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'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) 'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added)

06-16-2008 , 01:12 PM

With 14 players remaining I was down to $28,000, with the blinds at $4,000-$8,000, and the break began. I went into the VIP room almost in tears as I talked to Mike Matusow on the phone. I kept repeating, over-and-over again, "I don't deserve to be out of this tournament!" Then I asked myself, "Who decides when I get eliminated, or win it all? The universe, or God, or what?"
I too have wondered this myself Mr. Helmuth.
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 01:22 PM
Phil Helmuth is on some next ****.
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 01:25 PM
Phil Hellmuth < Jack Handy
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 01:29 PM
Phil Hellmuth... the next Socrates.
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 01:30 PM
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Phil Helmuth
For WSOP lifetime results this was my record 64th cash, my record 40th final table, and hopefully my record 12th bracelet.
Is that right? He FT's 2 out of every 3 times he cashes? The is amazing...
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by dblgutted
Is that right? He FT's 2 out of every 3 times he cashes? The is amazing...
I think that a lot of the earlier cashes were probably small fields that only paid the final table. Still pretty nice though.
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by dblgutted
Is that right? He FT's 2 out of every 3 times he cashes? The is amazing...
Wikipedia seems to think that is correct. However I suspect his amazing record is due to him having played since the 80s when the tournaments were a lot smaller and I bet a lot of times cashing required making the final table.
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 04:44 PM
With 14 players remaining I was down to $28,000, with the blinds at $4,000-$8,000, and the break began. I went into the VIP room almost in tears as I talked to Mike Matusow on the phone. I kept repeating, over-and-over again, "I don't deserve to be out of this tournament!" Then I asked myself, "Who decides when I get eliminated, or win it all? The universe, or God, or what?" I went back to the tables, and was dealt AKQJ, two spades and two hearts. I limped in to see a cheap flop, when that Tom Dwan kid raised enough to put me all in. I said "You have aces or tens, dont you, son? Well, son, I'll tell you what, son, when you win eleven bracelets and walk around wearing shirts and hats that say Tom Dwan on them, then you can call yourself a poker player, son. I'll let you win this round, son, but Im coming for you next time, son." I quickly threw my hand into the muck, knowing it would only win one in three times.
Fixed his post. In my opinion.
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 04:46 PM
OK my wife is here and Friday Night we went to "Carne Vino" with Scott Ian and Pearl Aday where we were hosted by co-owners, Mario Batali and Joe Bastianich. The food was amazing! From steak, to ribs, to lamb, to salmon, to deserts and special wines, everything was top notch. We were treated like royalty, and Joe even put up with me drinking my "Milwaukee's Best" beer all night!
lol @ this idiot

let me get this right...he goes to a fine steak house and pulls out his Milwaukee's Best piss water to wash down good food... wtf is wrong with this guy

edit: and im sure he drank right out of the can OBV... the epitome of class
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by CPOner
lol @ this idiot

let me get this right...he goes to a fine steak house and pulls out his Milwaukee's Best piss water to wash down good food... wtf is wrong with this guy

edit: and im sure he drank right out of the can OBV... the epitome of class
You do realize this is the poster child for UB you're talking about?
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by dblgutted
You do realize this is the poster child for UB you're talking about?
wats that got to do with the price of tea in China?
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by CPOner
lol @ this idiot

let me get this right...he goes to a fine steak house and pulls out his Milwaukee's Best piss water to wash down good food... wtf is wrong with this guy

edit: and im sure he drank right out of the can OBV... the epitome of class

This isn't really as necessarily as uncommon as one would think. I've known several really rich "Captain of Industry" type guys who prefer MGD, Miller High Life, all manner of swill. Then you go to the local watering hole and see guys like me who hope the next paycheck covers the bills that wouldn't touch a beer that's not imported/microbrew if you gave it to them. It doesn't make sense.
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by CPOner
lol @ this idiot

let me get this right...he goes to a fine steak house and pulls out his Milwaukee's Best piss water to wash down good food... wtf is wrong with this guy

edit: and im sure he drank right out of the can OBV... the epitome of class
he shotgunned obv.
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
This isn't really as necessarily as uncommon as one would think. I've known several really rich "Captain of Industry" type guys who prefer MGD, Miller High Life, all manner of swill. Then you go to the local watering hole and see guys like me who hope the next paycheck covers the bills that wouldn't touch a beer that's not imported/microbrew if you gave it to them. It doesn't make sense.
It means youre a snob and they like American lagers. Each to their own, but just because you like your beer a little different dont judge them on their own taste buds son.
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
It means youre a snob and they like American lagers. Each to their own, but just because you like your beer a little different dont judge them on their own taste buds son.
dont think he was judging them, just commenting on how your monetary status doesn't necessarily effect what type of beer you enjoy
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Teh1337zor
dont think he was judging them, just commenting on how your monetary status doesn't necessarily effect what type of beer you enjoy
He is clearly judging people for drinking Miller etc - and for the record i dont drink American lager but i dont get high and mighty about preferring a hoegaarden or staropramen to a carling (which i still drink on occasion).

