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Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse

09-14-2020 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Cleany000
+1 !
How is your first ever post a "+1" for another user who just created a new account to post on this subject....

LOL counter intelligence anyone?

Yes... I used one of my 3 yearly posts to put you in your place... Congrats!
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-14-2020 , 09:17 PM
I think it would be a good idea for Poker sites to more openly share data between other Poker sites around who they ban and why (a practice that most casinos do using a 3rd party company).

If you know that playing on your sisters account, RTA, jungleghosting, card sharing, account selling will get you blackballed across the board, leaving you to play on some dirty little scum website not included in the mix. You likely might consider your actions a little deeper. Also, a face scan validation when you sign in would also make it a lot tougher to allow these same scum to go out of there way to continue to play on someone else's account after they get caught.

Of course, this doesn't solve all of it but it would have a huge impact... Casino's do it for a reason.
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-14-2020 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by TreadLightly
I thought this at first too but I think its not that people are 'only' focusing on the backers who benefited from the cheating, its just that it is point blank obvious, if the allegations are true, that Fedor Kruse cheated.
Makes sense, but at the end of the day most of the posts in this thread are "f*ck the roommates for staking the cheater" and a lower frequency of "F*ck Kruse and his dream machine", which is stupid.

Originally Posted by cephei
all coming from brand new accounts... you don't need postle's magic hat to see what's going on.
How can you call my account a "brand new account"?
You literally created yours 1 month earlier and have posted a couple more times than me.

I don't get you anyways, you mean the roommates are creating a bunch of accounts to get the focus out of them by posting "don't focus on the stakers" ? lmao
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-14-2020 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by heroin brudi
watch how Max Kruse will comment tweet asking to stop calling him just Kruse
Haha i bet mostly just germans will understand
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-14-2020 , 09:56 PM
This bluehero guy should be banned for life on all sites and casinos. Very clearly complicit in profiting from cheating, and as some others have said, he seems to have improved at an unrealistic rate recently. No doubt he is calculating an innocent response right now...
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-14-2020 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by MJ_Syd_Aus
Bans... funds being frozen... reputations damaged - incoming. Yes. But there is no court case here, is there?
Postle had no court case against him was dismissed. He will never face criminal charges either.

Last edited by djz; 09-14-2020 at 10:27 PM.
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-14-2020 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by djz
Postle had no court case against him was dismissed. He will never face criminal charges either.
Partially incorrect. Postle case is ongoing (17 Aug 2020).
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 12:32 AM

Setup picture 2 - here he even has the solver (simple postflop) open and is using it for a River spot on ACR as we can see on the other monitor.

This dude has a separate screen for only Holdem Manager.

I can't imagine needing more than 2 screens to figure out how much I'm up for a session.
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 12:47 AM
I haven't read every page, so I hope I am not just repeating what someone before me already posted.

Originally Posted by blackouths
As someone up to date with the drama that knows all of the parties personally:

For reference, my name is Lewis, my @ on everything is blackouths and party is RiskOfRuin. I’ve been playing roughly the same stakes as Fedor until earlier this year and spoke to him relatively frequently until a few months ago. I know him and the Vienna crew (his housemates, particularly Manuel) quite well and was in Vegas with them in 2018 for the series.

The first thing I would like to write in particular is, based on character and everything I know about the individuals involved, there is basically a 0pct chance the housemates are involved in this maliciously - Manuel is literally one of the nicest people I know and I’m sure if you ask a lot of regs who have had to deal with these guys in the past they would have the same opinion as myself. Literally two weeks before this drama came out I was discussing in WhatsApp chats/discord servers how I was happy how well Fedor was doing, “one for the good guys” etc etc, as we were grinding the same games on GG (1knl) a few months ago and I know he was on an absolutely insane heater with variance in the games, jackpots etc.

