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Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE

09-10-2014 , 04:38 PM
Link to Polks famous cry for help please
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-10-2014 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Genetikfreak
If I were Daniel I would use my Canadian citizenship to pay my income tax :0
and pay more in taxes?
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-10-2014 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by iPUTnutsONtheTABLE
I don't think Daniel is as rich as people think. He probably has the $1M but if he lost, that may be a big hit for him. He tweeted in July about his profit this year being around $7M and even though NV has no state income tax, the federal income tax rate for people who earn $400k+ is 40%, so that cuts his $7M profit down to $4M. An awesome year for sure, but he has an agent, assistants, and other expenses that cut that number down. He also never posted any profit numbers in past years so it's tough to tell how profitable he was or if he was even profitable at all.
What about his endorsement deals?

A lot of people don't get that navigating your way towards a healthy bankroll and net worth, becomes a lot easier when you have steady 2nd and 3rd income streams.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-10-2014 , 05:34 PM
Daniel couldn't beat the high stakes online the players are very skilled and experienced. I think most posters would agree with me that he would lose at the high stakes online.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-10-2014 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by kevmode
Daniel couldn't beat the high stakes online the players are very skilled and experienced. I think most posters would agree with me that he would lose at the high stakes online.
Yes, Daniel would likely lose at the high stakes online. The high stakes online are stakes he wouldn't beat. It seems evident that Negreanu would have a negative expected value when playing high stakes online.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-10-2014 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by Fagx
Considering Ivey was making over 10 million on Full Tilt. I would imagine Negraneu was making close to that. Whether it was 5 or 10 million a year it still puts his net worth (after taxes) over 20 million just on sponsorship deals. Another 2.5 to 20 million in poker earnings after taxes. He probably doesn't have a 100 million, but a **** load more than what I got.
Originally Posted by Lestat
What about his endorsement deals?

A lot of people don't get that navigating your way towards a healthy bankroll and net worth, becomes a lot easier when you have steady 2nd and 3rd income streams.
Ivey had a 1 of a kind deal. You could actually go on Full Tilt and sit at a table with him because he played cash and I think this is what attracted a lot of HS games to run on Full Tilt. It's different to "play with Negreanu" on Stars since you will be playing with 1000's of others in MTT's. Negreanu could play cash (he did before BF), but he lost around 400k over 25k hands so he probably just has no desire to lose more. I'd say he's a big lifetime loser in live cash games too since he doesn't play them and is pretty much known as a cash fish.

It would be interesting to know what his Stars deal is, but i'd bet it's something like some cash and heavily discounted buy-ins or little cash and free buy-ins/travel. If you combine the aussie millions and one drop tournaments this year alone, his buy-ins were close to $2,000,000. I don't think Stars give him an endless supply of buy-ins/rebuys. You have to consider he has an agent who takes his % and who knows, maybe Stars even gets a % of his tourney winnings. You can't just add up his lifetime tourney cashes, subtract taxes and say that's what he has in the bank. He surely was paying for his own travel/expenses back in the day and was probably staked in a lot of tournaments, especially back when he won player of the year in 04 before he was with Stars. I believe he said he was partially staked in the OneDrop this year too.

He doesn't own any property either, which would be pretty strange for someone supposedly worth tens of millions.

He's an article from
Q: What is Daniel Negreanu's Net Worth?

A: Daniel Negreanu is one of the most recognizable and likeable names in the poker world. Since the "poker boom" started in 2003, Negreanu has more or less kept his image squeaky clean, and he has been able to parlay this image into a lucrative sponsorship deal with Pokerstars.

The bulk of Negreanu's earnings and net worth come from two things - his sponsorship deal with Pokerstars and his poker earnings. Negreanu also has other ventures (including, but it's safe to say that the majority of his money comes from his Pokerstars deal and the money that he earns on the tournament circuit.

Daniel Negreanu at the poker table wearing a checkered hatPokerstars and Daniel Negreanu inked a sponsorship deal back in 2007, and the deal has been renewed at least once since then. At the time, Daniel Negreanu was a hot free agent who was also being pursued by Full Tilt Poker (Howard Lederer said that Negreanu and Doyle Brunson were the only two players that he was really interested in signing at the time). Luckily for Negreanu, he ended up with Pokerstars for what was certainly a big pile of money and other perks.

