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Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here

08-15-2018 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Jigsaw
This is def DN.

DN has always been confused with regard to the difference between "who's" and "whose."
That wouldn't hold up in a court of law. We need a selfie of him posted ITT with
"Welcome, DNegsPR." on the twoplustwo screen in the background.

Or maybe he could confirm if it's him on his next vlog.

If it is him I think that's a good thing. He deserves his right of reply on the many issues and topics that
are ITT, and whatever your view is on him it is interesting and often important to hear his thoughts and views.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by SageDonkey
If it is him I think that's a good thing. He deserves his right of reply on the many issues and topics that
are ITT, and whatever your view is on him it is interesting and often important to hear his thoughts and views.
Yeah, I think so too. Should probably just confirm it's him or one of his crew and then open up communication.

If troll, then wp/nh/g1, but seems unlikely at this point.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
He blocked me and i’m not a troll.

But given his attacks on myself and 2+2, it seems to me that Negreanu had troll characteristics. Or, perhaps he’s just one of those people who can dish it out but can’t take it.

You are a troll. Your defense of "I'm not a troll" doesn't hold up under scrutiny. Who is, and isn't a troll is subjective. There is plenty of evidence in this thread alone of troll like behavior from you. Consistently, your obsession with DNegs is well past bizarre at this point. Your own posters have even called you out for it. You may suffer from Negreanu Derangement Syndrome in addition to your Aspergers issue.

Not only are you a troll, you are one of the most experienced OG trolls that exist in the history of the internet. You were a troll before that kind of behavior even had a name.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 06:44 PM
More blocks is better.

(well, someone had to)
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by DNegsPR
You may suffer from [snipped]
Can we just GTFO with this s*** already?
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 06:56 PM
I don't ever recall hearing a straight man vocalizing a decision to having a child while not in a relationship.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by DNegsPR
You are a troll. Your defense of "I'm not a troll" doesn't hold up under scrutiny. Who is, and isn't a troll is subjective. There is plenty of evidence in this thread alone of troll like behavior from you. Consistently, your obsession with DNegs is well past bizarre at this point. Your own posters have even called you out for it. You may suffer from Negreanu Derangement Syndrome in addition to your Aspergers issue.

Not only are you a troll, you are one of the most experienced OG trolls that exist in the history of the internet. You were a troll before that kind of behavior even had a name.
While I doubt this is Negreanu, it's certainly a good imitation, and it should be fun to have him around.

Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 07:31 PM
The biggest take away from this thread, and recent battles between posters and Daniel/Daniels PR person, is the sad truth of how hard it is to be happy/content in the world of poker. If Daniel, who by most accounts (even his detractors will admit to this), is one of the "better" people in poker, and cannot feel good about himself, that is a stunning indictment of poker. It would seem, though there are certainly a few exceptions, that if your main identity in life was established in poker, that you are at a huge disadvantage if your goal is to feel good about yourself.

The ones who get the most out of poker, are the ones who have established identities (and families) outside of poker, but enjoy poker, and even spend most of their time playing poker. Interestingly enough, one guy who was thought to be such a person, Eli Elezra, turned out to be not quite what others' thought (but it looked good for a while). It appears that Barry Greenstein may be reasonably "happy", as his Chicago Joey podcasts were absolutely tremendous, and filled with valuable insight and knowledge, but he did rifle through over 10 million, and is essentially broke (or close enough to it), that it would qualify as a great crash and burn, and Barry is in his 60's.

The point being that poker success and being content may be a little like Oakland. There's "no there, there". That's an old saying from someone who was talking about her childhood home in Oakland, which was torn down. Her utterance has been misinterpreted over time to mean that there is nothing going future, in Oakland. But it still fits.

There is something about poker, if that is your main starting identity, that really puts you behind the 8 ball, as you see people like Daniel going on desperate searches with things like Choice Center. But it could also be that when you reach the top of the mountain in any endeavor, that you do have to battle a certain sick feeling, no matter how much money you have......"why am I not happy"? That is why many players "must" go broke, as it gives them a purpose. Congrats to Daniel on reaching the top of the poker mountain, and for holding onto the cash. If that isn't enough, then maybe you should roll the dice, do the courageous thing, and drop all things poker related. Do you have the guts to do it? If you do, maybe you will appreciate your current situation a lot more, and it may reenergize you if you decide to come back. Sometimes the answer is staring you right in the face.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by bgrif
The biggest take away from this thread, and recent battles between posters and Daniel/Daniels PR person, is the sad truth of how hard it is to be happy/content in the world of poker.
I don't really believe that. The same type of reasoning could be applied to any field. There are players in the NBA who make a quick fortune, coast on natural ability, retire, and live comfortably for the rest of their lives. There are players who work hard every day and use every last drop of energy and youth to achieve as much as they possibly can before their bodies fail on them. There are players who get caught up in clubbing, partying, and drugs, and ruin their lives and careers. There are players who manage to find a healthy balance of family, work, and fun.