Unfortunately with Fedor it seems like a lot of the evidence is fairly concrete at this point and based on his character I can kind of believe it was true. I hate to say it as he is one of my friends, however with regards to his work ethic and personality wise he definitely is the sort of person who could build and operate a “dream machine” so to speak. Hell he was even running sims at the table on simple pf when we were playing 1/3 at the Wynn on his tablet waiting for a bigger game to start. I know from speaking to him back then personally he was very jaded and I suppose envious of other regs who he believed were worse than him and running better, playing in bigger games. I can only assume this lead to him seeking assistance from some kind of RTA. I would like to hear his own comments on the scenario obviously but the only thing I can attest to is that Manuel and Niklas would not have bought action in Fedor if they believed he was cheating in the games.

Wait what? On page one of this thread there are screenshots of conversations between Manuel and Fedor as well as Niklas and Fedor from FEBRUARY to APRIL where Fedor explicitly points out the dream machine (e.g. that he gets destroyed without it or that he casually plays a bit low stakes for once without his dream machine).

Also, they show a conversation from APRIL as a proof that they told him they "clearly forbid him to use his assistance in our apartment & told him we do not tolerate it anymore and if he keeps using it we'll have to report him".

Yet, as shown in the Excel-sheet they posted, they decided to participate in and thereby directly profit from the cheat by staking him. And they did it from the second half til the end of MAY.
So at least 3.5 months (first convo screenshot) after knowing about the cheat they still decide to fund it by staking him but "there is basically a 0pct chance the housemates are involved in this maliciously"?

LOL, tbh it's so unlikely that they only staked him for two weeks as the Excel-sheet indicates. It's much more likely they've got into an unsolvable argument about the money and then decided to retaliate by cutting his income completly.
But to be fair, that's all speculation. What isn't, however, is that you're trying to whitewash these guys although they still participated in a cheat months after knowing what was happening.
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 01:15 AM
If you‘re thinking roommates have participated in the cheat.

why didn’t both manuel and niklas use the situation by jumping from their regular mtt grind to nosebleed cash games aswell by copying fedors way of using solves in-play?

i‘m sure they would’ve profited way more that way than having some minor piece of fedors action.
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 01:20 AM
I guess I pointed out why I "think" they participated. It's a very easy reasoning based on what they posted as their evidence. And they likely did it for much longer than they admit.

Btw, creating new accounts to deny facts and defend the guys makes it only worse for them (or should I say for you?).
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 01:30 AM
lol that’s stupid

i’m not involved in this rta case, but know fedor, henri and manu personally and this is just my observation on this conflict.
stop accusing bs
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 01:39 AM
I'll leave it at that.
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 01:51 AM
I remember first time moving up in limits, from a broke student to earning 200$ / hour in <18 months.. My family thought I was cheating in some way, but they enjoyed the money
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 01:59 AM
I'm glad a lot of people started talking about dealing with the main problem here.

The RTA maker, kruse, the sites unwillingness to ban him with all the info(ps, gg), the other cheaters he clearly knows about, henri buhlero, probably 50 other guys and then the roommates.

Ffs. Stop this bashing of the whistleblowers. Whistleblowers should get immunity, especially because they seemingly played such a small part in this. Until further information is released the last people we should talk about are the roommates. We now must wait for Kruse, Henri, or someone else to tell the whole story. Then we can see who to blame with the entire timeline, instead of 20% of the whole story we have so far. It was given to us by whistleblowers. Good people, who made as far as I can tell a tiny mistake.

Please dont reply to this editundo, you have said your peace, 4 times now, we get it.
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 02:06 AM
Interesting to see the pic has a hand vs me in the OP. I havn't got time to read all this but what winrates was this guy pulling? RTA doesn't seem that much better than a top player, to me.
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by Stroggoz
Interesting to see the pic has a hand vs me in the OP. I havn't got time to read all this but what winrates was this guy pulling? RTA doesn't seem that much better than a top player, to me.
From what i've seen he was down money on stars and ACR (Albeit over quite low volume) , up at least 100k on GG i guess from the excel (playing 5-40k)

But have no fear many people think the sky is falling

Last edited by TreadLightly; 09-15-2020 at 02:17 AM.
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by TreadLightly
From what i've seen he was down money on stars and ACR , up at least 100k on GG i guess from the excel (playing 5-40k)

But have no fear many people think the sky is falling
That's just 1 month though, right? we really need to have the whole story before jumping to any hard conclusions.

