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Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO]

09-07-2010 , 02:01 PM
somehow i got the feeling the crowd wanted the gambler "outta here" after the fight...

i'm obv with the young guy but grandpa kicking that can before attacking was pretty cool
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by ArcadianSky
I'm 24.
I just live in NYC, where every single night, in every bar I go to I see an ******* who is deserving of a good ass-kicking.
Saw a guy yesterday get in a girl's face about half his size while screaming at her that she's a "slut" and a "whore" for accidentally drinking his drink. Wasn't breaking a law persay, but someone needed to pound his face into the pavement.

Some people definitely have certain things coming to them, and make absolutely no effort to avoid escalating situations.
I get your point, I really do and you have no idea how many times I've wanted to kick someones ass for being a douche, especially to a woman, but the fact of the matter is that you can't physically hurt somebody just because they are being audibally obnoxious or annoying you by bumping your chair.

You ask the bouncer or bartender to make the guy leave if it continues, you tell security about the tennis douche ruining your experience by being over the top, you tell the movie attendant that somebody is disrupting the movie that everyone paid for. What you don't do is physically attack somebody that is obnoxious just because that is the way you feel they should be dealt with.
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by fire_sqaud
young guy seriously shoulda got the living **** beat out of him. have you guys ever heard of verbal abuse or assualt? this young guy was committing it and deserved to get the **** beat out of him. imagine if some young guy is cussing out your daughter (probably calling her ****, bitch, whore, dumb ****, you name it) and you're standing right beside your daughter? you aren't gonna try killing the guy? this young guy got lucky that he didn't run into the wrong father. too bad he wasn't sitting beside the vietnam vetern that beat the **** out of the black man on the bus.
so glad you don't write the rules

EDIT: racist ban
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by fire_sqaud
young guy seriously shoulda got the living **** beat out of him. have you guys ever heard of verbal abuse or assualt? this young guy was committing it and deserved to get the **** beat out of him. imagine if some young guy is cussing out your daughter (probably calling her ****, bitch, whore, dumb ****, you name it) and you're standing right beside your daughter? you aren't gonna try killing the guy? this young guy got lucky that he didn't run into the wrong father. too bad he wasn't sitting beside the vietnam vetern that beat the **** out of the black man on the bus.
You sound like a fun dude.
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by ArcadianSky
I'm 24.
I just live in NYC, where every single night, in every bar I go to I see an ******* who is deserving of a good ass-kicking.
Saw a guy yesterday get in a girl's face about half his size while screaming at her that she's a "slut" and a "whore" for accidentally drinking his drink. Wasn't breaking a law persay, but someone needed to pound his face into the pavement.

Some people definitely have certain things coming to them, and make absolutely no effort to avoid escalating situations.
IMO go to different bars.

Pretty standard for old dudes to whoop young punks @ sporting events. This happened at 2 of the last 3 Giants games I went to.

In the video with the audio everyone comes across as an idiot.
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Fans who can't handle hearing expletives should stay home and watch the game on TV. When you've got hundreds of excited people sitting near you, many of whom are known to be emotionally invested in the outcome of a contest with substantial random-seeming elements, it's unreasonable to expect that exactly none of them will use language that others may consider offensive.

And yes, this reasoning applies to poker too, though not quite as strongly because each individual is within earshot of fewer fellow patrons. Anyone who can't handle an F-bomb or too should stick to online play where you can block chat.
I disagree completely, you are using horrible logic here. When I go to a professional sporting event, I expect people to act responsible enough not to drop F-bombs/curse words every second. If you want to curse at a sporting event, YOU need to stay at home and watch it on TV. If you want to be loud and obnoxious, YOU need to keep your butt at home and follow it on the internet. If someone is cursing at a poker table, I have no problem calling over the floor until I get the situation resolved.
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Online Veteran
I disagree completely, you are using horrible logic here. When I go to a professional sporting event, I expect people to act responsible enough not to drop F-bombs/curse words every second. If you want to curse at a sporting event, YOU need to stay at home and watch it on TV. If you want to be loud and obnoxious, YOU need to keep your butt at home and watch it on the internet. If someone is cursing at a poker table, I have no problem calling over the floor until I get the situation resolved.
keep in mind that you're arguing with a bunch of 16 year old socially inept nerds on this forum. i'm slowly starting to learn that it's just not worth it.
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by ArcadianSky
The fisticuffs began just after 9 p.m. ET, when a female fan complained to a man in his early 20s about his repeated swearing during the first set.

