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Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars

06-18-2014 , 06:08 AM
He's been a bit of a dick for years, bound to be his undoing one day. Has to have more self-awareness about where he is and why. I cant see Liv or Elky getting kicked out over a thing like this but he isnt that big a name/brand in poker and they wouldn't have got themselves in a stupid spot like that in the first place.

1-0 karma.


Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 06:08 AM
I like Dale IRL but honestly the 'cultural differences' thing wouldn't stand even if it was acceptable side-by-side with opposing fans in Scotland - as has been stated he was in foreign soil, representing Pokerstars and ignorance that the gesture could be as bad as it was is no defence. Think Luis Suarez and 'negrito'.

His reaction to all this is massively over the top and seems much more like 'butthurt' to me.
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by L67C

The latter part in particular is surprising given how rife racism is among Spanish football fans. You watch La Liga most weeks and there are bananas been thrown on the pitch, monkey chants from thousands of home fans, people doing monkey impressions as opposition players take corners. They seem to find it funny over there. Don't make any hand gestures though, that's offensive!!
Non of those fans have logos all over their shirts. Besides that he did it directly at them.
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by berek doyd
So his team scored and he celebrated, and as a scot myself its basically built into us to celebrate in that way when our team wins/scores.

Give him a warning and tell him to behave but dont drop him quick as that ffs.

Watched the vid and unless theres more to the story than what we see there its pretty pathetic
Right, but we don't know what warnings happened in the past, sounds like there could have been quite a few.
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by madison79
How so? He gave the Spanish team's fans a nasty gesture then it kind of looked like he did the old suck it gesture too. All the time he had a PS shirt on.

Not sure any company would want one of it's reps doing that while they are trying to get people to play on their site.
I've seen teachers in Korea get fired for 3 students leaving private school so after seeing his behavior I wasn't surprised tbh.
What he did can be considered mild for anyone who've ever been to a football match.

You should obviously take more care when at an event for a sponsor, but still that was well within the limit of what should be accepted at a football match - especially if it only happened when the Dutch equalized. Had he gone on and rubbed it in as they scored further goals, that might have been another matter.

As it is, I doubt very much if anyone would've reported this had Spain won the match. This is almost always a case of fans mad at losing, who takes whatever opportunity they can to "punish" the guy who dared to cheer when the other team scored.

Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 06:34 AM
If anyone is up for an experiment tomorrow night:

1. Go to a busy pub in England where you are not a regular customer

2. If (when? lol) Uruguay score do what Dale did in the faces of the English fans

3. Film the whole thing and upload here
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by deathorglory0
If anyone is up for an experiment tomorrow night:

1. Go to a busy pub in England where you are not a regular customer

2. If (when? lol) Uruguay score do what Dale did in the faces of the English fans

3. Film the whole thing and upload here
Depends where you did this. In UKIP heartland you're f***ed. In central and middle-class london you'll be fine. Everywhere else YMMV
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 06:41 AM
Ill do it for wsop main buy in in as many pubs as you want
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by deathorglory0
If anyone is up for an experiment tomorrow night:

1. Go to a busy pub in England where you are not a regular customer

2. If (when? lol) Uruguay score do what Dale did in the faces of the English fans

3. Film the whole thing and upload here
That comment just shows how huge his testicles are that he would do that in Spain. Spanish fans there are just pathetic losers. You lose 5-1, he cheers and now he loses his job?
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by deathorglory0
If anyone is up for an experiment tomorrow night:

1. Go to a busy pub in England where you are not a regular customer

2. If (when? lol) Uruguay score do what Dale did in the faces of the English fans

3. Film the whole thing and upload here
Pah seen this loads on both sides in various football and world cup matches in a variety of places and countries and it's never resulted in a pub fight. Dale came off as having some pretty good natured ribbing and not really offensive.

But really this is besides the point. "Doing something antagonistic enough that heated football fans start fisticuffs" does not immediately equal "get dropped from sponsorship."
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 07:18 AM
I'm sort of torn on this. The gesture he used, I see it from time to time, living in Glasgow, (but being a native of Fife) I always think the person using that gesture is maybe not the smartest of fellows. It seems like a gesture from another time, in much the same way as tally-ho is a phrase from another time. I understand the phrase, 'get it up ye' - i hear that a fair bit in Glasgow and if the gesture he used is the equivalent of the phrase, as he states in his blog (although he does say the actual gesture was the equivalent of 'get it around ye' - which no one says) then it's not that offensive per se and in a football setting it's mild, compared to what one might see or hear. "You're gonna get your ****in head kicked in" - leaps to mind.

