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Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating

04-20-2016 , 02:37 AM
Isnt Lily Kiletto a model in the USA?The dream of the most poker players?
On topic:Lol this is very clear cheating-dunno what more should be discussed here.Maybe a more strikt penalty for Dentale,but this is case closed in my opinion.
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 03:05 AM
The crucial element in the story, that's being overlooked by a lot of people, is that Mr. Dentale swore "on his whole family" that he didn't collude. Police have been known to let murder suspects go free when they swore on their family. This is an east coast thing; you west-coasters probably wouldn't understand...when an east coaster swears on their family, their word is gold.
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 03:32 AM
I read the Mike post. They should make a case study on this relating to how patholigical liars attempt to justify their actions. It's brilliant.
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
There's also a hilarious amount of people falling for all the strategy trolls ITT.
Not me, the guy I responded to actually wasn't trolling, the others were. You can tell from his other post about short stack strategy in another thread. It's written the exact same way as his first post itt, about the same topic, and he's clearly serious there.
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
Exactly right, in a spot like this, on the bubble with a lot of money at stake, I fold aces.

It seems like Dentale knows poker better than most people on this thread. He had lined up a near guarantee of a nice piece, was just trying to patiently wait for the right time to stick it in. Then OP cost him any shot at it and is the reason Mike had to finish alone, bubbling in second place.

I can't even say how surprised I am that posters tried to correct chainsaw on tournament poker, cause he's played a lot of tournaments, and come close to winning a few.

Way back in the day, I sometimes folded small blinds to super short big blinds to keep a bubble going.

Here, the player in the small blind has less than the big blind amount and goes all-in for less than the big blind amount and the player in the big blind folds even though he is not facing a raise. Is that even legal? Even if the question was to keep some bubble going, would that even be legal anyway? There was no raise. The player in the small blind called for less. Is the big blind allowed to fold?

And from what I know alone from second and third hand sources, it doesn't seem that is exactly what happened anyway.
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by Cooozy
Not me, the guy I responded to actually wasn't trolling, the others were. You can tell from his other post about short stack strategy in another thread. It's written the exact same way as his first post itt, about the same topic, and he's clearly serious there.
Obviously; I'm not sure why you're even defending yourself, as you weren't called out that I saw.

In the meantime, I see even now posters are still being leveled by obvious troll posts. Or maybe I'm being re-leveled; IDK.
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 03:57 AM
Great read. Thanks for linking the f0xwoods thread to this.
That was an even better read!
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by Pedro Marte
Someone here really plays poker?

If you have 100% chance of getting the seat you just fold all hands, you do not have to call allin EVEN IF ITS 1.3 BLINDS because it can give more chips to player on your right and it reduces your chance of getting the seat

Other players need to eliminate the short stack not you with the big stack

This is not illegal or collusion, its just math and logic
Hi dike mentale!
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
I can't even say how surprised I am that posters tried to correct chainsaw on tournament poker, cause he's played a lot of tournaments and min cashed 90% of his ITM's.
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 05:27 AM
I hate cheaters.......... wow, feels good to get that off my chest!
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 05:29 AM
I'm a little over weight too... sorry Mike.
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
This is in no way shocking. This is the same guy who was at the featured table in the ME a few years ago. He tried calling a string raise on a guy preflop but the floor ruled against him. So he limp/calls with 22, calls a flop bet, then turns a set. The PFR makes a strange motion that could easily be ruled a check, but obv because Dentale turned a set he doesn't say anything. The PFR ended up flopping top set and took the majority of Dentale's stack which was amazing to watch.

Dentale defending himself by saying this is "only" his 2nd incident like this in 8 years of playing poker is hilarious. That's 2 more incidents than the vast majority of the poker world has. Innocent people don't continue getting themselves in hot water.

There's also a hilarious amount of people falling for all the strategy trolls ITT.
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 06:39 AM
what the guy did there was not a string raise. he just pulled the original blind back and put his final bet in.
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
He could have avoided this whole mess by saying he was trying to keep her in to create a more dynamic bubble situation which he could abuse.

