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Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware?

02-25-2018 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Knittle
This is Danny Kang.

He's also a known scammer.
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-25-2018 , 05:30 PM
WPN's nano pro team is the hottest thing out the Ukraine since Chernobyl:
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-25-2018 , 06:24 PM
Joey you may wanna look in this topic if you are still fighting with acr PAPI
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-26-2018 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by vladoivanov
Joey you may wanna look in this topic if you are still fighting with acr PAPI
Ya I had quit ACR after that thread even though I wasn’t logging many hands before that as I had always suspected something...

If Nothing else people need to be honest with themselves... if people are losing and continually depositing on this site that alone should scare people away.

Part of the problem is that everyone lies and says they’re up or even or small losers. I’m down huge on ACR lifetime , I win live and on ignition and I absolutely crush PPP. Granted I’m a better player now than 2-4 years ago when I played wpn.

The numbers still don’t lie. I’m a huge loser on WPN upwards to 40k+ and a winner/small loser almost everywhere else. Like the numbers aren’t even close i cashed 50k on igniton in last 2 years. I’m up 10k on ppp in 2 months.

This is all anecdotal and circumstantial evidence... but for me it comes down to play where you win and run away from places you lose regardless of the whole bot speculation.

Obviously wpn misses my action as the only time I play is when they ship $100 or whatever for my inactive accounts on true bcp and ACR... I always thought it was super sketchy they would give free money to inactive accounts. I would never generate enough rake for it to make any sense.

Final thought Ignition rep once said to me they don’t offer rakeback bc they don’t have to... the games are super soft. Wpn gives 27% rb and I would continually not even be able to sustain breaking even. When the deal seems too good to be true it probably is... how does wpn afford giving away all this free money if they’re not in some way complicit?
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-26-2018 , 10:32 AM
Let me add that igniton and ppp could be doing similar stuff w bots and collusion rings too...

All sites should be held to standards and have players hold their feet to fire.

It just comes down to the fact I can never run up a roll on wpn... it seems like 2-5 years ago wpn was softer and more bearable and now I cringe at the thought of playing there.

PPP blows all sites out of the water if you can find a good agent and group. The player pools may be smaller but it has a home game feel to it w the “right” players
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 06:27 AM
Mason basically pussed out nothing is gonna happen check the ATF forum, he just submitted to wpn and said hes getting old n i should take over lmfao
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by big bwalz
Mason basically pussed out nothing is gonna happen check the ATF forum, he just submitted to wpn and said hes getting old n i should take over lmfao
Looks like your posts got deleted. lol To be honest, you did get out of line.
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 09:54 AM
It doesn't seem like it's totally resolved, just the MTT loophole part. The bots are still a huge issue and he's said nothing about that. If he ignores that then it's not a good look for 2+2 businesswise.
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 11:14 AM
Joey, I tried to send you a PM with a couple of questions on this but it said your inbox was full. Anyone else can probably answer this if they know the best way to go about it.

I have possibly noted some of the bots in 50nl and wanted to know the best way to go about outing them and/or getting them in what exactly does ACR require to get this done (HHs, stats with specific sample size, etc).
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 11:17 AM
I honestly think every player who cares about this should send a screen shot like this. Followed with a "what are you doing about bots on WPN"?

Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 12:39 PM
After talking with another reg we have a combined list most likely between 40-50 players ranging from 25-200nl. Obviously a few of these are probably regs and not bots, but we believe a lot are bots based on hh, location, stats etc.
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 12:39 PM
So they fixed late reg? What did they do to fix it?
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by robert_utk
So they fixed late reg? What did they do to fix it?

Originally Posted by a dewd
Big change in how they seat you. Used to just have to click the players button on the lobby where the tables are listed and knew where you would sit. The highest table # with the most open seats had priority. Now it is random seating and they start a new table prior to the need for one, meaning all the others are 100% filled. It is a much smoother finish from the close of late to the bubble. There is no dealing with an entire table full of stalling clowns. I have not even seen many of the usual suspects enter at all. Go figure.

Nothing is perfect, but it is pretty damn good and seems to have taken away a lot/almost all of the stalling tactics. Now you have a handful of them scattered around.
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 01:29 PM
Hmm very interesting thank you Sir Huntington.
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by spimp13
After talking with another reg we have a combined list most likely between 40-50 players ranging from 25-200nl. Obviously a few of these are probably regs and not bots, but we believe a lot are bots based on hh, location, stats etc.
I track nearly 50 at the same stakes on the Chico network. I wouldn't be shocked if there was some crossover.
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 05:00 PM
This was my response to sending them the link a few posts up made by Sir Hunnington.

We hope this email finds you well, it’s a pleasure for us to assist you.

Thank you for your email. lease be kindly informed in order for us to do a further investigation we need the following information:

1) Nicknames of players involved.
2) Table name / Hand ID / Tournament ID
3) Time and date.
4) Report/Explanation:

Please be kindly advised that now we have a section in our website where you can submit the info here:

Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you, we are at your service!