But, he was at work, repping the site that pays him. He was in Spain, supporting an opposing team. Common sense says don't piss off the natives. Many of us have been in a similar situation...supporting one team but being surrounded by fans of the other team and you have to respect the situation. Dale did not. Which is not clever. So i head back to my first point about that gesture...when I see people make that gesture...i don't credit them with too much of a certaiin kind of intelligence. He was on a cushy number, and gloating is just not viewed in the same way as it was back in the halcyon days of the 16th Century. Dale knows this. He's a naughty boy.
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 07:20 AM
as a random canadian who has never met or talked with dale, this is really messed up by pokerstars... i think somoene hates him on the inside who works at stars to drop him this early
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by SrslySirius
Who did that?
leo fernandez

wazz's comments are pretty much spot on tho

and lol twitter, heaven on earth for self absorbed jerkoffs
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 07:24 AM
Clearly whoever made this call at PS has been sitting in his office for too long. It is a game of football this stuff happens every game and I am willing to bet if Spain went on to win they wouldn't have cared and no complaints would have come in.
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 07:34 AM
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 07:39 AM
I think if he'd handled the aftermath a little better, he may have had a chance of talking them around.

Instead, he's acted like a spoilt child. retweeting anti-stars stuff etc and blown any chance of talking stars into reversing their decision.

He probably didn't deserve to lose his contract for what happened in the video and maybe he could have saved his skin if he'd reacted differently in the minutes following his brief skype conversation.

Silly boy.
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 07:43 AM
Get it around you is a tamer version of get it up you. Get it up you means "see that what just happened? Take it and shove it up your ass". The gesture he is making in the video... I would say it is signalling get it up you more than get it round you, followed by a "get pumped". Notice how his friends are pointing and laughing at him in disbelief.

I don't think what he did in the video is too ridiculous. I'm Scottish. I can understand how it would piss off people who weren't used to it, and I can certainly understand how PokerStars wouldn't want anyone who represents them behaving like that.

Last edited by handbag86; 06-18-2014 at 07:53 AM.
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 07:43 AM
What about the other 4 goals? I hope we can have videos of them!
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 08:24 AM
No sympathy for him to be honest.

Always thought he was a bit of a ****, then I heard he supported rangers, that confirmed it. Then he supports Holland, as a second team, because Dick Advocaat was once rangers manager and uses that as an excuse to goad Spanish fans, in one of their territories, while wearing his PS badges, presumably while drunk.

If this kind of thing (Antagonising opposition fans when heavily outnumbered) is so commonplace in Scotland then I assume he has done the same thing in a Celtic bar when rangers took the lead against Celtic (Not that that can ever happen again) in a match?

I doubt it.
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by SrslySirius
Who did that?
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 08:26 AM
He said He is Ranger Fan. what happens if he goes to Ranger Vs Celtic game and sits in middle of Celtic fans and celebrates like this when ranger scores? I don't think he would go back home alive even in Scotland.
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by AndyM2033
Clearly whoever made this call at PS has been sitting in his office for too long. It is a game of football this stuff happens every game and I am willing to bet if Spain went on to win they wouldn't have cared and no complaints would have come in.
it wasn't a football game, it was a poker festival (where they streamed a football match). He wasn't a private viewer, he represented the company, how ran this tournament. It's huge difference, if you're a customer or a member of the company.

What would you think about a company, when their supports sends you an reply to an email with bad grammar and profanities, just because it's 'common' in emails?

if you're working for a company (especially when you're a 'sponsored' person) you can't behave like some moron. so all the arguments 'oh, its football' are totally worthless.

Seriously ... you can't set 'standards' what is okay, on you own experience. if you run a successful company you must think about what the customers think, and then think about standards and what's appropriate and what's not.

Dale behaved very unprofessionally, especially after is contract was terminated. I don't know him and i don't say he's a bad guy or anything (actually i think he seems like a funny dude), but PS' reaction was totally fine (even it was hard)
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 08:45 AM
What a load of bs... Like other sponsored players haven't done far worse? Not only that but where's the rest of the footage? Where's the spanish celebration?

They obv needed to make space on the team online roster so they just used this as an excuse. Typical cowardly move by stars... I would be looking into how I could to sue the ****ers and then make a video giving them the f' you gesture.
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 08:48 AM
^Which is why you'll never be paid to endorse anything

Sent from my LG-P659 using 2+2 Forums
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
06-18-2014 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by NerdSuperfly
it wasn't a football game, it was a poker festival (where they streamed a football match). He wasn't a private viewer, he represented the company, how ran this tournament. It's huge difference, if you're a customer or a member of the company.
If all ps wanted was their logo to be shown there, they should probably have put up a poster or a sign with it, instead of putting it on an actual person who might do something completely shocking, unexpected and unheard of like behaving like a fan watching a football match when he was... you know, watching a football match.
Dale Phillip - Daleroxxu dropped from Stars Quote
