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The first human rights violation in the poker world The first human rights violation in the poker world

07-17-2024 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by TheFly
Was wondering what happened to ya. Seems you split after a temp-ban, I’ve had a few myself over the years lol.

Manner reappears a year after his own thread was locked. I was hoping for an epilogue update from his phone calls to the Justice Department!
Yeah that’s what happened, got a one week ban for something silly by a softie volunteer and decided to take my talents elsewhere

Will exit stage left after Final Table is over. Plan on coming back next year at this time. Instead of Shark week it will be Scotch week

Hope you have been well!
07-17-2024 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by GusJohnsonGOAT
Yeah, but I'll need him to start posting there. And he'll never become a hjørnespark master bettor like you.
I don't know you, but I like you!
07-17-2024 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Defarse
Why the hell do you want the time stamp?
To prove they exist. They don’t.
07-17-2024 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Lucy's Fur

funny thing is niko does share his id in those text walls and in it is a NY State drivers license...

not saying you're him, but if he were to post his driver's license as such it's be the same as yours

ahh, my pony is slow, this has already been addressed

Originally Posted by PatPat8
Lucy’s Fur is definitely Nico. Nico also uploaded his NY drivers license and sent it to Melissa in that video stream in a very similar manner. He is obviously delusional if he thinks people will not catch on…but we already knew that
07-17-2024 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by GusJohnsonGOAT
Well, to be fair, I only really stop in NVG when I'm bored at work, so definitely don't know everything going on. However, I needed to see how someone's "human rights" were somehow being violated because of poker. Still waiting.
A woman by the name of Melissa’s human rights were violated when a man refused to respect her right to privacy and freedom after encountering her in the poker world.
07-17-2024 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by PatPat8
A woman by the name of Melissa’s human rights were violated when a man refused to respect her right to privacy and freedom after encountering her in the poker world.
it probably wasn't the first human rights violation in poker either
07-17-2024 , 03:21 PM
Don't know why the OP became obsessed with this person and was sending her DM's in the first place. It is pretty serious to get trespassed from two properties without actually doing something in either. At this point the OP is in the casino surveillance book. It used to be Griffin but they aren't around anymore. I don't know the name of the company that replaced them. Not only is he in the book but he has a flash alert issued. These are the daily or weekly electronic bulletins with photos of patrons to be on the lookout for. They are sent to all subscribers in the country. So let's say he were to go to properties other than Caesars, MGM or Wynn. There is a good chance the same would occur.
07-17-2024 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by PatPat8
A woman by the name of Melissa’s human rights were violated when a man refused to respect her right to privacy and freedom after encountering her in the poker world.
Yeah, that's actually true. Usually you read about a human rights violation and the person or entity is committing or committed them without any sort of repercussions.

Niko clearly did the crime but can't do the time.
07-17-2024 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by Lucy's Fur
You can tell neckline is different too; but again; last post on this. If you need further proof; contact a mod and ask them. They log user IP and MAC address. I'm done with this ridiculousness, but at the same time, I can understand the confusion because of him having a NY ID as well. I thought he was a vegas resident due to him saying he got kicked out of vegas venues.

I've personally reported your post and asked mods to verify we're different people through MAC and IP addresses. You're bordering on harassment; and it would be libel if I suffer damages (Don't think I will, most will be harassment on the platform I play on, seeing as you don't have my name)
I don't know if other users are trolling or if you've convinced them that you're not Niko. You need to get offline. Go for a walk.

Websites don't harvest your MAC address btw. There is no reason for the router to send that info. They will have a user-agent at most, which will match Niko's .
07-17-2024 , 04:56 PM
I don't understand why the woman in this situation after receiving about the fifth message from a guy like this wouldn't send him something like: "I'm blocking you. Do not send me any more messages, I will not receive them.", and then block him? Why would she subject herself to this continuing harassment?
07-17-2024 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
I don't understand why the woman in this situation after receiving about the fifth message from a guy like this wouldn't send him something like: "I'm blocking you. Do not send me any more messages, I will not receive them.", and then block him? Why would she subject herself to this continuing harassment?
she did block him, that's one of many burner accounts he made just to message her

she never saw those messages until she screencapped and shared, in order to stop this very thing (and spam) twitter tends to bury messages from unknown and fresh accounts deep under a few not so easily seen layers

if you go there you probably have a good dozen crypto scams in that double secret inbox

twitter doesn't usually give a "hey you probably have a stalker or scammer messaging you, you want to check it out" for good reason
07-17-2024 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Lucy's Fur
The punishment doesn't fit the crime unless someone has further proof I'm not seeing. Is it wrong? Yes. Is it wrong on a level for restraining order? Only if she asked him to stop directly (through text or in person).

