Originally Posted by SKAKK
yeah that would actually be SKAKK, as in high, baked, stoned, only in norwegian. who u be to call me skank anyway?
But i like the rest of your post.
And please get an avatar.
Please pardon my rudeness, Skakk. The flippant attitude shown here towards cheating just tilted me.
Yes, everybody, getting advice on how to play your hand, be it from others in the room or a friend/coach on AIM or whatever, is CHEATING. The rule is ONE PLAYER PER HAND. So yeah, paying someone 10% to sweat you and guide you through is cheating. Obvioulsly, however, it's impossible to enforce. But that still doesn't make it right to do it. But go on, cheat away.
But don't insult anyone's intelligence by accusing me of jealousy or being poor sport. It's not because I have an inferiority complex that I'm so repulsed. It's my sense of sport and fairness.