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Dutch Boyd only plays 2-5 nl cash games ? Dutch Boyd only plays 2-5 nl cash games ?

07-05-2015 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.Jones
Taken from his twitch website. "These days, though, times are tough for poker players and I’m usually grinding it out at $2/$5 NL somewhere on the Vegas strip"

He's won some big tourney money, anyone know why he plays so low now ? I would figure someone with his experience would at least be playing 10-20 nl ??
c'mon man
07-05-2015 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by petesgotaces
$5 x say 250BBs = $1,250 per table

$1,250 x 24 tables

Money in play = $30,000...

Uhh i don't think he's broke exactly
Originally Posted by vrael111
lulz, 30 stacks on the tables bro!
07-05-2015 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
Dneg was temp banned for a couple days for spamming and admitted that he over-reacted.

Whittles runs a competing site that steals content from 2+2 in the form of complete posts and is a sewer of racism, misogyny and homophobia that we want nothing to do with.

Any more fine examples?
Yup, I read somewhere that 2+2 is all about the win-win. I'm sure it still is.
07-05-2015 , 01:49 PM
It definitely is when it comes to projects that are, in our opinion a positive force in the industry.
07-05-2015 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
It definitely is when it comes to projects that are, in our opinion a positive force in the industry.
What positive force can come from STILL having that Dutch Boyd letter stickied at the top of NVG?

Until that is gone I'd prefer to live in the sewer.
07-05-2015 , 02:24 PM
And yet here you are. Please wipe that stench off before reentering.
07-05-2015 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
And yet here you are. Please wipe that stench off before reentering.
Uncalled for. How about answering the question.
07-05-2015 , 02:28 PM
Its been answered many times. Once in this thread.
07-05-2015 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
Its been answered many times. Once in this thread.
The question was about positivity.

The lawsuit was the classic big corporation crushing the little guy. The big corporation wins. Well done. Thus it was always going to be so. But it hardly oozes positivity. Quite the opposite in fact.
07-05-2015 , 03:01 PM
Mason believes it is necessary as explained in his post.

Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
You need to keep in mind that Boyd spent over four years making personal attacks on me and 2+2 after we first filed our lawsuit right through a couple of days before he paid us, and much of that material is still easily found on the Internet. So we view the Boyd Apology Letter as an important counter balance to this. However, we do intend to take it down assuming there are no additional issues with Boyd after it has been up for one more year (for a total of two years).

Best wishes,
It does show Dutch righting a wrong.
07-05-2015 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
Mason believes it is necessary as explained in his post.

It does show Dutch righting a wrong.
This is a case of saying something often enough, you believe it yourself.

There's two sides to every story. The only difference in the versions of the story that can be reported now, is that the big corporation won the lawsuit and therefore Dutch has to write a grovelling apology because he has to.

But the difference between right and wrong here might come down to a 52/48% decision. Those close to the story know that neither side were blameless in the events that transpired. But every time we log on to this forum we are reminded of the vindictiveness of the principals of this site.

So it's pretty grating to see pronouncements on "projects that are a positive force" in a thread about Dutch Boyd.
07-05-2015 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by belly buster
This is a case of saying something often enough, you believe it yourself.

There's two sides to every story. The only difference in the versions of the story that can be reported now, is that the big corporation won the lawsuit and therefore Dutch has to write a grovelling apology because he has to.

But the difference between right and wrong here might come down to a 52/48% decision. Those close to the story know that neither side were blameless in the events that transpired. But every time we log on to this forum we are reminded of the vindictiveness of the principals of this site.

So it's pretty grating to see pronouncements on "projects that are a positive force" in a thread about Dutch Boyd.
So when someone steals from us they're only 52 percent wrong.

07-05-2015 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
So when someone steals from us they're only 52 percent wrong.

Hmm, I think it's a bit disingenuous to say the word steal. What you just wrote seems to me as a layman as being quite close to libel given the actual damages admitted in the case were nil, or almost nil. Violating your intellectual property rights certainly could be construed as an attempt to steal (I think it was.), but that's a different phraseology.

The consensus is that you are giving significant free PR to someone you loath, admitting defeat by keeping the hollow apology up for over a year, and showing contempt when other people have said you don't sound happy. Would a happy person really care so much over a petty issue that in most people's opinion didn't even warrant a public response in the first place?

