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Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle)

02-27-2012 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by Cdub512

someone should photoshop phan's face in this with lederer or jesus!
I could but that would be way out of line. I don't condone his angling in any way but that has absolutely nothing to do with the FTP scumbags.

What about this pic of JP handing out food to the poor in Vietnam, which he does regularly?

Wanna photoshop his face onto Mother Theresa? Just as stupid...
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 03:23 AM
"Totally unrelated to the situation at hand that I'm involved in can I check out that all-in button? I just want to see what it looks like up close and toss it around to get a feel for the weight. Yep, appears to be some sort of PVC plastic. Thanks dealer. I fold."
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by Al Capwne

Wanna photoshop his face onto Mother Theresa? Just as stupid...
Nah, shop it on Suge Knight, John Gotti, Mickey Spillane, Men “The Master” Nguyen, or any of those guys who like to hand out free food to try and make themselves look better.
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by Al Capwne
I could but that would be way out of line. I don't condone his angling in any way but that has absolutely nothing to do with the FTP scumbags.

What about this pic of JP handing out food to the poor in Vietnam, which he does regularly?

Wanna photoshop his face onto Mother Theresa? Just as stupid...
I'm not hating on John Phan. I knew he did the Vietnam stuff and I definitely respect that. I don't see how it would be way out of line since he has an ftp patch on and he's carrying a lot of money. Photoshopping a Lederer or Jesus face over Phan's face wouldn't be hating on Phan!! Lighten up a little bit and stop being so serious.
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 03:59 AM
Tournament Director Matt Savage is paged to the table and as soon as he hears that Phan asked for the button, he tells him, "You're all-in." Savage even adds that asking for the button is called "the John Phan rule" before walking away.
I can picture Matt doing this. <3 Matt.
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by Topset72
Nah, shop it on Suge Knight, John Gotti, Mickey Spillane, Men “The Master” Nguyen, or any of those guys who like to hand out free food to try and make themselves look better.
As opposed to... not giving free food to the poor at all?

Am I missing something?
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
I don't get the angle at all. If I was at a casino, and I asked the dealer, "Hey, can I see that button?" they would look at me weird and say, ""
I figure the angle has something to do with the small possibility that the opponent will see the "all-in button" near phan's stack and react by flipping their cards or something dumb like that.
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by TheGreatModi
didnt read one line but im guessing "cocaine is a hell of a drug?"
U run pretty bad imo. This thread just runner-runner'ed you, but your line is still massively +EV overall.
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 05:28 AM
I looked for a while, but couldn't find Layne Flack getting denied by E-Dog with the 'stake me' hi-five
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by CGM
I looked for a while, but couldn't find Layne Flack getting denied by E-Dog with the 'stake me' hi-five
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 05:44 AM

LOL that was such a strong diss

Layne Flack = joke

Last edited by CGM; 02-27-2012 at 05:50 AM.
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 05:53 AM
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by Micro McD
lol E-Dog

thx Micro McD I looked all over for that
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by 4th an 1
Would much rather hear layne flack talk about the 2 mil he owes FTP than anything else he is even remotely capable of talking about.
Thank you. I was getting nervous.
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by pokerja3
From :

John Phan Eliminated By the Flip of a Button

Level 11: 600-1,200, 200 ante

With over 100,000 chips already in the pot and the board reading KspadeQspade3diamond5club, Travis Carson moves al-in for 44,200. John Phan is trying to decided whether or not to call-in for his last 30,000 or so.

Phan has tucked his cards in between his chips and the rail for safe keeping while he deliberates. After a while, he asks the dealer if she has a second blue "all-in" button. One of the buttons is in front of Carson, but the second button is still in the well.

Phan tells the dealer he is not going all-in, but he was wondering if he could borrow the button for the minute. The dealer warily hands it to him and he begins to use it as a coin. He gives it a small toss in the air and it lands face-down right in front of him. He tries to give it another small toss and it nearly gets away from him.

On the third toss, Phan hefts it a little higher and it lands face-down on the other side of the betting line. There is a beat before Phan reaches in and pulls the button back.

