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Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's

04-07-2019 , 02:45 AM
I have nothing against Doug, he just seems to have slightly different personality on and off the camera. Did you hear anything good about Doug off the camera, some good interactions with you know, other human beings besides the kiss-ass crew around him? Maybe there are , i just haven't heard. I am glad you found your hero though.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-07-2019 , 03:04 AM
red herring, chaz. i think you would trounce doug in a debate though. unfortunately there is no delinquency like posting a derivative of 'lol' on social media, an apology would be knobular.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-07-2019 , 10:57 AM
Idk why Charlie is so determined to be in the spotlight. He’s smart and could find more meaningful work outside of poker. Instead he preaches his “unique” life views to a toxic community, then gets sad when that community dooks on them.

He’s obviously on the spectrum, and at worst the guy is guilty of being very annoying, but with the level of hate itt you’d think he was guilty of a lot worse. I think he just wants everyone to be nice to each other, even Pedos apparently
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-07-2019 , 09:34 PM
Well, you seem like a swell gent, maybe Doug will accept your goodhearted advice. Cheers!
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-08-2019 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by ajmf5
I think he just wants everyone to be nice to each other, even Pedos apparently
I think he is a sociopath who is trying to get people to believe he is compassionate.

He has said in a video that he used to be a sociopath, but has changed and isn’t any more.

I’m no expert on the subject but I know it is a popular opinion that sociopaths are incapable of changing.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-08-2019 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by Scott7x
I think he is a sociopath who is trying to get people to believe he is compassionate.

He has said in a video that he used to be a sociopath, but has changed and isn’t any more.

I’m no expert on the subject but I know it is a popular opinion that sociopaths are incapable of changing.
i read The Sociopath Next Door. some of the archetypes:

- Man leaves on business, forgets to feed dog. Let's him die instead of returning home.

- Evil boss sending employees on unnecessary tasks to ruin their day.

- A child kills a frog, shows it to his sister to scare her.

Some interesting pieces of info, like the Romanian Orphanages turning the babies into cannibals (nurture > nature), and that 'sociopaths' derive strength from acquiring sympathy -- which is a telling mark that someone might be conning. The rest of the book was useless besides for self-help, and after surveying the internet for a couple of minutes I decided all of the fun psych terms can be reduced to 'Bat**** insane + full of malice + not feeling guilt', the rest of the science seeming bunk and systematic, and even self serving!

Does CC strike as fitting the archetypes^, or reminding of someone like Bill Cosby? He seems like an alright dude to me, maybe a bit of a freaky weird one that is also quite young.

Any members of the choir with a stronger opinion?

Last edited by Tuma; 04-08-2019 at 05:46 AM.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-08-2019 , 07:12 AM
Charlie amazingly at times makes some points that I agree with but at the same time just rubs me the wrong way like he's being dishonest as hell. How are you going to talk about loving Hitler and Stalin pretending to be Buddha or something while also having a meltdown because of a bitter Internet feud and a three letter twitter reply?
I would not go as far as to say he's a sociopath though.

I do think Doug makes AA/dnegs type content more because he's after likes, thumbs up, validation and pats on the back from the community, rather than a noble need to protect us.
But Charlie also deservedly called out here:
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-08-2019 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Tuma
Does CC strike as fitting the archetypes^, or reminding of someone like Bill Cosby? He seems like an alright dude to me, maybe a bit of a freaky weird one that is also quite young.

Any members of the choir with a stronger opinion?
‘But he promised a BR challenge saying his strategy was better than Doug’s, and didn’t follow through. So maybe not Bill Cosby, but close.’

Dude has a high-functioning ASD, that’s why he’s weird socially and explains virtually all of the complaints that people have about him. Of course he’s not a sociopath. He means well, yet losers dump on him relentlessly. CC is better off doing anything other than trying to engage with the poker community.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-08-2019 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by ajmf5
‘But he promised a BR challenge saying his strategy was better than Doug’s, and didn’t follow through. So maybe not Bill Cosby, but close.’

