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do you still respect durrr? do you still respect durrr?
View Poll Results: Do you still respect durrr
2,050 81.06%
479 18.94%

09-20-2011 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Hmmm...I could see them having an inkling, or hearing rumors, but I think if they had really known what was going on, we would have seen at least a few of them walk or talk.

We'll never know, of course, not for sure.
Huh?.....Tom Dwan said he knew weeks ago how bad it was.........He didnt walk or talk.

He only talked AFTER the facts came out today.
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:05 PM
I know a couple of prominent red pros, both w/ over 6 figures on FTP, one near mid 6 figures, and they had absolutely no clue w/ the inner workings over at FTP. The one w/ near mid 6 figures did express a lot of concern that he wouldn't be able to get his money back once FTP lost it's license. It was because of the amount of money that was potentially lost than him having some inside info.

The guys that may have had inside info are probably the guys you see in the commercials, the ones that actually had a stake in the company, not the red pros that were supposedly under contract (there was never a written contract from what I know).
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:06 PM
This thread makes no sense. Tom has done nothing but be open/candid about the whole FTP thing.. he hasn't, AFAIK, said anything that merits any "loss of e-respect".. and there's nothing indicating he was a part of something shady within FTP.
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:08 PM
one day , all these cheaters like Chris Ferguson, Lederer and all the other bastards get what they deserve. I hope they burn in hell for what they did
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:09 PM
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:10 PM
This thread is so full of crap and revisionist history that it's almost beyond belief.

For starters, Durrrr can post whatever he wants on this site without fear of criminal consequences because it's impossible to actually prove that it's Tom Dwan making the posts. The best law enforcement can do (if they cared, which they don't) is trace it back to one of his computers, to which other people undoubtedly have access.

The idea that the ROW can join the class action against Tom similarly is ridiculous. The idea of a class action is that the participants are similarly situated to everybody else. The basis for liability here is completely different from everybody else -- "I was induced by Durrrr to deposit to FTP because of his assurances, and for no other reason." It's different than the other claimants, and in most cases, it's complete b.s. They deposited to FT because FT was still FT, running the same way it always had. Seriously, you've seen the way these people played, and bet their hands. I suspect if Durrrr had come out and said, "FTP IS TOXIC! DEPOSIT THERE AND YOU'LL NEVER SEE A DIME OF IT AGAIN!!!" it would have deterred very few of the FTP players. I suspect even a few of the 2+2 crowd would have taken the chance and continued to play there.

The indictments launched on Black Friday did not suggest embezzlement or theft by the owners or operators of FTP. It was the result of some pretty flagrant violations of U.S. banking laws. I know this is going to come as a shock to most of you in the good ol' U.S. and A, but everywhere else in the world, the players didn't really care that much. It was 2007 all over again, where the sites continued to operate, collect deposits, pay players, and so forth, just not with Americans. This idea that Black Friday was, by itself, a huge red flag that should have warned everyone else away is ridiculous.

Tom, you deserve huge props for your posts here and on the other threads. Don't listen to the crap from the trolls.
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:10 PM
Not only do I still respect durrrr, but I want to has his babby.

But seriously, whoever said he was either in on the scam from the start or the biggest tool ever is just jealous (and probably broke because they can't get their money off FT). The fact is Durrrr has skills, and you gotta respect that.
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by yesright
Huh?.....Tom Dwan said he knew weeks ago how bad it was.........He didnt walk or talk.

He only talked AFTER the facts came out today.
He mentioned something about an NDA. And if he found out how bad it was only a few weeks ago, I'm not sure it would have done any good to walk or talk, especially if it meant breaking an NDA. I was referring to pre BF; I'm sure a lot of pros NOW realize/know how bad FTP was run, but hindsight, as always, is 20/20.
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by BigFishLOL_58
Not only do I still respect durrrr, but I want to has his babby.

But seriously, whoever said he was either in on the scam from the start or the biggest tool ever is just jealous (and probably broke because they can't get their money off FT). The fact is Durrrr has skills, and you gotta respect that.
Well, hello there, Monsieur Non Sequitur. So, in the context of this poll, should we put you firmly in the "I Love Lamp" camp?
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:14 PM
he's a good kid.
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:17 PM
tom if you owed money to ftp i guess thats different as to where it could go, but I dont expect you to pay any of the money thats entitled to you. Thats yours and you shouldn't have to step up like that. I only have 700 on ft, i feel bad for the guys who have their whole bank roll on there and huge sums of money, its sad.
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:21 PM
This is an interesting post from earlier in the thread.

Tom basically admited he knew how bad the situation was in June while the ROW players were still depositing money.

