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Doug Polk's Poker Room - Apparently more rake *is* better (Same rake as comparable WSOP event) Doug Polk's Poker Room - Apparently more rake *is* better (Same rake as comparable WSOP event)

08-09-2022 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by WCGRider
Seriously... ton of respect for this. Very fair and competitive fees and not many rooms would've changed if this was brought to their attention. Much more money going into the prizepools now and looks like dealers got a pay bump as well, meaning the room took a pretty decent hit on this. Doug and The Lodge should get tons of credit for this and I'm certainly going to be giving them tons of praise and kudos behind the scenes with people I talk to in the SA/Austin area.
08-10-2022 , 12:13 AM
So Doug is using his partners money to look good after the Coinflex debacle. Hope they appreciate it.
08-10-2022 , 04:58 AM
Do you guys think it's a coincidence about his room failing to get new players?
08-10-2022 , 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by IDNTMUK
Do you guys think it's a coincidence about his room failing to get new players?
Do you really think the majority of players pay any attention to this stuff or have it factor into their decision to play?

They're going wherever the action is. There's a vocal minority in the poker community who will pitch a bitch about stuff like this, but at the end of the day those guys are generally going to favor doing what's best for their wallet vs what they feel is morally superior. There's a reason The Lodge is able to get so many players in their Monthly Monster tournament. If you think this Coinflex debacle will have any significant impact on turnouts, I'd bet against you
08-10-2022 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Chazley
Seriously... ton of respect for this. Very fair and competitive fees and not many rooms would've changed if this was brought to their attention. Much more money going into the prizepools now and looks like dealers got a pay bump as well, meaning the room took a pretty decent hit on this. Doug and The Lodge should get tons of credit for this and I'm certainly going to be giving them tons of praise and kudos behind the scenes with people I talk to in the SA/Austin area.
Appreciate this Chazley. Trying our best to make the Lodge a great place to play poker. Thanks for recommending us to people.
08-10-2022 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by IDNTMUK
Do you guys think it's a coincidence about his room failing to get new players?
Confusing post, we've grown more this year than we ever have. Physically expanding the location and gaining a lot of members. So this is inaccurate.
08-10-2022 , 03:42 PM
I look forward to more round numbers is better becoming mainstream.

But for real, props to Doug and The Lodge team for making improvements that benefit the players and the staff that make it happen.
08-10-2022 , 04:11 PM
Without admitting liability it would look really good if you took a % of your profit and donated it to a fund that Helps people who lost money on coinflex.
08-12-2022 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Without admitting liability it would look really good if you took a % of your profit and donated it to a fund that Helps people who lost money on coinflex.
That could conceivably be viewed as an admission of some guilt/liability/responsibility. IANAL and don't know what I'm talking about, but just a thought that came to mind. An action like that could be portrayed as Doug having a financial responsibility to compensate people for money lost.

And I don't think it's fair to pin a companies choices on a paid spokesperson. Now if you can prove Doug had inside knowledge of what was going down and intentionally deceived people, that's another story
08-29-2022 , 01:09 PM
The Lodge is buying Best Poker in Houston. The Lodge 2 coming soon!
08-29-2022 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by BulltexasATM
The Lodge is buying Best Poker in Houston. The Lodge 2 coming soon!
I just asked about this in the new Houston thread in the venues section… this confirmed ??
09-12-2022 , 09:35 AM
Allen Kessler stirring the pot once again on Twitter with the 1% freeroll drama. Doug quickly steps in and hoses down the dust, well done!

The key was a 'blanket' rake policy covering 'all' tournaments on top of the specific rake structure per event.

Also the pure definition of 'Freeroll' could be a 'risk' .. IMO it really doesn't matter where promo funds come from as long as everyone who contributes to the promo has an opportunity to be involved in their disbursement.

Promo funds have historically been a love/hate topic with Players .. especially on the 'over-night' shift when lots of promos aren't 'offered' (running). GL
09-12-2022 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by greatxwhite
I just asked about this in the new Houston thread in the venues section… this confirmed ??
Negative. Doug has confirmed that the owner of a room in Houston has attempted to sell them his room maybe 4-5 times, and recently some reps from The Lodge had a 3 hour meeting to see what was being offered, but ultimately passed on it.

They are more interested in expansion outside of Texas presently and feel Houston is a saturated market. They are not against additional expansion in TX, but again, are more interested in some other states they're looking into.
