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Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Darvin Moon:  I like this guy

10-20-2009 , 10:58 PM
I really like the way ESPN started covering him.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-20-2009 , 11:31 PM
DM was awesome in today's telecast. I lol'd a few times.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-20-2009 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by BraveJayhawk
DM was awesome in today's telecast. I lol'd a few times.
I did too. Then I lol'd even more reading this thread. How does a guy just being himself, catching cards, and not acting like a douche make people angry and hate him? Do you guys hate people that win the lottery? Do they make you angry? Is the fact that you have more poker skill than him yet he will win millions of dollars tearing you up?

So what that he's not very skilled. Did you forget that there is huge variance in poker and why that is the key reason losing players keep playing, making the game profitable for skilled players? There are some very good players and some luckboxes at the final table every year. I don't see a reason to hate on any of them as long as they're not acting like d-bags.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by VectorWega
A 60 Minutes poll recently found that 48% of Americans feel that Wal-Mart is the business that best symbolizes America. That pretty much says it all.
Why not? After all, Walmart is the #1 processor of money sent to poker sites!
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 12:13 AM
Based on the hands I've seen this guy play he seems like a huge donkey who keeps getting hit by the deck. I don't think he's got any chance to win the tourney - the deck is gonna even out, and his play doesn't seem good enough to keep him in it. Kinda like Dennis Phillips - he's gonna bust 3rd or 4th this year.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by YouCheckRaise
As nice a guy as he probably is, it will not be good for poker if he wins. Akenhead gogogo

Darvin Moon winning would be the best possible result for poker.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by tiftuk
Darvin Moon winning would be the best possible result for poker.
The boom is over, it's not happening again and to the same degree anytime soon so I don't think it matters at all who wins.

That being said I do find Darvin Moon like-able in the sense that he is a complete card-rack but not a douche-bag in the slightest.

Darvin Moon is the anti-Jamie Gold.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by Rizzn
If Moon manages to cope with the stress of the final table with the lights cameras and crowd and keep a level head then he will do well with his huge chip stack

or he will give away too many tells being so nervous

who knows
he's played plenty of hours on the feature table at this point so he should be good with that. obv it may be a little more nerve wrecking waiting the 4 months but he strikes me as the kind of guy that doesn't care.

I definitely am pulling for him to scoop
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 02:05 AM
I don't care who wins.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
These false humility guys are really the biggest egomaniacs of them all. I think he said in an interview that 80% of the field played better than him. And if he does just play super tight ABC then that can't be true and he knows that it's not true. He secretly prides himself on behing the anti-Hellmuth while revealing in the fact that everyone is going on and on about his humility. Not all humilty is false however, I believe Jerry Yang is really what he appeared to be, but that is usually only brought about by fanatical religious belief.
Way off base here.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 02:27 AM
I found his dry straight-forward manner pretty entertaining tonight in contrast to lucky amateurs of years past or the over-inflated egos common to poker.

I am not surprised by the hate here, but do find it ridiculous. Apparently being a real person (albeit--gasp!--working class) who isn't obsessed with poker and just honest about running hot in a tournament is an unforgivable sin. Personally, I love the fact that he just doesn't seem to give a ****. Not taking a sponsor, coach, and probably not even preparing much for the FT might be -EV (like this guy would care), but are probably not a big deal as it is pretty clear that for DM real life > poker.

Also love that he refuses to take a sponsor (not that I would blame him if he changed his mind for easy money...I know I would).

I hope he wins it just to piss off all of you pathetic people hating on him for no good reason.

If I really thought a pro winning would help repeal UIGEA, I'd root for Ivey, but if our arguments are so weak that we need to point to a pro winning a particular tournament in order to establish our case (which usually involves a ton of short term luck), we are probably ****ed anyway on that front.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by demystifier

I am not surprised by the hate here.
Hate? What hate? Most people seem to really like this guy, others have a valid point saying he would be a bad ambassador and there are the usual 7% haters like in every NVG thread.

After watching today, yes he is likable and real, so are all the other 9ers. Yes, Shulman said some douche azz things and I hope he doesn't win, but all the other guys are likable and deserving. Listened to Interviews of all of them and (other than Shulman) and there really isn't a "Villain" at that table that would make me unhappy if they'd won. But everyone BUT Moon would be better "FOR POKER" mainly because that 9 million would be gone from the poker economy forever.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 02:58 AM
I like Moon - I hope he wins. Would be cool to see him doin the ole Stanky Leg as the river blanks to take it down.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 03:24 AM
he's the man.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 03:29 AM
He played decent enough poker the hands they showed. He's certainly set up an excellent table image for himself.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
Do you guys hate people that win the lottery? Do they make you angry?
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by 2J4U
He played decent enough poker the hands they showed. He's certainly set up an excellent table image for himself.
I agree. Other than the 45 hand, which wasn't terrible, I don't think he has played poorly. It's not like he's calling off his stack with KJ and flopping full houses. He's just catching cards and running lucky enough to avoid coolers/beats.

He actually seems to have decent aptitude for the game, although he has played pretty obvious in the televised hands (I guess there's no need to bluff when you have a rocky image and people still four bet you with air).
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by VectorWega
Your opinions on health care reform are not necessarily shared by me. These issues, like many of the other issues in America, are largely the result of the wal-mart generation. Darvin Moon could be its poster boy.
The fact that you could make such unabashed statements about a man you know from two radio interviews and twenty minutes of T.V. time clearly demonstrates your own lack of intellectual integrity.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by DogFace
I agree. Other than the 45 hand, which wasn't terrible, I don't think he has played poorly. It's not like he's calling off his stack with KJ and flopping full houses. He's just catching cards and running lucky enough to avoid coolers/beats.

He actually seems to have decent aptitude for the game, although he has played pretty obvious in the televised hands (I guess there's no need to bluff when you have a rocky image and people still four bet you with air).
I actually was impressed by the 4-5 hand. It seemed like he knew exactly where he was, understood need to get value if he improved, and he executed that extraction nicely.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 04:30 AM
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 05:01 AM
ALL poker players are slippery like friggin eels. Darvin Moon is no different.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by Zeekman
ALL poker players are slippery like friggin eels. Darvin Moon is no different.
I agree 100%
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by tiftuk
Darvin Moon winning would be the best possible result for poker.
I couldn't disagree more. Ivey winning legitamizes poker as a game of skill in the eyes of many americans who have no real idea of the intricacies of the game. This would go a long way to getting the Frank legislation passed and getting poker regulated and helping to grow the game. Everyone has seen amatuers win the ME. I think that Ivey not winning would actually hurt the game because many opponents could say, "See, the best player in the world can't win so it must be mostly luck etc".

Darvin seems like a nice enough guy by I don't see how any real poker player can't be pulling for Ivey for the good of the game.
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by makin maneys
I couldn't disagree more. Ivey winning legitamizes poker as a game of skill in the eyes of many americans who have no real idea of the intricacies of the game. This would go a long way to getting the Frank legislation passed and getting poker regulated and helping to grow the game. Everyone has seen amatuers win the ME. I think that Ivey not winning would actually hurt the game because many opponents could say, "See, the best player in the world can't win so it must be mostly luck etc".

Darvin seems like a nice enough guy by I don't see how any real poker player can't be pulling for Ivey for the good of the game.
Why would opponents call Ivey the best player in the world?
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
10-21-2009 , 12:37 PM
that chick voice in the old darvin moon interview makes me want to plow her 20x more
Darvin Moon:  I like this guy Quote
