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Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet)

03-05-2021 , 01:21 AM
the fact that people don't want to bet even money on him being >= after 15k hands doesn't really say people think he's better than break even. it means that they don't think it's worth the hassle. there're too many angles you have to worry about / figure out how to monitor for something that is always going to be roughly a coin flip.

Good poker players have one thing in common - they have a lot of $$.
Now compare your bank account to his house and go back to playing 500z for 1bb/100 for the rest of your life because your brain does not have the brain solves to move up or make significant money. Also recommend you taking some time off when he does the challenge or he will sent you broke and back to dishwashing.
bad poker players have one thing in common - they greatly overestimate the significance of tournament results.
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
03-05-2021 , 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by JayJee
Good poker players have one thing in common - they have a lot of $$.
Now compare your bank account to his house and go back to playing 500z for 1bb/100 for the rest of your life because your brain does not have the brain solves to move up or make significant money. Also recommend you taking some time off when he does the challenge or he will sent you broke and back to dishwashing.
so the more money they have the better the player is at poker and the more chance they have at beating 500z?
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
03-05-2021 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by JayJee
Good poker players have one thing in common - they have a lot of $$.
Now compare your bank account to his house and go back to playing 500z for 1bb/100 for the rest of your life because your brain does not have the brain solves to move up or make significant money. Also recommend you taking some time off when he does the challenge or he will sent you broke and back to dishwashing.
I’m no poker expert but it doesn’t take an expert to know that there’s a large difference between the skillset needed for tournies and the skill set needed for 500z. Also it’s pretty funny that you denigrate winning 1bb/100, isn’t that what the bet is over anyway?
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
03-05-2021 , 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by JayJee
Good poker players have one thing in common - they have a lot of $$.
Now compare your bank account to his house and go back to playing 500z for 1bb/100 for the rest of your life because your brain does not have the brain solves to move up or make significant money. Also recommend you taking some time off when he does the challenge or he will sent you broke and back to dishwashing.
This has to be the most ******ed thing anyone has ewer said. And this is coming from a guy who doesn't have carrel woodoo doll like slugant fe.
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
03-05-2021 , 06:50 AM
^ people getting their panties in a twist over humour.
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
03-05-2021 , 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by mrno1324
so the more money they have the better the player is at poker and the more chance they have at beating 500z?
I hate trying to sound smart but
good at poker --> a lot of money
a lot of money -|-> good at poker
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
03-05-2021 , 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by Masq
^ people getting their panties in a twist over humour.
people are people we all love to talking **** to each other
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
03-05-2021 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by Masq
^ people getting their panties in a twist over humour.
read his previous posts about it
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
03-05-2021 , 04:43 PM
Jamie Gold won an WSOP. He's one of the greats in poker.
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
03-05-2021 , 08:19 PM
Dan Blizarian has a ton of money, therefore he is good at poker.
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
12-23-2021 , 02:31 AM
I saw Charlie on a recent tv show cash game with Kevin hart, dnegs, and Jaka. He didn’t come off that bad, seems like a decent bloke, maybe his online persona is what’s douchey? The announcer, can’t remember his name, is it Stapleton? Now that is a douche.
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
12-23-2021 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by ProblemPlaya
I saw Charlie on a recent tv show cash game with Kevin hart, dnegs, and Jaka. He didn’t come off that bad, seems like a decent bloke, maybe his online persona is what’s douchey? The announcer, can’t remember his name, is it Stapleton? Now that is a douche.
be less obvious
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
12-23-2021 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by jinz3rd
be less obvious
Say what
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
12-26-2021 , 09:16 PM
I'm not saying he is the 2nd coming but I have read and studied some stuff he put out years ago and it was very helpful to improving my game. He is a pretty bright guy so with a little focus and determination I would say he would Def beat 500z...... just my opinion for what it's worth..... not taking anything away from masher who is one of the best
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
01-07-2022 , 07:09 AM

Charlie giving it another attempt to get action , I believe last time he was offered quite a lot but never agreed to the diff rulesets people wanted

Last edited by TreadLightly; 01-07-2022 at 07:14 AM.
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
01-07-2022 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by TreadLightly

Charlie giving it another attempt to get action , I believe last time he was offered quite a lot but never agreed to the diff rulesets people wanted
I would think most reasonable people would want a minimum of him streaming every hand live (on delay) with a min of X number of hands plus I would also
want an analysis of hands every session to see if he is getting RTA (outside help)
If he has never studied GTO or solvers then he should make a ton of sub-optimal plays.

If he wants a real challenge, why not challenge Dnegs or Doug heads up. I'm sure either would go for it.
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
01-07-2022 , 10:37 AM
Never gonna happen. Way too easy for him to just have a friend jump into the pool and dump some stacks on him without a showdown.
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
01-07-2022 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by eenvis
Never gonna happen. Way too easy for him to just have a friend jump into the pool and dump some stacks on him without a showdown.
Yeah this sounds so likely. Chipdumping and getting both accs banned to prove that he can play gto. Lol. There was one guy who hated Polk and was certain that his friedns are playing the games because there are allways the same players playing. In the wsop fenced games. You related to him?
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
01-07-2022 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Dreamer
.If he wants a real challenge, why not challenge Dnegs or Doug heads up. I'm sure either would go for it.
He hasnt got Dnegs or Doug type money.
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
01-07-2022 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by 25or3cardbrag
He hasnt got Dnegs or Doug type money.
He wanted to bet 200K?

Why not 50/100 heads up and a 200K (20 buy in) stop loss. I'm sure he would have some takers?
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
01-07-2022 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Dreamer
He wanted to bet 200K?

Why not 50/100 heads up and a 200K (20 buy in) stop loss. I'm sure he would have some takers?

Because he'd never go for that. We saw that the last time he offered this challenge. Heads up and 500 Zoom 6 max are two completely different animals.

He's trying to take what he thinks is his best game and cross book it. Not a completely different format.

I'd love to see someone take him on though as I'm not a fan of his and I'm sure there are plenty of crushers out there that would out-win him
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
01-07-2022 , 05:42 PM
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
01-07-2022 , 06:38 PM
Doug will forever live in Charlie's head. Charlie's twitter is just a series of cringe 'spread love to all' tweets with a random angry/emotional outburst mixed in when he's called on it. It's hard to find anyone more condescending. And very likely if and when someone agrees to cross-book he will simply add conditions until the person backs out. This isn't a serious offer and I doubt anyone will take the time to even flesh out the details with him. I hope I'm wrong.
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
01-07-2022 , 07:15 PM
Doug will forever live in a lot of people's heads because he's a horrible bully with a lot of influence. Not a good thing.
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
01-07-2022 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by jamesisarobot
Doug will forever live in a lot of people's heads because he's a horrible bully with a lot of influence. Not a good thing.
Hi Charlie!
Can Charlie Carrel beat 500z? (Tweets about prop bet) Quote
