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Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands)

12-10-2020 , 01:35 PM
Hearing that rant on the live stream was just lol wow.

Props on the transcript.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 01:43 PM
His meltdown reminds me of Charlie Sheen having his meltdown, both having wildly aggressive language and nonsensical thinking. In Sheen's case he believes Testosterone cream was to blame for his bizarre behaviour.

Maybe Negreanu has been overapplying testosterone?

The way he is playing Polk certainly suggests so, time and time again in the game he aggressively refuses to let Polk push him around, and makes stands with weak dominated hands.

Polk's cool, Negreanu is raging.

Hey, Negreanu, leave that testosterone alone!
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 01:47 PM
view: after the challenge morphs into 100k hands of 500/1k, Doug should distribute his 20mm winnings to all those grinders who were stiffed by the SNE changes.... become the Robin Hood of poker, immortal hero.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by All Hail Circe
That was without a doubt, one **** **** crazy interview he gave.

He wants to play 100k hands now and potentially increase the stakes AND the number of tables?!?!?

Batshit crazy, the man has lost it and I am happy to see it.

Bury him.
So people here have never seen a guy sitting at 1-3 who keeps getting felted, over and over, and finally, after going back into his pocket 4-5 times, proceeds to stand up, declare that everyone else at the table is a complete donk and an idiot, then invites them all to go get ahold of a couple grand so they can "come back play me for some Real Money!"

Cause that's basically what Dnegs just did last night. Don't put any weight into his comments, they were and are meaningless.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by All Hail Circe
He wants to play 100k hands now and potentially increase the stakes AND the number of tables?!?!?.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 02:12 PM
I dislike Negreanu as much as everyone else on the internet but I've never seen such pearl clutching over someone swearing.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 02:13 PM
That interview was just pure cringe. Even if he is running extremely bad, that's a pretty poor way to conduct oneself. A bit of a rant is fine, but going on a rant where every second word starts with F is just childish and shows poor emotional control. How on earth is he going to handle 100k hands if he's on ultra life tilt after running bad for a few thousand?
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Any2Suited
That interview was just pure cringe. Even if he is running extremely bad, that's a pretty poor way to conduct oneself. A bit of a rant is fine, but going on a rant where every second word starts with F is just childish and shows poor emotional control. How on earth is he going to handle 100k hands if he's on ultra life tilt after running bad for a few thousand?
I have no problem with swearing and complaining in competition *if it's not specifically targeted toward a player*. Why judge him as a man if he let's loose after what was obviously a stressful and frustrating HU match?
Originally Posted by Fodersneso
But why are his rants always about something with su***ng c**ks? Clear pattern there. And why can he put that **** on YT no problem while I can't write like that on 2+2 without getting censored?
I was thinking about this the other day and lmaoing.

"THAT C*CK SUCKING, C*CK F*CKING D*CK HAND!?" while gnashing his teeth was some cash money entertainment.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 02:16 PM
Yikes Daniel.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Notor1ous
I think Mason was talking about online playing fatigue, it is very different from live especially heads up where you always have to play and defend so many spots and I think Doug is a big big favourite to keep calm and make the right decisions even when swinging and not starting to spazz out like Daniel does.. if other sessions go like the last one where he deviated so much from optimal and reasonable plays in big spots and he doesnt get saved.. he could be losing another 5-6 bi easy
Polk has to use considerably less mental effort based on experience to make better decisions than Negreanu who will expend considerably more effort to reach less optimal conclusions. Playing longer sessions than the agreed upon 2 hours imo is a big mistake on Negreanu's part just taking into consideration the almost certain widening in the brain fog gap the longer Negreanu goes in each session. The gap may lessen as he gains experience but it will be like trying to win a drag race starting out releasing your drag chute 1/4 of the way down the track then 9/32 of the way, then 5/16, and so on. It would be interesting to see Negreanu's results per session chronologically.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by aiaio
Polk has to use considerably less mental effort based on experience to make better decisions than Negreanu who will expend considerably more effort to reach less optimal conclusions. Playing longer sessions than the agreed upon 2 hours imo is a big mistake on Negreanu's part just taking into consideration the almost certain widening in the brain fog gap the longer Negreanu goes in each session. The gap may lessen as he gains experience but it will be like trying to win a drag race starting out releasing your drag chute 1/4 of the way down the track then 9/32 of the way, then 5/16, and so on. It would be interesting to see Negreanu's results per session chronologically.
A big +1. Live and online grinding are close to incomparable when it comes to this. A 90 minute session 4-6 tabling cash has to be the equivalent (at best) to an 8 hour session grinding in a casino. In fact, it's possible the 90 minute multi-tabling online session is more mentally taxing.

