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Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands)

12-01-2020 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Threeflight
You don't know DN's ego apparently.

Trust me he fully expects (ed) to win.

He gets irate (as in throwing his computer and swearing up a storm) when losing a buy in for a $500 buy in for some nondescript tourney in the WSOP.

So he cares. A lot. And he would never enter a poker competition unless he thought he was the best and had a good chance to win.

He says he 'doesn't expect to win' just so when he does lose, he can say "I told you so'.

But if he wins? He is a god.

His ego is unmatched.
My take on it is that Daniel genuinely recognised he was a dog but not that big of one that he couldn't at least match Doug. He probably felt that with a bit of luck and rapid improvement as the match went on he'd possibly be able to pull off an upset.

He does have a big ego and he's also a gambler, those two factors combined are enough to have him in there fighting it out.

Btw, the laptop-throwing incident was a result of lag/software issues, not a bad beat.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-01-2020 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Bounty Bob
He does not expect to win. He's said openly that Doug is the better player and that he needs the luck to go his way in order to come out ahead in the challenge.
This is why he should've played live and over a lesser amount of hands. A live hu poker binge weekend would've probably been like 2000-3000 hands and would've given DN a chance. Has DN ever even multi-tabled online poker before muchless hu?

DN is clearly tilted out of his mind currently from the videos he has posted, this is going to turn into a massacre soon if he doesn't quit.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-01-2020 , 09:56 PM
So Daniel needs to win 15 stacks just to get even,

do you think it's possible?
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-01-2020 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by wolli2013
So Daniel needs to win 15 stacks just to get even,

do you think it's possible?
Anything is possible but he was a 4-1 dog before it started for a reason..
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-01-2020 , 10:06 PM
What’s the result of doug vs bp?
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-01-2020 , 10:22 PM
do yall think if this were to have been a live format over 1k hands or so that Daniel would be even money? I feel a lot of the stuff I have pulled off online as far as bluffs and certain value bets are concerned would be more difficult to execute in a live format without some type of tell. also, Im not as turned on to the idea of playing 25k hands to prove yourself. I get into friendly heads up grudge matches all the time with my friends and I feel the game is much different if you know youre having to play thousands of more hands. Id rather see a best of 5 game or something where pressure gets added. like the Tiger Woods Phil match would have been super lame if they were like we need to play 25,000 holes to determine who is best. No, they just play a round of golf and the winner is the winner...
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-01-2020 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by pokerashich
Btw, the laptop-throwing incident was a result of lag/software issues, not a bad beat.
I've never seen lag, software issues or a bad beat throw a laptop. My money is on personality issues. There are probably a lot of potential triggers for it. Case in point: The recent public meltdown over a chat box comment. I can only imagine how he's reacting to disappointments in private, or how many laptops have gone airborne over the years.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-01-2020 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by George Rice
I've never seen lag, software issues or a bad beat throw a laptop. My money is on personality issues. There are probably a lot of potential triggers for it. Case in point: The recent public meltdown over a chat box comment. I can only imagine how he's reacting to disappointments in private, or how many laptops have gone airborne over the years.
On the stream he was constantly timing out in middle of hands, like half his stack in then it just times out, if this has never happened to you and caused you thousands of dollars yourself then you probably don’t know how tilting this can be.

I probably would of reacted similar

Also I think it’s part of the show for clicks online, have you even seen DN flip out playing live?
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-01-2020 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by golfbum983

Also I think it’s part of the show for clicks online, have you even seen DN flip out playing live?
So you're of the opinion that DNegs and Doug are actually best friends because they were chummy in their live session? People can't just act completely different in the comfort of their own home compared to being a reasonable human irl, right?
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-01-2020 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
do yall think if this were to have been a live format over 1k hands or so that Daniel would be even money? I feel a lot of the stuff I have pulled off online as far as bluffs and certain value bets are concerned would be more difficult to execute in a live format without some type of tell. also, Im not as turned on to the idea of playing 25k hands to prove yourself. I get into friendly heads up grudge matches all the time with my friends and I feel the game is much different if you know youre having to play thousands of more hands. Id rather see a best of 5 game or something where pressure gets added. like the Tiger Woods Phil match would have been super lame if they were like we need to play 25,000 holes to determine who is best. No, they just play a round of golf and the winner is the winner...
I don't think it would be even money in a live setting, but closer than 4:1. Also, fewer hands wouldn't effect the true odds of one player winning, but would certainly effect the public perception of the odds. Increasing the number of hands increases the likelihood of the results being what should happen actually happening, but not the odds of it happening in the long run. Yes, playing shorter matches is definitely different than one long one. For example, the better player most of the time would expect to win the most matches, but if that player was prone to go on tilt and spew a lot of money when experiencing that, his huge loses in a few sessions might more than overcome his larger number of smaller money session wins (Daniel is down over 500K right now. But if you had bet Daniel every session, you'd be a winner as he has won 6/13 sessions and was getting odds). Shorter matches in golf are necessary for public interest--they want to see a winner today, or this weekend. Imagine the entire baseball season was one "game" with the winner being who had the most runs for the season (snoozefest with few attending until the end of the season, if at all)?
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-01-2020 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by golfbum983
On the stream he was constantly timing out in middle of hands, like half his stack in then it just times out, if this has never happened to you and caused you thousands of dollars yourself then you probably don’t know how tilting this can be.

