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DOJ vs. Merge? DOJ vs. Merge?

09-27-2011 , 10:22 PM
Why did you decide to post anonymously?
09-27-2011 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by dirtydiana73
Why did you decide to post anonymously?
Reread his 1st sentence again
09-27-2011 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by RGC2005
Then I am completely flabbergasted as to why the mods here go three kinds of crazy defending mason's money machine?
Careful now! Just a matter of time before you get called a 'serial troller' and get temp-banned.....
09-27-2011 , 10:37 PM
I think the obvious question that still needs to be answered is which anonymous accounts did you use to post in this thread?

Seems relevant.

Particularly since some are worried that if they disagree with Noah they may be labeled a shill even if they aren't.

Last edited by SGT RJ; 09-27-2011 at 10:44 PM. Reason: clarification
09-27-2011 , 10:42 PM
Thanks for posting Seth. I think it is outrageous that the mods chose to make a big deal over you posting with a gimmick account. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why that would be necessary.

Apparently it is ok for a few mods to spam their "not for profit" site, but people who work for a "living" have to just suck it up when they are attacked.

Full disclosure: I play on Merge, used to play on Stars (they rocked), and they have been outstanding to deal with also.
09-27-2011 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
I think the obvious question that still needs to be answered is which anonymous accounts did you use to post in this thread?

Seems relevant.
I'm a slow pony. Yes, I agree that all of the accounts need to be identified.
09-27-2011 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by RPMSeth
I am one of the users that posted anonymously in this thread as the Merge Network does not sanction public comments on speculative journalism. My apologies go out to the users of the 2+2 community who may be offended by my posting anonymously. 2+2 is an open forum and this was a mistake.

I did not provide NoahSD with any information that was included in his article, and I continue to disagree with the manner in which his article was written both publicly on these forums and privately with NoahSD.

Again, my sincere apologies.

This is weak. You did a lot more than this, and know we are going to post it, why wouldn't you at least try to get out ahead of it?

EnergyBurst is one of your accounts...

EnergyBurst - Other than the posts ITT where you try to discredit Noah using some facts you know to be 100% incorrect. Here are some other highlights.

Defending yourself from attacks from a different account:

Dissing other merge skins:

Insulting other merge skins some more and lying about the underground rakeback deals, claiming he had friends who got ****ed:

Here you are dissing other Merge skins again

Here he is offering to buy Merge money for $0.75 on the dollar:

You also posted as shamasotoole, coincidentally lots of posting inside RPM threads again.

You also posted as spanishharlem

Here's a rather ironic post where you talk about other skins using shills.

More Merge skin bashing.

seth must have forgot to mention all that...

Guess he makes more as an affiliate than working for RPM

This is an outright lie, for ....obvious reasons. He's using Noah's own principles to deface him since he knows he can't fight back.

Last edited by SGT RJ; 09-27-2011 at 11:28 PM.
09-27-2011 , 10:57 PM
that's getting way o/t. please create a new thread and go away.
09-27-2011 , 11:00 PM
Pretty hilarious that someone in this day and age doesn't know about IPs and how to hide theirs when trying to be all sneaky...

Glad I took my money out of RPM.
09-27-2011 , 11:05 PM

This is weak. You did a lot more than this, and know we are going to post it, why wouldn't you at least try to get out ahead of it?

There is nothing wrong with any of these posts. Can you you think of anyone else who may have posted under other screen names? (hint: Pokerstars owner)
09-27-2011 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton

This is weak. You did a lot more than this, and know we are going to post it, why wouldn't you at least try to get out ahead of it?

There is nothing wrong with any of these posts. Can you you think of anyone else who may have posted under other screen names? (hint: Pokerstars owner)
...and he's been outted for everyone to see. I don't understand your point.

There is also a big difference between Isai's posts and Seth's posts. Isai mainly just answered PokerStars questions.
09-27-2011 , 11:19 PM
I think these probably need their own thread. Also, I don't know if there was any way he could've made himself look better after reading the posts. I can somewhat understand doing this to refute Noah, but using it to attack other Merge skins is really bad in my opinion.
09-27-2011 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by navinjohnson

...and he's been outted for everyone to see. I don't understand your point.

