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Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is?

07-13-2015 , 03:19 AM
So you're telling me that this mystery guy was just his little brother the whole time? Dicks
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-13-2015 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by shulenberger
Look, I am glad that whatever whatever.. but whatever. Oh yeah, I wrote a poem about the darkness. I like original writing... in fact, most types of original endeavors are cool with me. I mean just look at the suburban ****ing hell America has become. If people just accept that...

What was my aim this WSOP? No idea, but I had fun. I am not really in the competition to be "star poker journalist" numero uno. Vegas is an interesting place.

In the Clearing

There is no clearing, the jungle is overpowering
with elephant shriek and trumpet moan,
the man, the dream, the cunning child
closed in, convoluted

The dreaming world, the beach
the screams through the thicket
nature, untrammeled
piercing horror and never ending
sightless eyes

Cries that reverberate and remind us just how
insignificant is our colony, how
transient and unnecessary––
we are not moving toward the harbor,
we are not shifting with the sun

But if we allow the darkness to run inside us
and the labyrinthine shadows to form in our soul
then maybe we are in the clearing, home.
Oh FFS stop. Your head is so far up your arse, you're in serious danger of turning yourself inside out.
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-13-2015 , 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by ilikegirls
So you're telling me that this mystery guy was just his little brother the whole time? Dicks
Bearing in mind his brother is younger then him, I doubt that's him in the photo.
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-13-2015 , 03:33 AM
well, look... I make an offhand little post with a serious point (this thread's intent is lame) and you dredge up my cool old poems. I assume you want more.

As JRB once said (when I mentioned 2+2) "haters will hate."
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-13-2015 , 04:13 AM
It's definitely not his brother you guys are talking about. His brother looks like a 12 year old magic the gathering kid and is a Vegas 2/5 reg.

This is his brother
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-13-2015 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by imdrax
It's definitely not his brother you guys are talking about. His brother looks like a 12 year old magic the gathering kid and is a Vegas 2/5 reg.

This is his brother
lmfao, yeah that's not the guy. So does anybody know if he was able to join the cult or not?
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-13-2015 , 05:23 AM
is this mister creeper? chewys brother, stephen, just got knocked out of the main late on day 5. good run.

Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-13-2015 , 05:50 AM
For those who didn't watch the podcast with Igor K, pretty sure he said it's this guy:
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-13-2015 , 07:36 AM
So much small mindedness itt.
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-13-2015 , 12:25 PM
Schulenberger confirmed the Brian Griffin of poker. Congrats!
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-13-2015 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by shulenberger
well, look... I make an offhand little post with a serious point (this thread's intent is lame) and you dredge up my cool old poems. I assume you want more.

As the Dali Lama once said (when I mentioned 2+2) "haters will hate."

Your stuff is entertaining enough,

"at least ya got that goin' for ya" (to paraphrase Carl Spackler).
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-13-2015 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by you_wot_m8
is this mister creeper? chewys brother, stephen, just got knocked out of the main late on day 5. good run.

Stephen Merchant itt?
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-13-2015 , 09:58 PM
lol, thought the same MikkeD
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-14-2015 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by DrOlson
David and Alyssa, proprietors of Dr and D's Acupuncture & Yoga / Burke Superfoods.
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-14-2015 , 11:57 AM

--OP and Andrew are acquaintances, but OP believes they are friends.

--OP engages Andrew in a conversation, and one of Andrew's actual friends takes part.

--OP decides that the most logical reason for Andrew to treat him like an acquaintance is that Andrew has joined a cult and his actual friend is the leader.
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-14-2015 , 12:01 PM
Hey Chewy, can you make your book available for outside of the US as well?
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-14-2015 , 12:56 PM
His boyfriend ?
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-14-2015 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by cero_z

--OP and Andrew are acquaintances, but OP believes they are friends.

--OP engages Andrew in a conversation, and one of Andrew's actual friends takes part.

--OP decides that the most logical reason for Andrew to treat him like an acquaintance is that Andrew has joined a cult and his actual friend is the leader.
Nah, go away
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-14-2015 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by JERRYJ0NES
So much small mindedness itt.
While I like the new stadium, how can you even say that after some of your picks over the last few years???

I mean, seriously . . .
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-14-2015 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by EatMyDitka
He looks much cooler now. His clothes look clean. In fact he looks better dressed than half of the people in the poker room. All those fat slobs in basketball shorts and flip flops look 100 times worse.

And he definitely doesn't look like he hasn't showered. You people know you can shower without shaving right?
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-14-2015 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
David and Alyssa, proprietors of Dr and D's Acupuncture & Yoga / Burke Superfoods.
They sell bath salts on that website...
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-14-2015 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by turoo
everyone here has to chill the F out. I mean, Chewy is prolly top 5 mtts players and seems to more selfaware then 99,99999999998% of humanity. talked to the guy and his GF 1 time. both seemed nice and didnt have the feeling anything shady was going on. it rather looked like these ppl were/are around to support him. its also super obv that there is clearly 0% chance this guy is some sort of cheating companion.

i dont really understand the purpose of this thread.

edit: there are other well known poker players around/involved in chewys group. they were hanging out most of the time in the back of the rio. most of the time they were practacing marshal arts or just enjoing the outsides/grp.

@OP be ****ing more open to different sorts of lifestyle, also go buy chewys book/read it/understand the world a little bit better.
not sure what is going on with Chewy... but it is none of this ^^^^
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-14-2015 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by sidecar
this is not a good look for anyone, I dont think you can be really happy and look like this..
In a couple of years he will look back at pics of him during this period and be like "wow, how could I have walked around looking like this"
also, why does being vegan and enlightened mean you have to look like you haven't showered in 3 weeks?
You mean the same question we all ask ourselves about our youth?
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-24-2015 , 10:36 AM
wow. there are people who do not look like corporate ****s.
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
07-24-2015 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by DrDanimal
They sell bath salts on that website...
Yeah. Actual salts used in baths. Not a cheap version of meth. Very big difference.
Does anyone know who the creepy looking dude attached to Lucky Chewy's hip all summer is? Quote