If you apply the concepts of the adult learning model to this match, DN is in the process of learning a lot of spots (unconscious of many others I would guess) and so his mental expenditure per hand is going to be vastly greater than DP's. Polk has already achieved great things in HUNL so is "unconsciously competent" in many areas. Therefore, the longer each session goes on for, the greater DP's edge becomes. Mental-energy is like physical energy in that regard. You can't feel as good towards the end of your grind as you do in the first hour, in the same way you can't feel as fresh towards the end of a distance run as you do at the start. I actually think DN is extending sessions against better judgment because he's mostly getting bled and he's not developed the emotional control and self-awareness to understand when it's time to clock off for the day. Online poker is brutal and those who make it to decent levels are forced to learn all this **** through experience. DN been playing mostly live poker his whole life and has been shielded from the worst of the brutality that poker can dish out. Ye I know live players go on lengthier downswings due to playing less hands, but there's just nothing in live that compares to the brutality of a truly bottom 1% type run online when you're playing 10x as many hands per hour.

It's like an F1 driver racing vs a kid who's just been fastracked from go-karts to F1. I'm not saying that to pile on DN and make him seem like an amateur (he's obviously a decent player in certain formats) but at the level he's competing at in this challenge, I think the analogy holds true. Maybe with a few years of hard work he could get to elite HU level (lol at "a few weeks" though... even if you forget all the other **** of the last few years, I'd want him to get rinsed for that delusion alone) but it would have to be a gradual progression through tougher and tougher levels. And who knows, maybe with all the best will and hard work in the world, he would never be good enough to get to elite HU level. I doubt most of us would be TBF but I suspect DN isn't as special a poker player as his celebrity status would have everyone believe. He's certainly coming across quite amateurish with regards to his mental-game.

Last edited by ShellysAshes; 12-10-2020 at 02:59 PM.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 02:58 PM
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by TRUSTtheDRAWCESS
What the ****'s goin' on. I mean, Jesus ****. Do I ****in' have to start every mother ****in' *********** session flopping a ****in, or turning a mother ****ing straight and a ****ing club when he ****in makes a flush? What the ****, dude. I have trips, he has a ****in flush. I flop a str... I turn a straight, he makes a ****in flush. I have.. holy ****, dude. And then I finally pick up Ace-King suited, and think, maybe one mother ****in time, this guy cannot hold with Aces, right? I mean, cooler spot. And of course they tease you the hardest possible with a couple clubs, AND give you the King, just in case you would've had Queens or Jacks. Every other four-bet pot I had Tens, the board came King Jack, King King Jack... I was lucky enough to win one with Tens against Nines. But of course the other Tens against Queen Jack. It is ****ing epic. Like, heads-up poker is bananas. Like, wait 'til you see THIS ****in' rant video that I'm gonna put together for tomorrow. Holy ****in' ****. I ... I mean, why am I not losing more? That's the only ****ing question. I should feel like I should be losing twenty million dollars by now in this mother ****ing *********** game. Now I have to go get money and ****in' put more money in 'cos I don't have enough to play. Son of a *****! This is a joke! ****ing game.
I hope this can manage to be a copy pasta that persists through the years. But I kinda doubt it. Seriously epic ****.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by gh0ulpatrol
I dislike Negreanu as much as everyone else on the internet but I've never seen such pearl clutching over someone swearing.
I don’t see it as ‘Pearl clutching’ as much as pointing out the aspect of ‘brand shattering’ or at least ‘exposing his hidden side’.