“I don’t give a (expletive) what anyone wants,” Joseph Pedeville told the woman. “I’ve got a lot of money on the game … Sit the (expletive) down.”

I'm going by what the article says. And if the security was so tight, where were they during the two mins of the video when the kid and the lady were nose to nose?

Both parties were wrong, if what the article says is accurate (I'm assuming it is, because no one just gets in someone else's face for absolutely no reason).

It's like that ******* at the movie theater who won't shut up, kicks your seat, and acts like an obnoxious idiot. Sure, beating his ass would be illegal, but you can't tell me he wouldn't deserve it.
Have you ever been to the US Open, there is basically zero tolerance for a fan making noise mid point. I dont doubt he was being loud and rude, it was almost certainly not during points though, just like he said in the vid. I agree they were both wrong, just one party seemed far far more wrong than the other.
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by fire_sqaud
young guy seriously shoulda got the living **** beat out of him. have you guys ever heard of verbal abuse or assualt? this young guy was committing it and deserved to get the **** beat out of him. imagine if some young guy is cussing out your daughter (probably calling her ****, bitch, whore, dumb ****, you name it) and you're standing right beside your daughter? you aren't gonna try killing the guy? this young guy got lucky that he didn't run into the wrong father.
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Online Veteran
I disagree completely, you are using horrible logic here. When I go to a professional sporting event, I expect people to act responsible enough not to drop F-bombs/curse words every second. If you want to curse at a sporting event, YOU need to stay at home and watch it on TV. If you want to be loud and obnoxious, YOU need to keep your butt at home and follow it on the internet. If someone is cursing at a poker table, I have no problem calling over the floor until I get the situation resolved.
Ok, so you feel entitled. That's great, but you're still not entitled.
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:15 PM
rules and laws are based on entitlement
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:17 PM
also for those of you just assuming the young guy deserved to get in **** go to a tennis match someday. Fans there are so amazingly uptight and some will get riled up and angry over the slightest things. We have absolutely no clue what initiated that woman to approach the man, the vid doesnt show any of that. We do know that there was a back and forth argument, she had approached him at his seat, she hit him, he sat back down, an old guy kicked his beer and grabbed his throat. How are people so certain he deserved this? He may very well have, but the vid doesnt prove it.
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Online Veteran
I disagree completely, you are using horrible logic here. When I go to a professional sporting event, I expect people to act responsible enough not to drop F-bombs/curse words every second. If you want to curse at a sporting event, YOU need to stay at home and watch it on TV. If you want to be loud and obnoxious, YOU need to keep your butt at home and follow it on the internet. If someone is cursing at a poker table, I have no problem calling over the floor until I get the situation resolved.
I love my sporting events to have a similar atmosphere to nap time at a retirement home too.
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by fire_sqaud
keep in mind that you're arguing with a bunch of 16 year old socially inept nerds on this forum. i'm slowly starting to learn that it's just not worth it.
No, what you're dealing with are people that are much more intelligent than you are. I'm sure you'd find people more agreeable on a wrestling forum or the like.
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
I love my sporting events to have a similar atmosphere to nap time at a retirement home too.
you do know you can yell and scream/cheer without being overly douchey right? I swear sometimes out loud at games but I'm not dropping the F bomb constantly and making a huge scene coming off as a prick to the people around me, some of which I understand probably don't appreciate constant obsenities
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:19 PM
Should've mashed the oldster's head into the fat chick's head until it looked like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:20 PM
When you get your ass jumped by a crowd of tennis match spectators(of all people) after two people have initiated unlawful physical assaults on you, you're a certified douche and you don't belong.