I probably would of reacted similar

Also I think it’s part of the show for clicks online, have you even seen DN flip out playing live?
This was a big problem in the early internet poker days, and many a mouse met it's demise against the walls of the world. My point is that if something triggers you to throw your laptop across the room, other things will too.

I only played with Negreanu once briefly in a tournament, so don't have a sample size to make such an observation meaningful. I'm sure others have observed him a lot and can address his public behavior better than I. But people behave differently in public than in private. Their private behavior is their real personality and their public behavior their façade. Also, there is cardroom security (guys with guns) issues and the possibility of being banned if you act out your frustrations, which tends to lower the intensity of reactions in public. His outburst on that stream got him banned, so it cost him there. And it wasn't in a public venue, but being broadcast live, so was "live" poker in that sense. It wasn't a show for more clicks.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-01-2020 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by George Rice
I've never seen lag, software issues or a bad beat throw a laptop. My money is on personality issues. There are probably a lot of potential triggers for it. Case in point: The recent public meltdown over a chat box comment. I can only imagine how he's reacting to disappointments in private, or how many laptops have gone airborne over the years.
Hi George:

If there ever was a person whose success should put him on top of the world and encourage him to be magnanimous to all it would be Negreanu. But that's not what we get, and I agree that he has, as you say it, "personality issues."

Best wishes,
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-01-2020 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by George Rice
I don't think it would be even money in a live setting, but closer than 4:1. Also, fewer hands wouldn't effect the true odds of one player winning, but would certainly effect the public perception of the odds. Increasing the number of hands increases the likelihood of the results being what should happen actually happening, but not the odds of it happening in the long run. Yes, playing shorter matches is definitely different than one long one. For example, the better player most of the time would expect to win the most matches, but if that player was prone to go on tilt and spew a lot of money when experiencing that, his huge loses in a few sessions might more than overcome his larger number of smaller money session wins (Daniel is down over 500K right now. But if you had bet Daniel every session, you'd be a winner as he has won 6/13 sessions and was getting odds). Shorter matches in golf are necessary for public interest--they want to see a winner today, or this weekend. Imagine the entire baseball season was one "game" with the winner being who had the most runs for the season (snoozefest with few attending until the end of the season, if at all)?
Hi George:

The standard deviation in golf, and even more so in tennis, has to be much smaller than in a heads-up no-limit hold 'em match. Thus it's not a good comparison.

Also, due to the large standard deviation, if they were to play a shorter match the correct odds, whatever they are, would move towards 1-to-1 as opposed to the accepted 4-to-1 (when the match started). This is easy to see if they were to only play two-hand matches (where they each take the small blind and the big blind). Now the odds on each individual match would be as close to even money as you can get.

Also, in a live setting, as long as they played the same number of hands, the only way the odds would change from the accepted 4-to-1 would be if different skill sets played a part.

Best wishes.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-01-2020 , 11:46 PM
Thanks for your reply. I understand the logic behind playing so many hands, I just think it could get more attention from non poker fiends if it were shorter. After all, they could always do it again and again and again. I just like the idea of it being somewhat more like a boxing match where one player could get lucky or make plays that would, in a high volume game, be exploitable (folds, calls, or raises). For instance, you see Doug calling down with K high and bottom pair a decent amount which he may not do playing lesser hands. Oh well, the terms are the terms I guess.

Luckily, pokergo created the high stakes duel format which I think would have been the best possible outcome for these two. Also, in their format they can continue to rematch and increase stakes. Much more entertaining. I cannot bring myself to watch these heads up matches all the way through. Daniels highlight videos I find entertaining.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-02-2020 , 12:29 AM
Djeez, Kaki is an Incel, Dnegs has personality disorders...

Wtf are you all talking about.