The same is true for poker. It's possible for poker to have an unhealthy role in someone's life. It's also possible for it to be harmless or even beneficial. Blanket generalizations don't apply to everyone. You can see this with the WSOP winners over the years. Some of them took the money and abandoned the game (i.e. Pius Heinz, Jerry Yang). Not the exciting choice, but perhaps the best life choice in a lot of ways. Some of the winners took the money, gambled too much, and probably lost a lot of it back (Moneymaker and Eastgate both admitted to problematic gambling behavior after their wins). Some of the winners have seemingly found a healthy balance of maintaining a presence on the poker circuit without becoming raging degenerates (Cada, Reiss, and Duhamel seem to be doing well).

Poker is just a game. How it affects the individual is largely down to the individual. Someone with problematic addictions, impulsiveness, and money management problems is going to run into difficulties. People like Polk and perhaps DN who seek external attention and validation may find that the praise/attention/accolades are never quite enough to satisfy them, but that's not a poker problem, it's a psychological trap that occurs in any other field like business/sports/entertainment/etc.

Goal-setting behavior isn't inherently unhealthy though. Goals can help give you a sense of purpose and achievement, as long as you're self-aware enough to know that the next big score or milestone isn't going to magically "fix" whatever you don't like about yourself, your life, etc.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by DNegsPR
A smart policy for anyone is to block incessant internet trolls. You fall into that category, do you not? You spend an embarrassing amount of hours doing anything you can to paint DNegs in the worst light possible, do you not?

You do this as a paid troll. Your job is to be a troll that essentially creates politically charged attack ads. Cutting phrases from videos and throwing them together to fit your agenda, regardless of their truth or accuracy, do you not?

You work for a man with political aspirations. A man who's modus operandus is to constantly attack any peers he sees as a possible threat to him in any industries he involves himself with, do you not?

Knowing all this, why would you even question why you have been blocked? Is it that difficult for you to understand?
I am an independent contractor with various clients. My job is running my business. The cool thing about this job is that I can pretty much say or do whatever I want without worrying too much.

For years before starting that business, I have always been outspoken about thieves and cheaters in the poker community. I have often created videos making fun of them. One my biggest fans of these videos was Daniel Negreanu.

Unfortunately, he's gone the Joe Sebok route of being the public whipping boy for a toxic company. So naturally I make fun of him for doing that too.

If you want to believe that I have sinister motives, that's fine. But maybe take a step back and ask yourself why so many other people are being critical of the choice to play Sarah Sanders for this terrible company. Blocking thousands of people on Twitter and YouTube isn't going to wash away this stain on your legacy.

If you actually value integrity, Daniel, you should step down and disavow PokerStars. You'll win many people back, maybe even me.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by SrslySirius
I am an independent contractor with various clients. My job is running my business. The cool thing about this job is that I can pretty much say or do whatever I want without worrying too much.

For years before starting that business, I have always been outspoken about thieves and cheaters in the poker community. I have often created videos making fun of them. One my biggest fans of these videos was Daniel Negreanu.

Unfortunately, he's gone the Joe Sebok route of being the public whipping boy for a toxic company. So naturally I make fun of him for doing that too.

If you want to believe that I have sinister motives, that's fine. But maybe take a step back and ask yourself why so many other people are being critical of the choice to play Sarah Sanders for this terrible company. Blocking thousands of people on Twitter and YouTube isn't going to wash away this stain on your legacy.

If you actually value integrity, Daniel, you should step down and disavow PokerStars. You'll win many people back, maybe even me.
I respect you not denying what I said in the previous post to be accurate. Being funny, or even outing bad people for doing really bad things to the community is fine, and even commendable.

You lose credibility when you purposefully distort, and edit things to fit an agenda that isn't the truth. You can be funny, while also being honest rather than using editing tricks to slander people.

