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David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!!

07-16-2008 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by curious123
10 days for "a minor traffic related offence"? Why the hell didn't you cough up a few bucks for a lawyer?

Thanks mom!
like I said, he wasn't making the wisest of choices back then, and I'd already racked up a bunch of bills for lawyers between the ages of 16 to 20. As a result, he'd gotten 'passes' from the justice system, and got into his head that he could talk his way out of trouble.

Told him that if he got in trouble one more time, I'd sit there, be there in court that is, and visit him in jail if need be, but that otherwise he would be on his own. Unlike the people in charge at the 2008 WSOP did with Phil Hellmouth, I always meant what I said.

So, when he got into trouble that 'one more time' I had to follow through with what I told him (as after all he was 20 at the time), and as such, he had to use a public defender instead.

It was the best thing that could of happened to him, because as he tells me these days, it was what woke him up to the fact that he was heading down a really bad road, and he'd better change direction, but quick (and today, he's a fine young man, who is married and runs his own business now).
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-16-2008 , 10:07 PM
David Rheems is a great guy. I mean you guys are gonna be sick when he gets first place. Nobodys going to jail, all this information is completely false. Anyone wanna lay me odds on him winning let me know, i'll take 8-1, all takers bring it on.
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-16-2008 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Flopz
Is it too late to call dibs on "The november 8"?

Man, all that "November 9" gear is probably sitting next to the "Buffalo Bills Superbowl champions" shirts somewhere
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-16-2008 , 10:14 PM

Well okay, in that case I guess 10 days could serve the purpose. Had he got hit w/ the 6 months, however, I think that plan could've backfired big time.
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-16-2008 , 10:27 PM
actually i was thinkin that it's probable ivey has a pice too lol.

btw wasn't aware mueller and them did that... i knew ivey staked mike and i was pretty sure mike & some friends staked chino. haven't rly talked to any of those guys since wsop started more than a few words here or there.
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-16-2008 , 10:30 PM
To all the chicken littles in this forum...

If NFL players and NBA players can pull the crap they pull and get no jail time (short of a dead body and witnesses) then Chino has nothing to worry about.

Please find something else to kvetch about.... Nothing to see here...
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-16-2008 , 10:46 PM

Due to the new morals clause number of entrants in the 2009 WSOPME has fallen to 684.
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-16-2008 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by mickeycrimm

Due to the new morals clause number of entrants in the 2009 WSOPME has fallen to 684.
LOL ... in my post, if you go back and read it (my reply to Kev) I was just wondering out loud, if they'd do a background check for just the final 9, not the entire field.
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-16-2008 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by randyd501
BS-I am a lawyer in South Florida and rest assured the Broward Prosecutor's office will have already read this article and be in the process of securing Rheem. Failure to appear in Broward County is a serious offense especially after this amount of time,the past record of Rheem and the public nature of the defendant. We do not even know yet if he has criminal past in other jurisdictions which is a very high probability based on his past record.
I am not a lawyer in South Florida and and what you say is wrong. A failure to appear on a misdemeanor will be resolved in short order. As for your probabilities that he has a criminal past in other jurisdictions, well, the world needs more people as smart as you. I think the probabilities are that he's a serial trespasser.
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-16-2008 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by Mike1623
I am not sure what the law is in Florida, but if it were a case in New York that he skipped out on, he would be facing a bail jumping charge, punishable by up to a year in jail, in addition to the time that he was facing on the open trespass case.

Again though, I am not sure if Florida has a bail jumping statute though...
Failure to appear is not necessarily the same as bond jumping. In fact. I don't recall ever seeing a bond on a misdemeanor trespassing charge, ever.

This whole thread sounds like a bunch of old church ladies gossiping about little Jimmy Jones who got smoking cigarettes behind the Dairy Queen.
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-16-2008 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Rx~
he's screwed and we all know it (except for some of these lawyer wannabees) they just blind him off or does everyone just move up the payout ladder????
They should make his empty chair play Vinnie Vihn's empty chair heads up
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-16-2008 , 11:17 PM
Actually, Rheem is not in all that bad a spot. Now these other poker players were in some really bad spots:

Joe busted out of the poker game at Club One in Fresno, California. "See you in a bit, boys" he said, "Got some business to attend to." Half an hour later Joe comes back in, sits down and buys in. Shortly after, the cops walk through the door. "Rack em up, Joe" one says. Joe had gone down the street, robbed a business, then walked straight back to the poker room.

