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Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay

03-08-2012 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by BEANO52
Do you seriously think that Haralabos Voulgaris has done only one interview?
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Lastly Daniel - whether you want to admit it or not - E-Dog being your "close" friend for years will cloud your overall judgement of him and his actions. If this was Howard Lederer doing all this your posts would be filled with HATE and you know it, right???
Who gives a sh^t? I'm not exactly a fan of Mr. Negreanu but what on earth is wrong with him cutting someone, who he is/was close to, some slack on the verbiage? I appreciate the fact that Daniel came back here to tell everyone that he all but grabbed EL by the collar, shook him, and said, "WTF is wrong with you?"

Lederer has been a dick to Daniel, his sister has been nothing short of a bully and Daniel framed his comments about them based on his history. Derp.

I know this is NVG but it amazes me that we get sidetracked for about a hundred posts analyzing every word of what Daniel writes. He thinks EL is a degen and an idiot for letting this drag on but they have history so he isn't going to throw him under the bus. I wish all my friends were like that.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by molinn9
A guy who cant win anymore hmm who could that be sound hell of a close to Layne Flack lol
Lola. gotta be!
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
The reason Daniel's very brief reply is so empty is that he is basically completely denying reality in an effort not to step on toes.

There is no doubt that the VAST majority of people in Erick's situation (prior to it being made public, of course) will continue to rip off people to feed their addiction or to try to get out of the hole etc etc. These people are generally not stupid and so they will OBVIOUSLY go more and more out of the standard box when seeking new prey to rip off. When their reputation is getting lower and lower among those 'in the know' or in the gambling circle or whatever, they will seek those who aren't well connected or who may be more naively trusting and so more innocent victims of the scams will perpetrate. The fact that Daniel thinks it is okay to keep it among private company who in his community is a crook (that's what these people are) is a disservice to everyone else.

Daniel, could you ever claim that had you outed Erick for being a degenerate scammer or if you out this mystery guy who has taken you for 500k, that it would not reduce the chances of those people scamming innocent victims in the community? I am sure you would agree that if you do so, their chances of securing victims going forward would be greatly reduced, and as such you would be siding with innocent people rather than protecting the reputations of degenerate, slimy, crooks.

To whoever the poster it was that said it isn't DN's job to out everyone he has heard is a degen, of course it isn't. I don't argue. But when his supposed best friend is one, or when he is directly ripped off 500k from someone, it IS his responsibility if he cares about innocent people in the community to make that info public. Those who are the scammers deserve NOTHING and the respect DN gives them is not okay. When you have direct and certain knowledge that someone is a thief, and you have a voice that could easily prevent that thief from being able to steal from innocent people again, it is shameful not to use that voice.
Your posts are jam packed with nonsense speculation. If somebody rips someone off how does this mean he will suddenly target the entire "innocent community"? Targeting the innocent community ruthlessly as you make it sound would be an incredibly difficult task and known scammers should know this better than anyone. I find it comical that ideas like yours came from $2800 bucks that has been paid back

Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
Daniel explicitly said there is a guy who has scammed him for 500k. He says he will never see that money again. Anyone capable of doing that to DN is very capable of doing it to others. If DN doesn't make it public, those who aren't on the 'inside' in the gambling world are at risk of getting ripped off by this man. DN is rather selfish to keep such info private as he is putting the scammer and his own best interest ahead of the greater good and protecting future innocent victims.
I would also argue that if you're not on the 'inside' in the gambling world why are in the gambling world period? Presumably making large sum bets with randoms? Do your homework and you won't get burned imo...
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 06:57 PM
brokelivingJRB imo
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by grdred944
Who gives a sh^t? I'm not exactly a fan of Mr. Negreanu but what on earth is wrong with him cutting someone, who he is/was close to, some slack on the verbiage? I appreciate the fact that Daniel came back here to tell everyone that he all but grabbed EL by the collar, shook him, and said, "WTF is wrong with you?"

Lederer has been a dick to Daniel, his sister has been nothing short of a bully and Daniel framed his comments about them based on his history. Derp.

I know this is NVG but it amazes me that we get sidetracked for about a hundred posts analyzing every word of what Daniel writes. He thinks EL is a degen and an idiot for letting this drag on but they have history so he isn't going to throw him under the bus. I wish all my friends were like that.
Excellent post, I hope it hits home.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by OMGitsCheddar
Non-sequitur warning.

