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Dani "Supernova9" Stern Interview about his career, 2months2millions and 2+2 Dani "Supernova9" Stern Interview about his career, 2months2millions and 2+2

12-17-2013 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by -sham-
you missed krantz bitch out like a sissy when everyone else was manning up.

dani, why'd you guys let him slide? especially after what they made you go through...
Remind me what went down? I think I remember him in some ballerina outfit taking photos with tourists.
Dani "Supernova9" Stern Interview about his career, 2months2millions and 2+2 Quote
12-17-2013 , 04:25 PM
everyone had the worst week at some point. dani a couple times. everyone did stupid **** as punishment prize... dani got the worst. but dani had fun with it and owned it pretty hard. much respect gained.

when krantz lost he whined a bunch and bitched out. everyone let him off the hook. im sure someone has a clip. wasn't made a big deal or anything by the masses, but that spot is a true character defining moment.
Dani "Supernova9" Stern Interview about his career, 2months2millions and 2+2 Quote
12-17-2013 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by skeptix
I'm very intrigued by this and would love it if you could elaborate some.
I'd rather not get too specific, but the gist of it is that he did a hell of a lot less folding, especially preflop, than other people generally do.

Originally Posted by timfbmx
Dani can you tell us some funny/interesting stuff that went down during 2 months 2 million that they didn't show on TV? Anything off the top of your head? Great interview btw.
The producers and network were very strict with never breaking the 4th wall, which we all kind of hated. There were lots of funny and candid interactions with the crew, or moments of looking into the camera that couldn't be shown.

Originally Posted by biggiepantz
i thought smashing food was wasteful. i did like the show otherwise, great idea for a reality show. i also skipped through the punishments, though.
I agree with you, I would protest that if this was happening now. At the time I didn't really think about it.

Originally Posted by -sham-
everyone had the worst week at some point. dani a couple times. everyone did stupid **** as punishment prize... dani got the worst. but dani had fun with it and owned it pretty hard. much respect gained.

when krantz lost he whined a bunch and bitched out. everyone let him off the hook. im sure someone has a clip. wasn't made a big deal or anything by the masses, but that spot is a true character defining moment.
As I recall, we got in an argument about it because he felt that the chewy house cleaning our place was going to be the penalty stunt on that episode.

I don't think you should give him too much **** though, he had probably the craziest stunt of anyone-- performing at a male stripper show.
Dani "Supernova9" Stern Interview about his career, 2months2millions and 2+2 Quote
12-17-2013 , 09:36 PM
My favorite Ansky moment did not take place on 2M2MM:

(See Part 1 for the hand that led to this.)
Dani "Supernova9" Stern Interview about his career, 2months2millions and 2+2 Quote
12-17-2013 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Ansky
I don't think you should give him too much **** though, he had probably the craziest stunt of anyone-- performing at a male stripper show.
LOL i must of blocked that from my memory
Dani "Supernova9" Stern Interview about his career, 2months2millions and 2+2 Quote
12-17-2013 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by vinivici9586
i wonder if 2m2m is where krantz learned to be phony or if that is an innate characteristic
i've known jay for years and can say energetically that you are completely wrong.

apologize for continuing your derail, but i felt that your comment deserved a rebuttal.
Dani "Supernova9" Stern Interview about his career, 2months2millions and 2+2 Quote
12-17-2013 , 10:54 PM
The comment doesn't, but Jay does, is probs what you mean ^_^
Dani "Supernova9" Stern Interview about his career, 2months2millions and 2+2 Quote
12-18-2013 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by keevo
"Just think about it, a $2/$4 game isn’t that much tougher than a $0.50/$1 game"

It really isn't. Especially on American sites right now. I'd go as far to say 100NL is often harder than 400NL on current American sites. Doubt that's true overall though.
Dani "Supernova9" Stern Interview about his career, 2months2millions and 2+2 Quote
12-18-2013 , 02:00 AM
This is way wrong, at least at NL.
Dani "Supernova9" Stern Interview about his career, 2months2millions and 2+2 Quote
12-18-2013 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by adam levine
This is way wrong, at least at NL.
Not on any of the sites I can play. There is barely any games over 100NL a lot of the time and it's hard to get large amounts of money on the sites. I think that combined with peoples reluctance to leave large amounts online in America right now is causing this. Obviously it isn't always the case, but I find 100NL to be harder than 400NL on average.
Dani "Supernova9" Stern Interview about his career, 2months2millions and 2+2 Quote
12-18-2013 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by terp
i've known jay for years and can say energetically that you are completely wrong.

apologize for continuing your derail, but i felt that your comment deserved a rebuttal.
you are viewing phony as a bad characteristic, but it pays the bills! being up a few hundred k in training sites and 50k in the kickstarter game since 2010 despite being down at the tables is a useful skill!

Dani "Supernova9" Stern Interview about his career, 2months2millions and 2+2 Quote
12-18-2013 , 02:11 PM
The third part is out on the website >
Dani "Supernova9" Stern Interview about his career, 2months2millions and 2+2 Quote
