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Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477

11-05-2015 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by Aqalung...
Pokerstars is well on its way to become an ordenary video game by having the players pay for maintenance.
yes, but u are forgetting the exciting prospect of winning a life changing 1 million in spin n go!!!!!!
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-05-2015 , 08:27 PM
pff, 1 million. They have to turn it into a bit more soon to get players excited again.
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-05-2015 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Even though the TOS clearly states that it can be changed or just taken away at their discretion? Every player ticks that box when they sign up. Unethical? For sure. Illegal? No.
I can draft up a contract that says by agreeing to the TOS you agree that I have the right to murder you. But it's still illegal.

Lots of employers do this in Australia and New Zealand. They draft up employee agreements that say "you waive your right to sick leave by signing this contract" except *oops*, sick leave is a guaranteed work right in New Zealand, so employees in the know either challenge the clause directly with their employer by citing the law or take it up with the court in more serious cases where an employer has underpaid them for months or something.

TL;DR: A particular clause of a contract is only legal so long as that particular clause of a contract would be legal to enforce.
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-05-2015 , 08:58 PM
Step 1: Increase rake
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit

Oh wait they don't need step 2.
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-05-2015 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by NellyV
I suppose that is Amaya's goal ; to have nothing but losing players who don't care about rake.
Ding Ding

Finally someone who got it.
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-05-2015 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by spew$
Well, it is already achievable with casino games and people have no problem. With poker however, they'd have to be insanely clever to pull of a switch like that and have the same amount of volume of players. As we can see, people are already alarmed.
It's not so difficult. Kill off the sit and gos for spin and gos. Double the fees on mtts. The dream of the big win is still there but no-one's earning a steady income.
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-05-2015 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by uradoodooface
If that's the problem why don't they just give 30% flat rakeback across the board? Seems like raking your customers harder is the opposite of fixing that problem.....
Seems like this or something like this would be a decent solution.

Have to say Dnegs in no way came off as a shill or anything of the sort in this interview (or the 10 relevant mins).

The odd thing to me is simply that the rake players pay is enormous. The rake alone from what I can tell makes them heaps on top of heaps of money. Changing the VIP system how they have and in the manner they have added to the absurd short notice only results in them looking greedy no matter what is said.
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-05-2015 , 09:45 PM
I really wish dnegs could just grind online poker for a year and he will see how out of touch he is
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-05-2015 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by ontemu
Daniel mentioned that new players are losing their deposits 40% faster than before and it's a problem.
There is a simple reason to this, recreationals game have stayed almost the same while regs have been studying and improving their game.

Players shouldnt be punished because they study and play better.
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-05-2015 , 10:35 PM
wtf is rake?
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-05-2015 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by fishfood69er
wtf is rake?
A gardening tool that Amaya shoves in ur rear as u grind online poker
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-05-2015 , 10:47 PM
remove all bonus programs
decrease rake

problem solved

they already have a solid player pool and don't need to spend billions marketing..hiring expensive football players etc
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-05-2015 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by donkeykonk
they already have a solid player pool and don't need to spend billions marketing
You could save Coke, Pepsi, McDonald's, and a lot of other corporations billions of dollars!
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-06-2015 , 01:51 AM
I watched the 10 minute part, have to say that I personally would be delighted if I was given a Honda Civic by McDonalds in exchange for eating a Big Mac every day for a month.
This is probably one of the most ludicrous analogies I've ever heard.
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-06-2015 , 02:08 AM
Based on Daniel's tweets it took him several days to formulate the opinions he expressed in this video about the recent PS changes. That should give everyone an idea how long it takes to turn player-harming changes into bull**** speak.
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-06-2015 , 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by ZeckoRiver
Not really that surprising. He is well paid im sure not going to **** where he lives.
really? i prefer to **** in the comfort of my own home. i find it much more convenient and cleaner than using public toilets.

Last edited by nih han; 11-06-2015 at 04:39 AM. Reason: i'm pretty sure the saying goes don't **** where you eat
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-06-2015 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by littletrix
I watched the 10 minute part, have to say that I personally would be delighted if I was given a Honda Civic by McDonalds in exchange for eating a Big Mac every day for a month.
This is probably one of the most ludicrous analogies I've ever heard.
I mean if you tone it down is it ludricrous. You eat one big mac every day for a month, and Mcdonald's promises to give you three free meals/mo forever. 3/4 of the way through the month, Mcdonald's reverses its position and says you only get one free small fry/mo for one year. Sure he went over the top, but it's not like it doesn't make sense.
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-06-2015 , 02:55 PM
Do people actually listen to dn anymore?
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-06-2015 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by ebet33
Do people actually listen to dn anymore?
I'm sure the answer is no tbh.. Who would listen to dnegs in 2015 (guy is so out of touch)
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-06-2015 , 04:28 PM
its hilarious that he actually believes that the rake change is beneficial for recreationals. It is just straight up hurting all vip levels and therefore all players. Selling it in the way of saying its giving to recreationals from pros is just a straight up lie. Its a bonus program decrease that hurts all players. It only hurts pros more than recreationals but it doesnt do anything to improve recreationals situation.
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-06-2015 , 04:57 PM
Seems like you would have to be a bit out of touch to think no one listens to him.
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-06-2015 , 07:27 PM
lol, wtf, im watching hearthstone world championship at blizzcon and all of the sudden dnegs pops out to play a showmatch vs elky, i guess there are things more important than rake on stars

the stream has over 100k viewers, though, so it could be some solid publicity for poker

e: if anyone is intersted, here's the link, they just started playing:

so far looks like they are both at least decent

Last edited by Tutejszy; 11-06-2015 at 07:34 PM.
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-07-2015 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by CyberShark93
I really wish dnegs could just grind online poker for a year and he will see how out of touch he is
Ya seriously, at this point I think we should all focus on getting guys like Ike to be our go to Stars guy. Dnegs hasn't needed to grind in years and he isn't an online guy, he just doesn't understand online poker and at this point he's not even a normal poker player, he's a celebrity horse like Hellmuth and these types are like Donald trump trying to understand the woes of the lower/middle working class. They just live in another universe that doesn't really touch the reality of a normal person. It's like a king trying to understand peasants, unless you sow, work and till the fields and live in poverty you just have no concept of what the peasant is going thru while the king lives in the palace. It's kinda funny that humans still havnt' gotten past this silly ego barrier, we aint that bright of a species yet tho lol.
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-07-2015 , 11:37 AM
From my point of view there is now less motivation to become a supernova, and that is bad, the 40% being the bottom line and the difference in todays games and i do have optional sites for better deals still.

I am also feeling bad about my 8 game and limit poker, and how it finally, if i get there, runs to no rakeback at 10-20 or 15-30 limit bet levels, that from 20k rake cuts off 8k. Not too many like to grind them with other regs then. The only good is the lower rake at stars generally. But what a demotivational.

If they want to decrease multitabling, then they should do that and not take players futures and efforts away. I think supernova needs to rake 17k per year and the next year is still 28%. If that isnt enough to earn 40%, i dont have enough interest to spend much time at stars cash games, other than keep my other skills alive. Maybe i will pay 100 to a chess site and play as much as i want all year, just that i think it is a waste of time for me.
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
11-07-2015 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
Step 1: Increase rake
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit
Amaya money grab under the guise of "helping the recs".
Daniel Negreanu Delivers a Response To Stars VIP Changes - See post 477 Quote