We don't have $5 a gallon, and we never have.

We're at about $3.75 as a country right now ($3.45 where I'm at), and everyone here seems to think 1) it's a huge problem 2) it has a simple cause.

Like it is a problem for people because it's high relative to the rock bottom prices for gas we are used to paying and it's reducing purchasing power / weakening our economic recovery here.
But, if you wanna hear some of the most hyper-simplified logic ever employed, listen to our politicians talk about the price of gas.
If you are in LA and happen to have your gas light blinking as you drive by the gas station that has premium at $6 you probably don't give a rats ass about hyper-simplified logic.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 07:16 PM
Lock Poker just signed Eric Lindgren.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 07:26 PM
I want to put in a few things that are facts, unlike most things in this thread

-I am not the person that owes DN $500k. I don't owe a single person in the world, and I intend to keep it that way.

-I will probably get flamed for saying this, but Erick is one of the people in the "old school" poker world that I 100% trust. Is he wrong for some of his settling up routines? YES! He will tell u that himself.

Erick is a great friend and has been there for me in some dark times in my life. Erick will get past this stumbling block of his life and I believe that every one that has $ coming will get theirs. Will it be when he promised it? NO! And that's an avenue that he really needs to get right in his life!

There is no one I am rooting for more than him!
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by josh arieh
I want to put in a few things that are facts, unlike most things in this thread

-I am not the person that owes DN $500k. I don't owe a single person in the world, and I intend to keep it that way.

-I will probably get flamed for saying this, but Erick is one of the people in the "old school" poker world that I 100% trust. Is he wrong for some of his settling up routines? YES! He will tell u that himself.

Erick is a great friend and has been there for me in some dark times in my life. Erick will get past this stumbling block of his life and I believe that every one that has $ coming will get theirs. Will it be when he promised it? NO! And that's an avenue that he really needs to get right in his life!

There is no one I am rooting for more than him!

Hardly unbiased. I mean I think most people in this thread already figured out he is a good guy at heart with some bad habits.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by josh arieh
I want to put in a few things that are facts, unlike most things in this thread

-I am not the person that owes DN $500k. I don't owe a single person in the world, and I intend to keep it that way.

-I will probably get flamed for saying this, but Erick is one of the people in the "old school" poker world that I 100% trust. Is he wrong for some of his settling up routines? YES! He will tell u that himself.

Erick is a great friend and has been there for me in some dark times in my life. Erick will get past this stumbling block of his life and I believe that every one that has $ coming will get theirs. Will it be when he promised it? NO! And that's an avenue that he really needs to get right in his life!

There is no one I am rooting for more than him!
I thought it was you lol I apologise for me involving you...
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 07:50 PM
All here's what we got:

1) Most people think of this person as a great person
2) They can't win anymore
3) It is not Josh

Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by lickyfeet
All here's what we got:

1) Most people think of this person as a great person
2) They can't win anymore
3) It is not Josh

Nice summary
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by grdred944
I appreciate the fact that Daniel came back here to tell everyone that he all but grabbed EL by the collar, shook him, and said, "WTF is wrong with you?"
I missed this, where did Daniel say this? Thanks
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 07:54 PM
Well it should have immediately excluded me if they were considered a great person
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 08:04 PM
Josh, we appreciate the "Oh I trust him and he's a nice guy.." That said, did you read the first page where he outright lied to someone over an amount of money that should not be worth lying for. All he had to say was, "hey, not sure when I can get this to you, but I will..." ... something a really nice guy would say, not a lying P.O.S. degen that treats those people outside of his close circle like crap
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by 9monthsOMG
Josh, we appreciate the "Oh I trust him and he's a nice guy.." That said, did you read the first page where he outright lied to someone over an amount of money that should not be worth lying for. All he had to say was, "hey, not sure when I can get this to you, but I will..." ... something a really nice guy would say, not a lying P.O.S. degen that treats those people outside of his close circle like crap

cant win anymore
still plays 10k
layne flack

life in the fast layne!
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 08:09 PM
Josh no problems with you sticking up for you friend just human to do that.
But you have to understand why peopls are sick of this. There are so many people who has alot of money stuck on full tilt, a poker site that E-dog was getting 250k montly paymeant(rumours say)
Its a money most of us only dream about and there you have this guy spreading it around like a ******. As Full Tilt cant pay back its not so strange people find these paymeants like it was there money he was goofing around with, iam not saying it was his fault or Iveys but it doesnt change the fact that these people around Full Tilt will be so hated for years to come.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by josh arieh
-I will probably get flamed for saying this, but Erick is one of the people in the "old school" poker world that I 100% trust. Is he wrong for some of his settling up routines? YES! He will tell u that himself.
Routines? Wtf kind of way is that to put it? Trustworthy is not the first thing that comes to mind when i read Haralabous post. Did you read it?

