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*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** *** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD ***
View Poll Results: Who will win the Durrrr Challenge II?
Tom "Durrrr" Dwan
1,577 41.89%
Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates
2,188 58.11%

06-23-2014 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by bluffers
hope so, little **** deserves it
Is jungleman you're hero? He might be able to beat dwan heads up while using a hud, teamviewer, skype, or whatever else he was using. But ill take any amount you want up to 10k that dwan is a far better player without the use of cheating materials. Dwan never used a hud, and was by far one of the most winning players online before the isildur tilt debacle. Either way, toms playing for money not pride, hence why he's in macau and not on some queer tournament circuit.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
06-23-2014 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by hankypankyAA
Is jungleman you're hero? He might be able to beat dwan heads up while using a hud, teamviewer, skype, or whatever else he was using. But ill take any amount you want up to 10k that dwan is a far better player without the use of cheating materials. Dwan never used a hud, and was by far one of the most winning players online before the isildur tilt debacle. Either way, toms playing for money not pride, hence why he's in macau and not on some queer tournament circuit.
Is Dwan your hero?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
06-23-2014 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by hankypankyAA
toms playing for money not pride, hence why he's in macau and not on some queer tournament circuit.
Tom is in las vegas

Sorce FlixFLEX
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
06-23-2014 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by hankypankyAA
Is jungleman you're hero? He might be able to beat dwan heads up while using a hud, teamviewer, skype, or whatever else he was using. But ill take any amount you want up to 10k that dwan is a far better player without the use of cheating materials. Dwan never used a hud, and was by far one of the most winning players online before the isildur tilt debacle. Either way, toms playing for money not pride, hence why he's in macau and not on some queer tournament circuit.
hero? maybe, but there's no question who your hero is. determining who's better is very subjective, so to deem somebody inferior on the basis of a technology making it easier to play poker via he's good with a HUD is silly. The skills you need to use a HUD properly can be hard, I believe you need a good understanding of math and ability to translate these numbers to a poker play is difficult and a sign of skill imo

All your evidence to dwan is subjective, jungleman's crushed dwan heads up...nuff said and jungleman crushes the live donks.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
06-23-2014 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by hankypankyAA
Either way, toms playing for money not pride.
That explains why he won't finish the challenge.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
06-23-2014 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Relyt
That explains why he won't finish the challenge.
No, he's grown as a man and realized there's more to life than money. That's why the 2014 challenge is about creativity and culture:
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
06-23-2014 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by hAmThEkIlLeR
No, he's grown as a man and realized there's more to life than money. That's why the 2014 challenge is about creativity and culture:

haha nice find, let's all send videos in!
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
06-23-2014 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by timfbmx
I heard if Jungleman saw durrrr walking in the Rio he would pay someone to sock him in the face
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
09-01-2014 , 06:56 PM
Some news on this??

punting-peddler: jungle not whining so much today when ur up 3.5 buyins
jungleman12: not up
punting-peddler: aha then im really surprised
punting-peddler: ah i guess i havnt won a pot yet against u
jungleman12: its easy to whine against you specifically
jungleman12: since ur endless luckbox ofc
punting-peddler: ur the one with the blessed account not me
jungleman12: blessed funny
jungleman12: 3m hands and i win
jungleman12: must be blessed
jungleman12: featured pro scams me
jungleman12: must be blessed
punting-peddler: yeye whatever
punting-peddler: what?
punting-peddler: who scamed u
jungleman12: tom
punting-peddler: aha i see
punting-peddler: im sure he will pay u
jungleman12: big scam
jungleman12: yeah ok
jungleman12: as soon as he finishes his angle
punting-peddler: but indeed takjing a long time
jungleman12: he doesnt have to play if its not completed
jungleman12: according to him
jungleman12: ask him
punting-peddler: lol
punting-peddler: quite a joke to say that from him
jungleman12: moment i owe him though
jungleman12: oh wheres my money??? he says
punting-peddler: well i really hope he finishes it
punting-peddler: pretty ridic not to complete
jungleman12: yes
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
09-01-2014 , 07:16 PM
Tom should just get 2 weeks worth of training and then crush him
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
09-01-2014 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
Tom should just get 2 weeks worth of training and then crush him
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
09-01-2014 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
Tom should just get 2 weeks worth of training and then crush him
Solid post
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
09-01-2014 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
Tom should just get 2 weeks worth of sleep and then crush him
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
09-02-2014 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
Tom should just get 2 weeks worth of training and then crush him
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
09-02-2014 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
Tom should just get 2 weeks worth of minimum wage and then crush him
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
09-02-2014 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
Tom should just get 2 weeks worth of training and then independently confirm a GTO strategy by thinking about it
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
09-02-2014 , 02:59 AM
Jungle, is durrr paying the agreed fines for not making himself available for this challenge?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
09-02-2014 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by Broken Sunglasses
Jungle, is durrr paying the agreed fines for not making himself available for this challenge?
ahahaha is this a serious question?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
09-02-2014 , 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by Broken Sunglasses
Jungle, is durrr paying the agreed fines for not making himself available for this challenge?
Durrrr chose this route instead. 1:07 of the video.
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09-02-2014 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Kenny S
Durrrr chose this route instead. 1:07 of the video.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
09-02-2014 , 03:20 PM
I remember when durrrr was considered the up most professional and no one would ever think in a million years that he would welch on a bet. Hellmuth was right when he predicted durrrr wouldn't be around in 5 years about 5 years ago.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
09-02-2014 , 03:55 PM
Did jungle actually pay out of pocket when he crossbooked Dwan against the LHE machine?
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
09-02-2014 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
Did jungle actually pay out of pocket when he crossbooked Dwan against the LHE machine?
what i still dont get is why you then would make another bet with someone that you think scammed you. Offering another freeroll in case you are right doesnt make sense to me, i guess money was escrowed.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
09-02-2014 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Cashcid Linc
what i still dont get is why you then would make another bet with someone that you think scammed you. Offering another freeroll in case you are right doesnt make sense to me.
He was probably hoping to lose so that he could refuse to pay Dwan and not feel like such a sucker for Dwan stiffing him all this time. Very GTO.
*** Durrrr Challenge: Stage II; Daniel "Jungleman12" Cates - IN RUNNING THREAD *** Quote
09-02-2014 , 05:11 PM
this whole challenge now has gotten way out of hand, very embarrasing situation all round, whats dwans latest excuse for not playing or conceding??
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