Actually I've seen players keep a tiny stack in during certain situations in order to create a specific table dynamic that they could exploit.

Normal tournaments I do this, but I've never done this in a satellite, because I'm not trying to win a satellite.
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeyunbelievable
This is in response to Jason wheeler accusing me of colluding. Yes we were 10 handed at the final table in which 2 people were going to get knocked out with nothing.7 seats were getting 25k and 8 was getting around 18k cash. I had the second largest stack and I was in very good shape to get a seat. I was on auto fold and really wasn't about to get caught up with any hands to start bleeding chips. I had a few drinks and was feeling great that I was going to get a seat and didn't have to stress it like most satellites. This clown Jason says as he entered the hallway he noticed me and Lilly talking right before the break. First of all it was me Lilly And her boyfriend Caldo who I am very good friends with .So yes why wouldn't we be talking? For this piece of garbage to assume and accuse me of colluding infuriates me. The last time I noticed Lilly's stack was before the break where she had 15 bigs. I found out later she lost a hand before the break in which I had no idea. When we restarted I sat down without looking at her stack. We started the level and I believe it folded to her when she went all in. I looked down and had A4 and said I fold. Just like I would fold all my Ace Rags in previous hands. All of a sudden Mukul and Jason start to go ballistic about my fold. That's when I realized Lilly was all in under my big blind bet. Obviously I would never ever fold when I don't have to add more chips, as I explained it to them which I thought they would perfectly understand, but this piece of **** Jason kept screaming at the top of his lungs and saying I was colluding, which infuriated me. Why the **** would I ever fold and make a spectacle of my self and make it blatantly obvious that I didn't want to knock her out. Of course we are friends but I mean come on! What I don't understand is how the dealer didn't say you don't have to put anymore chips in or bring it to my attention, it's the most ridiculous situation I have seen. So the floor comes over and asks what happen. I explain obviously I would never fold if I knew she had no chips. I gave my word on my family I truly did not realize she had no chips left. If you want the truth there was an older man in his 70s with a bald head who is a regular that everyone knows that was in the 1 seat. He saw the whole thing. Lily was in the 2 seat and I was in the 3 seat. He said that he watched me and I never looked over to see her stack confirming I had no clue. I was on auto fold and was getting pretty drunk at the point and couldn't care less.
Jason is a liar saying that her stack size was announced previously.
The floor then asked the dealer if the hands are retrievable and he says yes. He asked Lilly her hand which was 47 and then me, i told him I had a4 and he open the cards that the dealer had put on the side. The dealer ran it out and as usually she hit the 7 and doubled up.
Jason kept going on about me folding purposely , but let's be clear they were screaming pointing and accusing which is when I lost it. Obviously the floor can't prove any colluding but because I let this out of shape dirtbag drug addict Jason Wheeler get under my skin the floor give me a 20 hand penalty for losing my temper. I thought this was totally ridiculous that I was getting penalized because he was screaming and yelling at me. I just lost it which I can understand a penalty. But to get that deep with that much money at stake and wheeler get no penalty was ridiculous. During this time the 2 short stacks were immediately knocked out. When they let me back in my stack went from 110k to 25k which I couldn't see how that was possible. I then realized these pieces of **** were doing what they accused me of doing, folding and taking turns stealing my blinds. I said you guys what to win by cheating in which Mukul opens his mouth again screaming and I am told I have to leave the room. Obviously Mukul wears the Hardrock patch and is being treated with kid gloves as Jason wheeler is. There are allowed to scream at me ,accuse me and get no warnings.
They allow me back in the room and I have 2 blinds in which I immediately toss in the middle. I get called and lose. I wind up getting the 18k.
The next day I woke up decided to keep the 18k and go home.
First I want to say yes I was wrong for snapping back at Mukul and Jason in the way I did. The reason was I was drunk at that point and furious for them to even entertain the idea of me colluding. But that is no excuse and I will work on my anger issues. I know I should have handled it better. But what bothered me more is that Mukul didn't have my back. He didn't say I know Mike and "he wouldn't do that on purpose" instead he lead the way for accusing me, also this piece of **** Jason wants to paint this picture of this whole elaborate plan that I made with Lilly and then post it here on 2+2 and make me look bad.
Mostly what I am getting tired of is the majority of drug using dirtbag lowlives always quick to judge and talk ****. But I guess that's what sorry pathetic people do.