If the people you attack did such gregarious things to the poker world then that will speak for itself, without you needing to distort or edit. Instead, you snap together clips from various videos throughout the years, string them together out of context, all with the intent of damaging someones character.

You may believe such a character deserves it. Yet still, you choose to use editing tricks to paint, not an accurate picture of the character, but a distorted one that fits your personal agendas and vendettas.

You essentially become fake news.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 09:03 PM
There are no tricks. You said what you said. You did what you did. I never photoshopped a car into a handicapped spot, for example. You parked in one.

This habit of deflection is really weird. You should stand by the things you say. Or, if you make mistakes, own up to them. There's no shame in that.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by SrslySirius
There are no tricks. You said what you said. You did what you did. I never photoshopped a car into a handicapped spot, for example. You parked in one.

This habit of deflection is really weird. You should stand by the things you say. Or, if you make mistakes, own up to them. There's no shame in that.
Photoshop is unnecessary. Here is an actual photograph:
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 09:23 PM
Honestly, if at any point Daniel had said something like "my bad, I shouldn't have parked there", or "wearing blackface is kinda not cool, maybe that was a bad idea. I'm sorry", then I would probably lay off those things. Laughing about stuff that someone feels remorseful for is a low blow.

Fortunately for me, he never has! In fact, he just doubles down. So I think you have to take your lumps when you dig your heels in like that.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by SrslySirius
Honestly, if at any point Daniel had said something like "my bad, I shouldn't have parked there", or "wearing blackface is kinda not cool, maybe that was a bad idea. I'm sorry", then I would probably lay off those things. Laughing about stuff that someone feels remorseful for is a low blow.

Fortunately for me, he never has! In fact, he just doubles down. So I think you have to take your lumps when you dig your heels in like that.
Really well put. Couple years ago I was a naive dnegs fan, but everything that's made me lose respect for him has been his doing. Guys like SrslySirius just expose the bull**** (in some ****ing hilarious ways)
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by SrslySirius

Unfortunately, he's gone the Joe Sebok route of being the public whipping boy for a toxic company. So naturally I make fun of him for doing that too.

If you want to believe that I have sinister motives, that's fine. But maybe take a step back and ask yourself why so many other people are being critical of the choice to play Sarah Sanders for this terrible company. Blocking thousands of people on Twitter and YouTube isn't going to wash away this stain on your legacy.

If you actually value integrity, Daniel, you should step down and disavow PokerStars. You'll win many people back, maybe even me.
Not going to happen. He is quite happy with his arrangement.

He is the Ultimate sellout.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 09:59 PM
I don't agree with the direction Pokerstars has gone in, more so the proliferation of Casino and Slots than the higher rake.

As I understand it DNegs initially tried to fight the corner of the players but then hit a brick wall with the owners not wanting to budge. Maybe he was mislead at certain points by them too.

He then had a decision, quit on principle or stay and retain his lucrative contract. Most people in his shoes would have stayed, thinking that Pokerstars inexorable move towards higher rake and more gaming products will happen with or without him.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 10:00 PM
hope my formatting doesn't suck too much here. RenegsPR if you could look into these posts that caused Renegs to ghost 2p2 a few years ago that'd be great:

Originally Posted by DNegs
You couldn't possibly be more wrong. Do you know who I spoke with the last month? Do you know about meetings I had? Do you know who I was getting information from in this community? Do you know how many other people within the company were doing more to help reverse this?

You can call me whatever you want, but if you want to call me a liar you will have to show me where I lied about literally anything. Anything at all. Most annoying thing about this whole thread is this part. I haven't told even the whitest of lies at any point during this entire month, but you repeat it enough and then start to just believe it's true?

I did my best. I spoke up, despite a signed contract with the company that has kept everyone else quiet on the issue. I get that you aren't happy with the outcome, neither am I, but calling me a liar is an opinion you are entitled to, but I also have the right to tell you that you are dead wrong.
Originally Posted by vinivici9586
point 1: i would argue the most annoying part of the thread is the ****ing 12 million dollars

point 2, re: white lies:

1. your resignation, which was insinuated more than a few times in posts and podcasts, and directly written in PMs and skype chats is a white lie. you made it crystal clear that your sticking point was the SNE benefits being cut a year short, and there was 0 progress made on that. your logic that your resignation would do nothing to help us is obviously true, but of the people who wanted your resignation, i don't think any of them thought it would accomplish anything financially, but rather be a figurehead taking a moral stance for its intrinsic value. you also say that you got players 4 1 million dollar freerolls, but i think if you polled jilted SNEs they'd rather forego the freerolls than let you say or pokerstars say that you did you made any amends whatsoever.