Originally Posted by coltranedog
I have gone over whether or not I should post in this thread for the last few days now, and although I am still conflicted and am not prepared to share everything I just want to say the following.

I think with the exception of a few really "green" newbies to the gambling world. Nearly everyone who has had any dealings with Erick and is deciding now to post is a hypocrite.

And because I am now posting, that includes me.

We all knew that Edog was pretty much a piece of **** when it came to settling gambling debts. But as long as the Full Tilt money train was chugging along paying distributions, nobody wanted to speak up.

Now that its pretty clear that FTP is done, and so are any prospects of Erick being able to pay anyone back. Everyone is very quick to talk about what a horrible person he is.

And so here I am.

Erick, well he isn't such a nice guy.

If some of us (especially me) would have spoken up a long time ago a lot of the little guys who did business with him could have been spared.

I am not going to go into all the details, but I have known Erick since around 2004. From 2005-2006 he owed me a really large figure. I gave him a year to get his stuff in order and he was supposed to pay the whole amount off in 2006.

He didn't.

We then agreed on a payment plan of sorts but that never really took shape either.

From 2005-2007 I primarily kept my mouth shut about Erick, only told a few other sports gamblers here and there about how they needed to be careful doing business with him etc. The response I got from nearly everyone was, oh I know he's bad news. He owes me $$ as well.

After awhile I pretty much gave up on being quiet about the amount he owed me and ended up telling a few more respected poker players as well.

I even went as far as to ask FTP to intervene and direct some of his distributions to me, i had emails from Erick that confirmed that he promised to send a payment of X amount monthly from FT up until the debt of Y was resolved.

One of the main board members at FTP told me that they could never do this because it would be highly illegal and they didn't have the jurisdiction to do so or get involved. I understand how they wouldn't want to break any more laws seeing as how they were busy laundering money and buying banks to mask their financial transactions.

Erick still owes me a big figure its still probably one of the bigger amounts he owes. But its not nearly as big as it was in 2005. To his credit he has paid off around 80% of it -

To his detriment only about 10% of it came when he actually offered up the money. The other 70% came from;

Flying around the world hanging around some of his horse's final tables trying to scratch and claw to grab some money.

Coaxing the guys at matchbook to send me some of the money he had requested as a w/d directly to me.

Pestering, harassing him via email and text to get some payments sent my way.

Finding out he had agreed to sell / loan 1% FTP in exchange for a big payment and then confronting him about it and having him send me an amount then.

The latter was extremely frustrating because I have no doubt that if I hadn't found out about the loan / sale he never would have brought it up to me and I never would have gotten any money out of him.

Further he acted all indignant when I confronted him stating that the deal wasn't done and it may not get done so that was why never told me about it.

I am fairly certain that this was a load of bs.

I think at least one other transaction had gone down where he has sold a pct of his FT stake and I didn't hear about it and thus didn't get paid.

I'd also like to add that, if Erick really wanted to have paid off all his debts. He could have basically laid in bed / slept for a year or two and just paid everyone off.

His FT distributions were that big and he could have easily lived on a modest (sarcasm) 20-30k a month stipend and made everyone whole.

But that was never good enough, he was too busy popping off on sports or the big games on FTP.

I feel like a pretty big hypocrite for writing this now because there have been so many times over the years where I wanted to post about this earlier. I just didn't want to give Erick an excuse for slowpaying me even more.

I am a lot different nowadays. I used to get so tilted reading articles, blog reports or the famous Ryan Daut post where he talks about what a boss Edog was, all the while knowing that this guy owes me a bunch of money and for the most part didn't have the decency to try and bring the figure down.

The dude has owed me money for 6 years.

