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Dealer Pay at the WSOP Dealer Pay at the WSOP

06-24-2008 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by JerryGallo
"A down is 1/2 hour in the box. Dan says he usually does 12 downs per 8 hour shift for an average of 1.5 downs per hour."

Is this possible? It seems that he works .75 downs per hour. IMO.
12 / 8 = 1.5
Dealer Pay at the WSOP Quote
06-24-2008 , 07:46 PM
Can this thread be stickied, or put in the FAQ or something. The WSOP ends in like 5 weeks (ignoring the ME) break so there is gonna be a few "dealers got screwed etc yadda" type threads.

They come and go every year, and they are always way too long because most dealers dont like to admit that they made $38/hr and can make 75k a year if they are good (and 30k isnt too hard for an average dealer).

This thread is like an easy go to so we can just nip those in the bud and just like insta lock them.
Dealer Pay at the WSOP Quote
06-24-2008 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by mickeycrimm
1. You just don't find 900 unemployed dealers sitting around Las Vegas waiting for the WSOP. Most dealers come from out of town and face the dreaded double nut--They have their bills back home and they have to pay for meals and lodging while in Las Vegas.

2. They have to comply with some IRS regulation called the Tip Compliance Law. They have the option of claiming a flat $8 per hour in tips or itemizing each and every tip. Consequently they have to pay taxes on this money. All dealers go for the flat $8 per hour. So they may be making $47 per hour but as far as the IRS is concerned they are making $55 per hour.
1. "Most" dealers do not come from out of town. Some dealers do. Those are the good, professional dealers. Those individuals deserve more money then they get, because they run the games quickly and correctly. MOST dealers, though, are people from town who know how to deal NLHE only, and their tables are usually riddled with mistakes.

2. I believe those regulations are for jobs which are tip based where the tips are payed in cash (like wait staff, or cash game dealers). For tournament dealers, every tip is accounted for in a paper check, so they have to pay taxes on what they get paid, no more no less. Also, EVERY JOB IN THE COUNTRY HAS TO PAY TAXES, so that fact alone doesn't mitigate a dealer's hourly wage.
Dealer Pay at the WSOP Quote
06-24-2008 , 09:21 PM
Does anyone know what Binion paid?

At one time all they paid their dealers was mininum wage. The dealers were dependent on the players tipping for extra money. And dealers got screwed alot of times. The best I remember is the ME was something like a $10,000 plus $200 buy-in.

It was Becky who started the percentage thing. I think she took 6% with half supposed to go to tournament staff. Of course the staff didn't get anywhere near what they were supposed to get and a labor dispute erupted. Alot of dealers walked out. The dispute was eventually settled by the Labor Board and she had to pay up.
Dealer Pay at the WSOP Quote
06-24-2008 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by jlost88

Originally Posted by mickeycrimm
At one time all they paid their dealers was mininum wage. The dealers were dependent on the players tipping for extra money. And dealers got screwed alot of times. The best I remember is the ME was something like a $10,000 plus $200 buy-in.

It was Becky who started the percentage thing. I think she took 6% with half supposed to go to tournament staff. Of course the staff didn't get anywhere near what they were supposed to get and a labor dispute erupted. Alot of dealers walked out. The dispute was eventually settled by the Labor Board and she had to pay up.
So the dealers are still in the gravy compared to Binions.

Some dealers just think they're bigger than the game. Anyone can take orders and throw out cards, *******s.
Dealer Pay at the WSOP Quote
06-25-2008 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by MiltonFriedman
A pro video poker player ???

Why do you think the casinos offer to comp them ?

(In theory it is possible to find a video poker machine with a +EV for perfect play, but it would be tugh to make a living off such infrequent pickings.)
You are correct, Sir. It is tough to make a living playing video poker. But I am the tough, Sir. The real tough. Not no cheap imitation. I'm the best there is, Sir. I appreciate your opinion. You explaied to the folks that there is not a whole lot of guys like me on the planet-- the ones who know how to turn a profit doing it. I've been doing it a long time. I'll quit doing it when they kick dirt on my ass. Not one day before. Thank you for pointing out to the people that only tough bitches like me could pull the deal off. Good luck. God Bless.
Dealer Pay at the WSOP Quote
06-25-2008 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by turbohydrate
Is this actually possible?
Chainsaw is (or was) a pro video poker player. apparently, it can be done.
Dealer Pay at the WSOP Quote
06-25-2008 , 06:33 AM

So the dealers are still in the gravy compared to Binions.