The parts in bold make it clear he looks down on people for drinking cheap lager:

Originally Posted by bulls_horn
This isn't really as necessarily as uncommon as one would think. I've known several really rich "Captain of Industry" type guys who prefer MGD, Miller High Life, all manner of swill. Then you go to the local watering hole and see guys like me who hope the next paycheck covers the bills that wouldn't touch a beer that's not imported/microbrew if you gave it to them. It doesn't make sense.
With special attention to the fact that he mentions how he can barely cover his bills thus making note of the fact that his drink is more expensive than what they drink.

The guy is clearly a lager snob. By all means prefer better lagers, im not denying that cheap American lagers are pretty crappy, but to judge people on their choices of drink is pretty ridic.
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 06:47 PM
Phil plays so far above the rim its untrue!!!

His words.... not mine!

The rimmer
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 07:01 PM
My Dad drinks Natty Light even though he could afford any beer he wanted. He knows of its reputation but doesn't care because he simply likes it better for whatever warped reason.

Is nobody going to talk about the fact that Hellmuth is almost crying about almost being eliminated? That strikes me as about as strange as anything else.
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
My Dad drinks Natty Light even though he could afford any beer he wanted. He knows of its reputation but doesn't care because he simply likes it better for whatever warped reason.

We used to steam crabs in Natty Bo, none of them ever complained; all of them died happy as far as I know.
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Is nobody going to talk about the fact that Hellmuth is almost crying about almost being eliminated? That strikes me as about as strange as anything else.
One day, a scorpion looked around at the mountain where he lived and decided that he wanted a change. So he set out on a journey through the forests and hills. He climbed over rocks and under vines and kept going until he reached a river.

The river was wide and swift, and the scorpion stopped to reconsider the situation. He couldn't see any way across. So he ran upriver and then checked downriver, all the while thinking that he might have to turn back.

Suddenly, he saw a frog sitting in the rushes by the bank of the stream on the other side of the river. He decided to ask the frog for help getting across the stream.

"Hellooo Mr. Frog!" called the scorpion across the water, "Would you be so kind as to give me a ride on your back across the river?"

"Well now, Mr. Scorpion! How do I know that if I try to help you, you wont try to kill me?" asked the frog hesitantly.

"Because," the scorpion replied, "If I try to kill you, then I would die too, for you see I cannot swim!"

Now this seemed to make sense to the frog. But he asked. "What about when I get close to the bank? You could still try to kill me and get back to the shore!"

"This is true," agreed the scorpion, "But then I wouldn't be able to get to the other side of the river!"

"Alright do I know you wont just wait till we get to the other side and THEN kill me?" said the frog.

"Ahh...," crooned the scorpion, "Because you see, once you've taken me to the other side of this river, I will be so grateful for your help, that it would hardly be fair to reward you with death, now would it?!"

So the frog agreed to take the scorpion across the river. He swam over to the bank and settled himself near the mud to pick up his passenger. The scorpion crawled onto the frog's back, his sharp claws prickling into the frog's soft hide, and the frog slid into the river. The muddy water swirled around them, but the frog stayed near the surface so the scorpion would not drown. He kicked strongly through the first half of the stream, his flippers paddling wildly against the current.

Halfway across the river, the frog suddenly felt a sharp sting in his back and, out of the corner of his eye, saw the scorpion remove his stinger from the frog's back. A deadening numbness began to creep into his limbs.

"You fool!" croaked the frog, "Now we shall both die! Why on earth did you do that?"

The scorpion shrugged, and did a little jig on the drownings frog's back.

"I could not help myself. It is my nature."
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
One day, a scorpion looked around at the mountain where he lived and decided that he wanted a change. So he set out on a journey through the forests and hills. He climbed over rocks and under vines and kept going until he reached a river.

The river was wide and swift, and the scorpion stopped to reconsider the situation. He couldn't see any way across. So he ran upriver and then checked downriver, all the while thinking that he might have to turn back.

Suddenly, he saw a frog sitting in the rushes by the bank of the stream on the other side of the river. He decided to ask the frog for help getting across the stream.

