't believe this!

Who cares if it's a good deal for you? I need my money! Don't do any due diligence or try to get a good deal! It's just 750 million!
Pretty sure he was talking about FTP. If so, he's absolutely correct.
05-23-2012 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by coolnout
Been laughing for a minute at this post, caps are perfect.
05-23-2012 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy

It is a VERY big deal that he is trying to sell FTP dollars while posting really positive FTP news.

Mods, I know you are sick of China posts, but he needs to be banned. This is really not okay.
05-23-2012 , 04:34 PM
Yeh thats super suspicious that he's recently trying to sell FTP dollars. He has all the incentive to like and make up some rumors he heard in hopes that he can sell them for a higher price. Ban hammer needs to fall on China unless something materializes by friday.
05-23-2012 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
It is a VERY big deal that he is trying to sell FTP dollars while posting really positive FTP news.

Mods, I know you are sick of China posts, but he needs to be banned. This is really not okay.

I already responded to this but here we go again

I posted I would field offers on the 26th of April. 2+2 shut down right after this because of the hacking

I got my info on an impending deal of Stars on the first of May and posted on another forum , 2+2 wasnt even available to read for during that time span and I never posted anywhere else I was selling

I am no longer fielding offers for ftp and I have sold none and I have never even had an offer from anyone to buy mine.

Am I supposed to bump a thread that was buried pages deep 3 weeks later when 2+2 came back up because I had the same info that was posted in 1000 other sites

And i am not selling because we will be paid very soon
05-23-2012 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by spino1i
Ban hammer needs to fall on China unless something materializes by friday.
05-23-2012 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Chinamaniac
You will have earned it so stop blowing it off like it is no big deal.
05-23-2012 , 04:45 PM
How about I ban the next person who suggests someone else should get banned, how does that sound?

I mean seriously, we get it. Everyone gets it. Nobody believes china (nor is there any reason they should). But instead of sitting back and waiting to see if a) he's right, or b) he's wrong (at least on the time line), and he's going to leave this thread as a result, a bunch of posters keep trying to beat him over the head with it and scream that he should be punished if he is wrong, despite the fact that NO OTHER ****ING POSTER HAS EVER BEEN BANNED FROM THIS THREAD FOR BEING WRONG ABOUT WHAT THEY BELIEVED/CLAIMED WAS GOING TO HAPPEN.

Seriously, give it a rest. This has gotten way out of hand. He's already answered everyone's questions multiple times and it never changes a goddamn thing.

How many more ways can you claim you don't believe him and mock him if/when he turns out to be wrong? Jesus.
05-23-2012 , 04:45 PM
I find it pretty funny that the only person holding it together these past few pages is China, it's everyone else involved in the bickering that's spazzing out.
05-23-2012 , 04:48 PM
^^tree fiddy?
Originally Posted by QuadStacks
I find it pretty funny that the only person holding it together these past few pages is China, it's everyone else involved in the bickering that's spazzing out.
sorry I have adhd
05-23-2012 , 04:50 PM
Oh, and soliciting offers to buy or sell FTP funds is not allowed in this thread.
05-23-2012 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
You will have earned it so stop blowing it off like it is no big deal.
I'd agree if I didn't have my source verified
05-23-2012 , 04:54 PM
Well, I still believe in china.

Dunno about you folks....
05-23-2012 , 04:54 PM
What happened to you China? You used to be cool...
05-23-2012 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
How about I ban the next person who suggests someone else should get banned, how does that sound?
I'm in a band, I hope you don't count that against me.

For the record I haven't asked for him to be banned. The stance against China is that not only was he wrong once with this, he's in here provoking people. He's giving people a free pass to just make up any sort of claim and then reply to every single post basically trolling anyone that disagrees with him.

I understand this is the containment/nonsense thread, but at what point does he get told to knock it off?
05-23-2012 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Oh, and soliciting offers to buy or sell FTP funds is not allowed in this thread.
oooops sorry, was related to chinas offer! i don't expect anyone to offer anything for 3k anyway! i know it's worth a piece of crap!
05-23-2012 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
What happened to you China? You used to be cool...
I bet he's succumbing to the pressure of all these chinelines.
