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Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng

02-01-2012 , 01:37 PM
sorry to hear this all happened to you that really is horrible
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-01-2012 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by pbear24
I wasn't implying that you misunderstood him, rather that the police may have misunderstood the situation. Clearly your English is more than good enough to make the distinction here. Maybe LV police just can't be bothered to deal with people they know aren't going to be around for very long
Agree... it seems very strange to me that the LVPD would not investigate this.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-01-2012 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by moki
Agree... it seems very strange to me that the LVPD would not investigate this.
Sounds like you have never delt with LVPD. Seriously lazy and slow if you don't own a casino.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-01-2012 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by moki
Agree... it seems very strange to me that the LVPD would not investigate this.
it's actually pretty standard for lvpd to behave like this in this situation. like I said, Bryan is not US citizen and is a visitor from other countries. All LVPD needs to do is to take his report, and wait till their visa expires and have to leave and there will be no case. Saves their time and effort for something that happens almost everyday.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-01-2012 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by cpitt398
not sure if its clear he admitted to the robbery. The way the story was told, it could of been him referring to the 1k he owed.
yes he basically admitted it when he said "I will pay you 20k on Monday" in the text message convo screenshot of the OP.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-01-2012 , 08:59 PM
sorry to hear op. thanks for the detailed post.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-01-2012 , 09:21 PM
Lvpd only cares if you kill someone. I've been to parties where I saw a metro cop sniff a line of coke. I was like uh, time to get the **** out of here.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-01-2012 , 09:25 PM
Bryan I don't know why you didn't state that you're a Pokerstars Pro in the OP... I guess you didn't want to be seen as using Pokerstars to give yourself extra credibility, but often in these threads esp. if the other guy comes in to put up his side of the story, it's best to make yourself appear as credible as possible to begin with.. and that means saying you're a Pokerstars Pro and that you, presumably, have a worthy reputation.

And of course very sorry to hear this, but the lesson learned is do not leave valuables in your rental unit or hotel room no matter what hotel and how secure you think it is. When in Vegas I make it a point to tell housekeepers/reception that I do not want room cleaned while I'm out, and yet I'm still walking the strip with thousands on me for a reason.... if someone wants to rob me they'll have to take it off me in a confrontation(hopefully never happens), as opposed to doing it without my presence.

You should've made this thread much earlier, but hopefully this will save someone else from being scammed at this year's WSOP by this guy. You could also consider publishing details of villain, eg. his known numbers, addresses, places he's worked for etc etc... esp. since he can't get in touch with you and you have little to lose. If you're still in contact with him, threatening to publish all his details sometimes results in them paying some of it back.

BTW any questioning whether OP made it clear in his police report, I'm sure he did, as English is an official language in Singapore so I'm sure he was able to make himself clear.

Last edited by 663366; 02-01-2012 at 09:36 PM.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-01-2012 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by billybeartku
it's actually pretty standard for lvpd to behave like this in this situation. like I said, Bryan is not US citizen and is a visitor from other countries. All LVPD needs to do is to take his report, and wait till their visa expires and have to leave and there will be no case. Saves their time and effort for something that happens almost everyday.
I'm pretty disappointed to hear that's the case. I feel for OP.

OP probably could get results by raising a stink... one would hope. That's not an insignificant sum of money.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-02-2012 , 12:14 AM

You have this guys full name by any chance, let me see if some Vegas friends of mine can help.


email me pls.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-02-2012 , 01:11 AM
The fact that the management company came in the residence to evict and start packing stuff up, then find $45K and drop everything and take their cut out of that money and leave is freaking crazy.

They should of had names and contact for every person living in the residence.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-02-2012 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
The fact that the management company came in the residence to evict and start packing stuff up, then find $45K and drop everything and take their cut out of that money and leave is freaking crazy.

They should of had names and contact for every person living in the residence.
Bryan, sorry to hear this was your experience here.

in reference to quoted post,....Not only this but also as a professional gated community with no doubt one or two fulltime security guards why was this lowlife not escorted by hand off the premises.
Seems like HOA should take some accountability here, not saying lawsuit but where was the policies?. Most places take cash or money orders only for deposits to prevent exactly this type thing happening.
They would/should have flagged this guy early and you would still have the cash.
Good luck with the recovery, you now have a couple thousand eyes looking for this guy at least.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-02-2012 , 04:30 AM
Very good Original post sir... Informative, and clear. I hope everything turns out better for you.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-02-2012 , 04:48 AM
Although he did not acknowledge it, he did not deny the countless messages in the conversation about the $45,000 cash & items etc. In fact he did reply that he will return $20,000 on Monday which imo counts already at least to a partial acknowledgement coupled with no denial on his part to my many allegations/questions.