I don't really see much hope of getting paid off in full. Erick sent me an out of the blue email a few weeks ago stating how bad things were for him and that he is in real rough shape.

I am guessing that the impetus of that email was the fact that he was getting threatened by the fantasy sports dudes and he wanted to do some damage control ahead of time.

I like Daniels blog posts and video's a lot, I wanted to get this out here in the public before Daniel says something that downplays the whole situation.

I also sent Daniel a PM (a draft of one I meant to edit but didn't before sending) but I figured I was better off just posting here.

Its not merely a bunch of fantasy sports nits that are owed money, its a bunch of people spread all around the gambling world.

I'd also like to add that this isn't an example of new vs old -

I am about the same age as Daniel and Erick, I have been involved in gambling (mostly sports) for as long if not longer than these guys.

I have never met anyone who was as big a prick about paying off his debts as Erick. I have went bad in the past, have sold property, borrowed from family and friends and basically done whatever I could to make sure that my gambling debts were paid off in time.

Not paying a debt as soon as I could is simply not the way I or any of my close friends who gamble for a living were raised (and I was raised by a degenerate gambler who ended up going busto).

I have done business with people who went busto and couldn't pay. I have done business with people who basically said **** you I am not paying.

But I have never met a guy who was guaranteed as much money as Edog was from his FT investment, who spent money as lavishly as he did, who was basically allergic to paying his debts.

I remember reading the Dane Cook quote and thinking, must be nice to have all the money in the world, but not have the time nor inclination to pay back the people you owe.

If the whole thing wasn't as irritating as it is, it'd actually be quite sad.
Erick is a great friend and has been there for me in some dark times in my life. Erick will get past this stumbling block of his life and I believe that every one that has $ coming will get theirs. Will it be when he promised it? NO! And that's an avenue that he really needs to get right in his life!

There is no one I am rooting for more than him!
So he stiffed people (yeah you can actually call it that when he doesn't settle a debt in full even after 5+ years) while having multi million dollar salary for basically doing nothing, but these people can expect to get paid when he bounce back? It's not because hes in a "slump" that he's not paying. He didn't pay people (unless coltranedog is lying) even when he was getting major money from FTP and heckling Dane Cook for making less money than him.

Root for him all you want. But hes obviously ****ing people over. If that makes him trustworthy then by all means....
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by josh arieh
I want to put in a few things that are facts, unlike most things in this thread

-I am not the person that owes DN $500k. I don't owe a single person in the world, and I intend to keep it that way.

-I will probably get flamed for saying this, but Erick is one of the people in the "old school" poker world that I 100% trust. Is he wrong for some of his settling up routines? YES! He will tell u that himself.

Erick is a great friend and has been there for me in some dark times in my life. Erick will get past this stumbling block of his life and I believe that every one that has $ coming will get theirs. Will it be when he promised it? NO! And that's an avenue that he really needs to get right in his life!

There is no one I am rooting for more than him!
What exactly makes his current situation so special that you think he's going to pay up? he's been doing this for many years. This is straight up friend talk, where just because someone is friends with him they are overly supportive. I don't see him magically scrounging up money any time soon. Not hating on the guy but just trying to be realistic.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by josh arieh
Well it should have immediately excluded me if they were considered a great person
Layne Flack
Mike Matusow
Gavin Smith

I am afraid I'd go for Mike Matusow. Not a winning player online and super tight live cash and a little left behind tournament wise. But a nice guy. MM for me.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 08:12 PM
heres a pov for you. Mike Mattasow has more money then E-dog

Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 08:17 PM
IRS: Yeah you owe us a few million.

E-Dog: Yeah it's cool, just wait until I bink a tourney. You'll get paid eventually, ask around!
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 08:27 PM
I think Brad Booth fits the profile quite well....
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-08-2012 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by jjjjudas
Layne Flack
Mike Matusow
Gavin Smith

I am afraid I'd go for Mike Matusow. Not a winning player online and super tight live cash and a little left behind tournament wise. But a nice guy. MM for me.
I don't think it's Matusow whatsoever. DN said he's been owed this money forever and didn't Matusow win like 500K off of Daniel on HSP? I would guess he would pay him back with that if this was the case

Originally Posted by Fegis
heres a pov for you. Mike Mattasow has more money then E-dog

Good question... I say Matusow because he seems to be more of a spending nit without a wife and kid.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
