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Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz?

12-16-2016 , 05:46 PM
I think I'd like to bet a couple bucks on hall. Is the line still -125?
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-17-2016 , 01:07 PM
When they take turns tanking for 10 minutes, which player will be more disgusted looking at the other one for tells?
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-17-2016 , 01:09 PM
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-17-2016 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Two SHAE You realize this is the guy she is challenging to a format he doesn't even play?

In other news, can we set the rake high enough that there's a reasonable chance both lose? According to my calculations, I do believe this is the only way society can benefit.
Should contact the people over at pokerstars for this; they know how to make it happen.


Last edited by Amnesia_Haze; 12-17-2016 at 04:06 PM.
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-17-2016 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Amnesia_Haze
Just looking for an escrow for this. Any respected poster wanna help us out? PM me or iTz. Ty
Nevermind. He backed out, no escrow needed.

Fwiw I was gonna take 100 on this match never happening @ 3-1.
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-17-2016 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Brilliant27
She is by far the most annoying poker player on earth. Please punish her mikey
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-17-2016 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Amnesia_Haze
Nevermind. He backed out, no escrow needed.

Fwiw I was gonna take 100 on this match never happening @ 3-1.

Yeah sorry am getting action on dentale and am now rooting for match to commence.

And like I said I think I underestimated those odds. With the publicity and already confirmed by glantz I'd say it should be around 8-1
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-17-2016 , 09:34 PM
How good are these two players compared to the likes of otb red baron, trueteller, ragen70 etc?
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-17-2016 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by SSKS
How good are these two players compared to the likes of otb red baron, trueteller, ragen70 etc?
LOL. Notsureifseriousgif
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-17-2016 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by SSKS
How good are these two players compared to the likes of otb red baron, trueteller, ragen70 etc?

If my calculations are correct, 34% as good. The novelist will be in shortly for confirmation and in depth analysis.
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-17-2016 , 11:52 PM
She really likes arguing on twitter doesn't she.
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-17-2016 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by pokerinmind
after watching her play this hand against brunson i think she would be better off joining up with one those $30 a month training sites
yeah everyone should fold more rivers but this hand is not that bad. also women tend to call more since a lot of men inevitably try to run over them. so consider her experience has been calling is more profitable than it is for you or me. hence why i would never set out trying to bluff a woman.
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-18-2016 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by Rich Checkmaker
yeah everyone should fold more rivers but this hand is not that bad. also women tend to call more since a lot of men inevitably try to run over them. so consider her experience has been calling is more profitable than it is for you or me. hence why i would never set out trying to bluff a woman.
I think the "value" bet when checked to her on the river is the major error.

She is basically beating all of the hands that can't call such as one pair busted flush draw hands, and one pair missed gutshot hands. (obv. now technically 2 pairs with the board pairing the 9)

I don't think he can call with any of those hands because when she follows her flop C bet by betting the turn it has taken a big part of AK, AQ and KQ out of her range unless it is AcKc as I believe she is checking back the turn with those hands, and sometimes also/often with AcKc as well to protect her equity and showdown value. (he holds the Qc of course)

So I think the only hands he can call with on the river are TT/JJ/QQ and even then he may pass if her river bet is too big. So for me she value owned herself by betting in the first place on the river, and if she wanted to get a light or lightish call from hands she was beating then she should have bet smaller.

NLHE is not my best game, so I'm totally happy to hear and accept that my analysis is wrong and be corrected but I don't get her river bet, unless there is an unknown dynamic going on, e.g. she bet because she thinks it will induce a shove from him with one of his one pair missed draw hands. Even if that were the case, the river bet is still too big because he is less likely to get a check raise shove bluff through giving her good pot odds than against a smaller river bet by her which gives her worse pot odds to call the shove.

Last edited by SageDonkey; 12-18-2016 at 01:15 AM.
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-18-2016 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by timfbmx
She really likes arguing on twitter doesn't she.
You're talking about Dentale.

Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-18-2016 , 03:51 AM
They should include a clause in the bet that loser is banned from Twitter for a year.
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-18-2016 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by Jigsaw
You're talking about Dentale.

ahahahaha so funny. haven't read that in a while. you should post more jokes. it seems to be your forte.
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-18-2016 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by pokerinmind
after watching her play this hand against brunson i think she would be better off joining up with one those $30 a month training sites
Anyone know her ebay account name? What a ****ing moron betting kk into trup 99.
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-18-2016 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by Don't mind me
Anyone know her ebay account name? What a ****ing moron betting kk into trup 99.
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-18-2016 , 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by Don't mind me
Anyone know her ebay account name? What a ****ing moron betting kk into trup 99.

she was betting vs a range no a specific hand Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz?Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? if ur not betting Ks here a decent amount then u are losing value and scared money

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-18-2016 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by ChippuhTss
If my calculations are correct, 34% as good. The novelist will be in shortly for confirmation and in depth analysis.
hot off the press.

Originally Posted by SageDonkey
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Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-18-2016 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by SSKS
How good are these two players compared to the likes of otb red baron, trueteller, ragen70 etc?
Muahahhahaha. These two couldn't beat 200NL if their life depended on it. O and Kate Hall is one of "best female pros in the world". Just to put things into perspective.

Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-18-2016 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Olaff
Muahahhahaha. These two couldn't beat 200NL if their life depended on it. O and Kate Hall is one of "best female pros in the world". Just to put things into perspective.

livepokerlol is just asas senseless as liveBasketballol if you are a Football player.

live and online are simply different games.

saying a pro Basketball player is bad because he couldnt play center in the NFL if his life depended on it is... well... sorta dumbish.

Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-18-2016 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Olaff
Muahahhahaha. These two couldn't beat 200NL if their life depended on it. O and Kate Hall is one of "best female pros in the world". Just to put things into perspective.

And I bet a nl200 grinder online couldn't beat 25/50 live with dentale or care on the same table. Your point is moot

Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
12-18-2016 , 11:07 AM
I don't mind either one of them, actually like Mike, but, playing for money when both can afford to lose some has no value. Much better would be $0 dollars involved, no value chips, 300 hands. At the end, loser gets winners name tattooed on their butt and photographed....
Cate Hall v. Mike Dentale HU4rlz? Quote
