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DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people

12-05-2011 , 06:30 PM
That is quite possibly the ugliest vest i've ever seen.
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 06:35 PM
12-05-2011 , 06:38 PM
This is a shocking situation.

Heineken is terrible beer.
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 06:45 PM
Why on earth would you sell your car for 33% of its value?
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 06:50 PM
1. Dont stake degens
2. Dont let anyone watch you play, let alone multiple people.
3. Stop being a moron.
4. ???
5. Profit!
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 07:02 PM
as a fellow Dr. I am very disappointed in DrRunsick's actions.

dr. ship it
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 07:21 PM
stop letting people you met on the internet sweat you via skype while you're playing randoms heads up. also, hold out for 3k on the car.
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by sharpyetblunt
1. Dont stake degens
2. Dont let anyone watch you play, let alone multiple people.
3. Stop being a moron.
4. ???
5. Profit!
yeah this guy who has busted multiple rolls staked for PLO underrolled
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 07:27 PM
Fellow members of nvg,

never stake a guy who looks like this:

That is all.

Good day.
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Janice7776
I dont think your gonna pay, so Im already selling my car, which is worth 6k, for 2k or best offer.2k OR BEST OFFER YOU WORTHLESS ASS LIEING TRICK

you staked somebody 850$ when you only have a car worth 6k?
and if 850$ is so big of an amount of money that you need to sell your car then why did you take a risk of losing it anyway?

OP learn bankroll management.
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 08:11 PM
I posted a cliffs/my thoughts on this in the HSPLO BBV thread (he was an active poster in HSPLO) when I thought this post had been deleted, either this thread wasn't deleted or it was and has been recovered. Either way I'll cross-post what I said there in here:

The OP of that post contacted me and wanted to talk about the situation and show me some chat logs before making his post. From what I gathered it looked very likely that drrunsick was scamming people. He was justifiably angry but took it a bit too far imo with personal, physical threats and this spilled over into his OP.

The thread was originally posted earlier in the day and was instantly deleted as it included a threat from the OP to drrunsick and no evidence whatsoever of he had allegedly done.

The mod who deleted it told him that if he made certain adjustments (I'm not privy to exactly what these were but I assume it was to remove the threat and add some proof, ie chat logs) then he could re-post, which is what he did.

My best guess is that another mod / higher up mod decided that the post was still not adequate enough and deleted it. That or the OP decided to have it deleted for whatever reasons (like if he thinks it will give him a better chance to get his money back -- i consider this unlikely though as he seemed pretty "out for revenge" and dead set on disgracing his name).

Cliffs from my understanding:

The alleged scammer is Ben Costello. We are assuming that he is the same person behind the drrunsick account here on 2p2. I have seen no proof of this and have only the word of mouth of one, maybe two people, but they seem certain. It would be nice if someone can post some proof or more people can weigh in that they are in fact the same person.

-There was a Skype group that this Ben Costello person was a part of, among many other

-This group routinely held live sweat sessions with multiple people over mikogo where the sesson ID was posted in chat and the session available to the public

-At one point during one of the sessions on full tilt a fishy player by the name "pyerno" appeared and after playing poorly for a short while asked for HU

-HU was accepted and pyerno went on to win 10 buyins or ~$1k in a short amount of time in a suspicious fashion

-This in itself is not damning however on at least two more separate occasions the same thing happened: public live sweat session, pyerno character shows up shortly after it starts and asks for HU, wins money suspiciously, leaves

-pyerno has played about 10k hands lifetime, so the likelihood of him of him showing up to all three sweat sessions and asking for HU and then quitting shortly after is incredibly low

-The only person who was in all three sweat sessions was Ben Costello, including one where there were only three people in total

-This all happened several months ago (start of the year when FT was still up and running)

-Nothing was done at the time as nobody had proof or didn't put two and two together or didn't collaborate with others or whatever. Either way, nothing was done.

-Fast forward to more recently and the OP of that post, someone not involved in the skype chats but someone still a part of the same group, comes to believe on his own that Ben is a scammer.

-He is accusing Ben of chip dumping money from a stake that he got him (my understanding is that he himself is not staking him, but he asked his own stakers/backers to stake him so he feels personally responsible)

-The stake was for 800 or 850 euros to play 0.25/0.50 PLO. It also included giving Ben a few pieces of software (HEM, etc).

-Ben apparently lost the entire stake money while only raking 20 dollars. It is believed he chip dumped at 400NL or something. I am yet to see proof of this in the case of HHs etc but the OP seemed fairly certain of the fact.

-There is also an earlier incident between OP and Ben where OP asked Ben to withdraw money from him and something shady happened in those dealings too. I'm not sure exactly but I think it might have been chip dumping suspicions again.

Cliffs of my cliffs:

-If all this is true, Ben Costello is a scumbag
-If only some of it is true, Ben Costello is still a scum bag
-At least some of it appears to be true
-Ergo, Ben Costello is a Scumbag

What I would like to see from the people who were scammed is more evidence behind this. Clear, coherent and logical posts stating what they claim was done with any proof they can provide. Chat logs, hand histories, mikogo logs, etc. Do this in a way that is concise and easy to decipher (ie not just 3000 lines of raw chat log text as posted in the OP in NVG).

From there you/we can finalise our proof, vehemently and legitimately out Ben Costello (and drrunsick if they're the same) as a scammer and con artist and begin to seek restitution.

Going about this the way that has been going currently (physical threats "i will beat you, hunt you down" etc) is pointless. It does nothing to help you or the community and will get you nowhere.
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 08:12 PM
Also more evidence has surfaced (via facebook) that Ben Costello does in fact = Drrunsick.
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by 1outter
Oh, you kids and your teamviewer sweats.

It's kinda like giving someone your PIN number for your debit card and then wonder why there's no money in your account.
This. If someone really wants to watch you play, get Camtasia or some other screen recorder, play a session, and send it over.
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 08:22 PM
lol sweat sessions with random people on skype

make a video
review it
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 09:43 PM
lol hes still got all his photos set to public on fb......what an idiot
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 09:51 PM
We're Fidget As ****, so what

I want to know what happened after this photo was taken, god damnit!
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 09:56 PM
what kind of car please.
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by Roy
The alleged scammer who apparently has no ethics or morals and doesn't mind deceiving others for his own personal game broke the rules of an online poker site likely for his own benefit?

I am shocked, shocked I tell you
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 10:02 PM
Another online poker scam! It's a good thing that not every online player has a 2+2 account bec I think that we're only seeing .000001% or so of the online scams that have taken place. If we got them all it would break this forum.
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by smooth101
Are you too stupid to understand my point? He has two accounts which is against the TOS.
A scammer who would also stoop to violate the Terms of Service... [shakes head] Now I've heard everything.
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 10:32 PM
how many miles has it done?
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 10:34 PM
fairly well known for having his entire roll on the table....
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 11:10 PM
wow what a tool...... sucks op.

at the same time wtf op. You sound like you ****ed up big time here.
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 11:15 PM
in before trust me i'm a doctor
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
12-05-2011 , 11:20 PM
Wow, someone I actually know of! I have him on my Skype list from when I was a part of the study group (Haven't logged into Skype since Black Friday...doesn't seem like I'm a part of it anymore.) Usually these scam threads are people who I've never heard of before. I wish I could remember more about him, pretty sure we talked some hands or something. He might have even sweated me playing 6 max before. GL OP, hope you get your money back.
DrRunsick on 2+2 has scammed multiple people Quote