There is also a big difference between Isai's posts and Seth's posts. Isai mainly just answered PokerStars questions.
I don't want to clutter up the thread anymore, but my point is, the posts he made under those different names were good information. Just as were the posts made by Isai Scheinberg.

I think you should take your grudge with RPM Seth elsewhere. You have a bias since you work for SP and Noah is your friend. I still think his article was unfair.
09-27-2011 , 11:23 PM
yeah isai made like SIX posts that could have been intepreted as shilling. here we have seth posing as an active agrressor against noah. This is preposterous is there any hope at all for online poker?? not gonna derail this but thank god the gov't got involved and we can get LEGITIMATE online poker again.
as to the title for the OP I would reword as DOJ vs MERGE (I take DOJ's side)...

jesus christ I used to be an optimist with online poker... sigh

btw great job zbhorton and also noah.. nice to have some unbiased decent ppl around trying to help us navigate this filth
09-27-2011 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by alwaysjam
Here he is offering to buy Merge money for $0.75 on the dollar:
This absolutely should not be lost in the shuffle. He is openly manipulating the trade of money of which he has direct, insider knowledge. It'd be like Lederer going around buying up FTP for some amount. This reflects way worse on this guy than anything else he's done IMO.
09-27-2011 , 11:30 PM
What bothers me so much is that they were both buying and selling Merge Gaming chips. When they offered to buy them it was for $.75 on the dollar. Taking advantage of their own processing issues by making 25% juice is disgusting. It also bothers me about how they treated Noah among other things but profiting off of your processing problems is something that is really repulsive.
09-27-2011 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
What bothers me so much is that they were both buying and selling Merge Gaming chips. When they offered to buy them it was for $.75 on the dollar. Taking advantage of their own processing issues by making 25% juice is disgusting. It also bothers me about how they treated Noah among other things but profiting off of your processing problems is something that is really repulsive.
This says it all
09-27-2011 , 11:45 PM
the silence after his admitting to this scam is deafening
09-27-2011 , 11:46 PM
that is so sick, the trying to buy rpm funds part.... ****in eh man.. just never ends does it?

give us a ****ing site to play poker on in the united states of america already fffffffffffffs
09-28-2011 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by starkwired
This absolutely should not be lost in the shuffle. He is openly manipulating the trade of money of which he has direct, insider knowledge. It'd be like Lederer going around buying up FTP for some amount. This reflects way worse on this guy than anything else he's done IMO.
This post was explained in no uncertain terms directly to NoahSD, 2+2, and other moderators; I am going to nip this in the bud right here.

There was a post that was made by accounts related to RPM Poker to buy funds and a post to sell funds. These posts were made as we were fishing for more information about the sale of funds on Merge and who was doing it. We have used similar tactics to uncover 'under-the-table' rakeback deals being offered on the Merge Network of which we have documented proof.

Neither I or RPM Poker have ever bought or sold player funds at a vig, and any allegation that this has occurred is completely false.

Further replies forthcoming.
09-28-2011 , 12:16 AM
There is no reason in the world that people who work for Merge shouldn't express there own opinions off the clock. Opinions in a forum stand on their own two legs. This is a forum; it's best for everyone that all sides of an issue should be openly discussed. My main criticism of Noah's article is that he failed to do just that. How can any one who is associated with Merge possibly express their opinions if those opinions are seen as official Merge announcements? And please don't try to tell me that this sudden hunt for posters related to Merge is a coincidence and not about protecting Noah. Let's not make Noah a cult figure.

These links are an example of the incredible bias of the mods here in favor of Noah. I've looked at everyone of those links. All I see is an individual expressing his opinion just like anyone else. ZBTHorton, your over the top mischaracterizations of those posts you linked are ridiculous. Just because he mentioned RPMSeth in the 3rd person a few times just doesn't get my blood boiling like it apparently does yours.