My opinion: If he's less than 27 or so; he gets a free pass for being a loser and messaging her that many times. If he's much older than that; the restraining order should likely stand; as he should know better.

I'm way more lenient with this if he's younger than if he's older.
Cyber stalking is taken seriously because it routinely leads to IRL stalking
07-17-2024 , 10:02 PM
why you gotta be a ****in weirdo bro
use this as a learning experience: just be normal and don't do weird ****, go to therapy, don't talk to strangers about weird ****
Don't worry, no one knows who you are or cares, so this won't stick for that long

and quit posting from multiple accounts, it's yet another weirdo move
07-18-2024 , 12:11 AM
This thread is why we need to bring back bullying in schools. It keeps in line a lot of potentially weird people from doing creepy things. Also her guy friends should have stepped in and scared this idiot straight.
07-18-2024 , 03:59 AM
Holy your that crazy psychopath stalker of Melissa's, you are a reason why every woman/female should be allowed to open carry a gun
07-18-2024 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by PatPat8
To prove they exist. They don’t.
Unfortunately I can confirm there was a dick pick in the scrolling video of messages. No I didn't time stamp it, and no I won't go back to find it again. It's in the last third of the video though if you're that interested in seeing it.
07-18-2024 , 08:42 AM
Lmfao. Oh boy just catching up from my last comment back on page 2. I knew if the Mods left this thread open it would deliver and deliver huge. This would make a good Netflix movie.

07-18-2024 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by hardongear
Lmfao. Oh boy just catching up from my last comment back on page 2. I knew if the Mods left this thread open it would deliver and deliver huge. This would make a good Netflix movie.

You know OP realizes he totally stepped in it too, he's still around and lurking, he logged in as recently as a few hours ago.
07-18-2024 , 07:15 PM


SeNt FRom iphon

Last edited by deathorglory0; 07-18-2024 at 07:44 PM.
07-18-2024 , 09:21 PM
There's no epilogue to my big Bay 101 thread because I made my point in it and the game died anyway. Pretty much everyone I've talked to about it agreed with me, it was only 2p2 trolls that argued otherwise, and I'll admit I fed them too much. I obviously had no intention of playing there again because I'm not going to play high stakes in a room I think is crooked. There's already been lots of stories of cheating in California poker games, obviously Mike Postle was a few hours away at Stones, theres been those contact lenses that see through certain decks used at home games recently, and so as soon as a floorman starts acting obviously corrupt to me as they did at Bay 101, I'm out, and I was trying to help the poker community by reporting it to the gaming commission and the community.

Despite my account here being almost 20 years in age, my experience with the 2p2 trolls and the lack of fair moderation in that thread really turned me off to being a community member here. The amount of trolling allowed is out of control and the mods have some very strange priorities.

However, as mentioned I've had a severe mental health crisis involving some elements of psychosis a long time ago. It included some erratic behavior that was villainized. I was very fortunate to recover and have since been passionate about mental health, and particularly about helping people realize that there's more to mental health than depression, anxiety, and burnout, and sometimes the people who are acting with the worst behavior actually need the most sympathy and help of all.

I haven't spoken with Nico so I can't necessarily diagnose him over the internet. But the quantity of messages to Melissa, with no responses, as well as him seeing all these "signs" that him and Melissa are meant to be together, goes beyond a young guy with poor social skills and strongly indicates to me the possibility of psychosis that should be taken seriously as a health issue.

Since then, I've unfortunately seen it play out online a few times, and more than once ended in the person dying, including on the 2p2 thread I linked above where I repeatedly told people that cyberbullying someone going through a psychotic episode has major potential downside with zero upside.

So that's why when I see someone making a very dangerous thread, who clearly needs help, and who went to the worst possible place to get it , an internet forum full of people looking to bully him and escalate the situation, I decided to log back in and speak up, despite my frustration with the amount of trolls here. People could literally die as a result of this.

In this very first post in this thread, the OP makes several allusions to killing himself, noting that's been the outcome of some people in his support group and that he's getting "murdered".

Even if you don't care about Nico at all - if you do care about Melissa safety, the best thing to do is defuse this situation and encourage Nico to get help. Bullying him on an internet thread will certainly not get him help but could escalate things.

I think we all agree Nico needs to leave Melissa completely alone forever. Even in the unlikely case there's any element of truth to his claims that Melissa is somehow manipulating the situation, which I doubt, he's still better off leaving her completely alone and resolving any issues through a lawyer.

I gave some advice to Nico, from experience, on how to resolve a mental health crisis.