Profits, losses, backers, seller, gg, ps, acr, other cheaters kruse knows about, timelines, who knew and when, and a bunch more ****... we are waiting til tomorrow, kruse will speak.
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by happy to be hear
I'm glad a lot of people started talking about dealing with the main problem here.

The RTA maker, kruse, the sites unwillingness to ban him with all the info(ps, gg), the other cheaters he clearly knows about, henri buhlero, probably 50 other guys and then the roommates.

Ffs. Stop this bashing of the whistleblowers. Whistleblowers should get immunity, especially because they seemingly played such a small part in this. Until further information is released the last people we should talk about are the roommates. We now must wait for Kruse, Henri, or someone else to tell the whole story. Then we can see who to blame with the entire timeline, instead of 20% of the whole story we have so far. It was given to us by whistleblowers. Good people, who made as far as I can tell a tiny mistake.

Please dont reply to this editundo, you have said your peace, 4 times now, we get it.
Then I will say something. In these 3 or 4 month he could have done a lot a damage to the poker economy the "universe" or however you wanna call it.

Imagine being cheated by a 100nl shitreg as they put it.
Maybe some high stake crusher was tilting so bad because he couldn't believe that this known 100nl bad reg beat him out of his life roll at 40k and committed suicide.
Not entirely impossible. Just saying... There could have been a lot of damage done.

Plus in those 3 month or so they didn't report him he could have cashed out and the funds are forever gone.

As they say it doesn't matter if you steal 1 dollar or one million. Theft is theft. Omg that sound terrible but it's true. If you know of a murder and don't report it you're complicit. It's your duty.

And no they couldn't have done it and jump to the highest stakes and clean up. They would have been busted too.

Anyways still mad props to the guys for coming out.
I have to take a break from this thread and will wait for real news.
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 03:01 AM
While you guys gossip about this story Im actually battling players using real time solvers EVERYDAY AT .5/$1 PLO 6 Max ON Global Poker. THIS MEANS ITS HAPPENING EVERYWHERE!!!!! Sites dont really give a **** cause they open 5-10 tables and keeps games going. THEY LOVE TO PLAY HEADS UP!!!! I have all the screennames of the suspected players. They all play basically the same. They switch their screennames often. They sucking up a TON of money out the community even at this level. They make A LOT of money 5k+ weekly AT .5/1. Who knows how much more at other levels and other sites. Basically a goldmine for these guys and they abuse it heavily PLAYING LONG HOURS EVERYDAY.

Please just dont ignore this message and help me get rid of these real time solver players on Global Poker and rest of the sites. NON cheating regs group togther and list screennames of suspected real time solver players with stake level and site name.
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by nba_guru
While you guys gossip about this story Im actually battling players using real time solvers EVERYDAY AT .5/$1 PLO 6 Max ON Global Poker. THIS MEANS ITS HAPPENING EVERYWHERE!!!!! Sites dont really give a **** cause they open 5-10 tables and keeps games going. THEY LOVE TO PLAY HEADS UP!!!! I have all the screennames of the suspected players. They all play basically the same. They switch their screennames often. They sucking up a TON of money out the community even at this level. They make A LOT of money 5k+ weekly AT .5/1. Who knows how much more at other levels and other sites. Basically a goldmine for these guys and they abuse it heavily PLAYING LONG HOURS EVERYDAY.

Please just dont ignore this message and help me get rid of these real time solver players on Global Poker and rest of the sites. NON cheating regs group togther and list screennames of suspected real time solver players with stake level and site name.
Got any proof of your accusations?
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 03:13 AM
Lol @ the first 4 pages of this thread, half of it is idiots wondering if viffer is actually dumb. Says a lot about most of the people with an opinion here.

Two words, unethical vs. illegal. What is happening here is not illegal, first of all. So LOL @ the other idiots that said this should be a tried case. Unethical, yes certainly. Against acr/ps rules? You tell me.

If you think for one second that operators actually do not know this is occurring, c'mon. This has been a serious topic of convo especially in the last year. Most notably Rob Yong has spoken about it multiple times and even admitted that there's not much they can do but implement things to skew the data.