"That's a call," Carson says. Phan does not seem to agree. A floorman is paged to the table to hear the situation and Phan pleads his case that he told the dealer he was just borrowing the button, not using it to move all-in. The table seems to agree with Carson that it should be ruled a call.

Tournament Director Matt Savage is paged to the table and as soon as he hears that Phan asked for the button, he tells him, "You're all-in." Savage even adds that asking for the button is called "the John Phan rule" before walking away.

Carson flips over his QheartQdiamond for middle set and Phan still doesn't touch his cards. After some more insisting from the dealer and the floor, Phan shows AheartKheart for top pair.

The river 8diamond means Phan is officially eliminated, though he does stick around and plead his case to his tablemates for another minute or so before heading for the door.

Travis Carson - 195,000 (163 BBs)
John Phan - eliminated

I am sorry but I am not understanding what phan was doing to be angling.. If I was playing at his table and he did what he was doing in the statement above, I'd just think he was autistic, or something along those lines.
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by 28renton
Jesus. It's like you're making it your mission to tarnish this guy for asking. How about this? He had a question and came to the best place where people might be able to answer it--twoplustwo. God forbid somebody go to a good source of knowledgeable people for info.

And by the way, why would the dealers put up with this crap? If Phan asks "can I see that button?", shouldn't any competent dealer say something along the lines of "sure, if you're all-in."
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by silkhandlez
I am sorry but I am not understanding what phan was doing to be angling..
Phan was hoping that by just asking for the all-in button his already all-in opponent would interpret it as a call and expose his hand and John would find out if he was ahead or behind. If he was behind, he'd fold and say he was still 'in the tank'. If ahead, he calls.

Would love to hear from Matt Savage as to why the dealer would even give John an all-in button to goof around with in the first place. If they don't hand out the buttons to the players, they don't need a 'John Phan rule'.
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by Mike Johnson
Phan was hoping that by just asking for the all-in button his already all-in opponent would interpret it as a call and expose his hand and John would find out if he was ahead or behind. If he was behind, he'd fold and say he was still 'in the tank'. If ahead, he calls.

Would love to hear from Matt Savage as to why the dealer would even give John an all-in button to goof around with in the first place. If they don't hand out the buttons to the players, they don't need a 'John Phan rule'.
ahh I see now. thanks.

I don't know what's lamer, trying to angle someone, or actually falling for that particular angle.
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 08:25 AM
they wouldn't necessarily have to expose their cards to give some sort of reflexive indication of whether or not they wanted to be called.
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by bhp2301
Updated Wiki on John Phan
Awesome!!! LMFAO!!!

John Phan is a known angle-shooter, so be alert and ready to call the floor over for ruling whenever he "asks" for the all-in button. Also commonly known as the 'John Phan' rule
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
they wouldn't necessarily have to expose their cards to give some sort of reflexive indication of whether or not they wanted to be called.
If they did expose their cards with action still pending Phan could try and kill their hand I believe
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by MichaelB
Thanks for the thread, I enjoyed it. Sketchy, you are one of the worst posters on 2p2 hands down. Stop blabbing in this thread.
Agreed. Sketchy, consider yourself told directly here, and indirectly by virtually every other poster. Guess what, you don't have to read it, so if it's not of interest to you, keep on moving. Cancerous little toad.

Originally Posted by Kr4mnikUS
Looks like we have a worthy candidate for second (third?) biggest toolbox
JP = third
Sketchy1 = fourth?
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 10:33 AM
another live pro scumbag
not news anymore at this point lol.
NVG is the shows how disgusting poker is by constantly posting threads like that.

NVG as become bad for poker.
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by leconnaisseur
another live pro scumbag
not news anymore at this point lol.
NVG is the shows how disgusting poker is by constantly posting threads like that.

NVG as become bad for poker.
Therefore we should just ignore it? For the sake of pokah?
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
02-27-2012 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by 4th an 1
Would much rather hear layne flack talk about the 2 mil he owes FTP than anything else he is even remotely capable of talking about.
Only took 48 posts lol
Can anyone elaborate on what Layne Flack is talking about here? (John Phan busted on angle) Quote