I mean I’ve watched Daniel on HSP, PAD etc for years and he’s usually very mild-mannered and takes losses as well as most. Thinking back i can’t instantly recall a televised hand where he was bleeped but I’m sure they’re out there. The hand that immediately came to mind was the one where he was getting repeated coolers and Lindgren did it to him - turned quads over flopped straight - and he snapped. Greenstein even made the remark about the paired board meant DN had a straight.

To be honest, DN’s personality and profanity in these post-session rants remind me much more of TV Phil Helmuth.

What’s remarkable IMO is that DN was able to suppress that side of himself for years but feels no need to do same now.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
More so just pointing out there is sort of a general outline on how to handle yourself when you are in the public eye and facing an interview in general. Just watch how professional sport's athletes and coaches generally handle interviews after facing adversity or a loss. Often times they are being prodded and needled by the media as well in hopes of creating a dramatic response.

Daniel isn't even facing those sorts of questions and the people interviewing him are often on his side and he still just goes on his rants.

Ex. "Doug played really well. I thought I played well too. A couple of a big pots just didn't go our way today. That's how poker is sometimes and I've been playing this game along time to know it. Hopefully the next time we can get things to go our way a bit more."

He doesn't and shouldn't go into all these tangents dropping all the f' bombs, etc. Maybe he thinks it makes him look strong in the moment but it just looks disgraceful coming from someone of his experience in the game and if his fans do see him acting out in that immature and spazzy manner it really does go more towards hurting his image and brand than helping it.

Act like you've been there before. Act like an adult as well and if you really do feel like acting up, swearing, etc do it when you are off camera. Keep it in the locker room, per say.
DN has small man, or manlet syndrome. He is a pretty small and frail looking guy and has been his entire life, so add in that plus is own narcissism and other insecurities and that is why he reacts the way he does.

Just look for example on his streams this summer from the WSOP. He was always trying to prove himself to his viewers. Especially when it came to his wife. Always telling people 'how gorgeous she is' or 'look at my sexy wife look look look can't you see it?' He would talk about about sex with her and many other inappropriate things about her that you should never say about your wife to a bunch of strangers.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by dhubermex
The guy should be in the "Cult of DNegs" if he can defend that.

Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by TheFly
eat a bag of bleeps
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 03:36 PM
If DN decides to go 25k he could lose 3-5 mill, The more hands they play the bigger advantage for Polk, if he’s smart he would let DN win some back before they hit 12.5
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 03:41 PM
Dnegs has a serious tilt problem.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by wolli2013
Dnegs has a serious tilt problem.
He should balance his range more.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 03:50 PM
damn daniel

Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 04:23 PM
I wonder if Timex will set a line for a challenge past 25k hands or any stakes played that exceed 200/400.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 04:29 PM
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Jay Why
His meltdown reminds me of Charlie Sheen having his meltdown, both having wildly aggressive language and nonsensical thinking. In Sheen's case he believes Testosterone cream was to blame for his bizarre behaviour.

Maybe Negreanu has been overapplying testosterone?

The way he is playing Polk certainly suggests so, time and time again in the game he aggressively refuses to let Polk push him around, and makes stands with weak dominated hands.

Polk's cool, Negreanu is raging.

Hey, Negreanu, leave that testosterone alone!
More likely too much estrogen. They have been playing almost 28 days. It was inevitable.

Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-10-2020 , 04:51 PM
Compare daniels response in this challenge to Phil galfond who was down 1m and just kept his cool took a break and started running better /playing better and won
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