Do you think PS wants this in the news? No, otherwise it would have been glorified already. It would literally ruin paying sites. Ignorance is bliss they say, right?

C'mon ppl, wake up. If you're playing medium to high stakes online, and you don't know that this is happening - then you deserve to get got. Not saying that people deserve to get cheated. However if you are playing at those levels and don't know the risk or don't think this is happening... c'mon ppl. C'mon! Stay woke.

LINK TO OLD THREAD - How gto scammers work in husng

Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 05:25 AM
Contradictions and fallacies in the post above mine. I posted a lit in that thread, tried to bump it as much as possible.

Washoe, seek help. You are right about the RTA cheating being probably devastating to tons of people, but if they reported him long ago to the sites, that's there duty. Not come on here and face **** for playing a minor roll in a major problem.
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 06:39 AM
This Kruse story is really sick but roommates don't know anything about the cheating right ?
I am not sure, if this is true..
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
09-15-2020 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by Hazeyez
Two words, unethical vs. illegal. What is happening here is not illegal, first of all.
Of course it is illegal. You are breaking the rules to get other's people money.
Do not be surprised that a court rules against you if you try to weasle out of it whatever your strategy may be. "Everybody else does it too, or at least could have done it too. It's not even cheating if I pull up my database or a real-time engine/solver".
There are plenty of students cheating in exams, getting expelled and go to court about it, completely oblivious that their cheating could have real-life consequences. "I-I was just getting an unfair advantage what's the big deal?" Fellow students could actually sue them as well, just nobody does it, because it's difficult to prove damages.

However in poker cheating it is not difficult at all to prove damages, on the contrary. In poker people do not press charges because you need full cooperation of the pokersite. It is difficult to prove the cheating, to prove the ID of the cheater, the cheater probably sits on the other side of the globe and sometimes the poker site refunds the money anyway - if you did their difficult job to prove the cheater is a cheater. So why go through the hassle of legislation involving a pokersite in Curacao or whatever little island these pokersites reside on and a player from whereever?
Btw. what do you think - would a pokersite cooperate with your claim to sue a cheater? Handing out details about ID, handhistory, their own investigations?

And this is the bigger picture now and I want to talk about the pokersites:

From a pokersite perspective a bot is as good a paying customer as anybody else.
Even better: the site can let the b/e bots play and they can confiscate the funds of winning bots with impunity.

Those cheaters cash in a roll for their newly acquired bots. They let their bots grind long hours. They are happy about 5% ROI and don't mind paying $1000 rake for $50 profit - after all it's just "time" they lose. And why would they cash out if it is going well, why not move up in limits.

Pokersites love this behaviour! To them it's perfect!

Cheaters are greedy, that's why they cheat. Pokersites love greedy players, that's the whole reason for the poker boom in the '00s - people think they can make money and are willing to put money into it. With the bots - every dumb idiot thinks he can just print money letting his bot run or having a dream machine next to them. They are willing to cash in big money to make bigger money.
If they lose a roll - well there is always a better bot version or the better solver, the better databases.

Forget the "recreationals" with their 1-buyin-cashin per week on a friday evening. The old ones are dying out or have better things to do with their money. New players do not even start playing poker, they move straight up to slots. Whose odds funnily enough are better for a recreational than to play poker.

So far the poker sites have not done anything against bots and cheaters. Because it is their bread and butter. Do not expect them to act against bots and cheaters. Expect strongly worded letters. Expect "commitment to our customers" blabla. Pokersites are running a business, the business of taking the customers money. Like a casino. Do not expect ethical decisions. Expect them to catch the winning bots and take their money so they can have their posterchild "we do something about game integrity" and letting the b/e bots continue. You heard the sermons about poker ecological systems. They told you in your face: more rake is better. Do not suddenly act surprised if the lobby is full of cheaters. How on earth would you think this is by accident, not by design?!

inb4 a dozen angry posts of Stockholm syndrome victims
Evidence on RTA case GlitchSystem / Fedor Kruse Quote
