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Edwin Kim aka lolmithe is a thief/scammer/scumbag and ran out on 0k+ debt Edwin Kim aka lolmithe is a thief/scammer/scumbag and ran out on 0k+ debt

12-20-2011 , 01:55 PM
Con men and successful professional gamblers appear very similiar until that one time...when things go bad. Gambling addicts and crack whores have alot in common. Gambling is a helluva drug....for some people. Threaten to pimp him out as a tranny prostitute or as courier for the cartels.
12-20-2011 , 06:00 PM
Greasefire, aren't you going to feel bad when Edwin does do something to himself? I mean after all, you were the one that originally brought it up and gave the idea?
12-20-2011 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStorm
That has to be one of the dumbest posts Ive ever read on 2+2, and that is saying something. If a person scammed/stole the kind of money that Edwin Kim did in real life they would be looking at a couple of years behind bars where they would have to worry about getting an ass-raping or getting their head kicked in at any given time. Whereas what does Kim have to worry about? A few of his victims whinging on an internet forum to other members, 99%+ of whom Kim never has or never will meet. Are you soft in the head if you don't mind me asking?

As you are so concerned with criminal rights, I think you should contact Justice departments in various countries around the world and let them know of your proposals - that it is not right to make scammers/thieves lives a misery by putting them in prison for several years (or giving out about them on a message board to strangers). Oh yes, it's an absolute disgrace that ordinary decent scammers cant go about their business, of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from innocent victims, without the threat of jail (or people giving out about them on the net).
It has been said before, but he almost certainly would never would have passed a credit check if he was trying to borrow $100K from a legitimate source for a legitimate purpose. I am sure Mike Clark could take him to court over the matter (what he should do). JayLV on the other hand, too bad so sad. Also, people don't get raped in most prison systems, just the US and I think also Russia, and the US has one of the worst records in the world as far as prisoner rights, as well as the largest prison population in the world. IMHO something seriously wrong with how people in your country think about life.
12-21-2011 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by TheGreaseFire
I am not ****ing with anyone, merely pointing out something that clearly no one else has even considered.

Edwin cannot pay. If he had any money or resources he wouldn't be in this mess and be selling used ****ing flip-flops in marketplace. Duh.

So, of what benefit is it to Jay (or anyone else Edwin owes) to pound on him? I know many of you nincompoops susbscribe to the "me been wronged. me mad. me hit with stick." mentality, but at the end of the day you still don't have your money back. Something for the more enlightened of you to consider.
This should be applied to every crime in society that is irreversible, don't you think?

A robber rob a store and then buys crack for the money. When the police catch him he is broke. Well, gotta let this one go i guess, he cant repay anyway ...

Murder? No punishment, whatever you do the victim wont come to life again ...
12-21-2011 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by TheGreaseFire
I am not ****ing with anyone, merely pointing out something that clearly no one else has even considered.

Edwin cannot pay. If he had any money or resources he wouldn't be in this mess and be selling used ****ing flip-flops in marketplace. Duh.

So, of what benefit is it to Jay (or anyone else Edwin owes) to pound on him? I know many of you nincompoops susbscribe to the "me been wronged. me mad. me hit with stick." mentality, but at the end of the day you still don't have your money back. Something for the more enlightened of you to consider.
Publicly traded accounts of Edwin's scams are a naturally foreseeable consequence of Edwin's decisions to scam. His hypothetical suicide, therefore, would directly result from his own behavior and not a foreseeable consequence of said behavior.

The "benefits" are 1) a higher likelihood of being repaid, as it incentivizes Edwin to restore his good name which previously had substantial value; and 2) minimizing Edwin's future ability to scam which also minimizes negative externalities to the public that arise from an individual scam victim.

These benefits have a tangible, and for prior scams, quantifiable value.

Do you contend that this value is outweighed by a desire to prevent an outcome that would not have directly resulted from achieving this value? And if so, what value system do you ascribe this position to, and what alternative mechanism do you propose as a deterrent for scam artists that will also provide restorative justice for scam victims?
12-21-2011 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by Squibz
It has been said before, but he almost certainly would never would have passed a credit check if he was trying to borrow $100K from a legitimate source for a legitimate purpose. I am sure Mike Clark could take him to court over the matter (what he should do)
Would love too. I'm sure he would show up too if I could track him down, much less have more than 10k to his name.