The possibility of getting screwed out of rakeback by VIP programs is something I spoke extensively about in another forum before ever seeing Energyburt's post. CarbonChris also told me 2 or 3 months ago in his thread about the possibility of Merge reeling in the other skin's VIP promotions which I remember relating to someone else from the RPM thread in a pm. Nothing RPMSeth is saying here is new. And I don't see how he is dissing other skins when the opinions expressed in his private posts carry no more weight than anyone else's.

If RPMSeth didn't provide any info to Noah that was included in the article I don't see how you can conclude that he knew someone else from Merge did provide info (if they in fact did which has in no way been shown). You calling RPMSeth a liar seems a bit excessive.

Let me also make something very clear here. Noah is a news blogger. And he is generally a very good news blogger. But he is not a journalist. One of the problems here is that he repetitively calls himself a journalist when he has no real training as a journalist. That training can come from education or apprenticeship but not from simply blogging; because as a blogger he can simply reject negative feedback. A lot more goes into being a journalist than he seems to understand.

All this self-rightious call for openness and yet my question as to whether or not anonnyful was in fact Noah's source has gone unanswered. I don't care if he was or not, I'd just like to know either way.
09-28-2011 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz

If RPMSeth didn't provide any info to Noah that was included in the article I don't see how you can conclude that he knew someone else from Merge did provide info (if they in fact did which has in no way been shown). You calling RPMSeth a liar seems a bit excessive.
He admitted to making comments ITT to Noah that he knew Noah couldn't refute because of his journalistic standards when he spoke to Noah privately.
09-28-2011 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
He admitted to making comments ITT to Noah that he knew Noah couldn't refute because of his journalistic standards when he spoke to Noah privately.
Well then according to journalistic standards, Noah is now free to refute them.
09-28-2011 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
There is no reason in the world that people who work for Merge shouldn't express there own opinions off the clock. Opinions in a forum stand on their own two legs. This is a forum; it's best for everyone that all sides of an issue should be openly discussed. My main criticism of Noah's article is that he failed to do just that. How can any one who is associated with Merge possibly express their opinions if those opinions are seen as official Merge announcements? And please don't try to tell me that this sudden hunt for posters related to Merge is a coincidence and not about protecting Noah. Let's not make Noah a cult figure.

These links are an example of the incredible bias of the mods here in favor of Noah. I've looked at everyone of those links. All I see is an individual expressing his opinion just like anyone else. ZBTHorton, your over the top mischaracterizations of those posts you linked are ridiculous. Just because he mentioned RPMSeth in the 3rd person a few times just doesn't get my blood boiling like it apparently does yours.

The possibility of getting screwed out of rakeback by VIP programs is something I spoke extensively about in another forum before ever seeing Energyburt's post. CarbonChris also told me 2 or 3 months ago in his thread about the possibility of Merge reeling in the other skin's VIP promotions which I remember relating to someone else from the RPM thread in a pm. Nothing RPMSeth is saying here is new. And I don't see how he is dissing other skins when the opinions expressed in his private posts carry no more weight than anyone else's.

If RPMSeth didn't provide any info to Noah that was included in the article I don't see how you can conclude that he knew someone else from Merge did provide info (if they in fact did which has in no way been shown). You calling RPMSeth a liar seems a bit excessive.

Let me also make something very clear here. Noah is a news blogger. And he is generally a very good news blogger. But he is not a journalist. One of the problems here is that he repetitively calls himself a journalist when he has no real training as a journalist. That training can come from education or apprenticeship but not from simply blogging; because as a blogger he can simply reject negative feedback. A lot more goes into being a journalist than he seems to understand.

All this self-rightious call for openness and yet my question as to whether or not anonnyful was in fact Noah's source has gone unanswered. I don't care if he was or not, I'd just like to know either way.
09-28-2011 , 12:43 AM
Got my money off 5 weeks ago cleared and safe.

gg nh!

see the internet pokers once its legal and regulated.
