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Day 1a Chipleader indicted on 15 felony charges (WSOP spoiler) Day 1a Chipleader indicted on 15 felony charges (WSOP spoiler)

07-05-2009 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by upaymibills
From an email from WSOP tournament staff:

"It turns out the chip leader from Day 1A [Eric Cloutier] has been verified to have 15,075 chips, NOT 150,750 as has been reported by us. We apologize for this unfortunate error. We take full responsibility."

Or they going to take full responsibility for the extra attention they brought to him when the state comes at him with, "Aha!! You're taking these charges so seriously you ran off to LV to blow $10k on a poker tournament!!"

springsteen and longhorn - I work in minor league hockey (in that same league as the old Louisiana team) which is why I know so much about it and why that aspect interested me so much.
Day 1a Chipleader indicted on 15 felony charges (WSOP spoiler) Quote
07-06-2009 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Or they going to take full responsibility for the extra attention they brought to him when the state comes at him with, "Aha!! You're taking these charges so seriously you ran off to LV to blow $10k on a poker tournament!!"

They already took full responsibility.
Day 1a Chipleader indicted on 15 felony charges (WSOP spoiler) Quote
07-06-2009 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by McCordPoker
Whoops. An entire thread for nothing.
Well, that's certainly never happened before.
Day 1a Chipleader indicted on 15 felony charges (WSOP spoiler) Quote
07-07-2009 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by prana
[ ] Phish song
You right.

Day 1a Chipleader indicted on 15 felony charges (WSOP spoiler) Quote
07-07-2009 , 08:14 AM
Yeah, okay, my first comment was a bit overblown but what I meant was basically it's not like Chino's outstanding warrants, where he is basically going to be owned when he's found. Eric is just a guy who got caught allegedly doing something and he's going to be tried for it. He's out on bail now. That's not dramatic or newsworthy really, it just seems stupid and isn't very interesting. If he got arrested at the Rio, it'd be something. But this doesn't affect him playing the tournament at all and he's not even a well known poker player.

It's like someone coming and making a thread in NVG saying "IN HIS PAST, THE GUY WHO WON A 1500 AT THE WSOP GOT ARRESTED FOR SMOKING POT IN HIS CAR." He took his punishment and it's not relevant whatsoever to the poker. I don't see why we should pry like that and bring up bs for no reason.
Day 1a Chipleader indicted on 15 felony charges (WSOP spoiler) Quote
07-07-2009 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by gobbo
Yeah, okay, my first comment was a bit overblown but what I meant was basically it's not like Chino's outstanding warrants, where he is basically going to be owned when he's found. Eric is just a guy who got caught allegedly doing something and he's going to be tried for it. He's out on bail now. That's not dramatic or newsworthy really, it just seems stupid and isn't very interesting. If he got arrested at the Rio, it'd be something. But this doesn't affect him playing the tournament at all and he's not even a well known poker player.

It's like someone coming and making a thread in NVG saying "IN HIS PAST, THE GUY WHO WON A 1500 AT THE WSOP GOT ARRESTED FOR SMOKING POT IN HIS CAR." He took his punishment and it's not relevant whatsoever to the poker. I don't see why we should pry like that and bring up bs for no reason.
is anything ever posted in NVG ever relevant to the pokerzz?
Day 1a Chipleader indicted on 15 felony charges (WSOP spoiler) Quote
07-07-2009 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by gobbo
Yeah, okay, my first comment was a bit overblown but what I meant was basically it's not like Chino's outstanding warrants, where he is basically going to be owned when he's found. Eric is just a guy who got caught allegedly doing something and he's going to be tried for it. He's out on bail now. That's not dramatic or newsworthy really, it just seems stupid and isn't very interesting. If he got arrested at the Rio, it'd be something. But this doesn't affect him playing the tournament at all and he's not even a well known poker player.

It's like someone coming and making a thread in NVG saying "IN HIS PAST, THE GUY WHO WON A 1500 AT THE WSOP GOT ARRESTED FOR SMOKING POT IN HIS CAR." He took his punishment and it's not relevant whatsoever to the poker. I don't see why we should pry like that and bring up bs for no reason.
Well, you're still saying pretty much the same thing and I think most would not agree with you. Guy indicted and to stand trial regarding financial crimes + guy uses 10k to play in main event pending trial = relevant.

Public record. Public event. Public forum.
Day 1a Chipleader indicted on 15 felony charges (WSOP spoiler) Quote
07-07-2009 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by Scotty_12
He is also a former Jacksonville Lizard King. I had to google their jersey after clicking on his career stats link and its awesomeness did not dissapoint. What more could you expect from a hockey team based in Jacksonville called the Lizard Kings?

lolz, I never went to a game as a kid. They didn't last to long, pretty funny you found that.
Day 1a Chipleader indicted on 15 felony charges (WSOP spoiler) Quote
07-08-2009 , 03:46 AM
in b4 "Day 2a Chipleader indicted on 15 felony charges (WSOP spoiler)"
Day 1a Chipleader indicted on 15 felony charges (WSOP spoiler) Quote
07-08-2009 , 04:25 AM
gobbo - Sure it's none of our business. But some people are just curious about "hey...wonder who this chip-leader guy is" so they google him. And when they see that he has freaking 500+ pending counts on which he's been indicted then that actually is kind of newsworthy. I think this is way different than going all journalistic-nazi about it and finding some pot smoking conviction from 10 yrs prior or something....or digging up stuff about some random playing in the WSOP who busted out 3 hours in.
Day 1a Chipleader indicted on 15 felony charges (WSOP spoiler) Quote
07-08-2009 , 06:35 AM
Sick spoiler slowroll op!
Day 1a Chipleader indicted on 15 felony charges (WSOP spoiler) Quote