2. your blog post's discussion about Baazov has some logical inconsistencies.
a. you start off by saying that Baazov did us a solid because despite announcing "significant changes for 2015" in October 2014, he felt it best that they should be delayed because they were poorly communicated. Then Baazov proceeds to do the same thing in the same calendar month a year later except it was mistakenly leaked instead of sent via email.
b. furthermore, you have mentioned more than a few times that the changes are both inevitable and good, yet we should be thanking Baazov for delaying them?

IMO, you have shown a history of biases towards people/entities you like and against people/entities you dislike.

a good example of this is the epic poker league. started by annie duke (who you publicly hate). you decided to not play in any of the events because "you thought it would fail".

not only is that a white lie, it's probably a black lie. you boycotted it because annie duke is at the top of your surprisingly long **** list for someone who is in a pseudo cult.

you also recently took to twitter to brag about Bryan Micon and Jon Aguiar were getting investigated by the FBI. and then later subtweeted saying you hoped they'd get ****ed in the ass in prison, but you probably don't deal with SWC and DK because they're going to fail...

and yet Edog is "old school", pokerstars had a "communication error", and Baazov waited a year to make the changes for our own good.

look: people aren't going to be happy with whatever answer you give, but it's particularly frustrating because you construct so many illogical arguments to try and defend what is most annoying about this thread and that which is ultimately indifensible

Originally Posted by Nobel1
me too

I remember a rant video or blog post where Daniel pointed out how scummy it was to promise a big freeroll at the end of the Epic League Poker and then there was none.

If I remember correctly Daniel pointed out that some breakeven players would not have played in the ELP events, had they known there was no freeroll.

Sounds pretty similar to what happened to SNE here.

Maybe someone can find this video or blog, I can not find it at the moment.
Originally Posted by jstclkdabtn
That would be so sick if you found it

EDIT: Found it and struck gold. Feast your eyes on DNegs hypocrisy.

"These tournaments boasted the cream of the crop. There was virtually no dead money in them (the Epic Poker League tournaments), aside from the $400k added by Epic Poker. In addition to that, the players who chose to take part in their events were also promised an additional $1 million freeroll. And for a lot of people, that $1 million could sway their decision to participate. Being a professional poker player has always been about getting the best of it, and that usually means looking to avoid other pros, and instead, look for softer games. At $20k a pop, against the best in the world, deciding to play was no easy decision, and the million dollar year-end freeroll certainly helped."

SNE's grind SNE in ****ty games precisely for the rakeback. This is the exact same argument you used to eviscerate Annie Duke, Daniel. You're a hypocritical douchebag with zero integrity.

PokerStars robbed SN/SNEs of equity and is certainly guilty of false advertising. And yet you proudly shill for them. Do you honestly have no shame?
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 10:12 PM
What's the source for the 12 million figure? I know Stars scammed SNE players for millions, but wasn't aware the exact amount is known.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Jigsaw
Photoshop is unnecessary. Here is an actual photograph:
This is a good example of something that was not bad in actuality (assuming Negreaunu was told by someone in position of authority at the RIO to park there, and assuming there was no reasonable chance that he kept an actual handicapped person from parking there), appearing much worse when you see the photo without any context at all.

A neutral observer would suggest that Negreanu tip his cap, offer his congratulations, and also offer the legit explanation, while not revisiting it again. It is a strong image, a great "prank" if you want to call it that, and it only gets stronger the more you fight it. The people who really matter, judgment wise, will have done enough brief research to know that it wasn't nearly as bad as it seemed.

It was a solid bit of one-upmanship, as it did apparently use a legit, undoctored photo. Sometimes you gotta take a small loss in life to avoid a bigger loss. Easier said than done, of course.

Last edited by bgrif; 08-15-2018 at 10:32 PM.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-15-2018 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by DNegsPR
You lose credibility when you purposefully distort, and edit things to fit an agenda that isn't the truth.
Well, how about this which Negreanu posted about me a few years back:

What an absolute dick! Mason you are a piece of ****. A serious piece of garbage. I mean seriously!!! This guy comes to you FIRST with all the details, making sure he doesn't break any of your Nazi rules and you come at him with that ****ing response? You are such a scumbag. You make it seem like the guy was begging you for money or asking if it's ok to post tranny porn in NVG. You really think your response was appropriate?