In the Dnegs thread, just a few pages ago, the 2p2 mod "whosnext" has said hes banned several members who have done nothing but criticize Daniel Negreneau. And yet, DNegs is a rich, powerful, and mentally stable influencer. Some mean things said about him by some online trolls means nothing to him. He'll probably never read it, and if he does, he can easily laugh it off.

Meanwhile, here you have someone who's very clearly going through a mental health crisis, that could very easily escalate to harm to himself or others.

So why are we prioritizing moderating criticism of DNegs and not this very dangerous thread?

This thread should be locked and deleted. Leaving it open leaves room for escalation. Even leaving it undeleted means Google could remember it and not let the parties move on it from it. For the sake of safety and medical privacy, it should be deleted.

Nico needs a therapist and a break from the internet. There's nothing else productive than could possibly be added to this thread.
07-18-2024 , 09:32 PM
Can you have psychosis for multiple years? Because this has been going on for years. From when he started stalking her until now when he clearly still doesn't understand and thinks he has been wronged all throughout.
07-18-2024 , 10:02 PM
schizophrenia maybe? or some other disorder might explain this

drug use?
07-18-2024 , 10:08 PM
I think the majority of posts in this thread aren’t trolls and encourage OP to seek help.

Others may come across as trolling when they’re actually just concerned about his victim’s safety so take a more aggressive and less tactful approach to encouraging him to stop.

And yes, a couple are just trolling.
07-18-2024 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
schizophrenia maybe? or some other disorder might explain this

drug use?
I’m not diagnosing anything nor am I saying anything about OP. But just for educational purposes, schizophrenia is a type of psychosis but there are many others. And yes, current or prior drug use and even medical conditions can all contribute to mental health issues.
07-18-2024 , 11:57 PM
Yeah psychosis is a symptom that could have several underlying causes. If it was more "episodic" (1 month out of 12) it would be more likely bipolar, but if it's been continual, schizophrenia could be a culprit , which was already suggested.

One of the biggest difficulties about delusional people is often they don't recognize they're delusional.

Drug use can badly excaberate this, certainly hard drugs, but even drugs like marijuana that are benign for most people can induce underlying psychosis in certain people. And as mentioned, ADHD drugs like Adderall or Vyvanse should be avoided even if legally prescribed. There's a whole industry pushing easy ADHD meds and doctors not really taking the time to take a holistic picture. A good doctor who found out what Nico sent in Twitter DMs would get him off any sort of stimulants.

If someone lives a clean, sober lifestyle and still suffers from psychosis, they may need anti-psychotics and they made need in-patient psych ward stays. Psych wards can be terrible places and antipsychotics can have bad side effects, and I think doctors use both of these as a blunt treatment when in some case sobriety, talk therapy, and more outdoors/less internet might suffice.

, I am personally a little bit of a "psychiatry skeptic" in that I think drugs like Adderall and Vyvanse are too easily prescribed and their link to other bad issues is under-played, and I think too many doctors rush to pharmaceutical options like anti-psychotics when they should be a last resort. But meds are certainly a better option than someone suffering delusions and in some cases could be a stopgap until the right lifestyle change.

I also want to recognize that Melissa is a victim of feeling very unsafe, of getting some very disturbing messages, of feeling stalked, all through no fault of her own. She was right to get a protective order and people in her life should know what Nico looks like and alert law enforcement if he comes close.

But Nico, if you read this, you are young, and you get some **** together, this will all blow over. I realize that sometimes people use mental illlness as a way to discredit people, and you may feel that way, but take a step back. If you did in fact send those messages to Melissa, they're objectively disturbing. I'm not saying this to demean you or discredit you, I'm saying it as someone's who experienced delusions, that if you're in the middle of them you might not be seeing things as objectively as you imagine. Based on what everyone around you is telling you, she's presented clear evidence of you being unstable and you keep insisting otherwise but havent truly presented any contrary evidence.

There is no conspiracy against you, you keep insisting you're being treated unfairly but you haven't truly been able to materialize any clear evidence disputing anything. Your pro poker career is nothing compared to your health. There will be plenty of opportunity to make money and meet great girls, if you first prioritize your health. That should start by coming to some acceptance that you developed an unhealthy obsession, suffered from delusional thinking, and need a therapist, lifestyle changes, and perhaps a doctor to get to the other side of it. Stop worrying about poker, stop worrying about any of these people, focus on getting help for your health. Make that your #1 priority, take whatever steps necessary to get away from this situation and towards a healthier lifestyle, then go from there. All of these problems can be resolved if you're mentally stable, and there seems to be general consensus that you're not stable.
