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Can we discuss Cereus specifically? Can we discuss Cereus specifically?

12-05-2012 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by umakenocentsbro
when am i getting my money back
The better question is if we are getting or what %
12-05-2012 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
January 14th, 2013
If only it was true
12-05-2012 , 03:11 PM
just lock this thread our money is gone gg
12-06-2012 , 06:19 PM
So just off the phone with an attorney that has a case against the KGC in Canada, It does seem he is interested in adding US players to the Case. He is going to do some research for any obstacles and will get back to me with a decision next week.

A big thanks to ElevenGrover for makin this opportunity possible.
12-06-2012 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by GatorXP
So just off the phone with an attorney that has a case against the KGC in Canada, It does seem he is interested in adding US players to the Case. He is going to do some research for any obstacles and will get back to me with a decision next week.

A big thanks to ElevenGrover for makin this opportunity possible.
If he needs any Canadian players impacted PM me. (10k+)
12-06-2012 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by GatorXP
So just off the phone with an attorney that has a case against the KGC in Canada, It does seem he is interested in adding US players to the Case. He is going to do some research for any obstacles and will get back to me with a decision next week.

A big thanks to ElevenGrover for makin this opportunity possible.
Good luck to that, if you ever get it going let us all know.
12-06-2012 , 08:48 PM
Great news keep us posted.
12-07-2012 , 12:42 AM
TY Gator... I only got 1K stuck, but at this point it isn't about the $$, it's the principles here... KGC needs to be held accountable by someone, and it it's not us, who will it be?
12-07-2012 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by GatorXP
So just off the phone with an attorney that has a case against the KGC in Canada, It does seem he is interested in adding US players to the Case. He is going to do some research for any obstacles and will get back to me with a decision next week.

A big thanks to ElevenGrover for makin this opportunity possible.
Would he consider ROW players? I'm in UK and have close to $20K stuck between AP and UB and I'm sure there are many others with significant $$$ tied up too.
12-07-2012 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by TheRuffian
Would he consider ROW players? I'm in UK and have close to $20K stuck between AP and UB and I'm sure there are many others with significant $$$ tied up too.
Ill ask him about it when i speak with him next week. If anyone gets paid i'd like to see everyone get paid.
12-07-2012 , 04:29 AM
had about 50k on UB

12-07-2012 , 04:44 AM
Originally Posted by GatorXP
Ill ask him about it when i speak with him next week. If anyone gets paid i'd like to see everyone get paid.
Thanks, much appreciated. I mean at this stage I'm sure the majority of us with large amounts tied up would give up a significant portion of any recovered funds for his work.
12-07-2012 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by TheRuffian
Thanks, much appreciated. I mean at this stage I'm sure the majority of us with large amounts tied up would give up a significant portion of any recovered funds for his work.
As true as that may be, lets keep that on the DL. lol
Im sure his standard fee wuld be quite nice in a case this size.
12-07-2012 , 05:15 AM
Originally Posted by GatorXP
As true as that may be, lets keep that on the DL. lol
Im sure his standard fee wuld be quite nice in a case this size.
Oh yes, I've got to keep a bunch back for what my wife refers to as her 'loft extension fund'. Balla. No hookers and blow for me!!
12-07-2012 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by TheRuffian
Oh yes, I've got to keep a bunch back for what my wife refers to as her 'loft extension fund'. Balla. No hookers and blow for me!!
Move to the states, hookers and blow are in the constitution.
12-07-2012 , 06:22 AM
noy getting my hopes up in the least but nice work actually trying to do something gatorxp.

so disgusting how the doj called FT poker a ponzi scheme yet hasnt said a word about AP/UB
12-07-2012 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Bukowskium
TY Gator... I only got 1K stuck, but at this point it isn't about the $$, it's the principles here... KGC needs to be held accountable by someone, and it it's not us, who will it be?
Only got about $300 stuck (withdrew most pre-Black Friday when UB/AP revamped the bonus structure) but would still like to see them get roasted.
12-07-2012 , 11:37 AM
When did they revamp the bonus structure and what did it change to? Just curious I never noticed.
12-07-2012 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by stlcardinals
When did they revamp the bonus structure and what did it change to? Just curious I never noticed.
From March 1st, 2011 UB & AP started deducting points spent in the store or on cash bonuses from rake. As the date is so close to Black Friday I actually must have withdrawn before this and must be mis-remembering.

From 1st March AP and UB will start deducting the cost of all points you spend in the store and on cash bonuses from your rake –

This will therefore affect your rakeback

Example before 1st March
Rake $500
Spend $200 in points – No deduction
Rakeback = 30% of $500 or $150
Example From 1st March Onwards
Rake $500
Spend $200 in points – deduction of $200 from Rake
Rakeback = 30% of $300 or $90

As you can see in the above example you will cost yourself $60 of rakeback

So if you’ve got points kicking about and there’s anything you need like an iPod or tickets to The Masters Golf in Augusta spend your points today if you can and avoid the deductions!

The online poker stores can be found here



Best wishes

Last edited by Glasgow Rangers; 12-07-2012 at 08:29 PM.
12-08-2012 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by GatorXP
So just off the phone with an attorney that has a case against the KGC in Canada, It does seem he is interested in adding US players to the Case. He is going to do some research for any obstacles and will get back to me with a decision next week.

A big thanks to ElevenGrover for makin this opportunity possible.
Was living in Canada when UB/AP finally shut down. PM me if the lawyer needs more players to add to the case.
12-08-2012 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by CaliStyle
Was living in Canada when UB/AP finally shut down. PM me if the lawyer needs more players to add to the case.
I tried to contact them es well but they did not respond to my email so far.

Also I would like to ask what would change if our legal status would change and we would be in the same category as the FTP players?
12-08-2012 , 02:05 PM
Best strategy is probably for everyone to coordinate through GatorXP. I don't think the firm was quite ready for a 2+2 deluge. Gator has a large list of players and what they have on deposit so he is a good conduit at this stage.
12-08-2012 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by ElevenGrover
Best strategy is probably for everyone to coordinate through GatorXP. I don't think the firm was quite ready for a 2+2 deluge. Gator has a large list of players and what they have on deposit so he is a good conduit at this stage.
Originally Posted by GatorXP
As true as that may be, lets keep that on the DL. lol
Im sure his standard fee wuld be quite nice in a case this size.
Would appreciate being kept in the loop, had substantial funds on AP...just let me know if there's anything I need to do.
12-08-2012 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by john_
Would appreciate being kept in the loop, had substantial funds on AP...just let me know if there's anything I need to do.
12-08-2012 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by bozalan
I tried to contact them es well but they did not respond to my email so far.

Also I would like to ask what would change if our legal status would change and we would be in the same category as the FTP players?
It is not a difficult task for the DOJ to give AP/UB players the same "victim" classification as they have given FTP players. It would be a little unusual for them to do it without a formal "fraud" complaint against AP/UB as was filed against FTP, but not illegal. Also, they could easily file a similar fraud complaint.

IMHO, the reason the DOJ has not done this is because they see no value to it because they see no way of getting enough AP/UB funds to make a remission process for those players viable.

The lawsuit under discussion, on the other hand, targets the Kahnawake licensing agency, not AP/UB directly. IF it is successful in its claim and a judgment is issued, there are a lot reasons to believe Kahnawake has enough money or other assets to actually repay players/plaintiffs (and their lawyers).