Watching tennis isn't like being in the student section of a college football game. There's a certain level of decorum expected. You don't go to a tennis match and drop F-bombs all day and not expect repercussions unless you're ignorant, just as decent people don't go dropping F-bombs at Sesame Street on Ice and get all indignant when they get called out on their inappropriate vulgarity.

Very good vid of the incident:
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:20 PM
lol at the comment by 737124 on the vid.
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by thrasher789
you do know you can yell and scream/cheer without being overly douchey right? I swear sometimes out loud at games but I'm not dropping the F bomb constantly and making a huge scene coming off as a prick to the people around me, some of which I understand probably don't appreciate constant obsenities
and we dont know if the young guy in the clip was doing any of that either. Like I said, some fans think tennis is still an elitist country club sport and they have no tolerance for any kind of cheering at a tennis event. The US Open night sessions can get rowdy, why are we just simply assuming this young guy was cheering like a loud, obnoxious idiot?
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:22 PM
Don't really care to take sides but nice to see this happens to other people too.
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Ziplok
also for those of you just assuming the young guy deserved to get in **** go to a tennis match someday. Fans there are so amazingly uptight and some will get riled up and angry over the slightest things. We have absolutely no clue what initiated that woman to approach the man, the vid doesnt show any of that. We do know that there was a back and forth argument, she had approached him at his seat, she hit him, he sat back down, an old guy kicked his beer and grabbed his throat. How are people so certain he deserved this? He may very well have, but the vid doesnt prove it.

If someone is being rude and obnoxious you ask them to stop. If they don't you call security, it's their job to handle situations like this.

What you don't do is confront someone, get in their face and then slap them when they refuse to listen to you.

No amount of distasteful language, particularly when it isn't some sort of hate speech intended to offend, makes a violent reaction justifiable.

Some fat bitch lost her cool and other fat bitches itt are empathizing...
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by skeptix
No, what you're dealing with are people that are much more intelligent than you are. I'm sure you'd find people more agreeable on a wrestling forum or the like.
these same people that your'e referring to are massive failers when it comes to the social scene of life too. therefore, when discussing this issue, the wrestling forum would be able to dominate a bunch of socially inept nerds on what is more socially acceptable.
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Heya
When you get your ass jumped by a crowd of tennis match spectators(of all people) after two people have initiated unlawful physical assaults on you, you're a douche and you don't belong.
if fans are out of hand during points at a tennis tournament, especially the US Open there is zero tolerance for it. It is dead silent mid point during tennis matches, security certainly would have stepped in if this guy was consistently making noise during points, even if they did it twice. The players point it out and the stands at Ashe stadium during the US Open is completely full of security. Its just as likely that lady took offense to something nobody else really did and decided to handle it on her own as it is this guy was yelling and swearing mid point.

and your argument is not reasonable. Not many people are really taking note of the debate between the two, its still NYC and people getting into an argument is not uncommon. The entire section takes notice when they see an altercation between and old man and a young guy with the old man falling backwards with the young guy on top. If you just saw that of course you would think the young guy is at fault and would be screaming to have him ejected.
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by thrasher789
you do know you can yell and scream/cheer without being overly douchey right? I swear sometimes out loud at games but I'm not dropping the F bomb constantly and making a huge scene coming off as a prick to the people around me, some of which I understand probably don't appreciate constant obsenities
How many f bombs are you allowed to drop before somebody can slap you? Is there a predetermined number that this man clearly went over that is making everyone say he deserved to get hit?
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
09-07-2010 , 02:25 PM
his mannerisms were johnny drama-esk

love it
Fight in stands @ US Open match, gambler is blamed [VIDEO] Quote