Some dealers just think they're bigger than the game. Anyone can take orders and throw out cards, *******s.
I was always a cash game player. I railtarded virtually every WSOP from 92 until it left Binions. I played the middle limt cash games at WSOP. I didn't want to get involved with the tournament players from those times. There were only a couple of hundred of them and they were all battle tough. I'm an advantage gambler and I seen no edge for me if I got involved with them. My schtick is I don't like a gambling game in which I have to get lucky to win. Consequently, I avoided the tournaments.

But I had a lot of fun railtarding their asses. You wouldn't believe how many times I railtarded Hellmuth's ass and seen him suck out on someone. If it wasn't for luck Hellmuth would lose them all.

I think it was like the 99 WSOP, or maybe the 2001 WSOP, my memory is failing me now, but I think it was the the one that Neal Furlong won, the Irish cat. It was midnight on the first day of the fiinal event. They broke it up for the night. I was up on the rail watching as they counted every one down and bagged up the chips. I was watching my idol, Johnny Chan, as they bagged up his chips. Johnny got up and walked away from the table. He came up the isle, took a left and walked right in front of me. All of a sudden a man flew out of the crowd, came up behind Johnny, and dumped an extra large McDonalds coke on his head, ice and all. Johnny went into convulsions from the icewater shock. When he recovered he spun around to see the man standing there with a "WTF are you gonna do about it" look on his face. The man stood his ground. This incident was taking place 3 feet in front of me. Chan hollered for security. Dude stood there waiting the whole time with a "WTF are you gonna do about it" look on his face. I gotta hand it to Dude. He didn't back down.

Suit security came up and escorted both of them out. Dude got 86'ed. I later asked one of the suits what it was all about. He said "The guy is a poker dealer and dealt Chan a bad beat about 2 years ago. Chan threw his drink in the guys face. He was just getting even with Chan. But rules are the rules. We had to pitch him out."
Dealer Pay at the WSOP Quote
06-25-2008 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by noseeds99
Poor dealers. I'm in Vegas right now too with NO guaranteed money and wouldn't you know it, the food and board isn't free.
as opposed to when they are home and dont ever eat
Dealer Pay at the WSOP Quote
06-25-2008 , 04:04 PM

So the dealers are still in the gravy compared to Binions.
Absolutely!!! Dealers are in hog heaven these days compared to the old days.

As I understand it when tournaments first began at Binions, you know, back when the ME was a 1 table SNG, the issue of dealer compensation had to be deallt with. The players and the house all agreed that no money would be removed from the prize pool but the winners would leave a tip for tournament staff. But we are talking about a very small poker world back then---Everybody knew everybody, dealers, players, the Binions.

Everybody trusted everybody. But as the poker world grew this system was bound to fail. By the late nineties the dealers were just getting screwed by too many people. That's why the percentage thing was instituted. The dealers just got tired of gambling on whether they would get paid or not.

Back in the day the owners of the Oceanside Cardclub, it may have been Chip and Doyle as I believe they owned the place at one time, wanted to promote their cardroom so they hired Johnny Moss to come play the room. They put big ads in the local paper "JOHNNY MOSS AT OCEANSIDE CARDCLUB." TheY held a big poker tournament in his honor. They called it the "JOHNNY MOSS OPEN."

Johnny Moss won the tournament---then stiffed the dealers.
Dealer Pay at the WSOP Quote
06-25-2008 , 04:21 PM
Dealer Pay at the WSOP Quote
06-25-2008 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by betsmart
Chainsaw is (or was) a pro video poker player. apparently, it can be done.
I don't know if this is allowed here. I certainly am not shilling for anyone. Just trying to give some good advice on the subject. So, Mods, do what you have to do.

For anyone who is interested I think the first book one should read is "Video Poker, Optimum Play" by Dan Paymar.

There is also some excellent analyzing and training software on the market: Dean Zamzow's Winpoker, Jean Scott's Frugal Video Poker, Dan Paymar's Optimum Play, Jim Wolf's Wolf Video Poker, and Bob Dancer's Video Poker for Winners.

I personally use Winpoker, Frugal and Wolf.
Dealer Pay at the WSOP Quote