"Hellooo Mr. Frog!" called the scorpion across the water, "Would you be so kind as to give me a ride on your back across the river?"

"Well now, Mr. Scorpion! How do I know that if I try to help you, you wont try to kill me?" asked the frog hesitantly.

"Because," the scorpion replied, "If I try to kill you, then I would die too, for you see I cannot swim!"

Now this seemed to make sense to the frog. But he asked. "What about when I get close to the bank? You could still try to kill me and get back to the shore!"

"This is true," agreed the scorpion, "But then I wouldn't be able to get to the other side of the river!"

"Alright do I know you wont just wait till we get to the other side and THEN kill me?" said the frog.

"Ahh...," crooned the scorpion, "Because you see, once you've taken me to the other side of this river, I will be so grateful for your help, that it would hardly be fair to reward you with death, now would it?!"

So the frog agreed to take the scorpion across the river. He swam over to the bank and settled himself near the mud to pick up his passenger. The scorpion crawled onto the frog's back, his sharp claws prickling into the frog's soft hide, and the frog slid into the river. The muddy water swirled around them, but the frog stayed near the surface so the scorpion would not drown. He kicked strongly through the first half of the stream, his flippers paddling wildly against the current.

Halfway across the river, the frog suddenly felt a sharp sting in his back and, out of the corner of his eye, saw the scorpion remove his stinger from the frog's back. A deadening numbness began to creep into his limbs.

"You fool!" croaked the frog, "Now we shall both die! Why on earth did you do that?"

The scorpion shrugged, and did a little jig on the drownings frog's back.

"I could not help myself. It is my nature."
Ooh, yeah. That was an awesome episode!
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 08:00 PM
I thought this entry was the most human Phil has ever sounded- good for him. Maybe he's finally going to grow up?

'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
One day, a scorpion looked around at the mountain where he lived and decided that he wanted a change. So he set out on a journey through the forests and hills. He climbed over rocks and under vines and kept going until he reached a river.

The river was wide and swift, and the scorpion stopped to reconsider the situation. He couldn't see any way across. So he ran upriver and then checked downriver, all the while thinking that he might have to turn back.

Suddenly, he saw a frog sitting in the rushes by the bank of the stream on the other side of the river. He decided to ask the frog for help getting across the stream.

"Hellooo Mr. Frog!" called the scorpion across the water, "Would you be so kind as to give me a ride on your back across the river?"

"Well now, Mr. Scorpion! How do I know that if I try to help you, you wont try to kill me?" asked the frog hesitantly.

"Because," the scorpion replied, "If I try to kill you, then I would die too, for you see I cannot swim!"

Now this seemed to make sense to the frog. But he asked. "What about when I get close to the bank? You could still try to kill me and get back to the shore!"

"This is true," agreed the scorpion, "But then I wouldn't be able to get to the other side of the river!"

"Alright do I know you wont just wait till we get to the other side and THEN kill me?" said the frog.

"Ahh...," crooned the scorpion, "Because you see, once you've taken me to the other side of this river, I will be so grateful for your help, that it would hardly be fair to reward you with death, now would it?!"

So the frog agreed to take the scorpion across the river. He swam over to the bank and settled himself near the mud to pick up his passenger. The scorpion crawled onto the frog's back, his sharp claws prickling into the frog's soft hide, and the frog slid into the river. The muddy water swirled around them, but the frog stayed near the surface so the scorpion would not drown. He kicked strongly through the first half of the stream, his flippers paddling wildly against the current.

Halfway across the river, the frog suddenly felt a sharp sting in his back and, out of the corner of his eye, saw the scorpion remove his stinger from the frog's back. A deadening numbness began to creep into his limbs.

"You fool!" croaked the frog, "Now we shall both die! Why on earth did you do that?"

The scorpion shrugged, and did a little jig on the drownings frog's back.

"I could not help myself. It is my nature."
****ing scorpions
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
06-16-2008 , 08:32 PM

point missed

its not the fact that he is drinking beer i think tastes bad that makes him an idiot... i have friends that drink beer i think is undrinkable... but they arent idiots because of it

its the fact that he is bringing a CAN of probably warm beer into a fine eating establishment and most likely drinking right out the can ensuring his hand isnt covering his face on the can that makes him classless

if the beer isnt warm... he is more of a looser for keeping a cooler, porta fridge, or whatever with him and his 12 million beers he now carries with him at all times

the guy has a gazillion dollars... and many impressive poker accomplishments... but he still is clueless
'Deep thoughts' by Phil Helmuth (WSOP interview added) Quote