Sent from my iPhone
With the second biggest stack at the table you never thought about busting the small stacks? never even bothered to look at how much they had? not even the player sat next to you, who you knew?
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 07:28 AM
Hand where he has 22 is amazing.
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by The4thFilm
Not defending their actions but any tournament format where the marginal value of chips and EV start to diverge greatly is guaranteed to have cheating especially at high stakes where the player pool is small and the payoff is huge. It's why double or nothing sit & gos stopped being offered online. IMO high stakes sattys should be STTs winner take all.
Or when someone has increased their stack ten-fold (or whatever the appropriate number is given the ratio of satellite buy in to target tournament buy in) they should just be able to hand their chips back to the TD and collect their ticket.

This bizarre satellite bubble play has nothing in common with the target tournaments anyway. Real tournaments have an average bubble factor peaking in the 1.5-1.7 range, where 1.0 is winner takes all and 1.875 is the bubble of a 9-man SNG. The bubble factor on the bubble of a satellite paying 8 places is 8.0. Qualifying for places this way is like qualifying for places in a PLO tournament by playing Razz.

Originally Posted by Clayton
what seat was dentale sitting in?
maybe this one?

Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by MeleaB
amazing this is the guy from OP?
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by Yenomez
Hand where he has 22 is amazing.
+1 awesome in so many different ways
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeyunbelievable
I dgaf if you believe me your a lowlife in my eyes that couldn't a hold a candle to me, now go back to your basement and cry about how your life is worthless
Originally Posted by Mikeyunbelievable
no I'm up about 30k for the trip, about what you make in a year
Originally Posted by Mikeyunbelievable
moron been playing for 8 years and this is the 2nd incident you fool. your boy tried taking advantage of me when I first start playing and it didn't work. I never flip anyone's cards over you piece of ****, stop spreading lies and worry about your own miserable life
Originally Posted by Mikeyunbelievable
still hating I thought you killed your self, lol ill enjoy my lavish life style tot ta
This is amazing!
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 08:51 AM
The original post is so confusing. was it like this

antes $1K each for $10K, SB Lily $3K, BB Mike $6K

folds around to Lily all-in for $4K total

does Mike get $2K back?

why would anyone call Lily a double-up when she more than tripled up?
trying to calculate the pot odds for Mike to flip cards over and keeps coming up negative - does anyone have a better pot odds calculator?

Wheres the collusion? Wheres the cheating? Wheres the dealer?
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 09:28 AM
FT and so much money on the line and the dealer is sleeping and let's this happen? Take a week off dummy....... Maybe dealer is in on the scam?
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Puckster
FT and so much money on the line and the dealer is sleeping and let's this happen? Take a week off dummy....... Maybe dealer is in on the scam?
more like dealer was on min wage and wasnt concentrating as he didnt give a ....
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by vinivici9586
im surprised someone would play a tourney where the only good outcome for her is specifically 8th place, but i guess gambool gambool.
High level insult so it didn't get the love it deserved. Solid gold. Well played.
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
04-20-2016 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
Exactly right, in a spot like this, on the bubble with a lot of money at stake, I fold aces.

It seems like Dentale knows poker better than most people on this thread. He had lined up a near guarantee of a nice piece, was just trying to patiently wait for the right time to stick it in. Then OP cost him any shot at it and is the reason Mike had to finish alone, bubbling in second place.

I can't even say how surprised I am that posters tried to correct chainsaw on tournament poker, cause he's played a lot of tournaments, and come close to winning a few.
Controversy at final table of SHRPO 25k satty..allegations of colluding/cheating Quote