Pretty clear that Edwin is totally off the grid, and it seems like he has warrants out for his arrest in Washington and probably even Nevada from previous posts that shed light onto this. It'd be one thing if he just owed me 9k and had no other **** to worry about, and add jay into it. I think he has a lot worse problems than me and probably even Jay too. Problems which include, family, any friends,, legal troubles, everyone knowing he is a scumbag, and probably a lot of other people he owes money too, including the bookies in vegas.

I just don't think he is going to care about some court summons that I bring upon him if I even had the means to summon him by locating him. If I were Edwin, I'd probably be more worried about staying safe, because it is quite clear he is in a lot deeper than just owing me and jay money and Jay and I are probably only the tip of the iceberg. I bet if he had a wish to limit his problems to just owing me and Jay money he would snap call and be happy about it.
12-21-2011 , 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by Huck Fellmuth

Do you contend that this value is outweighed by a desire to prevent an outcome that would not have directly resulted from achieving this value? And if so, what value system do you ascribe this position to, and what alternative mechanism do you propose as a deterrent for scam artists that will also provide restorative justice for scam victims?
Hat trick in a hurricane!

I know, wrong scammer
12-21-2011 , 06:33 AM
Theres been tons of posts in this thread, but I wonder if a consensus has been reached: What is the best way to go after a debt from an unresponsive/lying pokerplayer?
12-21-2011 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by TheGreaseFire
I am not ****ing with anyone, merely pointing out something that clearly no one else has even considered.

Edwin cannot pay. If he had any money or resources he wouldn't be in this mess and be selling used ****ing flip-flops in marketplace. Duh.

So, of what benefit is it to Jay (or anyone else Edwin owes) to pound on him? I know many of you nincompoops susbscribe to the "me been wronged. me mad. me hit with stick." mentality, but at the end of the day you still don't have your money back. Something for the more enlightened of you to consider.
ok now this is just plain stupid. the "benefit" is the simple fact that "pounding on edwin" puts more pressure on him to honor his debts and can prevent other people from making the mistake of loaning edwin money like jay and mike and countless others already have. your assertion that edwin "has no money/resources" and "cannot pay" is so laughable for so many obvious reasons (lol $5k bartabs) that i'm not even going to waste my time pointing them all out, and i would bet that you're the only person in this thread who actually believes that bull****.

lol moral highgrounds, i was with you when i thought you were just ****ing with everybody, now it's clear that you really are (almost) as delusional as the rest of the posters itt have made you out to be, even if some of them are complete mouthbreathers and life fish
12-21-2011 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by The flying-donkey
I would be careful about invoking the wisdom of crowds argument where it clearly fails to meet the requirements necessary for the wisdom of crowds to apply.

Greasefire is being nowhere near as stupid as you guys are making out he is.
actually he is, the post i quoted above proves it indisputably
12-21-2011 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by Scotty_12
Theres been tons of posts in this thread, but I wonder if a consensus has been reached: What is the best way to go after a debt from an unresponsive/lying pokerplayer?

Basically, you bring him to a high end night club in Las Vegas and convince him or her its in her best interest to pay the debt. And have the debtor contact LVJay before hand to ensure getting a line pass, best table, and service...this seems like a reasonable way to be successful in getting the debtor to pay.
12-21-2011 , 07:10 AM
The thing is though I'm not sure how much "pounding" someone like edwin needs in order to cough up. I obviously no none of the parties involved here, but from what I've read the debt is almost as good as dead money.

So I think making a website (slightly to warn, slightly to spite) and warning the community as best they can is the right thing to do, but ultimately should give up ringing edwin/parents..etc because it probably won't bring the money any closer. It will just annoy both parties and become a war of attrition, which I imagine Edwin will do better off in.