Dude has a high-functioning ASD, that’s why he’s weird socially and explains virtually all of the complaints that people have about him. Of course he’s not a sociopath. He means well, yet losers dump on him relentlessly. CC is better off doing anything other than trying to engage with the poker community.
Thanks for the diagnosis, Doc. Without assigning any condition or disorder that tweet about child molestation was just a cry for attention. So many other ways he can start a discussion but just goes for max shock value and gets defensive when engaged.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-08-2019 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by freedom 35
Thanks for the diagnosis, Doc. Without assigning any condition or disorder that tweet about child molestation was just a cry for attention. So many other ways he can start a discussion but just goes for max shock value and gets defensive when engaged. . Literally the first ten seconds he mentions his Asperger’s, or idk is he just speaking hyperbolically?

I totally agree with you, the tweet is absurd, he’s all about shock value, and it comes across as desperate. I’m just saying he seems like someone with issues and i don’t think piling on him is cool. It’s fair when he tweets stuff OOL to call him out on it, but the hate he gets seems to be excessive compared to what he’s actually done
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-08-2019 , 02:08 PM
Why even bother with a $10k challenge? It's a serious opportunity cost to invest a ****load of hours into it, you prove nothing to mid-high stakes players, and you prove something meaningless to micro stakes players.

Let's see a real challenge. $100k like JNandez and Ryan Fee.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-08-2019 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by ajmf5 . Literally the first ten seconds he mentions his Asperger’s, or idk is he just speaking hyperbolically?

I totally agree with you, the tweet is absurd, he’s all about shock value, and it comes across as desperate. I’m just saying he seems like someone with issues and i don’t think piling on him is cool. It’s fair when he tweets stuff OOL to call him out on it, but the hate he gets seems to be excessive compared to what he’s actually done
Fair enough I don't watch much of his content and didn't need to be rude, I just feels like everyone is a medical professional.

Agreed about the hate but its shocking if he believes that he will get any kind of response other then what he got especially on Twitter. People should just leave it be as all he's really doing is just offering up some horrible takes but when your trying to build your brand and raise money for w.e. the **** his website/company is you open yourself up to it.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-08-2019 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Scott7x
I think he is a sociopath who is trying to get people to believe he is compassionate.

He has said in a video that he used to be a sociopath, but has changed and isn’t any more.

I’m no expert on the subject but I know it is a popular opinion that sociopaths are incapable of changing.
OK, it's more likely he's just an idiot if he actually holds that opinion. Just cuz he's good at cards or with money doesn't mean he knows anything about the science of mental health. Even many mental health and addiction professionals don't know wtf they are doing in their job after having an education, some dude who gambles on the internet is supposed to know what he's talking about?
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-08-2019 , 02:37 PM
It's interesting that someone who means quite well (without actually knowing the guy it's impossible to say whether it's genuine or not, but just taking him at face value) can come across so poorly. Like many others on here I find his personality to be incredibly off-putting.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-08-2019 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Scott7x
I’m no expert on the subject but I know it is a popular opinion that sociopaths are incapable of changing.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-08-2019 , 03:35 PM
Everyone is capable of changing, it's called neuroplasticity. It's been around for 1000s of years in methods of discipline and brain science is just getting into it.

This is where our brain science is at people, lagging behind by 1000s of years. If you compared it to medical science these cats are still blood leaching people lol.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-08-2019 , 05:33 PM
i think charlie might be antagonistic at his core. it seems like he really has honed in doug. but i think a lot of what he says and does is to get that type of reaction out of people like doug so he can launch a huge diatribe about how wrong that person is. and is true that a lot of people who are antagonistic realize this subconsciously and so they will preach about love/kindness etc constantly.

i met someone much like this who lived on the streets (the guy was definitely pyschopath) but he was like a druggy hippie type who thought love/kidness/empathy was the greatest thing in the universe but would lie, cheat, fraud the people around him. even hit someone over the head w/ a long board.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-08-2019 , 08:56 PM
LOL that kinda sounds like me other then I'd say I'm a science geek that questions everything. With age tho you learn to STFU and let your thoughts be cuz rocking the boat causes a ruckus.