There was a serial rapist in Lake Tahoe. He would snatch a girl, rape her, then let her out somewhere on Hwy 50. The last one he got told the cops that he stopped to get a pack of cigarettes. The cops hit the convenience store for surveillance tape. Bingo!!! They got a photo of him and hit the airwaves with it. It was poker players at Harvey's who recognized the guy. He was a BJ dealer at Jackson Rancheria, who made regular trips to the Lake to play poker....and get laid.

A rather nice young man was a regular in the high stakes games at Lucky Chances in Colma, California. But the real reason the players loved him was because he ran through the money. The poor guy just couldn't win a hand. He would play for weeks at the time but then disapear for a few weeks. But he always came back.

Meanwhile, there was a serial bank robber in the San Francisco Bay area. He had pulled off several heists. He always wore a hood and sunglasses so they just couldn't get a good picture of him. But he screwed up one time and they got a decent photo of him. Lucky Chances has TV's around the room. When they flashed the bank robber's picture everyone in the room looked up at the TV's then back around to the nice young man. It was a dead match.
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-16-2008 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by GeniusToad
ok, ok... limitations, my bad.
guess it helped the thread tho.
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-16-2008 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by Willywoo
I am not a lawyer in South Florida and and what you say is wrong. A failure to appear on a misdemeanor will be resolved in short order.
I tend to agree. Vacating misdemeanor warrants is typically :yawn:.
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-16-2008 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by AngusThermopyle
1. pants
2. Spanish (from Miami?) for Chinese
3. Town in San Bernardino County, Ca
4. State prison located in 3)
Also "chino" in Spanish can mean curly haired one. Like if you have curly hair. I used to have a friend of mine who called me "el chino".
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-17-2008 , 12:30 AM
Forget this guy! What about the dude who has to sit next to his dead stack at the final table?
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-17-2008 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by Dialect
what does that have to with him shining light on it? nowhere near the same amount of people would have learned this. hence the term 'outed'.

simple logic FTW MORAN
wow you're ******ed if you think not many people would have heard about this if it wasn't for OP posting. If OP didn't post it, some one else would have 5 mins later.

David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-17-2008 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by unlucky4me
They should make his empty chair play Vinnie Vihn's empty chair heads up
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-17-2008 , 02:56 AM
on 2plus2 pokercast, this dude was saying that he rather stay low and not want espn folowwing around and stuff...i was wondering why he wouldn't go after the tv time and now I know why! hahaha

Please listen to it and comment. Anybody else get that vibe?
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-17-2008 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by sketchy1
mueller? check your facts i'm 100% certain the grinder & his crew have the majority of his action.
I am 100% ready to bet you have no idea what you are talking about.
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-17-2008 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by shaniac
I am 100% ready to bet you have no idea what you are talking about.
Maybe Chino is like the guys in The Producers and he sold like 6000%.....
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-17-2008 , 04:55 AM
Originally Posted by bronx bomber
Maybe Chino is like the guys in The Producers and he sold like 6000%.....
That would be epic.
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-17-2008 , 05:29 AM
At least he can afford a good lawyer now.
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-17-2008 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by CincyLady
Yes, but what if the misdemeanor back in 2003 violated his Probation, for a felony? What if the person in question has skipped out before on court dates? Judge not gunna like the latter very much BTW.

Edit: Plus, this is an election year for many, if this is the case for the Broward County DA, I'm sure the current DA won't want to appear to be giving Rheems special treatment either.
It's an election year for many EVERY YEAR. WTF, it's like you just want this to go bad so much that you can't stand it, huh? Is it that NVGers just love drama or what? Chino will be at the FT and this will probably be a story, but not much of one.
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
07-17-2008 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by Willywoo
This whole thread sounds like a bunch of old church ladies gossiping about little Jimmy Jones who got smoking cigarettes behind the Dairy Queen.

and they all hope he gets the chair so they have something exciting to talk about in November
David "Chino" Rheem Final Table ME-Fugitive!!!! Quote