Dnegs is just tilting because of getting destroyed in the challenge, and Kaki's zero-tolerance-for-fake-bullshit-attitude will indeed even out with time, but it's completely clear he's a good person.

Both are very understandable, since they are humans. I see no problems whatsoever.

And Doug would (is) spank(ing) both of em in NLHE HU.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-02-2020 , 02:50 AM
Kakitee is also a coach on some training site that charges $100 a month (I believe) so right there with other training sites. Is he some crusher reg (I don’t keep up with nl players much so he may be)?

His talk etc does mirror an unhappy guy who will play it off as trolling/speaking the truth.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-02-2020 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
Hi George:

The standard deviation in golf, and even more so in tennis, has to be much smaller than in a heads-up no-limit hold 'em match. Thus it's not a good comparison.

Also, due to the large standard deviation, if they were to play a shorter match the correct odds, whatever they are, would move towards 1-to-1 as opposed to the accepted 4-to-1 (when the match started). This is easy to see if they were to only play two-hand matches (where they each take the small blind and the big blind). Now the odds on each individual match would be as close to even money as you can get.

Also, in a live setting, as long as they played the same number of hands, the only way the odds would change from the accepted 4-to-1 would be if different skill sets played a part.

Best wishes.
I see your point regarding shorter matches, so that must happen gradually as the number of hands decreases.

With respect to a live setting, of course tells are present there that are aren't in online play which should be an advantage to a seasoned live player. Even if Doug and Dan are equal there, meaning they both benefit at times from tells (not that neither has any tells, which is the same as online), then that should lower the odds of the otherwise superior player as that equal skill is averaged in. Also, the seasoned online player has an advantage of experience with concentrating on more than one table at a time, playing at a faster pace, and making fewer mis-clicks, that aren't present in live play.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-02-2020 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
who is Kaki
I think they're tan pants. You should meet their brother, Denym. Huge crusher.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-02-2020 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by zplusz
Have you ever hung out with men, ever?

That's literally all we do to each other

It's known as "ball-busting" and it's not so serious.

While I've done my best to appropriately distance myself from social gatherings this year, I have plenty of experience with roasting my buddies over the years.

I probably wouldn't publicly **** on any of their religious choices or life's work, but to each their own.

Last edited by MCAChiTown; 12-02-2020 at 03:32 AM.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-02-2020 , 04:11 AM
Lol at people still talking about ‘live tells’ ITT
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-02-2020 , 04:28 AM
When Doyle starts tweeting about Trump and religion he’s almost indistinguishable from Ken M.

My hats off to Doyle, he’s certainly a living legend, but whatever he was tweeting about when Doug gave him **** (‘This could be the beginning of the end of times!!’) sounds like it was deserving of ridicule.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-02-2020 , 04:29 AM
No idea who that Kaki guy is, but man, you guys don’t like him huh? Glad to see Dnegs getting smacked around. He helped Stars steal enough money from the community he can afford to punt off a million or two in a match he is literally drawing dead in. Him and Perkins are in a strong battle for most insufferable rich jackass, though.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-02-2020 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by auralex14
My hats off to Doyle, he’s certainly a living legend, but whatever he was tweeting about when Doug gave him **** (‘This could be the beginning of the end of times!!’) sounds like it was deserving of ridicule.
100% agree and I think it was an A+ response on Doug's part.

p.s. Be careful with throwing the T word around. I had to edit down your post to quote it. I was informed by a mod today that even quoting somebody else who mentioned a political figure will earn you the wrath of the NVG mods, even if the rest of your post has nothing to do with politics.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-02-2020 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by golfbum983
On the stream he was constantly timing out in middle of hands, like half his stack in then it just times out, if this has never happened to you and caused you thousands of dollars yourself then you probably don’t know how tilting this can be.

I probably would of reacted similar

Also I think it’s part of the show for clicks online, have you even seen DN flip out playing live?

My friend was at FT of a wsop NL event I was railing and they had some 10k mix or stud FT happening on center stage. Daniel bet, got raised and stood up flipping the chair over.

If you search for his deep main event run on wsop I think he did Smth dramatic too when he got busted or crippled as well. He like fell flat on his back iirc.

Edit: found it, eh I guess that’s not flipping out. More like being overly dramatic in both cases. The hand I saw IRL he was literally facing a minraise on the final street lol.

Last edited by The Apex; 12-02-2020 at 05:22 AM.
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
12-02-2020 , 05:28 AM
Having any kind of emotional reaction whilst playing any kind of sport or competition should be banned imo
Doug Polk's Challenge to Daniel Negreanu: Heads-Up NLHE Showdown (25k Hands) Quote