Maybe he's just like most young people and to stupid to deal with an avenue that you can compulsively spew your nonsense into and blast it off into the world. LOL if me and my friends had these avenues 15 years ago it would just be a nonstop stream of degenerate nonsense with drugs, explosions and sex. That sounds really entertaining tho after typing it LOL.

edit: Oh ya I forgot the WORLD STARR violent videos, for sure they'd be recorded at many of our parties. I think this guy is just another nerd living in internetville. Failing at providing a good argument for compassion for mentally ill sexual predators is like NOTHING on my radar. You're probably weak in the head if it is.... you know like Doug Polk lol.

I'm not gonna hate on Polk there tho, easy jab......

Last edited by Sir Huntington; 04-08-2019 at 09:02 PM.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-09-2019 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by ajmf5
‘But he promised a BR challenge saying his strategy was better than Doug’s, and didn’t follow through. So maybe not Bill Cosby, but close.’

Dude has a high-functioning ASD, that’s why he’s weird socially and explains virtually all of the complaints that people have about him. Of course he’s not a sociopath. He means well, yet losers dump on him relentlessly. CC is better off doing anything other than trying to engage with the poker community.
He could never compete with Doug and the majority of us knew this. Doug has a supreme personality, supreme videos on Utube and a supreme game, Sorry was not gonna happen.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-09-2019 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by mrno1324
I would not go as far as to say he's a sociopath though.
Maybe he is not anymore, but he 100% said he used to be.

From what i understand, it is safe to say that full blown sociopaths are definitely not capable of changing. However, it could be possible that people who exhibit some sociopathic traits, but to a lesser extent than the first group, can change. Maybe Charlie is one of these people, and his empathy for pedos is legit, but i think something is up.

I wish him all the best competing with Amazon
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-09-2019 , 09:02 AM
They're both ***** in opposite ways.
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-09-2019 , 05:47 PM
And your reasoning is??? Doug is a fine ass player, awesome personality on Utube (Srius whatever his buddy does fine videos). IF Mason ever makes a 2+2 college, Doug can be the leader in NL teaching, Joey for sure in PLO, not sure yet for the tilting issue but that needs to be addressed more deeply. Folding the best hand to some jackass ruins my game. And it does or u always call. I would love one of those pros to address that more deeply. Think it would be super cool if 2+2 built a poker college!
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-09-2019 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by bombonca
Doug's reaction is douchy and immature, Charlie did a very good job triggering happy trigger Doug. Charlie didn't say child molesters are good people or praised them in any way, he merely said that perhaps treating them in some other way may reduce molestation. Do i think that this is the right way, i don't know. I think its an advanced concept that we are not ready for yet as society, and it very well may be bull****. Did Doug show how narrow minded and uncanadian he is, looking to get into a twitter fight with no invitation and no reason to be in, he certinly did.
Originally Posted by bombonca
Charlie is provocative, do i like what he is doing, i don't. But Doug comes off way worse then Charlie in this episode, why is Doug so offended by this statement, does he have any stake in this subject, whatever it may be, what's his place even entering this argument but to bully Charlie, get some brains Doug, you look like a redneck from Arizona.
Yeah, you're really doing a quality job calling Doug out for being an immature douche. *nickyoungface*
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-10-2019 , 06:55 PM
i know him personally and he is a sociopath or some type of narcissist. he lied cheated all the time and manipulated people all the time. money is just another tool for that. bragged about trying to convince somebody to commit suicide as a teenager. Made suspicious girlfriends doubt their sanity. Went to famous psychiatrist just to show he can trick him... most old friends are not his friends anymore. mature people can see through him
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
04-11-2019 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by 123vydiqwmk
i know him personally and he is a sociopath or some type of narcissist. he lied cheated all the time and manipulated people all the time. money is just another tool for that. bragged about trying to convince somebody to commit suicide as a teenager. Made suspicious girlfriends doubt their sanity. Went to famous psychiatrist just to show he can trick him... most old friends are not his friends anymore. mature people can see through him
Can you specify who??
Epiphany77 starts a  to k BR challenge to show his methods are better than Doug Polk's Quote