It's safe to say that Daniel Negreanu has the most lucrative poker sponsorship deal of any player in the world today. I have heard rumors that Negreanu is compensated between $2 million and $4 million per year by Pokerstars. Given his popularity and name recognition, I would not be surprised if the value of his deal was in the low to mid seven figures per year. Daniel Negreanu is the focal point of Pokerstars' marketing efforts, and there is no doubt that he is being compensated handsomely for it.

In addition to his Pokerstars deal, Negreanu also does very well for himself on the tournament circuit. Daniel Negreanu has total lifetime tournament earnings of over $18 million, and is currently in the midst of a three year string of years where he has cashed for at least a million dollars.


Daniel Negreanu used to be a regular in the "Big Game" in Las Vegas, but has seemingly pulled back on playing in cash games in recent years.


Given all of the information posted above, I would put Daniel Negreanu's net worth at around $10 million.
I'd say that's a good estimate, so $1M would be a lot of money if he were to play this "challenge" and lose. There's also no guarantee his Stars deal will continue forever. Stars seems to be trying to attract more sports figures with sponsorship deals so with Negreanu not playing cash games anymore, if he were to have a few bad years in live tournaments, his Stars contract may either not be renewed or be a lot less favorable than it is now.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-11-2014 , 04:06 AM
Negreanu gives quite a lot of detail about his learning process and why he sets challenges like this with Jared Tendler:
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-11-2014 , 08:32 AM
is he going to play NL5000 or what?
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-11-2014 , 10:35 AM
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-11-2014 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by N3uromant3
is he going to play NL5000 or what?
No. After people publicly said he would definitely lose at HSNL and Polk said he'd be interested in playing/betting against Daniel he backtracked and said he "believes" he could win, but never meant it like he would actually play HSNL. He also said his life is too good and he would never want to spend several months out of the US to play HSNL online for any sort of challenge. Pretty dumb since he's from Canada and surely wouldn't be a huge deal for him to spend a month or two outside the US. He probably already spends that much time traveling outside the US every year.

This is little more than a Daniel Negreanu/PokerStars publicity stunt.

/end thread
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-11-2014 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by iPUTnutsONtheTABLE
No. After people publicly said he would definitely lose at HSNL and Polk said he'd be interested in playing/betting against Daniel he backtracked and said he "believes" he could win, but never meant it like he would actually play HSNL. He also said his life is too good and he would never want to spend several months out of the US to play HSNL online for any sort of challenge. Pretty dumb since he's from Canada and surely wouldn't be a huge deal for him to spend a month or two outside the US. He probably already spends that much time traveling outside the US every year.

This is little more than a Daniel Negreanu/PokerStars publicity stunt.

/end thread

this thread ended a long time ago on page 3

Originally Posted by MinusEV
To those who still don't get it: DN is not going to do this no matter how much action he gets or how much money you are willing to put up against him so continuing to go on about it is pointless.

If his Israel/Palestine-tweets didn't get the message across: DN tweets a lot about stuff he has no clue about and has no intention, or capability, of backing up. This is no different. He's going to claim he can beat online high stakes NL and then not do anything to back it up. He's not looking for action - just attention.

Stop giving it to him imo.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-11-2014 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by iPUTnutsONtheTABLE
No. After people publicly said he would definitely lose at HSNL and Polk said he'd be interested in playing/betting against Daniel he backtracked and said he "believes" he could win, but never meant it like he would actually play HSNL. He also said his life is too good and he would never want to spend several months out of the US to play HSNL online for any sort of challenge. Pretty dumb since he's from Canada and surely wouldn't be a huge deal for him to spend a month or two outside the US. He probably already spends that much time traveling outside the US every year.

This is little more than a Daniel Negreanu/PokerStars publicity stunt.