He has admitted he has known for months the situation was dire yet chose to say nothing or at the very least walk away from FTP.
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:21 PM
Wasn't everyone who collected money from Madoff investments required to give it back to reimburse others? Would the same apply to any employee who was paid by FT or am I way off here?
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
He mentioned something about an NDA. And if he found out how bad it was only a few weeks ago, I'm not sure it would have done any good to walk or talk, especially if it meant breaking an NDA. I was referring to pre BF; I'm sure a lot of pros NOW realize/know how bad FTP was run, but hindsight, as always, is 20/20.
see my post above. he knew months ago........
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:25 PM
wanted to vote "worst OP ever" though.

voted "yes"
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:29 PM
I dont see why he would have known about the whole issue. Maybe something but I dount the full extent
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:30 PM
the situation is just so ****. It's easy for an angry mob to point the finger but tom's obv a victim here too. Sure, we lose money, and that sucks, but the company he was affiliated with turned toxic and no matter how innocent he is, some mud sticks. Which is a real shame bc he's handled this with the more consideration for others/ethics than the rest involved.

At least this guy is doing and promising above and beyond his legal call of duty. Where's ferguson/lederer/furst's public statements at?

Cheers for being so candid and upfront about this tom. I think its your posts and prob matusow's interview with QJ that has been the most refreshing parts of this whole situation.
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by bbbbb33
planning a wedding need my ftp money....

durrrrrr please hook it up, want to have me some kids. pm me
you don't need to be married to have kids.
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:31 PM
He's the ONLY person on team full tilt who's actively trying to clear things up which could possibly be legally risky for him + trying to give back to the players. He wasn't on the board, he couldn't change the company. Still has my respect.
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:33 PM
all those shady ftp tv-pros were idols, at least for the fish out there. they have science-degrees, they wrote books and finally they ruined their lives in a way which is so fn dumb, so damn naive to believe that they can get away with basically stealing $443m, it´s ridiculous.

thumbs up for durrr. intending to spend the money he made by wearing the patch proves that he is a good guy with moral concepts imo. furthermore i think it is a good and honorable way to close the "ftp-chapter" for himself
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by durrrr
there will be no (or as little as possible) preferential treatment. whether it be to people who pm me or ask in person or w/e, everyone deserves a fair shake. if there a good and seemingly trustworthy (I'm really good at evaluating the trustworthy-ness of organizations ) liquidator i'd give the $$ to them, if not i'd probably do a 2p2 poll unless i personally thought that 1 option was vastly superior to the rest, but i would pay the same cost in every option (all the $$ i was paid). likely would need to be a lottery of some sort (if not a huge amnt of the $$ would go to payment processing)

galfond and i said hanukkah 2012 (I'm not jewish but do like dradels). likely it'd be way before then, but I'm not gonna take the chance (or at least not when the chance seems high) of getting free rolled and paying people back only to have ftp pay out later (i wouldn't like my chances of collecting). i still think the chance is non-zero (over 10%) although its getting much closer to a number that I'm willing to pay out anyway.

edit: to make quoting clean

If the DOJ goes after assets to repay the players, similar to the Madoff scandal, contact the DOJ regarding your million to add to the till for disbursement back to the players.

This solves both problems above regarding who gets it and FTP paying out later.

Also, if DOJ does go after those who benefited from FTP and request X amount from you, and you have already paid out the million personally, they will not include that in the amount you owe them.

So save the million for the DOJ when it comes time for the payout.

Last edited by Gregg777; 09-20-2011 at 06:53 PM.
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by David123
wanted to vote "worst OP ever" though.

voted "yes"
this about sums it up.
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 06:55 PM
So Tom has admitted in another thread that HE actually owes FTP money.

Could this be the reason he didnt say anything or walk away?

Considering Ivey got called out for the same thing.
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09-20-2011 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by John K
Yeah this is a fail. A lot of Americans felt reassurance when Durrrr and Galfond guaranteed $1mil each if FTP didn't pay us. This may have led some people (including myself) to make monetary decisions knowing we'd be getting back our FTP money eventually, especially when all of this happened right before the WSOP (where we might've taken more chances in cash games or tournaments knowing we'd get our FTP money back eventually).

I'm sure Durrrr had the right intentions, but he still messed up by making that public statement w/o due diligence (if he was totally misled then it's a little more forgiving but still not totally). Props for him apologizing about it though (or regretting it anyways).

I did the same thing. and it was foolish.

Tom giving 1/300th of what is owed is not going to help me at all. Its not going to help you at all. and I feel that asking for it is quite pathetic.

1 or 2 mill out of the 300+ owed is not going to help anybody.
do you still respect durrr? Quote
09-20-2011 , 07:12 PM
Tzup Durrrr!
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