I think Greasefire was intially saying something pretty similar, but people got fixated on his statements about suicide and argued with him. He then degenerated from all the back and forth.
12-21-2011 , 08:51 AM
Edwin is a pathological liar / scammer / scumbag. He's been scamming for years... I know. Edwin will simply F over the wrong person one day and he'll get his due.

Edwin Kim google liar scammer scumbag poker Washington WSU
12-21-2011 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by The flying-donkey
The thing is though I'm not sure how much "pounding" someone like edwin needs in order to cough up.
To the extent that this thread, outing his emails and other creditors coming forth constitutes "pounding," it makes it much less likely that he'll "cough up" anything to them even if he were land a sizable windfall. After all, why would he pay somebody back that obviously tried to **** him when he was just down on his luck for a bit?

The question as to "how much pounding" Edwin would need to "cough up" any money he owes, can/will only be answered when one of them actually finds him with cash in his pocket.

Originally Posted by Reefypoopoo
Edwin will simply F over the wrong person one day and he'll get his due.
Yup. And he'll get more desperate as his pool-of-fools gets ever smaller and his risk to scam goes ever higher.

This thread has likely made it impossible for him to sit in any decent-sized game or cash in a significant tourney since the risk of someone dropping the proverbial dime when he has money, is one that he'll not likely take.

So, since he apparently will not or can not change, he'll target someone else... and even rich old widow women have sons that won't cotton to Momma gettin' fleeced.
12-21-2011 , 03:06 PM
I also think this is valuable to remind people to do their due diligence on ANYONE they are loaning money too. And also how con artists work.
12-21-2011 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by TheGreaseFire
So, of what benefit is it to Jay (or anyone else Edwin owes) to pound on him? I know many of you nincompoops susbscribe to the "me been wronged. me mad. me hit with stick." mentality, but at the end of the day you still don't have your money back. Something for the more enlightened of you to consider.
It is my understanding that the collection business is basically about not allowing a person to function until/unless they can pay. So whether the threats/damage are physical or just humiliating, the point is to get the person to pay what they owe. Whether they come up with the dough legally or illegally doesn't matter to the collector.
12-21-2011 , 05:03 PM
JayLV, why not put his pictures on your first post if you're trying to ruin his life?
12-21-2011 , 05:06 PM
it's unreal how many nonsensical posts are itt.

i wonder if edwin will ever realize what he is... it's pretty obvious to everybody that's ever been scammed (and the vast majority that haven't) that he's a pathological liar and will most likely never face his own truth.

sandusky just like showering with children and "horsing around," that doesn't make him a pedophile does it?

edwin just likes freerolling life and can't face reality. That doesn't make him a thief / scammer / scum bag, does it?

i'm being sarcastic. sandusky is a molester and edwin is a monster of a person
12-21-2011 , 05:12 PM
Is Edwin likely to get messed up good by an angry bookie?
12-21-2011 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Frenbar
Never loan anyone money that you aren't willing to write off as a loss. That doesn't mean you shouldn't loan/give money to friends and family in need, just don't give it to a douchebag like Edwin.
12-21-2011 , 08:13 PM
Someone who is owed money by this person can contact his parents and try an intervention. Might have better results in getting paid and help him more in the long run.
12-21-2011 , 09:43 PM
Serious biz question: (i) do LV bookies still break knees or render other bodily harm for unpaid debts? (ii) Can whoever the debt's actually on "sell" it to, let's say, someone more unsavory for 50 cents on the dollar, or do I watch too many mob movies?

Also, Jay, just curious since I'm not clear: is the debt actually on you?
12-21-2011 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by teddyFBI
Serious biz question: (i) do LV bookies still break knees or render other bodily harm for unpaid debts? (ii) Can whoever the debt's actually on "sell" it to, let's say, someone more unsavory for 50 cents on the dollar, or do I watch too many mob movies?

Also, Jay, just curious since I'm not clear: is the debt actually on you?
Yes, yes, no.
12-21-2011 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by JayLV
Yes, yes, no.
Sell that debt then Jay.


Con is Greasefire will no doubt call you the worst person in the world, but maybe you can live with that.
12-21-2011 , 10:10 PM
excuse update?