If you turned a profit on the case, then good, but it sounds like you probably lost money a bit of money fighting some guy who clearly wasn't moved by anything you threw at him. Some people are just jerks. I think you need to move on, and forget all the energy you have expended fighting a war that couldn't be won.
07-05-2015 , 09:09 PM
Dutch was sorted through the legal process. The letter of apology posted here serves only as a warning to others who might try and pursue similar crimes. And furthermore, whitteles was, is, and always will be a a very unimportant person in poker media. And it's true his site is a cesspool of filth and degeneracy.
07-05-2015 , 10:20 PM
As someone that found the banter in this thread somewhat amusing, at this point I'm not sure why MM and his Mod's feel the need to fan the flames on a one year old issue/story, perhaps its an attempt to increase views or clicks. While the mod's may not have better things to do, I find it hard to believe MM finds this is the best use of his time.....soap box is open....
07-05-2015 , 10:28 PM
what dutch stole/offended regarding 2p2/MM did not involve the posters directly, but keeping the letter up is a showcase to the posters...

seems a little much, but mm can do as he pleases.
07-06-2015 , 01:08 AM
I did not know Dutch before I saw his name at the top of poker's most popular sponsored subforum. Now I have read his book. So I guess it is free publicity.
07-06-2015 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by shulenberger
I did not know Dutch before I saw his name at the top of poker's most popular sponsored subforum. Now I have read his book. So I guess it is free publicity.
Exactly. Not only that, Dutch Boyd by a few accounts I've heard, has massively turned his life around. I think it is scummy what he did to 2+2, but people can change.

I don't think the apology sticky is hurting him at all, it seems to provide accreditation of someone who pays their debts honorably and owns up to a mistake, which was the main knock against Dutch in the past after PokerSpot. Why MM wants to basically vouch for him at this point is a little odd to say the least.

As for a message to others, I think anyone who would choose to skim off the reputation of 2+2 is foreign, and impossible to serve. There is little doubt the case would have been resolved without formal proceedings had Dutch Boyd not sent a barrage profanities to MM's counsel that was sending him nastygrams to cease and desist. It's almost as if Greenberg Traurig was working with Dutch Boyd to drain Mason of money. The escalation of the whole thing was directed mainly at the allegedly unprofessional/aggressive behavior of that law firm, and not Mason Malmuth as I have understood. It was a windup where only the lawyers seemed to have won.
07-06-2015 , 08:47 AM
I wouldn't be at all surprised in Dutch can't even beat 2-5 live. I have yet to play cash with a "Crew" member I actually thought was any good.
07-06-2015 , 09:42 AM
I'm shocked NVG has apparently forgiven Boyd for PokerSpot.
07-06-2015 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Neil S
I'm shocked NVG has apparently forgiven Boyd for PokerSpot.
I believe the money that was lost was as a result of the failure of the payment processors and that Boyd tried to keep things afloat by lying to players that their withdrawals were in the mail (in the hope that the site could earn the money legitimately to pay them out or be bought up by a bigger entity who would make good on the losses caused by the processors). If that is no accurate, please correct me.

All that said, as someone who believes in restorative justice it appears that Boyd is doing his best to turn his life around, survive, and behave honorably. Certainly that is better than someone like Hastings who manages to continue to behave in a grimey manner despite having the financial means and success to never have the "need" for such thoughts to even cross his mind.
07-06-2015 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by hmm422
Exactly. Not only that, Dutch Boyd by a few accounts I've heard, has massively turned his life around. I think it is scummy what he did to 2+2, but people can change...
Coming later, a thank-you from DB thanking 2+2 for tough love.
07-06-2015 , 11:58 AM
I never understand why people question why someone is playing 2-5 nl in vegas...go to any room, and there is more easy money at the 2-5 nl table than anything above...venetian for example has 1 or 2 5-10nl running...and everyone sits there with their 2k buyin approx, and nits and grinds it out...where a typical 2-5 nl game at the venetian, most people are sitting 1k deep and money is flying around the table...

and at the 2-5nl in vegas, you get a lot of 'my table is ready, my wife is waiting, im all in blind!'
07-06-2015 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Tuma
what dutch stole/offended regarding 2p2/MM did not involve the posters directly, but keeping the letter up is a showcase to the posters...

seems a little much, but mm can do as he pleases.
My read is that the Two Plus Two treatment of Dutch Boyd is really a preemption move that would help to discourage or minimize future possible intellectual property mis-actions by others. The action clearly communicates that Two Plus Two takes their copyrights/trademarks seriously.

Apple, Disney, the Bruce Lee estate, and the Napoleon Hill estate are also known to be vigorous defenders of their intellectual property rights. As an example, Disney once sued a Volkswagen van living artist for making a wooden sculpture of Mickey Mouse. People sympathized with the poor artist who at most could make a few hundred bucks off his work. But I'm sure Disney got its message across loud and clear.
07-06-2015 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Neil S
I'm shocked NVG has apparently forgiven Boyd for PokerSpot.
I guess most people weren't around then, or there would be more support for Mason. The guy is obviously a sleaze with multiple shady business ventures.