/end thread
Nice post I agree, maybe Daniel thinks he is better then he really is?
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-11-2014 , 04:50 PM
Personally, I think its probable that Daniel Negreanu would have a negative EV playing online highstakes No Limit Hold em vs the best online highstakes No Limit Hold em players.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-11-2014 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by iPUTnutsONtheTABLE
No. After people publicly said he would definitely lose at HSNL and Polk said he'd be interested in playing/betting against Daniel he backtracked and said he "believes" he could win, but never meant it like he would actually play HSNL. He also said his life is too good and he would never want to spend several months out of the US to play HSNL online for any sort of challenge. Pretty dumb since he's from Canada and surely wouldn't be a huge deal for him to spend a month or two outside the US. He probably already spends that much time traveling outside the US every year.

This is little more than a Daniel Negreanu/PokerStars publicity stunt.

/end thread

why spend a month or two playing online poker when u have no need to do so?
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-11-2014 , 09:52 PM
Why run your mouth about something, set a timeframe and a wager amount, if you have no need to do so?
This thread wouldn't exist if he didn't say "would bet a million". It's ridiculous to post such tweets and then immediately backpeddle when you get taken up on your bet.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-12-2014 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by RaiseAgainst
Why run your mouth about something, set a timeframe and a wager amount, if you have no need to do so?
This thread wouldn't exist if he didn't say "would bet a million". It's ridiculous to post such tweets and then immediately backpeddle when you get taken up on your bet.

He changed his mind and doesn't want to do it is my guess. Would you be happier if he said " On second thought I change my mind" ?
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-12-2014 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Federline
He changed his mind and doesn't want to do it is my guess. Would you be happier if he said " On second thought I change my mind" ?
Yes, definitely. At least then he'd admit he changed his mind, which he has of course every right to do. His excuses now are preposterous and lowered my (and I believe many others') opinion of him.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-12-2014 , 11:30 AM
at about 37:00: solid analyisis from neg. very high level, he could obv beat the nl5k games
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-12-2014 , 11:44 AM
Agreed. One of teh best analysis i heard in a while. Absolutely bullet proof, in depth and yet simple. Have changed my mind after tis and believe he would in fact v likely be big winner at 5k
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-12-2014 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by kevmode
Daniel couldn't beat the high stakes online the players are very skilled and experienced. I think most posters would agree with me that he would lose at the high stakes online.
lol degen vs degen . I put money on dnegs YOU KNOW WHY cause he playin with house money, (he cant lose). at the end skilled / experience they all become a degenerate. Cant go a week without action you will become a chau giang/lindgrin at the end. im only tellin you what you don't want to hear.

cash games is the crack. online cash game is the meth.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-12-2014 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by RaiseAgainst
Yes, definitely. At least then he'd admit he changed his mind, which he has of course every right to do. His excuses now are preposterous and lowered my (and I believe many others') opinion of him.
But I haven't changed my mind. I would bet a million and think it would be a fun challenge. Depending on the parameters of the bet I'd be willing to do it now, but if there are specific timelines for when I must complete it by, that gets a bit more tricky. I do not want to leave my home for 3+ months to play online all day. If/when PokerStars comes to Las Vegas, I'd be willing to practice/study for 2 weeks, then accept the bet.

The other option I'm open to is extended time to play outside of the country. For example, if I could play something like 50k hands over a two year period. I'm simply not open to leaving home for 3 months straight.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-12-2014 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by DNegs
But I haven't changed my mind. I would bet a million and think it would be a fun challenge. Depending on the parameters of the bet I'd be willing to do it now, but if there are specific timelines for when I must complete it by, that gets a bit more tricky. I do not want to leave my home for 3+ months to play online all day. If/when PokerStars comes to Las Vegas, I'd be willing to practice/study for 2 weeks, then accept the bet.

The other option I'm open to is extended time to play outside of the country. For example, if I could play something like 50k hands over a two year period. I'm simply not open to leaving home for 3 months straight.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-12-2014 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by bumpnrun
Link to Polks famous cry for help please
This +1 please.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-12-2014 , 03:08 PM
Living 3 months at any place u ever wanted to live (with few exceptions) and making 1million + another 100-500k at teh tables really sounds like a pain in teh ass. I'd rather stay at home as well then...
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-12-2014 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by DNegs
The other option I'm open to is extended time to play outside of the country. For example, if I could play something like 50k hands over a two year period. I'm simply not open to leaving home for 3 months straight.
While this might be a fun bet in itself, it doesn't seem to have much to do with proving you can beat HS online in the sense that most would interpret it.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