Kind Regards,

Johnny V.
Americas Cardroom Support Team

Start 2018 with your pockets full! We’re going bigger and better than ever! Featuring massive tournaments Saturdays and Sundays.

Ticket Details
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Carl Trooper
I’m honestly at the point where I only would trust Pstars / party

Too bad I don’t have either option....
And if you want to try live poker this is what Scotty Nguyen said about it in interview (making me think why he retired from poker the cheating is to rampant these days). " Cheaters should not be allowed to come around. In every game, you will find something. I won’t say names, but almost every game. "

He did this interview I believe in 2014. I act like a paranoid guy on crack when I play online or live in 2018 and try to spot any suspicious activity so they don't get my stack. Ever since i got more paranoid my win rate has gone way up. I leave any fishy tables right away now. If I have a bad feeling I just leave. I hardly have a losing day anymore. This year I have only had 4 losing days so far in cash games live and online.

What I do online is sit maybe 10 tables at the limit I am playing at and usually I will find maybe half fishy and leave those tables and play the other half the rest of the session where players seem like real people, not colluding and not showing bot activity.

Live I no longer sit right away I show up 2 hrs early before i start my sesh. I watch for 2 hrs to find a table I believe is fair not colluding and then sit and play.

Its very paranoid way to play poker but its better safe then sorry imo. So far my results have been great doing it this year. Gotta find solutions ourselves cause the security is only going to do so much ( poker stars does decent job) or not much at all ( acr)
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by StackedYouSon
THE HERO THAT THE PEOPLE NEED. Phil Nagy stop being a GUTLESS COWARD and accept the challenge!
Maybe change the N to a F until he starts removing these obvious bots on the site. Nice vid =)
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by iburydoscocaroaches
Live I no longer sit right away I show up 2 hrs early before i start my sesh. I watch for 2 hrs to find a table I believe is fair not colluding and then sit and play.
2 hours? What? LOL
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Rich Checkmaker
2 hours? What? LOL
just doin his homework
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Knittle
This is Danny Kang.

He's also a known scammer.
I remember him from another forum under name Dk12. I knew that Sleeper Cell SN sounded familiar.

Pretty sure he was backed by some staking site think winning staking and get paid monthly looking to swap.
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-27-2018 , 10:30 PM
lol if i play at a casino the closest one is 60 min away i get on the list before i go because i would kill myself if i had to wait 2 hours 2 play.
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-28-2018 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by iburydoscocaroaches
And if you want to try live poker this is what Scotty Nguyen said about it in interview (making me think why he retired from poker the cheating is to rampant these days). " Cheaters should not be allowed to come around. In every game, you will find something. I won’t say names, but almost every game. "

He did this interview I believe in 2014. I act like a paranoid guy on crack when I play online or live in 2018 and try to spot any suspicious activity so they don't get my stack. Ever since i got more paranoid my win rate has gone way up. I leave any fishy tables right away now. If I have a bad feeling I just leave. I hardly have a losing day anymore. This year I have only had 4 losing days so far in cash games live and online.

What I do online is sit maybe 10 tables at the limit I am playing at and usually I will find maybe half fishy and leave those tables and play the other half the rest of the session where players seem like real people, not colluding and not showing bot activity.

Live I no longer sit right away I show up 2 hrs early before i start my sesh. I watch for 2 hrs to find a table I believe is fair not colluding and then sit and play.

Its very paranoid way to play poker but its better safe then sorry imo. So far my results have been great doing it this year. Gotta find solutions ourselves cause the security is only going to do so much ( poker stars does decent job) or not much at all ( acr)
Nobody is such a big moron. Poor troll attempt.
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-28-2018 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by big bwalz
Mason basically pussed out nothing is gonna happen check the ATF forum, he just submitted to wpn and said hes getting old n i should take over lmfao
You really made a fool of yourself in that thread. Not your finest hour, lucky he didn't drop the banhammer.
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
02-28-2018 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by i<3fishes
This was my response to sending them the link a few posts up made by Sir Hunnington.

We hope this email finds you well, it’s a pleasure for us to assist you.

Thank you for your email. lease be kindly informed in order for us to do a further investigation we need the following information:

1) Nicknames of players involved.
2) Table name / Hand ID / Tournament ID
3) Time and date.
4) Report/Explanation:

Please be kindly advised that now we have a section in our website where you can submit the info here:

Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you, we are at your service!

Kind Regards,

Johnny V.
Americas Cardroom Support Team

Start 2018 with your pockets full! We’re going bigger and better than ever! Featuring massive tournaments Saturdays and Sundays.

Ticket Details
I just submitted a list of 20+ to start and will see what they reply with. I only included 1 hh example but they have my contact information if they need more info.
Chicago Joey accuses WPN (ACR) of massive botting and cheating, beware? Quote