Yeah it was our first time renting a home in LV and unfortunately Ken was their only point of contact

His name is Ken Yeung and we'll be digging up his name in the report and I'll PM u on FB.

Thank you for the advice but I do not think stating that I am a PS Pro would change anything. IMO anyone , as long as with the appropriate evidence can come in here and warn others about people like Ken - as long as they have the hard evidence =)

Just kidding about the English part. Singaporean accented english is indeed really hard to understand. =)

Anyways I am posting this to warn others about Ken.

Any possibility of recovery is nice but we are definitely not banking on that.

Among the three people I lost the least cash. As for the other 2 they play really high stakes in Macau. This event really spoiled our trip to the series but to put in any more time and effort to retrieve the money would seem a huge waste on time and resources (especially for my two other friends). -> Yes I wish i was ballin like they are lol

Once again I am more than happy if everyone is warned about this guy, and he knows that we ALL KNOW what a low-life he is. If anyone see's him playing cards, please ask if he's using our money as his BR or someone elses lol.

Retrieving the money will be a bonus and we are not making any effort to do so at the moment.

Thank you everyone for the kind words, bad stuff happens and we learn from it. Unfortunately this one cost us quite a bit of money!

PS: Speaking to friends who knew him from 5 years back in Macau/HK and was told that he isn't American born but was born in HongKong/South China. He is holding a US Passport (i've seen it produced), has an American drivers license. He has family in the US and a brother living in LA. His English is strongly accented with a Hongkong'er accent. He is pretty tall maybe 1.88cm (6ft 2"). Has really bad teeth. Speaks really quickly and non-stoppish kinda manner. Always seems like on a caffeine high and is very nervous-ish (gambling withdrawal kinda manner).
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-02-2012 , 11:20 AM
It's probably been stated already but OP is a stand-up guy and very well known and respected in the Asia/Macau poker world.

Good luck Bryan, hope you collect. Don't know how this stuff works in Macau but its a very small community. I'd imagine if he wants to show his face again he's going to need to pay up at some point.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-05-2012 , 02:29 PM
extremely sorry to hear, hope you get some deserved karma on the felt.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-05-2012 , 02:38 PM
Kick the rats **** in, when found.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-05-2012 , 02:49 PM

Are you telling me this man is unreliable?

It sucks you've lost money, but it's kind of funny how every scumbag seems to look the part.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-05-2012 , 11:45 PM
Hope you get the $ back. Hiring a private detective to find him seems like an affordable option in your case, could be the best move at the moment
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-06-2012 , 12:47 AM
Bryan, sorry to hear what happened to you. Just wondered if you were aware that your phone # is showing on the iPhone text message screen shots. Not sure if you care or not, but I figured I'd let you know in case you weren't aware.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-06-2012 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by chickenkid89
omg. trust no one in the poker world (:
Ask Joan Rivers. Hahaha all those years poker players liked to tell stories about how they were the most honest people in the world.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-06-2012 , 05:28 AM
No point in even looking for this guy since he obv can't even hold on to a nickel.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
02-06-2012 , 05:48 AM
This is the first poker ripoff story I've heard where if it was me, I would be tempted to pay someone to break his legs.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
03-24-2012 , 04:20 PM

I've have experience something similar with what Ken H. has gone thru. In November 2010 a friend that I have met at a poker table ask to borrow money from me. At first it was for a $100 which was no big deal… he paid me a few hours later since he has won.

A few weeks later he asked to borrow a few hundred bucks. In some ways I was hesitant but since he text me constantly and out of the blue he text and tells me that he has arrived near my city San Antonio, TX and asking again if I am going to loan him. He lives 150 miles from me near the local card room that I use to go too. I didn’t want to send him empty hand so I decided to type up a contract and to loan him $700 and for him to either pay the entire amount a month later or pay me in installment.

Well, a month goes by and I don’t hear from him so I call and he asked to give him a little bit more time. Another month goes by and he tells me the same thing. Once he told me he was on the road on the way to come and pay me but off course he never showed up.

It is now March 2012 and I have yet to receive a single dollar from him… off course that wouldn’t even pay for the lunch I bought him when he came begging for a loan from me over 1 ½ ago.

Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
03-24-2012 , 07:10 PM
Be careful if renting a residence in Las Vegas.

There have been a lot of reports in Las Vegas of rental scams.

People are breaking into abandoned homes - bank foreclosures, or owners abandoning because can't pay the mortgage.
Then the person who breaks in and changes the locks, advertises "Home for rent".

Some people also rent homes from the owner without knowing that the bank is foreclosing on the house.
During their rental, they are awakened by a LV Constable telling them they have to leave immediately, the house is foreclosed.
Cheated/Scammed & robbed - Beware of Vegas based American Born Chinese(HK'er) - Ken Yueng Quote