Even if you want to stick to your guns and not let him post it, could you not have come up with something a little more kind? Maybe like, "Sorry, it's against our policy to allow that, but I wish you the best with your podcast."

You are so insanely rude Mason. Have you no heart whatsoever? Guy here is trying to do a GOOD thing and you treat him like he's being a nuisance. You just suck Mason.

You can find this here:

and I recommend you reread the whole thread to refresh your memory. Also, what this is about is that on our website, we have a "No Solicitation for Money" rule, which with only a few exceptions we have enforced, and so when we were contacted by this group to promote their charity podcast, we told them no. Also, if you go to the end of the thread (on your website you'll see that this thing turned out to be a scam and our rules probably saved some of our users from having significant money stolen from them. Yet, you've never acknowledged your mistake, still keep these insults up on your website, and have never apologized to us or the poker community for your behavior.

And one last thing, my exact words to the host of the phony charity podcast were: "I'm sorry but it's 2+2 policy not to support any charities." But you attacked me for this as well, another purposefully distortion?

If the people you attack did such gregarious things to the poker world then that will speak for itself, without you needing to distort or edit. Instead, you snap together clips from various videos throughout the years, string them together out of context, all with the intent of damaging someones character.
And isn't that what you did here?

Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-16-2018 , 12:04 AM
Poker and charity do not mix. Regular charity can get ugly enough. Any policy that eliminates charity being closely associated with poker is a good policy. I mean, who really knows anything about the One Drop? Probably legit, but maybe not. And one's motives are never really pure, anyways, as every decision one makes is a selfish act.

But that is a topic for another day/thread, so I digress.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-16-2018 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by SrslySirius
There are no tricks. You said what you said. You did what you did. I never photoshopped a car into a handicapped spot, for example. You parked in one.

This habit of deflection is really weird. You should stand by the things you say. Or, if you make mistakes, own up to them. There's no shame in that.
You are lying and there is video evidence. Did you, or did you not, make a video during the WSOP in 2017 where you had Doug Polk walking into the Rio, and deceive viewers by inserting an image of the Tesla in a handicapped spot to convey to the viewer that the car was parked there during the middle of the WSOP? Did you, or did you not insert that picture from an unrelated time and event, to make it seem as though DNegs parks his car in a handicapped spot during the WSOP?

You deny any tricks, and that is simply fake news.

Dnegs has also never said More Rake is Better for Poker. Not once. You cannot find any evidence of him saying this at any point, yet you edit videos to make it look like he lied about this fact.

Plucking out "More Rake is Better" and cutting out the rest of the sentence is deceitful and designed to distort what was said. More Rake is Better... for what exactly? It's not even a complete sentence or a thought, but it fit your cyber bullying attack campaign to cut out the rest and not acknowledge the obvious and logical meaning of what was actually said.

As part of a longer interview he was explaining that if a game with a higher rake discouraged pros from playing in it, it would make that specific game a better game with far less skilled opponents. This is obvious. It could be better for the remaining players bottom line to pay more rake if that meant they didn't have to face professional players.

You turned it into an attack campaign using tricks and distortion over several years now. You wrongly sold the idea that I was pushing for rake increases. You falsely claimed that I said "More Rake is Better for Poker."

The people see it. You do not offer a fair and balanced view. Your goal is drama and sensationalism. It's what you get paid for.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-16-2018 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by SrslySirius
Honestly, if at any point Daniel had said something like "my bad, I shouldn't have parked there", or "wearing blackface is kinda not cool, maybe that was a bad idea. I'm sorry", then I would probably lay off those things. Laughing about stuff that someone feels remorseful for is a low blow.

Fortunately for me, he never has! In fact, he just doubles down. So I think you have to take your lumps when you dig your heels in like that.
There are several blogs he has written explaining that he now understands the historical importance of wearing blackface and that he doesn't condone it, or wouldn't do it again.

As for the car, he was specifically told to park there during the November 9 next to the production trucks that were all parked in a fenced off area for staff and crew at the Rio. What is to apologize for? He did what he was asked to do.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
08-16-2018 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by Sellout
Not going to happen. He is quite happy with his arrangement.

He is the Ultimate sellout.
You completely misunderstood this tweet. DNEGS was the boss in this example agreeing to an employee's request for a raise.
Daniel Negreanu's very own containment thread. All things Danny go here Quote
